
Snap 20: Realization.

I woke up the moment before Mars would land her blow. My instincts became more heightened as I raised my arms to block the blow. A billowing blast rang out through the entire room as a green light surrounded my arms. I started to hear the whispers and chattering voices of the Fae surrounding my arms.

"She has found herself!" One said.

"But to what extent?" Another said.

"And to what goal?"

"To grow herself, it would seem."

"To improve and change."

"To say and do how she feels."

"And we shall be there for her and this."

I then got the feeling they started looking at me and almost... kneeling? That's what it seems like.

"Go on," They all said, "Make thine desires your reality, with us as your instruments to do so."

I smiled and said "I'll be counting on you all."

"And we shall be more than willing, O' Queen of Fae." They said in unison.

"But, if we may ask be your name?"

"What be your title of Queenhood?"

"I don't know much about that, but my name is Ai."

"Then Queen Ai, your will is ours." The green Light they were emitting grew exponentially in magnitude and strength. I started powering up.

"Ghrgh..." I groaned. It took a lot out of me to do.

"Bear with mine Queen," They said "The first time, as with most things, requires getting used to."

"Alright then," I striked a great big grin. "I'll take it all!"


I finished powering up. I looked at my hands. A wooden armor encased them. My entire body was covered in a sleek wooden armor. On my shoulders were small tree saplings and a great three horned helmet covered my head. The visor was the one thing not brown or green, but a great bright purple. It matched something else that changed. My eyes, which were always a bright green, became the very same purple color.

Mars and Venus stared in disbelief.

"You actually did it. We thought it would take a lot longer." Mars said.

"How much longer?" I said. I don't know if the echo was because of the helmet or because of the magic.

"Mother believed you would awaken your true powers at the final battle. Or at least one of you two would." Venus said.

"Well a head start is a head start. Let's get to sparring, yeah?" I hopped on my feet, getting used to it. I was feeling more confident than I ever did.

I charged at them. I channeled the Fae into my hands to create concentrated spheres of Light. They prepared for my attacks. I don't have the special abilities Aleks does, but that's no reason to believe I'm weaker than him. I'm just as good as him, maybe even better. I won't just be in his shadows, I'll be right next to him. Until the end.

"Hragh!" I shouted as I leaped into the air. I threw the Spheres of Light. They blocked just at the impact, but the explosion dealt plenty of damage. I flew through the cloud of smoke to reach them. I pushed my hands forward enveloping them in Light to charge my attack. My hands hit the ground causing a greater explosion.

"Stop! Stop!" Mars said, "I yield!"

I snapped back to reality. Then I felt a great big weight on my back and I fell to the ground.

"Mine Queen, you musn't over exert yourself. You must temper the vessel of your body to channel our power." One said.

"Yeah I could tell." My armor disappeared.

"Rest for a moment," Venus said, "we'll rejoin with Mother."

After a few minutes we went to the other room to see how Aleks' training was going. I wonder if he made the same improvements I did. Surely he did. I couldn't wait to talk about our cool new powers and work up a strategy to beat these Demons.

We opened the door to see Jupiter and Aleks... hugging.

"Huh...?" I said.

He looked at me and got red.

"Uuuuh... I can explain." He said.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MOM DUMBASS!" Mars shouted as she punched him into the ceiling.

"Ugh.." He said twitching and stuck in the ceiling.

"Mars stop! He's my son!" Jupiter said.
