
Smut Life: Futa Edition

Congratulations! You have been chosen to be a contestant on the universally popular reality television series, Smut Life! Gear up for competitions against other contestants and trips to several different realities. This years theme? The Wonderful World Of Futa Edition!!! --- I'll work on a better synopsis after I've written a bit more.

UncrownedKing · Anime & Comics
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Welcome To Smut Life!!! [Old Version]

[A/N: Just a heads up the whole story won't be in this format. I'm intentionally leaving out the inner thoughts of our protagonist because, for various reasons that might become clear as you read, they don't matter in this chapter.

This story is based on a CYOA by Slut Life Anon. I'll give a link for you to follow along if you want but keep in mind that I'll be altering and adding a few things not included in the original.


I won't be going through the entire customization because I want some of it to be a surprise for later. Now without further ado-]


[Welcome to Smut Life!!!]

"Hah? Excuse me?"

[Welcome to Smut Life?]

"What does-"

[Welcome to Smut Life!]

"I don't-"

[Welcome to Smut Life]



"...Can I-"


"...Thank you…?"

[No problem! Happy to assist! Would you like a brief explanation to help better understand your current situation?]



[Wonderful! First off, Congratulations! You are now a contestant on the universally popular reality television show "Smut Life." Previously called "Slut Life", Smut Life is a multiversal live action reality television show created by the UncrownedKing of the multiverse in partnership with our glorious lord and savior, Anon!]

[For the next year, you will be living in an apartment created by us, together with a few other contestants. All your actions will be monitored and broadcasted constantly to a universal audience. At the end of the year, you can choose from a list of rewards. Breaking any rules will result in the instant revocation of your reward and possible further punishments. So do be careful~]

[As part of the show, you will be transported to another planet for the duration of your stay. Instead of the normal 24 hour days you're used to, each day on this planet lasts for 32 hours. While this may seem tiring at first, your body will adjust rather quickly. After you're done, you can either stay here or go back to Earth.]

[Now, any questions so far?]

"Yes, why was I-"

[Nothing important? That's great!]



"...Can you at least tell me the rules"

[All relevant rules will be explained as we continue the set up]

"That's fine I suppose…"

[Wonderful! To begin, choose a difficulty below. Certain options reward you with more credits to use for customization.]

[Selecting certain options will reveal sub-options which can be selected and are additive with their parent.]

[Some options can be taken multiple times.]

[Some options require certain conditions to be met.]

[Furthermore, I have been allowed to personally recommend selections to help you on your journey! Choose wisely~]



[Easy]: +40 Credits

[Medium]: +20 Credits

[Hard]: +0 Credits

[Slave To The Show]: You owe us credits? Pay off what you owe~! (Recommended Selection ^_^)


"...is there any incentive for choosing a harder difficulty?"

[Hmm? Not necessarily. Although, at higher difficulties the audience may sympathize with you more often and in turn not make your life as difficult when it comes time for them to weigh in!]

"So you're saying I shoul-"

[They may also come to enjoy seeing you suffer and make things even more difficult for you!]


[Well there is one incentive~ If you choose the last option, you can-]


[Easy Mode Selected!]

[+40 Credits]


"What now?"


"Something wron-"

[Next section is Body Modifications! Woo~]

[The options you choose here are final if your starting age is 18 or you take Infinite Telomeres. If you start 10-17, you will start at a "reduced" version and "grow into" what you choose.]

[Please note that for every year under 18 you choose, you will be required to add an additional 2 years to your contract on the show!]

[For age, height, penis size/girth, and hair length, choose a specific size/number]

[You are considered a biological male if you have a penis and no vagina or breasts. You are considered a biological female if you have a vagina and breasts but no penis. Finally, if you have both, you will be considered biologically a futanari while having neither makes you sexless.]

[To begin, select if you would like to use your current body or a new one provided for you by Smut Life!]


[Body Modification]

[New Body] + 40 Credits (Recommended Selection)

[Current Body] +20 Credits


"Wait a second, why would getting a new body give me more credits? Wouldn't it make more sense to give me more credits for keeping my body?"

[Simple! As explained earlier, Smut Life is a multiversal reality television show with one of the highest viewer count and ratings across several universes! Do you really think the audience is interested in looking at some average random nobody for the next year or more?]

"Ouch, rude much"

[Not to mention it is the perfect promotional material for our side partner company that specifically caters to body modifications]

"So basically I'm being paid to advertise for you."


"Sigh…always knew I would sell out one day..."


[New Body Selected!]

[+40 Credits]


[Great! Let's start off with some basic modifiers then we can move on to some of the more interesting stuff!]

"Okay then...Guess I'll do it like this?"



[Height: 5'8]

[Face: Handsome - Manly - Boyish - [Androginous] - Girly - Womanly - Beautiful - Bimbo]

[Chest: Flat - A-Cup - [B-Cup] - C-Cup - D-Cup - E-Cup - F-Cup - >F-Cup]

[Ass: Flat - Petit - Normal - [Apple] - Bubble - Badonk - Wide - Double Wide]

[Hair Length: Short - Medium - [Long] - Rapunzel]

[Hair Color: Green]

[Eye Color: Green]

[Skin Color: Pale]

[Body Type: Skinny - [Fit] - Athletic - Average - Chubby]

[Voice: Masculine - [Femenine] - Childish - None]

[A/N: Basically she'll end up looking like Enkidu from fate but a little more feminine bodywise. Actually probably closer to a female N? ehh, I'll leave a pic in the comments]


[Interesting choices...any particular reason for them? For survey reasons of course~]

"Well you made it seem like audience acceptance is going to be really important, at least that was the impression I got. I just figured it would be a good idea to choose something most people would be into one way or another…"

[Hmm~ I see~ Moving on. Next you must choose your genitalia!]

[As you can imagine from the name, sex is a very prominent focus of the show. It will be next to impossible to make it through the entire year without being subjected to some kind of sexual situation. As such, your genitalia will play a very important role in the future. Once again, choose wisely~]

"Yeah, I figured as much, let's see it then...Hm? Oh... right...kids..."


[Primary Genitalia]

[Sexless]: - 80 Credits

[Penis]: 0 Credits

[Non-Fertile Vagina]: 0 Credits

[Fertile Vagina]: + 20 credits

[Non-Fertile Vagina + Penis]: + 40 Credits

[Fertile Vagina + Penis]: + 80 Credits (Recommended Selection~)


"...I guess I should have expected pregnancies to be a thing on a show like this, but why no non-virile penis options?"

[Simple! It'd be boring otherwise! ^_^]



[Non-Fertile Vagina + Penis Selected!]

[+40 Credits!]


[Boo~ Don't you wanna carry a couple of babies on your own? You'll definitely regret it in the future if you don't pick it now~ That's not to say there won't be ways to change your mind later, but it'll definitely be a hassle~]

"I'll live, I'm sure."

[Che. Fine. Moving on, now it's time to start spending those credits a little more seriously! Remember some options have extra options you can choose from later and some have requirements that need to be filled before hand.]


[Body Modifications:]


[Hyper-Fertile Vagina]: + 10 Credits (Conditions not met)

Your vagina will be "upgraded" to a Hyper-Fertile version. Hyper-Fertile vaginas have a 100% pregnancy rate among the same species, a 20% chance of being impregnated by a father of a different species (half-humans are considered humans genetically), and do not respond to chemical contraceptives.


[Hormones]: -1 Credit

You will receive hormone treatment to make your body more feminine physically.


[Hair Removal]: -1 Credit

We'll permanently remove any hair on your body that you don't want


[Masochist]: - 3 Credits

You now feel pleasure from pain.

*Extreme Masochist: - 3 Credits

You still feel the pain, causing your brain to become "confused."

*Manual Control: - 3 credits

You can choose whether or not you feel pleasure from pain.


[Cum Connoisseur]: +1 Credit

You love the taste of semen. Not only do you find it to be delicious, but it acts as a mild aphrodisiac on your body, which will wear off after about an hour.


[Sensitive Body]: +1 Credit

Your entire body is now extra sensitive.

*Erogenous Body: +3 Credits

Your entire body is now an erogenous zone.

*Selective: -3 Credits

You can choose what parts of your body are erogenous zones.

*Right Moment: -1 Credit

Your body's erogenous zones will only be "active" when you're horny.


[Amputee]: +15 for each limb, additional +10 for both arms, additional +30 for all four limbs

You can choose any of your limbs to have cut off permanently.

*Accessible: -10 Credits

Your living space will be modified to make it more accessible to you

*Prosthetic: -20 Credits

We will provide artificial limbs for you for all of your limbs that were cut off after the show.


[Magic Hair]: -1 Credit

Your body will maintain a constant length for your hair (on your head).


[Refractory Period]: -1 Credit

You no longer have to deal with a refractory period (that is, you'll be able to cum multiple times in a row in a short period of time).


[Menstruation Control]: -1 Credit

You no longer have to deal with menstruation of its effects


[Gag Reflex]: -1 Credit

Your gag reflex is removed.


[Flexible Holes]: -1 Credit

Makes all of your holes much more flexible than they would be naturally. Also increases natural lubrication.

*Tight Fit: +2 Credits

You can accommodate almost anything, but always just barely. Every time will feel like the first.

*Easy Fit: -2 Credits

You can accommodate anything with ease. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


[Open Cervix]: -1 Credit

Your womb can be entered with little effort.


[Fuckible Nipples]: -1 Credit

You can now have nipple sex.


[Lewd Tattoo]: +1 Credit(s) each

Add a lewd tattoo anywhere on your body.


[Lewd Piercing]: +1 Credit(s) each

Add a piercing to your tongue, navel, nipples, clit, septum, vagina, or penis(es).


[Symbol Shaped Pupils]: -1 Credit

Change the shape of your pupils to whatever you want.

*Indicator: -1 Credit

Your pupils will only change shape when you're horny.


[Heterochromia]: -1 Credit

Select two eye colors (one for each eye) instead of one.


[Tentacle Dick]: -2 Credits

Your penis(es) will be turned into prehensile tentacles.


[Elastic Tongue]: -2 Credits

You can now extend your tongue up to 12 inches outside of your mouth.


[Always Perky]: -1 Credit

You no longer need to wear a bra.


[Zinc Supplements]: -1 Credit

Doubles your natural semen production.


[Lactation]: -1 Credit

Your body will be modified to make your breasts produce milk.

*High-Output Breast Milk: -2 Credits

Doubles your natural breast milk production.


[Easy Drainage]: -2 Credits

Your body now has a much higher volume when discharging fluids. You won't feel drained unless your body produces an unusually high amount of that fluid for some reason.


[Reloader]: -2 Credits

After each orgasm, your body dramatically increases fluid production for a short time, making successive loads bigger instead of smaller.


[Easy Pregnancy]: -3 Credits (Conditions not met)

Makes your pregnancies much more bearable

*Pleasurable Pregnancy: -2 Credits

During your pregnancy, your orgasms will be stronger and you will become more lustful. Giving birth will almost certainly cause you to climax several times.

*Preferred Size: -2 Credits

Your belly will stop swelling after between 6-9 months (your choice).

*Fast Pregnancy: -10 Credits

Increases the speed of pregnancies by an average of 80%.


[Healthy Babies]: -1 Credit

Your babies will be strong and healthy

*Genetic Modifications: -5 Credits

You will be able to customize your baby.

*Growth Hormones: -8 Credits

Your children will grow at an accelerated rate until they reach 5-16 (your choice). The accelerated growth rate is approximately 1 year per week.


[Embedded Testicles]: -2 Credits

Some (or all) of your testicles will be embedded inside your body. Excess skin will be removed.


[Retractable Penis]: -2 Credits

You can "retract" your penis(es) into your body to conceal them.


[Flexible Body]: -3 Credits

Your body is much more flexible. Good for yoga and doing splits.


[Reduced Sleep]: -3 Credits +28 hours a week

Instead of 8 hours, your body can easily work with only 4 hours of sleep.

*No Sleep: -5 Credits +28 hours a week

You no longer need to sleep. You won't feel tired from lack of sleep.


[Perfect Metabolism]: -5 Credits

Maintaining muscle tone/body condition is trivial, however you must consume at least 2,300 calories a day.


[Optimized Digestion U]: -3 Credits

You no longer need to defecate.

[Optimized Digestion D]: -3 Credits

You no longer need to urinate.


[Cleanliness]: -5 Credits

You no longer need to shower/bathe. Also includes some "internal parts," such as teeth.


[Perfect Homeostasis]: -10 Credits

Your body will maintain its internal temperature perfectly, meaning you no longer need to wear clothes, even in sub-zero temperatures.


[Mind Wipe]: +10 Credits

All of your memories from before you became a contestant will be permanently wiped. Note that this only affects your memories; you will retain all of your knowledge of things (e.g. how to ride a bike).

*Tabula Rasa: +15 Credits

All of your knowledge will be reset to the "general knowledge" of your age group as well.

*Dissonance: +10 Credits

Your previous memories will be restored after the show. Have fun with that.


[Detachable Limbs]: -10 Credits

Both of your arms and legs are removable now. It is up to you to find/purchase different limbs, but it probably isn't hard to find them only somewhere.


Detachable Penis: -3 Credits

Your penis(es) are removable now. Any dildo you attach in place will be fully functional. (Compatible with Retractable Penis)


[Race Change]: -10 Credits

You can choose any race of animal (fictional or non-fictional) to be transformed into an anthropomorphized version of. This change only includes any defining physical features (e.g. cat ears and a tail for if you're a cat)

*Complete Change: +5 Credits

The transformation includes any defining mental features of that animal (e.g. if you're a cat, you will be unable to resist catnip, will unconsciously purr, etc.)

*Animal Penis: -1 Credit

Any penises you have will take the natural shape of the animal you are transformed into.


[Timeless]: -10 Credits

You will stop aging once you reach between 24-26 years old (your choice).

*Infinite Telomeres: -10 Credits

You no longer age at all.

*Hourglass: -5 Credits

You can control your age at will. This includes the ability to, for example, revert to your teenage years and grow into an adult again.


[Repairbots]: -15 Credits

Special nanobots will be injected into your body. They are capable of repairing minor wounds and damage, but cannot do anything for major wounds (e.g. a cut-off limb).


[Hyper-Immune System]: -15 Credits

Your body can quickly and effectively fight poisons, toxins, diseases, and other dangerous conditions.


[Telepathy]: -15 credits

You will be able to share your thoughts and feelings with others telepathically. You can also talk to others in this way, but they can only respond if they also have the same ability. You will be able to talk with your personal AI using telepathy.


[Do The Evolution]: -15 Credits

Most of your internal organs will be upgraded to state-of-the-art electromechanical ones. You can do pretty much anything with your body (e.g. drink a gallon of alcohol) and it will have little negative effect on your body.

*Cybernetic Limbs: -15 Credits

Your external limbs will be upgraded as well.

*Cybernetic Brain: -25 Credits

Your central nervous system (including your brain) will be upgraded as well.

*Android: -65 Credits (Other options become free of charge)

Your consciousness will be "uploaded" into a state-of-the-art android body. You will be completely indistinguishable from a normal human. Requires Cybernetic Limbs, Cybernetic Brain, Repairbots, Hyper-Immune System, and Telepathy. Flexible Body, Reduced Sleep, Optimized Digestion, Cleanliness, Perfect Homeostasis, Detachable Limbs, and Race Change are now free.

*Dynamo: -10 Credits

You can use electricity to recharge instead of needing to eat.

*Tail: -10 Credits

You have a prehensile tail that can be used to interface with any type of electronics. Has protection against most types of hacking.


[Genetic Cleansing]: 0 Credits

Your DNA will be "cleaned" to remove any possible genetic imperfections (e.g. genetic diseases)

[Current Credits Available: 80]


"Wow...that's a lot of options…"

[Umhmm. Indeed it is! Do keep in mind, as a result of choosing easy mode, you will receive a discount on all purchases made! And just so you know, had you chosen the recommended difficulty, you would have been able to acquire everything here at no cost~]

"Except for becoming your slave for life that is?"

[Ehh, don't sweat the small stuff~ Welp, let's not keep the people waiting. Go on and get to pickin'!]

"Alright, Alright. Let's see here...I guess I'll start with this…"


Start of a new novel from me after a long time. no idea if i'll be able to keep it up this time but it seems like a fun idea. as hinted at in this chapter, there will be times your comments will directly impact the story. I was originally thinking about putting this up on fiction live as a quest, but i knew i wouldn't really have the time to commit. in any case, enjoy this first chapter. you'll find out what she picked throughout the story as we move on into the next part of creation. until then, chao~

UncrownedKingcreators' thoughts