
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The Isle of Ass: A Father's Finding MiddayMonster

Summary: While the Tribe Mother is throne into a rage Eliza tries to find the most diplomatic way to handle Isaac's presence on the island

"Is she angry? How mad is she?"

"Honestly… I've never seen the Tribe Mother more enraged, ever." Eliza did not look happy as she made her way into Isaac's hut. The man had waited patiently as she requested he do but the situation was tense.

"How do we fix this? You're her advisor, the girl closest to her. This is not going to smooth things over with my daughter."

"If this is your way of parenting then I can't say her anger is unjustified." Eliza's eyes rolled behind her glasses.

"I wasn't like… THAT kind of parent…" Isaac rebutled. "Bryce and Fallon… Then Alba…"

"Hush. We don't need the tales of your perverse acts to go around the tribe once again. To be candid I don't even think I should be doing any of this for your sake anyways…"

"Doing what?"

"Just wait. I will be having another check in with the Tribe Mother and see if we can deal with this issue without any spilt blood or hard feelings." Eliza left the man's hut only leaving him to overthink and marinate in his feelings. Isaac had never been so unsure of what to do. His instincts as a parent had been softened and he was no longer in a place he was familiar with. On the island Ashley was in charge, she wasn't just a little girl or Isaac's daughter but someone he could hardly recognize. Navigating whatever relationship they might have left felt like walking on ice. He wanted to speak and console Ashley to show that her father would never let her go again. But on another more dark hand Isaac knew what he had done with the other thick assed girls was wrong. They were just children yet Isaac had gone much further in his punishment than a grown man should ever do to those fragile little bodies.

"Come with me. We don't have all day for this." Eliza returned with a folded cloth bundled in her arms.

"So what's the update? How's she doing? Can we talk things over?" Isaac asked as he traveled behind her after walking out of his hut.

"I'd really prefer if you kept quiet. We will speak when we get there."

"Get where?" Isaac questioned but would not receive an answer from her. He looked across the village's path up to where a temple structure stood for Ashley's throne. The curvy little girls huddled around the entrance as they looked just as questionably nervous as Isaac. Soon Eliza had led him away from the tribe and into the tropical woods. Isaac may have gotten a sense of the scenery from his hunting trio with Alba but he was only truly grasping how big this island was as he marched forward behind Eliza. They had walked well over an hour until reaching a beachy shore.

"Just stay here and we won't have any issues." Eliza said as she brought Isaac to the farthest beach on the tropical island she had called home. The Tribe Mother had been furious that her father, the only man to live on the island, had his way with several of the girls. Even though Eliza was the Tribe Mother's trusted advisor the teen defied her leader's orders to bring Isaac here.

"I don't think either of us want anything, gruesome to become of you." Eliza said with an annoyed voice. She had a sour attitude despite doing what was in the man's best interest. The young black girl adjusted her glasses and leaned on her hips. She was curvy for a 13 year old brat and the tiny cloth skirt made that abundantly cleared. Not only her wide hips but Eliza's plump thighs and ass went above the rationale average for someone her age. Each swelling butt cheek extended from her body like a pair of soft jiggly volleyballs.

"Eliza. Just let me talk to her. Let me speak with the Tribe Mother. She's my daughter! I can settle all this." Isaac pleaded desperately. The man had been worrying about the Tribe Mother and only wanted to reconcile. His journey back to her had been long and rough but Isaac was getting exhausted.

As much as Eliza enjoyed the sight of seeing a pathetic older man beg, she didn't cave. This man had fucked three little girls on this island and because of that, things had changed. There was anarchy within the tribe. The only thing that kept these girls safe was each other. It seemed that the threat of death loomed over their heads and now they were desperate. If the Tribe Mother wasn't going to take care of Isaac, one of her subjects would.

"This is where we end our discussion. You will not be returning to the tribe."

"I'm going to speak with Ashley. I am going to talk to my daughter." Isaac said as he exhaled slowly. The other brats he had fucked pushed and seduced him into it. He was learning to let loose, to accept his primal desires. Isaac was already at the edge of his patience and Eliza's sassy demeanor was testing his limits. "I won't be asking…"

"Oh? You're not gonna ask?" Eliza asked curiously as she looked behind Isaac. A few girls had been tailing them to this part of the island. It had become a debate whether he was too dangerous or someone they should all be in worshiping awe of. "Is that some kind of threat? I'd inform you that I have no interest in whatever disgusting things you did with the twins and Alba. You should just consider yourself lucky I am being so kind and diplomatic about all of this." Eliza scoffed.

Isaac grinded his teeth for a moment then opened his eyes to gaze at Eliza. The little black brat was not going to get the best of him and he no longer cared to keep his impulses controlled. She was a hot curvy underage girl and he was no longer going to be under anyone's command but his own.

"Do you want to know what I did with those other girls? Those other sluts." Isaac looked to Eliza with a piercing smirk.

"I've heard… You pervert."

"I fucked their assholes. I POUNDED their huge bouncy asses... And I liked every second of it."

"My heavens..." Eliza gasped under her breath. Hearing the second hand accounts was one thing but being stared down by the man who had done it while his loincloth started to suspiciously tent had Eliza panting. His words caught her off guard. Eliza's brow furrowed as she tried to hide how taken aback she was.

"You certainly will not be indulging in that any longer. If you aren't some fool... which I will assume you're not... then you can make your way out of here with the assistance of this." She regained her bratty demeanor to present Isaac with the item bundled in the cloth she had been carrying. "This washed up on the shore along with you. I have made sure to conserve any battery left. It's faint but by some miracle this gets the slightest of cellular service. You'll be able to make for an SOS signal and leave here without ever looking back."

"Hand it over." Isaac stepped to Eliza with his hand out. His tall frame was menacing over her young teen body. She may have had curves but that was only leading to Isaac becoming erect as he gazed at Eliza with intensity. The intimidating aura Isaac gave off took her by surprise and caused the girl to flinch back. She was usually quite snippy but there was something different about his demeanor. Something more raw. Eliza was holding the only hope of the man returning home in her hand but would not simply give him the device without any assurance.

"Not so fast..." The teen said. "Assure me that you are not going to return to the tribe. That our home will remain a secret and you leave us in peace." The teen knew she was tempting danger by challenging the older man but she couldn't help herself. Seeing his loincloth pitch a tent for her made her almost lose focus. The underage teen's warm brown eyes shimmered behind her glasses as she watched him. "You aren't getting anything unless you can accept that."

"Heh. I'm so glad you're not going to make this easy for me since I won't be going easy on you." Isaac chuckled at her obnoxious demands. Before he was teased into action by the bratty nature of the little girl's on this island but he had ceased to have any personal conflict with how hot these curvy little children were. He used both hands to grab Eliza by the back of her head and aggressively force the teen onto her knees.

"You have no idea how rough I got with those sluts. How much they liked it after I was done with them." Isaac taunted Eliza as he waved his hard prick by her face. The adult's meat cannon was at a staggering 15 inches with bulging veins that throbbed. His piss slit was gushing pre-cum sliding down his shaft and onto his fat full balls. While Eliza was shocked and almost even delighted she was not giving up any of the attitude she had been giving him before.

Eliza gasped and dropped the cellphone when she was shoved down. Her eyes widened at the enormous size of his thick veiny dick. A clear stream of pre cum dripped down from Isaac's tip and Eliza could see the warmth radiating off his meaty pole. She shuddered, feeling her mouth water. The teen gulped hard, trying to regain her composure.

"Y-you wouldn't dare!" She stammered. Despite the quiver in her voice, Eliza's expression only showed anger.

"None of you little bitches are going to tell me what to do again!" Isaac growled loudly as he gripped Eliza's hair tighter. Her cheeks turned rosy and she licked her soft pink lips hungrily. Eliza might have been keeping her bratty persona up but the girl was not resisting anything that Isaac was doing to her.

He began guiding the tip of his prick to her lips. He rubbed his cock across them leaving a wet mark of pre-cum and pressed against them in his first act of making the underage girl obey.

Isaac held her head steady while thrusting his hips inwards. His massive tool hit right onto the entrance of Eliza's throat but he wasn't done forcing more inwards. Pushing through the resistance of her immature breathing valve Isaac forced more cock inside until half his member was lodged in. Even now that Eliza was gagging all over him she remained tough and glaring at him.

Eliza grunted harshly around Isaac's large member. The sudden intrusion surprised the teen and she felt her eyes starting to swell. His girth stretched her throat open and filled it completely. She groaned and coughed around his length but refused to submit. Her hands gripped his legs tightly and she glared up at him. She tried pushing him away but the strength of his grip and his sheer mass overpowered her.

"Gnnhhglll!!!" She mumbled. Spittle coated Isaac's cock and dribbled down from the corners of her lips. "Mmmnnnn!!" Eliza grunted and struggled while tears formed in the corner of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. She glared daggers at Isaac no matter how much pressure he and his cock were putting against her face. The underage girl was not going to go down without a fight.

"You're taking orders from someone else now kid." Isaac said to her while looking back into her angry eyes. He proceeded to using her hot teen mouth to fuck and use for his pleasure. The man wasn't just teaching Eliza a lesson but fucking her face to get off.

Eliza stayed kneeled beneath Isaac, accepting her place as the object of his lust. She sputtered and coughed around the entirety of his cock but kept her hands glued to his legs. She moaned and whimpered around his meaty rod, feeling spit trickle down her chin.

Her tears and drool were flooding down her face and her rosy cheeks burned red. Every time Isaac drove himself deeper into her tight virgin throat Eliza could feel her stomach lurching forward. With every gag her throat tightened around his dick, pulsing around him. She couldn't believe she was actually enjoying having her face pounded into by a grown man's monster cock but no matter what she could not let him witness how vulnerable she was becoming for him.

"Do you get it now? Do you see who's in charge?" Isaac barked at the little girl and pulled his dick from her mouth. His shaft was coated in her spit but only wanted to humiliate and degrade her before pushing his fuck tube back in. Even though Eliza was out of breathe and weakened by getting skull fucked she was still managing to be a brat. The teen whimpered. Drool spilled from her lips as Isaac pulled himself from her mouth. She took deep, heavy breaths to fill her lungs with oxygen once more.

"N-no I don't.." Eliza croaked. "You're nothing special. Any man could shove his gross penis down my throat.." She breathed. The underage teen glared defiantly at the older man behind her glasses. Eliza muttered angrily. Her tear stained cheeks were still flushed and her chest rose and fell as she panted heavily. She coughed and choked, still trying to catch her breath.

"I'm n..not going to b-be afraid of... youuu..." Eliza whined. Despite saying such words the petite underage teen was trembling with anticipation. Her lips quivered softly and she held her mouth close to his shaft. Her heart thumped rapidly and she found it harder to scowl at the older man. "Well? Are y-you going to continue o-or are we done here?"

"I knew you were gonna like it. I didn't even have to bust your little asshole for you to show what a slut you are." Isaac mocked the curvy teen and forced his oversized manhood back into her throat. This time he wasn't stopping until all 15 inches got buried into her. Eliza managed to keep her angry scowl for the first few moments her mouth was reintroduced to cock. By the time Isaac was bashing her nose onto the pubic hairs of his pelvis she couldn't keep it up any longer.

She tried desperately to maintain her dignity by fighting against her urges but the young teen realized it was pointless. Her body craved the sensation of getting facefucked. When Isaac's balls slapped against her chin and she felt him bottoming out Eliza's eyelids would become heavy. Her rosy cheeks flared a brighter shade of red as drool poured from her mouth. Eliza's tongue went limp and hung loosely from her mouth, allowing Isaac to drive himself deep enough that it slipped from her lips. It dragged along the base of his shaft and teased at the base around Isaac's big full balls.

Eliza's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she saw stars. Her tiny nostrils flared and inhaled the musky scent of Isaac's sweaty pubes. They tickled her skin and added to the heat emanating from her blushing cheeks.She finally submitted and allowed the older man to use her like a toy.

"Hngggk!!! Mmpphh!!! Nnnngghhhh!!!! GLLLKKKKK!!" Eliza moaned loudly around Isaac's shaft. The underage teen drooled uncontrollably and her tongue instinctively lapped at the underside of his shaft. It pulsed and twitched inside of her and the feeling left Eliza shivering with delight. She was practically choking on his meat but the experience was incredible. As her vision returned, her eyes gleamed brightly. There was something addicting about submitting to Isaac's dominance. This wasn't just advising the ruler of this island but serving a new leader for worship.

"Time to eat up!" Isaac moaned and unloaded the contents of his ripe testicles. The child's throat was quickly becoming overburdened with how much chunky nut slop was pumped into it. Eliza's body shook and thrashed as she tried swallowing everything but the pressure was too intense. Thick white sperm bubbled from the sides of her mouth and the teen was left powerless as the adult seeded her digestive system with jizz.

The 13 year old teen's mind shattered and she orgasmed intensely. Her body writhed and tensed. Eliza's thighs clamped together, rubbing themselves eagerly. Her fingers curled, digging into Isaac's muscular thighs. The older man's climax sent the curvy black teen over the edge. Eliza's eyelids fluttered shut and her vision blurred. Isaac's thick ropes of jizz flooded her esophagus. They were too much for the underage girl to handle and soon, they spurted from her nostrils and plastered her glasses. Eliza's stomach swelled with how much breeding jelly was shot into her.

"How are you feeling now Eliza? Still have any silly ideas about who is in charge?" Isaac looked at the weakened little teen he just face fucked. Eliza was still panting for breath while coughing out cum but he only wanted to prove his point.

"N..No sir..." Eliza whimpered. She trembled nervously and wheezed for air but struggled to suck in a single breath. Cum drizzled from her nostrils, dripping from her glasses. Her vision was obscured but the underage teen could see that Isaac's massive cock was still fully erect. The salty taste of his semen lingered on her tongue. The curvy black girl swallowed some of his warm, potent load but there was still so much sitting in her digestive system. "I'll give you the phone..." She mumbled with a hoarse voice..

Eliza's limbs felt weak. The underage teen slumped towards Isaac and reached for the cellular device stuck in the sand, weakly offered it to him. She watched his towering frame intently and could feel her core heating up. The feeling made her blush deeply. "H...here.." Eliza spoke between heavy breaths. Her tiny palm extended, presenting the device to Isaac.

"That's not what I want." Isaac ignored the phone and reached right for the little girl submitting on her knees. His hulking adult hands gripped Eliza's waist to hoist her off the ground. Isaac held her to his chest and promptly tore whatever material kept her clothed. Two massive black butt cheeks were naked and just above Isaac's throbbing dick. "I'm not done with you. Did you really think I'd let you go before I take this ass too?"

"Wait! Y-you can't possibly fit in there!" Eliza yelped as Isaac shredded the makeshift skirt. A rush of cool air assaulted the underage teen's ebony pussy and she gasped loudly. Eliza shivered violently. Her fat, voluptuous cheeks rested directly above the older man's gigantic member. She was so light and tiny compared to him that the huge, veiny shaft nestled itself between her huge buttocks. The feeling caused her to tense and bite her bottom lip. Her soft, plump cheeks enveloped Isaac's girth, smothering it. The warmth radiating from his pole made Eliza quiver.

"C-can you just be gentle... Please?" As Eliza accepted her face she began to wrap her arms around his neck with her legs around the man's broad torso. She knew he was in charge and could take what he wanted but his massive tool made her as worried as well as excited.

Using one hand Isaac adjusted his tip to make sure Eliza's anus would accept the invader. His other arm wrapped around her torso to pin her small tits. While doing all this the man teased the child further by grinding his enormous prick into the crack of her bubble butt. Her cheeks were nice and cushiony which gave Isaac lots of comfort.

"Are you forgetting who is in charge here?" Isaac asked while keeping his manhood in position. The only thing preventing him from popping her anal cherry was letting go of her curvy body was him dropping her as Eliza curled her legs around him in excited fear. The man had no patience for Eliza's hesitation and did not plan on going easy on her to fuck her huge underage ass.

"Of course not.. sir.." Eliza whimpered. As nervous as she was, the underage teen was unable to hide her excitement. The moment the tip of Isaac's shaft grazed her back entrance Eliza's body tensed. She could feel her hole tightening and clenched her round, ebony cheeks together.

When she heard the man question her she glanced at him with puppy dog eyes and blushed furiously.

"Y-yes sir... You are.. You're in charge." She said timidly. She gulped hard as Isaac's hands wandered her petite frame. Feeling him pin her slim torso against his sturdy figure sent shivers up the curvy teen's spine. His strength overwhelmed her and left Eliza quivering with anticipation.

"Good... Now take it like a good bitch!" Isaac growled as he dropped her hips. Eliza's hole instantly parted wide open to accommodate his mammoth adult phallus. Her anus was being stretched far more than humanly possible but Isaac's dominant nature was giving the underage teen no choice but to take it. The man drove his member deep through the ring of her anus. His thrusts never relented nor slowed down and by the time half his shaft had penetrated the teen's bowels.

"AHHH!! SIR WAIT!!! IT'S TOO BIG FOR MY-" Eliza screamed and cut herself off. The searing pain that accompanied her rectal virginity being taken left her breathless. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes and trickled down her rosy cheeks. She shuddered violently, whimpering loudly. Eliza clung desperately to Isaac, clinging onto his frame for support.

Her back entrance strained to adjust to the immense size of Isaac's member but there was no slowing him down. Each time Eliza tried speaking or calling out to him, his next thrust would send her words into a flurry of incomprehensible babbling. Her tiny asshole hugged Isaac's shaft tightly, constricting around his length. As the man pulled back, dropping his hips and lifting her body he gave his hardest thrust yet. Eliza's asshole was forced in with 15 inches of brutal adult cock and it was turning her mind blank. All she could feel was devotion and joy as the little girl was anal fucked into worship as her huge ass clapped off Isaac's aggressive pumping.

"OH GOD!!! FUCK ME HARDER! POUND MY SLUTTY ASSHOLE SIR!!" Eliza screamed. Every time Isaac's mammoth girth sank into her guts it brought her closer to orgasm. His member slammed into her prostate making her toes curl. He used her holes to get off without holding anything back. Eliza could barely catch her breath. Her tiny shitpipe was forced open each time Isaac thrust upwards, spearing his dick deeper into her intestines.

As the man bounced Eliza's curvy teen body off his hips, her tight rim remained stretched around him. Even after accepting the entirety of Isaac's shaft her greedy anus refused to release its hold on him. Drool oozed from the corners of her lips, drenching his shoulder.

"That's more fucking like it!" Isaac laughed as he plowed away. Each smash had her huge ass wobbling bringing him closer to climax. "I want all you little sluts to be treated like this! Every one of your bodies is mine now!"

"NNNGGHHHHH!!! AAAAHHHH!!! YES SIIIRR!!!" Eliza moaned wildly as her ass was filled with warm, virile jizz. Isaac's hot sticky loads painted her insides and her bowels were pumped with endless amounts of potent breeding batter. Despite already being stuffed with copious amounts of cum, the man continued ravaging her curvy frame. The underage teen quivered violently and her muscles tightened. Eliza's toes curled and her nails dug into Isaac's back. As her body tensed, the little girl experienced an explosive climax. She shrieked, orgasming intensely.

Thick jets of femcum spurted from Eliza's tight, hairless slit. Her juices coated Isaac's abdomen and splattered his bulging pectorals. With each clap of her round, ebony buttocks Eliza squirted harder. The teen's vision blurred and her head spun.He continued fucking Eliza even when her bowels where blasted with creamy spunk. Stars flickered in front of her eyes and she saw a flash of white light. Her asshole convulsed and twitched rapidly. It milked the older man's shaft for every last drop of his spunk.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!! Sirrr!!!" Eliza cried out. Her tiny, immature body tensed as it received an overwhelming amount of stimulation. Her belly bloated as Isaac continued slamming into her. Ropes of semen surged from his urethra, filling her to the brim.

Isaac dropped the teen onto the sand. She was a distraught mess with no energy to move a single muscle. The man claimed his cell phone and waited patiently. The light of its screen and chime of it powering up was his only glimpse of modern civilization in the past several days. By some act of a true miracle he was getting a satellite signal. It was nothing that was ever sustained for more than a couple seconds but using whatever battery was left gave Isaac the opportunity to reach out for help.

"We can finally go home…" He said to himself. Isaac visualized himself back in his house and resuming his life as a father with Ashley back to being his sweet little girl. Their relationship could finally be fixed once they got off this place and returned to normal life.

As he looked down at the underage girl he just dominated, Isaac realized there was no going back to normal life and no way to go about solving this by waiting things out and talking it out. Isaac tossed his phone into the water. This island wasn't his home and the Tribe Mother wasn't his daughter. If Isaac wanted to claim this territory as his own he knew that there was only one method to tame these brats.