

"Man, this office sure is high. Almost like it's owner wishes to simply look down from the window in order to appear mysterious for any students that will look up even though there is no way for him to actually see any of them from this high." The mysterious savior of Amber said with a giggle and Ozpin used his self control that he had accumulated throughout centuries as a wizard in order to not turn red with embarrassment. Was that really how people saw him?

"Hey, do you people have food? We didn't get any on the plane, so I'm giving it a one star review." They probably didn't, mostly because Ozpin didn't think that most people's thought process could be similar to this man. They would have been wiped out by now.

"Mister, Gojo was it, can we please concentrate?" Ozpin asked with a smile as he sat on his seat and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Sure, let's do that. Anything to make you forget about the fact that the height of your office feels like compensating." Brothers give him strength.

"Mister Gojo, please stop acting like a child." Forget about those pissy gods, Glynda had come to his rescue!

"Sure sure, whatever, let's just get this over with. I feel like I have destroyed his 'mysterious wise guy' routine just enough." He even admitted it, what had Ozpin done to deserve such treatment... question withdrawn.

"Umm, yes. Mister Gojo, can you please tell us a bit about yourself?" There, that shouldn't be too difficult. It was a good opening for their conversation, in which they would learn how he encountered Amber and why he helped her. Not to mention the worst answer he could give to such a question was to act like a braggart.

"Okay, my name is Gojo Satoru but in your culture I would be Satoru Gojo." Okay, that was good, nothing really out of ordinary.

"And I come from another world." At that Ozpin almost dropped his mug to the table, Glynda almost dropped her crop and finally Qrow and Amber, who were listening in from behind the door, did drop themselves to the floor.

"Hmm, why do you people look so shocked?" And the blindfold bastard actually had the gall to ask such a thing?!

"It might have to do with you claiming such an outlandish shit!" Ozpin never thought that he would think of such a thing about a swearing drunk, but thank you Qrow!

"Seriously, claiming to be an alien!"

"I'm not an alien, I'm just not from this world." Was that not the textbook definition of an alien?

"I'll have you know that both of my parents were humans, sad excuses of humans but humans all the same." The white haired man continued with a scowl and Ozpin tried to compose himself once more.

"Very well, then can you tell us how exactly you managed to come to our world?" Ozpin asked, ignoring the accusing look from Glynda who definitely was not happy about his going along with the 'other world' thing.

"You don't even know that? Man you're clueless about the basics of isekai." The fuck was an 'isekai'?

"I obviously died." This time, Ozpin did drop his mug and so did Glynda with her crop.

All four occupants in the room were staring at the white haired man with blindfold with wide eyes, trying to understand how he could say such a thing with such a carefree tone. Except for Qrow, the drunkard looked like he was just convinced that their guest was insane.

"And... how exactly did you die?" Ozpin asked with a strained smile, mentally asking himself what kind of idiot would ask such a thing! Even if he was somewhat giddy about being the one to ask about someone else's death instead of being the one asked.

"Bisection... I think." And mister Gojo still answered with a smile, which then turned into a thoughtful frown.

"What do you mean, 'I think'?" Glynda asked sharply, her face pale due to their topic and her eyebrows twitching; also due to their topic.

"Well, I technically died after getting sliced apart from my waist." Mister Gojo said with his hand on his chin.

"But the slice was big enough that my arms were also cut apart from my elbows, so technically I was quadrisected." He said and Ozpin could see that Amber looked like she was about to faint. How lucky for her, unfortunately Ozpin didn't have that escape option.

"This is some bullcrap!" But he did have Qrow! He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not yet. Probably closer to bad with the way the local drunkard was walking towards mister Gojo with a scowl.

"There is no reason for use to believe even about the whole different world thing and now you say that you came here by dying?! What kind of idiots do you think we..." Qrows words would forever remain unfinished as he suddenly slammed down the floor before he could finish.

"Dude... we already did this whole music and dance number. You try to attack me, this happens." He said with a bored tone before turning back to Ozpin.

"Though it is true that I can't prove the fact that I died, I do have a way to prove that I am from another world." The white haired man said with a smile as he reached to his blindfold and pulled it down with his index finger, revealing what was possibly the most mesmerizing pair of bright blue eyes.

"From what I can see, the abilities you people have use some sort of energy that also covers your whole body like a shell. Am I right?" Ozpin simply nodded at that, rather curious about the way the white haired man had worded his sentence. Seeing...

"My powers use a different energy source, that should be a pretty damn good proof." Mister Gojo said with a shrug and Ozpin had to admit that he had a point. The only power other than Aura on Remnant was magic, which the white haired man definitely did not possess. And the one way to check whether he had aura or not...

"Glynda, if you would?" Ozpin asked as he pulled out a small wristwatch like device from his drawer and handed it to his deputy, who simply nodded before walking towards mister Gojo.

"Mister Gojo, if you would allow me." Glynda motioned towards his arm and the formerly blindfolded man offered his arm with a smile.

"If a lady this beautiful asks, then I have no choice but to comply." He said with a smile, which then turned into a wince as Glynda strapped the device to his arm with far more force than necessary. Which then started to beep with a dark red light on, indicating that the wearer had zero aura.

"Whelp, now that we cleared that up, let's move onto something actually important." Mister Gojo said as he took off the watch and then lazily threw it at Glynda's way, where it was then stopped midair by Glynda's semblance.

"You guys have any openings at this school of yours?"


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