
Re:Heroines and Re:Demon(Re:Zero/WC)-4

"I... I'm sorry, I really have no idea how to help him." Felix Argyle admitted with shame.

He was supposed to be the Blue, the most proficient user of water magic in Lugnica and therefore the best healer in the kingdom. Of the six grand mage titles of colors in Lugnica, he was the only one who was not Roswaal L. Mathers. This fact had been a source of pride for him throughout the years.

So it stung even worse that he had no idea how to help Natsuki Subaru while lady Emilia and the rest of her camp along with the members of lady Crusch's camp looked at him with despair.

"As far as I can understand, whatever that demon did is changing his body. The density of his muscles and his bones are far higher than a normal human, I'd say he is about as strong as a senior knight using their mana to reinforce themselves." Which was something Felix could not understand, why would the demon do such a thing to an enemy. "And also you guys won't have to worry about his gate anymore, whatever this transformation is; it has healed the gate to perfect health, I would say it's at a quality of a mage so he shouldn't have any problems using his attributes like you guys have told me he had when learning magic."

"Attributes?" Lady Emilia asked with a tilt of her head and a worried look on her eyes. "Subaru only has one attribute, Yin."

"…he has two now." Felix said with a headache as he noted another result of this weird transformation. "Yin and fire."

"…will Subaru-kun be alright?" The blue haired maid asked and Felix could easily see that her eyes were puffy and red. Was there something between these two?

"I am not entirely sure, his life isn't in danger though." In the end he decided to be truthful to them. "What I'm worried about it is his mental state. The stress from the transformation or even the transformation itself might cause him to change or lose his sanity." Because that was his duty as a healer, trying to hide the truth to make them feel better would only end up with broken hopes.

Even so, seeing the blue haired maid go to her knees with despair on her face that was copied by lady Emilia was still hard to see. At least the read haired girl from the prophecy seemed to be holding it better together, even if she didn't seem to be feeling good either.

"Do you have any idea when he will wake up?" She asked with a low voice.

"I'm not sure. It can take days or week or months." That was if he ever did wake up, there was always a chance that he wouldn't…

"Ah! An unfamiliar ceiling!" Or he could just wake up now.

"Subaru/Subaru/Subaru-kun!" And then get dogpiled by the maid, lady Emilia and the redhead of prohecy, the boy was living the dream of many boys.

Not Felix's obviously, he only cared for his lady Crusch and anyone who claimed otherwise was a dirty liar!

Oh well, he did just come out of a possible coma so he deserved something nice anyway.

"I am surrounded by beauties from all sides! Is this the beginning of my popular phase?!" Nevermind, he deserved to stay in coma.

"I see that you are already very lively, Subaru." Felix's thoughts were cut off as the doors opened and Reinhard walked in.

"Reinhard?" Subaru asked as the girls took a step back from him, except for the maid who still hadn't let him go, and looked at the Sword Saint. "Did you come to check up on me?"

"No, I came because I knew that you were awake." How?! "I have a divine protection that lets me know when my ill friends regain consciousness you see." Ahh yes, Reinhard and his ridiculous number of divine protections. Felix would have been far more jealous if he didn't know that more than half of those divine protections were pretty much useless, like being able to tell sugar and salt apart without tasting them.

"I am sorry Subaru." Reinhard once more cut off Felix's thoughts as the bizarre scene of the Sword Saint bowing down occurred before him. "If only I had been better, then none of this would have happened." And then Felix decided that he needed to check up on Reinhard's head as well cause he was talking crazy!

'Been better'? He was Reinhard van fucking Astrea! The closest thing the world had to a perfect knight! The only reason he hadn't struck that monster down was because he was worried about turning the candidates, the Wise Men and the other nobles in attendance into casualties by crossfire! If only there was a polite way to say those words...

"Nah, you're being dumb." Or they could just let Subaru be blunt. "That dude literally said he would kill me if you moved and that people would have died if you two fought. I'm not sure what happened after he got me but from what I saw before, you put people's lives first and there's nothing wrong with that." He said as he nodded, looking proud of himself as Reinhard looked like he was trying to find a way to take blame without claiming that Subaru was wrong. Till…

"Subaru-dono is correct." Wilhelm, the Sword Demon and Reinhard's estranged grandfather, declared as he looked at his grandson. "You made the decisions that would protect lives Reinhard, which is the best decision a knight can make. Our duty is to protect after all." The old butler said and Felix could see the small amount of uncertainty in his eyes.

Felix knew that Wilhelm had… difficulties when it came to his grandson. The fact that Reinhard had inherited the divine protection of Sword Saint right when the former Sword Saint, Wilhelm's wife, was off to hunt the White Whale had been something that had torn their family apart. Felix once had the fortune of listening to a very drunk Wilhelm who claimed that he was the worst grandfather in the world and had no idea how to apologize to his grandson or how to even begin fixing their relationship.

"You did well, Reinhard." But it seemed like he was finally ready to take the first step.

"Ah!" But then the mood was ruined by Subaru's yell. "That bastard's hand stole my first kiss! I wanted to have that with a special someone!" He yelled as he gripped his hair right as a small burst of black fire came out of his mouth, startling everyone in the room but none more so than Subaru himself.


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