
Celestial Grimoire

The celestial Grimoire is a conglomeration of a bunch of different jump chains focused around magic and I'll also be adding some more creation aspects like enchanting and weapon creation.


I was falling, my boss had ordered me up on the roof to patch a leak from a bad storm we had, I asked to wait for the roof to dry to be safer but I was told to do it right then or be fried.

Then after almost finishing the job my foot info gave way and I was plummeting for three stories and went head first into the concrete.

I died on impact so waking up in a bed that was not my own was very confusing, looking around the room memories of a second life entered my head that were similar but different than my own.

Growing up on a farm, but instead of in the south it was in Maryland and my parents had both recently passed away from a villain attack while they were in Boston celebrating there anniversary.

I was also sixteen once again much to my annoyance but I felt different, like I had a connection to something. I focused on that connection and pulled it out and a massive tomb appeared in my arms.

Across the top in gold letters was CELESTIAL GRIMOIRE, gently opening the tomb on the oping page was a paragraph written for me.

[Salutations and well met, you [Insert Name here] have been chosen to be the tester of the Celestial Grimoire* with additional perks from the celestial forge.

You have been given 400 starter points to spend as you see fit, I recommend an alt form and some enchanting support for the future as the worm universe is a bitch.]

Flipping through the pages I was bombarded with options, from becoming a werewolf to a lich or become a Warhammer Wizard. Avoiding the Warhammer magic like the plague I chose my first alt form, a Ushabti warrior.

Then a set of enchanted weapons to go along with my alt from and a couple of perk for enchanting items enough to improve my defenses and expand my abilities, with my perks chosen the Grimoire disappears and I was once again left alone in this room.

The room I'm in wasn't my new life normal home rather a hotel room on the way to my uncles house the Herbert's in Brockton Bay, my old home and the land we had was sold to a farm conglomerate for above market value and most of the family heirlooms are stored away for safety.


My caseworker was an older white lady who was very understanding of the situation and not questioning me the entire time, but she gave me a lot of information on the Herbert's like how Danny was the head of hiring of the DWA and had a daughter a year younger than me.

The drive was a couple of hours and we arrived about 11:00 in the afternoon and the house was probably very nice once upon a time; the walls needed fresh paint, the flowerbeds needed Redone and the tree needed trimmed.

But you can tell that this place was once very well loved and taken care of but not very well maintained over the years, Alice the caseworker parked the car and looks back to me and gave me a smile.

"We are here Micheal, now I know this time hasn't been easy for you but the Herbert's are good people and I pray you have the support you need."

Alice then exited the car and I began to take my belongings from the back of car and made my way to the stairs, before we could make it to the door Danny opens the door to greet us.

"Good morning both of you, be carful of the first step it's weak and I haven't fixed it yet. Now you must be Micheal, I haven't seen you since you were six or seven." He came down the stairs and helped me carry my things into the house, once we entered the house Danny placed his hand on my shoulder with a somber look on his face. "I'm sorry about your parents...my brother and I didn't have the best relationship because of our father, but we kept up with one another over the years."

"Thanks...Uncle Daniel….. dad told me a little about grandpa and how growing up with him was. But I'll take any stories about my parents you have, so you don't have too walk eggshells around me."

"Please call me Danny everyone does, now Taylor and I cleared you out some space in the basement you can take your things down there while I talk to your caseworker."

Giving him a nod I walked down the stairs to the basement where they had done a good job of cleaning up the place and put a bed down here for me.

The wall are plain brick and the floor was concrete but with some work I could make this place home, so began to put out my various things and organize the room.


While Michael in packed his things Danny spoke to Alice.

"Mr.Herbert I will repeat again, for taking in young Michael in you will be given a stipend from the government. Now Michael will have to be registered for school by the end of the month and a wellness check should occur in the next couple of months and if you have any questions please call me."

Alice and Danny had spoke for about half an hour and did the paperwork to transfer custody of Michael to him and any questions he had.

"I will Miss Alice, now have a pleasant drive and be safe." Danny gave Alice one last wave as she drove away, Danny then let out a sigh and made his way back to the house.

Then rounding the corner was Taylor walking home from School as winter break had started and she was allowed to leave school early. "Hey Dad." Taylor waved to her dad and moved to avoid anymore conversation.

Danny about let like he always did but after the news of his brothers death he had begun making more effort in her life and he needed to be present more. "Hey sweet heart, Michael just arrived and is working on his room and did you have a good day at school?"

"It was fine dad, is Michael settling okay?" He knew she was changing the subject but didn't push.

"As well as he can I think you know how hard this can be and why don't we go and introduce you to him."

———-Taylor POV——

Ever since we heard about Uncle Martin and Aunt Elizabeth's death things had begun to change.

When dad got the phone call she thought he would shut down even further like he did with mom instead he woke up, he was more involved in her life and wanting to do more together.

He didn't stay at work so late so they are together they even cleared out to basement and together, They even began to talk about mom again as they cleared out some space for Michael.

Michael... she wasn't sure what to think as she had never met him and dad didn't tell her how old he was but she hoped it was a younger kid as she always wanted to be a big sister.

So when they entered the basement and she saw, a six foot tall athletic boy her age her brain stopped working for a moment as she proceeded at dial up speeds. (Think Andrew Garfield Spider man)

"Ta….Tay….Taylor, hey are you okay?" Her dad and Michael were looking at her as apparently they had been trying to introduce her for a moment. "Sorry dad my head was somewhere else what did you say?"

Dad looked at her for a second looking to see if she was sick or something but answered "This is your cousin Michael, Michael this is Taylor she will be guiding you around town while I'm at work as sadly Brockton isn't that safe."

Michael then stuck his hand out, "Hi I'm Michael call me mike, I appreciate you both for taking me in if there's anything you need just let me know I brought dads tools with me and he has been teaching me for along time now." An expression of hurt crossed his face that she recognized from her one when mom died and she shook his hand.

Dad attend him on the shoulder, "I may take you up on that the house has been needing some work and with some help we can have this place looking a lot better."

She looked over to her dad, he had changed and hopefully she can change for the better too.


December 28th 2010.

After living in the Herbert houses for a couple of days now I can say it was a miracle and a half that they hadn't died or the house collapse from depression that seeped into the home.

We deep cleaned every nook and cranny of the house, fixed broken appliances and built some furniture for me in the basement. The house was a lot more healthy then it was before and I even fixed the step out front.

Best of all with my slightly enchanted tools everything was of decent to great quality, But tonight I was going to begin my journey as a super hero as the Grimoire requires combat and involvement in the story.

I had gained a small amount of points by being a friend to Taylor and helping Danny and her come together, I also at night practicing with my weapons and make more enchanted gear.

With my undead form being vaguely Egyptian I enchanted a number of small things to help defend against masters and odds and ends to help me complete my goal tonight.

Burning down Winslow, one I wasn't going to set foot into that place as a student, two I would probably blow my cape identity immediately when Emma or Sophia goes after me, three fuck that place it made my cousin feel bad.

So putting on my enchanted civilian clothes that made me blend in better and not be noticed, when I reached the city proper I moved to a back alley and transformed into my undead form for the first time.

I grew to a giant eight feet tall, my body decayed away as the skin grew taught over my bones and I summoned my enchanted weapons that came with this form.

A Khopesh, enchanted to never break or go dull, a shield with a large scarab that I could throw like captain America and a variety of small devices that I had personally enchanted like a torch I could use as a flame thrower like a fire dancer.

Right as I was about to jump across the roof tops a perk appeared in my mind as a smile appeared on my undead face.


Zombie​ [100 - A Practical Guide to Evil] A horse, animated by what I assure you is the vilest necromancy. It will obey no orders but your own, no matter what enchantments your foes attempt to weave around it. Altered to be a chariot.


I didn't summon it yet as I didn't want to draw attention yet, but it well help with my plan later.

So jump from roof top to roof top making my way to Winslow where I began to examine the place, locating the various weak points and areas that could burn quite well.

I first went to the chemistry lab and turned on the gas valves for the Bunsen burners and let the room slowly filled with gas as I grabbed some bottles of alcohol for accelerant, next I went to the "library" or what could barely be called one as barely any of the shelves had any books left.

Pouring the alcohol all over the shelves and carpet of the places and making a path to the front doors, and as I walked a was hit with a wall of rotten stench as I walked by Taylor's locker where they had already set up the "prank".

Last was the administration office where I found a my perfect candidate for how to start the fire, a candle in the principals office snapping my fingers a flame appeared on my finger and I lit the candle and moved it a little closer to the curtains.

I quickly made my way out of the school as it should ignited in about 10 minutes more than enough time for me to be far from here, so I quickly and stealthily made my way to the train yard where the Merchants sold there sin.

As I reached the yard I summoned my chariot and began making a chaos, lighting my torches and bellowing out a massive roar I attacked any merchants I could see.

Most were simply drug dealers who I lassoed and tied together and stung them up on lights posts like spider man, not bothering to call the cops as the chaos I was leaving in my wake I could see the lights in the distance.

I did this for awhile till I saw the fires of Winslow burning high as the sprinklers had long been out of date, happy with my results I missed when the merchant capes made there appearance.

As they turned the corner in what could be a called a mad max tank that ripped across the road leaving destroyed asphalt behind it, spinning my chariot around I grabbed my Javelins and did a quick explosive enchantment I aimed for the engine.

They then opens fire with some machine gun that did nothing against my undead form but annoy it along with my horse, I hefted the Jain up and threw into the engine bay it enchantment allowed it phase into on their dimension partly to bypass the armor and then detonate in side the vehicle.

With a loud boom the front of the vehicle detonated and sent a chunk of steel to the right of the tank and the capes jump out of the vehicle and began to attack.

Squealer having a massive pipe wrench, swung at me enraged by the loss of her tank screamed nonsensical gibberish at me I just hit her with blunt side of my sword and a shock from a enchanted ring.

She dropped to the ground after that,

Skidmark tried to lay layers of his power trying to send me flying but I jumped into the air and pulled my bow out and shot into his shoulder not wanting to do more permanent damage and another into his foot pinning it to the road.

By now cops and the PRT were making there way over as Mush had complied enough armor from trash and the wreckage of the tank, with his armor protecting him he charged me to tackle me to the ground and allow his boss to escape.

Dogged to the side I pulled a clay vessel filled with sand off my side and threw it at him releasing a small dirt devil the ripped his trash armor to shreds.

With him down I went around and secured each of them with enchanted rope and hog tied them to keep them from running and knocking out Skidmark.

By this time the PRT and police arrived the police set a perimeter around the crime scene and didn't come further unsure about me as the flood lights from the cars lit me up and I saw the fear in there eyes at my visage.

Miss Milita first approached me with a large riot shot gun in her hands along with Battery just to her side.

I just turned to them, "I am Nagash and in the name of the dead gods I proclaim this place under my protection." My voice was dry and echoey from my form.

Undead Traits [Free - Warhammer Fantasy: Tomb Kings] You are undead. Between life and death. Your flesh and organs have long since rotted from your body, leaving you as naught but bones, animated by your own soul. Your soul remains within your body as a result of countless rituals and spells performed over your form prior to and during your burial. As an undead, you do not age. You have no requirements or ability to do bodily functions such as eating, drinking, sleeping or breathing. You have no organs to damage or blood to bleed. The only way to kill you would be to smash up your bones till nothing the size of a skull or larger remains.

You are enchanted so that, even despite lacking muscles or skin, you can move with superhuman strength and speed, as well as move and think at all. Whilst many lesser Nehekharan undead require the presence of a Liche Priest to maintain awareness and only have the most basic of personalities, you have no requirement for support from a Liche Priest and you maintain your full cognitive functions in this form. However, as you are just old bones, you are quite vulnerable to fire, despite the relative sturdiness of your form.

Heraldry Armour [100 - Warhammer Fantasy: Tomb Kings] A gift from your master, a splendid set of armour fit for his right hand. Formed from the strongest and rarest metals in Nehekhara, the armour offers excellent protection across your entire body and looks quite good too, though it is in the colours of your King. It has no magical enchantments on it, save for a minor one that allows it to slowly repair and clean itself when not worn.

Sorcery - Enchantment (One Dot) World of Darkness: Sorcerer Making "The sorcery of creating items with magical abilities and properties. The creation of such items generally takes three days per dot required to make it.

[1] The Enchanter creates a minor item with limited use only and a tight area of influence. Such as a jacket that works as abnormally good camouflage in a crowd, or glasses that never fog."

Sorcery - Enchantment (Two Dots) World of Darkness: Sorcerer Making "The sorcery of creating items with magical abilities and properties. The creation of such items generally takes three days per dot required to make it.

[2] The Enchanter creates a more powerful talisman that is noticeable as magic. A flask that blocks three bullets and no more, objects that increase a mundane skill by a noticeable amount when used.

Sorcery - Enchantment (Three Dots) World of Darkness: Sorcerer Making "The sorcery of creating items with magical abilities and properties. The creation of such items generally takes three days per dot required to make it.

[3] The Enchanter creates a talisman whose function is obviously magical. Shoes that double running speed, a charm that can protect its wearer from magic three times a day.

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