
Snake Eyes:DC

Dead due to lack of justice, Henry decides to make his afterlife count. He will become justice!

Mys_Terio · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Mine's Bigger

I knew Batman would try to search for Joker's killer but I knew he would find nothing. I had made sure no leads will lead to me, masking any leads to lead to even more and broader leads till he would be swarmed and thereby just give up. Also, I knew Gotham was going to be a warzone soon. I was the one responsible so I had to make sure that did not happen. Thus, my next project.

"Computer, ready the chamber," I said as I stripped to a pair of boxers and a wife beater.

My body was without any blemish, thanks to the insane level of regeneration I had. I had made sure to push it to the very brink and evolve over and over again till it reached a point I was sure I was just a step below Lobo's kind of regeneration. I had broken down more bones than was humanly possible, cut off my limbs, regrew them over and over again, beheaded myself till I almost became insane. But, I knew I would conquer myself and be stronger than I was before. The gamble paid off and while it did, I felt my tolerance to pain rise to beyond inhuman. That's what I was betting on when I was doing this next tests.

"Copy, preparing Laughing Gas, 4L in volume," my lovely computer assistant told me.

"Is the antidote ready?" I asked, never hurts to double check.


"As soon as any signs of irreversible degredation are observed, gas me with the antidote," I told her, knowing I was just hesitating to do this.

"Everything is in capable hands," my computer assistant assured me. I take a deep breath to cool my nerves then opened the gas chamber and walked in. The sixteen tonne, reinforced steel titanium door hissed back in place, vacuum sealing shut.

"Do it," I said as I prepared myself.

Immediately, I heard hissing making me look up at the ventilation where I saw a smokey green gas seeping into the room. This was it, this would be the moment my will would be tested.

I braces myself as I took a dragging deep breath, taking in the more lethal dose of laughing gas. Immediately, I felt a difference, making me frown. The gas was already working and my body was in shock!

'No! I am not losing to a mad man's imagination!' I declared to myself before going into a stance.

This was the water stream rock smashing fist. I started practicing the set as calmly as I could. One movement after another, I monitored for any inconsistencies and boy were they starting to accumulate! I felt my body fighting the effects but the drug was slowly by slowly winning. That's how terrifying this masterpiece was, a combination of Joker's fantasies and Jonathan Crane's, Scarecrow, biochemical ingeniousness.

Faster and faster, I continued doing the sets till I was nothing but a blur. My mind was moving fast as it battled to keep my consciousness as the gas was invading, making me hallucinate. I could see scenes that would have previously horrified me become suddenly funny!


I suddenly caught myself from this slip as my mental focus doubled. No way I'm losing to this chemical, no fucking way. I continued doing the sets, monitoring each move then corrected myself. My blood was boiling, my muscles were steaming and on my face, a smile more creepy than Speed O' Sound Sonic had creeped itself on it. I gritted my teeth, feeling my consciousness fading.

But no, I am stronger than this. I will be stronger than this! I will become stronger than this! My body was falling apart and I started to register the pain. My muscles were cramping and my organs were failing! Soon, I would go into cardiac arrest before coming back. I was sure of it but I just kept on pushing myself. I was going to break my limits and touch on something that would elevate my existence to the next lev, I could just feel it...the cusp of it just shy off my fingertips. My cells were hungry for this feeling, this excitation like no other. This state of being that would make me accomplished.

My consciousness started blacking out at this moment and my movements became slower and slower. My muscles were torn and my orifices were bleeding. I was losing the battle just as I was about to accomplish something amazing and this was unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!

Hahahahahahhhahhaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhhahhaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahah hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha.

"NO!" I roared, bringing myself from the cusp of madness. My consciousness was back and with it, a whole new level of feeling. I felt my entire being like I was my own puppeteer! My whole body was under my control!

"What is this...feeling?" I asked myself as I looked at my hands. I could see deep down past my skin to my very bones. I saw how my every single organ in my body, every blood vessel, every muscle, every blood cells every pathogens in me flowed.

"I completed the first step of becoming invincible, becoming a master of one's self!" I realized in shock. Everything about me was in my control!

"Three hours since laughing gas has been in your system, boss. How do you feel?" I heard my computer assistant suddenly say, bring me back from my musing.

"I feel great, Karen, more than great. I feel complete. Like my entire sight has been restored after living centuries in the dark. I feel enlightened!" I answered her, the awe in my voice speaking volumes of what I was feeling at the moment! Looking down at my hand, I ordered it to sever itself from my shoulder and it did just that. Not even a second later, another arm had regrown itself from the stump.

"My healing has become instantaneous. That would have taken three minutes before!" I observed with awe. Then I looked at the severed arm and felt I was still connected to it. So, I reached towards it and it suddenly pulled itself up, standing by its palm! Then, I saw in shock as its bones started growing into a full skeleton followed by nerves, blood vessels, organs, muscles, skin and hair. Before me was a completely naked me! We were identical to our very DNA! The other me stood up and looked at me with a smirk.

"I'm full of surprises, aren't I? Maybe I'm the better one of us!" he said cockily. But, I just knew he was just joking. His entire existence was at my mercy, we both knew it.

"How strong are you?" I asked him.

"Just as strong and more handsome than you," the other me joked before looking down at his dick. "Heh, mine's bigger!"

I paid no mind to his words as my brain came up with theories of what was going on. I looked over the formula of the laughing gas and the scenario became clear to me. I had made a dangerously lethal dose, enough to make the one that made Batman who Laughs seem like child play. My entire psyche was changing to become even more warped than he was and that would have spelt doom to this and many more universes.

You see, I did not just get the normal Garou's martial talent but even that of Cosmic Garou, the Garou that had been touched by God and became able to copy Saitama's power level, only for the freak to raise it even higher and outpace Garou in doing it! That's the talent I had and if I had lost my mind, I would have gone on a rampage, becoming stronger the more opponents I fought.

But, I had also gained his martial will power! Garou had resisted the corruption of God and the laughing gas was not as potent as a fraction of his power. So, the more I fell in depravity, the more my will was been tempered till it surfaced, leading to me getting my very own superpower, Self Supremacy!

"I'm never doing that again," I said to myself as I was horrified by the outcome that would have been. But on the bright side, I am hundred percent resistant to any toxic that might be thrown at me so Yay!