
Snap "I am Spiderman"

when Hulk's snap brought everyone back, Peter came back but was not just Peter no more.

freakofntur · Movies
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The Snap

In a single moment I came into being, remembering turning into dust just a second ago, but also so much more. I see Dr. Strange looking at me through his portal and tell me "peter, its been five years, they need us" . I jump into his portal.

I am Peter Parker, I also used to be Peter Parker before turning into dust. But after coming back , I didn't come back alone. I remember watching peter Parker in the movies and comics about a boy bit by radioactive spider, gaining incredible powers and becoming a superhero.

I remember watching them as Petrov Putin. I remember my father going to jail in my youth for being related to Russian mafia. I remember everyone in the neighborhood looking at me as if I'm next to follow. Remember proving them wrong and becoming a firefighter and joining FDNY.

I became known for my reckless bravery and impossible luck. I would go in to save people even after everyone had given up on the situation and always come out with the victims unscathed. Can't say the same about me. In the end, despite many burn scars, its the smoke that got me.

When I took my cancer paperwork to the department, they told me "It has been determined that your cancer is not service related.". Well that won't help out with the bills, but it will still make some of my drinking buddies in the VA laugh. I'm not a military veteran myself, but due to my acts of bravery, I've been honoured at many New York bar's as a local Hero, specially in vet bars .

But I can't think about any of that right now as I swing into action with half of the Guardians of the galaxy and Dr. Strange and later the assembled Avengers. I let the peter Parker in me guide my roleas Spiderman and provide support wherever I can.

Eventually I reached near the spot where Tony was fighting and pulled his big opponent to the ground by shooting and pulling my web. As soon as the big guy landed in his back, giant Antman stepped on him, killing him.

I approach Tony and say frantically " hey!, holy cow!, you will not belive what's going on. Do you remember when we were in space and I got all dusty, and I must have passed out, cause I woke up and you were gone, but doctor strange was there, right. And we was like, 'its been 5 years, come on, they need our help' and then he started doing the yellow sparkley thing he does all the time"

Tony interrupts me with a deep hug and I hug him tightly. I've been really strung up with remembering two lives and all that but the hug really helped. I say " oh, this is nice".

Through team work and coordination, we got Antman and wasp near the quantem tunnel in thier van. During this time, the infinity Gauntlet was passed from Hawkeye to black panther. Thanos intercepted black panther, but was countered by scarlet witch. As infinity Gauntlet was being snatched by Ebony Maw, , black panther disrupted him and was able to pass the gauntlet to me.

I activated instant kill mode to protect myself from aliens, killing them as I dodge them, but eventually, they got me surrounded. I asked for help and Captain America responded by throwing Thor's hammer.

I web on it as it pulls me with it, through the sky. This is where I make my first change in the series. I pull the web to come closer to the hammer, dodging a canon ball of energy, fired all over the field by Thanos' command of " Rain Fire".

I have The legendary Mjolnir in one hand and Complete infinity Gauntlet in the other. I say with full conviction " I am worthy". Although my hands are not inside the gauntlet but just holding it, I know it worked. It took only infinitesimal of infinity amount of energy but it worked. I can feel the hammer change from helpful to submissive.

The act of talking was like snapping with your toung. My SOUL itself shifted a bit to make me more worthy. My MINDSET became more worthy. My POWERS became more worthy as I gained control over my bio electricity like miles Morales. The REALITY bent itself to make sure that I'm considered worthy, imprinting this fact as a law of nature into the fabric of reality. The whole of SPACE and current moment in TIME became eternal witnesses to my claim of worthiness over the reality.

The pain of channeling the infinity stones got to me, even though I only used minimal amount of its power. Now that Mjolnir has accepted me, it helped mitigate some of the damage, but the distraction from pain didn't allow me to dodge a blast of energy from the space craft above .

My pain doubled, even though Mjolnir was still trying to mitigate my pain and heal me. I tried to find a hole and just stay away from action for a sec, I just need to recover for a second.

I look up to see Thanos's space ship being torn to shreds by a meteor. And the meteor seems to be coming straight at me. Turns out, that meteor is Captain Marvel. I look at her hovering form and say "hi, I'm Peter Parker".

She replies " Hi Peter Parker, you got something for me". I hand her the infinity Gauntlet. " How are we going to get through them" I say while lifting the hammer and pointing out at a hoard coming towards us.

"With help ofcourse", says the scarlet witch as she and several other heroins lands near us. As soon as I'm somewhat healed, Mjolnir leaves my hand and goes towards captain America, it must have sensed a great need from him.

I wanted to make more changes. But I'm not powerful enough. I can't catch up to flying captain Marvel, what hope do I have of protecting the van if even she can't reach it in time.

Me and Shuri do some great teamwork in killing evil aliens. We are even able to provide cover for some other heroins near us , protecting their rear as they commit great damage.

Eventually, despite me trying to run every possible interference I could, it ended just like in the movies. With my mentor dead.


Time Skip to Tony's funeral


We all mourn the loss of earth's Greatest hero. I'm able to socialize a little, offering and reciving condolences from everyone. I'm even able to meet Harley from iron man 2.

I meet Nick fury on the side and ask him if Tony left anything for me. I told him he mentioned something when I met him at the battle and fury belived me. After having watched me use the Mjolnir, everyone has started treating me a little differently.

Fury asked me to meet him at the crown of statue of Liberty the next day. I gave everyone I met a phone number that Mr stark gave and told them to meet up whenever they are in new York or New Jersey.


I might do a spell check and gramer check if I get some powerstones

check out my other books

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