
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The Isle of Ass: A Father's Finding MiddayMonster

Chapter 2 Summary: Isaac goes on a hunt with Alba to prove his worth to the tribe

"Ashley! Can we talk? I'm your father! I'm not a prisoner or just some guy. I'm your dad!"

"Here, you are something different." The Tribe Mother responded with a look of boredom as she ignored their pleas from her father to speak. The 12 year old matriarch was flanked by Alba and Eliza who acted as a barrier from the father to daughter. Ashley was leading him into the tribe where Isaac could get his first sight of the island and the tiny civilization the children had made for themselves.

The land was of a tropical variety with beachy shores and palm trees reaching out into further forest areas. What was more stunning than the sights however was the small village the children had called a tribe. Whatever housing kept the group of girls sheltered was certainly not made by children. A soil made walking path lined several primitive clay houses that were not much bigger than a singular room but were stable enough to have survived several centuries. There had been several girls, young girls peeking their heads from around the corners staring at Isaac like he was an alien. Every child and even including Ashley had unexplainably huge asses.

"This hut will act as your home, for now at least." Ashley replied once they had made their way to a hut that was standing in a far corner of the living space, isolated from the rest of the tribe. As Tribe Mother she never let her emotions impede on her judgments but now faced with the man she formerly known as Dad, Ashley could turn all of those feelings off.

"Hut? That's not a talk. Ashley please. I've been looking for you sweetie. I haven't spent a day not thinking of you. Of how to find you again..."

"It was a plane crash…" Ashley snapped but took a moment to collect herself before speaking again. "By all accounts I should not be alive. And more importantly I did not wish for you to come searching."

"But sweetheart. You're my daughter. I couldn't just accept…" Isaac attempted to step closer to his daughter but was interrupted by the spear wielding teenager.

"Back it up buddy. No touching the boss lady." Alba said as she pushed Isacc away with the neck of her spear. "You sure we don't wanna off him? We could throw him back in the cave, heheh."

"I doubt that will be necessary. Will it? Issac." Ashley looked her father in the eye while maintaining an emotionless glare.

"No… No I don't think so…" The man said with utter defeat. Just hearing his daughter forgo the words Dad, Father or Daddy felt heartbreaking.

"I suggest you get plenty of rest tonight. You'll need it."

"And why is that?"

"Cus tomorrow you're big hairy ass is goin on a lil safari with me." Alba grinned.

"If you are to live amongst us then you must provide some benefit to the tribe. Alba is the sole hunter for meat. As little as I should care for someone so emotional and rash… I do believe a second hunter could provide us with a benefit."

"We all have a role here. Even the youngest of us." Eliza commented.

"Is there any way I can talk to you Ashley? Please…" Isaac said in desperation. He just wanted to speak with his daughter. The Tribe Mother had no response for the man. She simply turned herself around and left his little clay hut that was now Isaac's only home.

"Rest it up muchacho. And you may wanna get changed for tomorrow too. We made a lil somethin special for ya." Alba chuckled and pointed out the loincloth that would replace his clothing.

There was so much Isaac wanted to do and say but this was no ordinary circumstance on no ordinary island.If Isaac was going to repair his relationship and get off this island with his daughter he would simply have to go along with what was expected of him. At the very least he had a nice sheet of cloth to use for a bed and some rough fabric that felt more comfortable than torn up pants. He had trouble getting himself to sleep but was determined to prove his worth to the tribe.


The farther reaches of the forest was the area Alba was most familiar with and most at peace. These were the teen's hunting grounds and she could always rely on finding some animal to take back to her tribe. Between the thickets of tall trees, mossy boulders, and grassy vines was something to kill and cut for meat. Whether it be something dangerous or just easy pickings Alba enjoyed the adrenaline that came with doing what she does best.

It was easy for her to hop from mossy builder to vine and perch herself on a tree branch. She was not simply a strong girl but an agile 15 year old huntress who was just as sexy as she was deadly. Alba's arms and abdomen had clear hints of her athletic prowess with only a few hints of the muscles around her smooth deep mocha skin. Unlike the other girl's of the island she had actually grown enough boobs for her perky C cup jugs to fill out the cloth fashioned into a tube top. Any muscles that were in the teen's leg were completely overshadowed with the plump curve of her thighs.

The most prominent of Alba's endowment was the girl's ass. Much like every girl on the island her beautifully bouncy buttocks stuck out from her rear like two juicy skull sized globes of round blubber. Even now while she positioned into a squat had her ass sticking backwards like a shelf of curvy plow meat.

"Yo! You needa break slow poke?" The teen called back to Isaac who had not been able to keep up with the young girl's agility. The island had never seen the inhabitant of a boy, let alone a grown man like Isaac and now he had to prove his place amongst them.

"No, I can manage... You're just so fast..." Isaac called back to Alba while wheezing for air.

"If you wanna give up I can just gut you right here like any other beast. Would probably be less embarrassing for you." Alba snickered. Whether Isaac could hunt or not didn't matter much to her. Alba was just having fun being a bratty tease to the older man and enjoyed the sport of a possible competitor. It was a treat watching Isaac struggle to keep up. Though if Alba really wanted to run she would have left this man in the dust without question. There was no reason to ditch the older man. At least for the time being he made a good source of entertainment and someone else who could help her bring back meat to the tribe.

"Don't look too excited to end me. I don't give up easily." Isaac said while finally catching up to Alba as he followed her around the forest. The man had not moved so fast since he was in high-school, let alone in a tropical forest with all sorts of terrain to navigate around.

"Whatever you say, big guy. Hurry it up!" Alba hopped down from her spot on the tree branch to land gracefully on her feet. Her breasts bounced lightly while her ass jiggled so hard they audibly clapped together as the rest of her body landed from such a height. Alba led the way through the forest until she found the perfect place to hide and watch for animals. She climbed up another tree to find a suitable hiding spot and waited for Isaac to do the same before noticing he was still falling behind.

"Alba! Alba?! Where did you go?!" Isaac called out trying to look through the scenery. It didn't take more than a few moments for Isaac to lose track of Alba as she climbed into her hiding spot. The man rushed to the tree she disappeared behind only to be left alone and without a clue what to be doing. He had no clue that Alba was just above head sneakily watching from above.

"That damn fucking girl..." Isaac groaned in annoyed agony. "I swear to god I should just put her and that juicy big ass of hers in its place. Bet that girl would like her ass getting pounded out too..." He said to himself, completely unaware that Alba could hear every word he was saying.

What she had overheard from Isaac was music to her ears. The teen couldn't help but giggle softly from above as she watched Isaac get more and more frantic. As he started mumbling to himself she tried hard to listen intently. Hearing those naughty words about her ass sparked the wild teenager's curiosity. With one graceful jump Alba dropped down from the tree landing in front of Isaac.


"Gahhh!" Isaac gasped and recoiled back but Alba was stepping closer as he moved back.

She got right up close to his ear and whispered. "What was that 'bout pounding my ass, old man?" Alba asked while poking at his crotch with the blunt end of her spear.


"W-where the fuck did you come from?" He asked but realized she was the one asking questions. Even after he already fucked two thick assed tribe girl's Isaac was holding onto a sliver of his modesty now that he wasn't uncontrollably horny. "I wasn't saying anything about pounding your ass... I was just saying I couldn't follow you." Isaac covered up for his perverted comments but Alba knew what she heard.

"You sure? That didn't sound like nothing about following me. Sounded like you were talkin' bout poundin' my ass. Not that I mind, old man. Sounds pretty nice." The horny teen giggled again as she tilted her head playfully as she continued to prod at Isaac's groin then moved even closer to press her whole body up against Isaac. The softness of her breasts pushed firmly against him while her huge ass curved outwards in the opposite direction. She looked up into his eyes with her own sparkly brown irises.

"So what was it that you did to Bryce and Fallon? They seemed really thrilled about whatever you did together." She teased Isaac mercilessly as she groped around his thighs. Her body was lithe and slender compared to Isaac's bulky build but Alba used every bit of strength she had to push the man around.

"I didn't do anything to those girls." Isaac narrowed his eyes and tried to stand his ground. Alba was clearly able to push her way around and intimidate the other children on the island but Isaac would not have it. The man totally lost control fucking those children and was still struggling to deal with the guilt as well as intense pleasure he felt after the fact. As attractive as Alba and her massive ass was, Isaac did not want a repeat of yesterday.

"Uh huh suuure." Alba rolled her eyes with a grin still spread across her face. "Some of the other little girlies at the tribe may be dumb as rocks but I am NOT. I know what you did with them, naughty old man." The teen purred as her hands traveled all around his thighs.

"And I'm not going to do anything to you either." He glared, trying his best not to look at the curvy hip shaking around to further tease the sexual desires he held within. "You're children..."

"Bullshit. Like I'm gonna believe you when I heard them squealing loud enough for the whole tribe to hear you. They liked getting fucked and I know you liked it too." She argued. Alba had no interest in listening to Isaac's weak excuses. "Now why don't ya drop the act and show me what you did to them? Or are you scared you're gonna like it too much?"

"No... I'm here to hunt. To prove myself. Now get off me." Isaac pushed the teen off of him and contained the potential erection if he let Alba go on any further. With a spear in his hand the man marched forward.

"Damn grumpy ol' man." She grumbled quietly as she turned to catch back up with him. "We'll see how far that gets ya!"Alba yelled while hopping back up the trees. From there she could easily guide Isaac through the forest as they searched for prey. The teen had plenty of energy and was determined to use it as soon as possible. Alba wasn't bothered at all by Isaac rejecting her advances. In fact, she saw it as a challenge and planned to seduce the older man later. For the time being she decided to focus on the hunt, hoping that once Isaac gets tired and worn down it'll be easier to get him worked up again.

It didn't take very long for the huntress to notice signs of prey nearby. She gently poked at Isaac with the backside of her spear. "Shhhh... You gut that piggy and we can pack it up and go back home. Let's see what you're made of." There was a large boar grazing peacefully. Alba had hunted this particular type of beast many times before, for her it would be a cakewalk but Isaac was the one who had to prove himself.

Isaac gave the teen a nod then carefully crept forward towards the oblivious animal. He had gotten better at sneaking throughout the day and kept a low profile as he approached the beast. Alba's eyes lit up brightly as she watched the older man stalk his target. A small smirk appeared across her face seeing Isaac begin to handle the hunting spear correctly. Once Isaac felt confident enough in his position he thrust forward and attempted to stab the boar in its side. Unfortunately the animal quickly dodged his attack and sprinted away leaving the tip of the spear stuck in the ground.

"Shit!" Isaac cried out realizing his mistake. This not something he could take to easily and quickly took grab of his spear to chase down the boar. While he struggled, Alba felt amused watching the man's attempt.

"HAH! What kinda move was that? You tryna dance with the piggy?" Seeing Isaac fail miserably sent Alba into a fit of laughter. She laughed uncontrollably while jumping down from the trees. The sight of Isaac chasing after the boar only furthered the hilarity of the situation.

"Wow! You really suck at this whole hunting thing." She chuckled before walking up to Isaac. Once the boar disappeared Alba finally managed to calm herself. "Better move quick or your lil friend is gonna get away." Alba taunted teasingly.

While Isaac chased after his prey Alba trailed close behind keeping a safe distance so that she didn't interfere with his hunt. Despite mocking him earlier she was impressed with his persistence. However, even Alba's patience could wear thin and eventually grew tired of watching Isaac miss strike after strike.

"This damn thing!!! Grrr..." Isaac chased after the boar, managing to flail his spear in its direction without landing a single blow. If he didn't keep up the animal would outrun him. In a last ditch effort the man leapt forward, hoping to at least crush the boar with his weight.

"I got you now!" Isaac yelped as his shadow rolled over the animal's body. Much like all his attacks prior this Hail Mary was a failure leaving Isaac to flop onto the forest floor and lose any chance of killing his prey. He lay on the ground for a moment to process his failure. As he rolled onto his back he looked up to see Alba standing over him with a smug look on her face. "Don't say anything. Not a word..."

"HAHAHAHA! OH MY GAWD! You SUCK!" Alba guffawed hysterically. Alba snickered lightly at first that gradually evolved into full blown cackling. Once the teen calmed down she wiped her eyes dry and took deep breaths to recover. "Holy shit! That was the funniest thing I've ever seen!" She continued laughing to herself until the boar could no longer be found. As she mocked him on the floor, Isaac was able to see up her loincloth. Her ass was truly massive and bounced beautifully beneath the fabric. It was quite a shame he couldn't enjoy such a view without Alba ridiculing him or him trying to remind himself of how underage she was. "Well guess I guess I just gotta remind you what you coulda been playin with instead of being a prude boring loser."

"W-what are you talking about?" Isaac asked while he lay still on the ground. It was while he was down that Alba lowered herself to sit right atop the man's face. Any response or resistance was silenced by the huge pair of underage butt cheeks totally enrapturing his skull.

The young huntress had grown impatient with Isaac and decided that a little lesson was in order. Before the older man could question her, Alba plopped her juicy round rear directly onto his face. Her massive booty completely blocked his vision while she rubbed her posterior all around. "You shoulda taken the offer while you still had a chance, grumpy ol' man." Alba giggled and began grinding her hips slowly back and forth.

"A-Alba!... MMnnnghhmmmm... Get off!.... MMmnngggmmmm..." Any time the man tried to speak he was further covered by the teen girl's ass. Alba's but would wobble around the man's face while her tight underage pussy and even tighter asshole was wiped across his face.

Alba didn't budge an inch despite hearing Isaac's muffled complaints. The teen was enjoying herself far too much to stop. With the teenager sitting upright and bending forwards it was easy to rock her entire bottom back and forth against Isaac's face. Each movement caused her buttocks to jiggle and wobble while squishing against his mouth and nose. The mocha flesh of Alba's huge bubble butt rippled like waves as it swallowed up every inch of the older man's head.

Alba moved on her own accord, riding her huge round butt all along the surface of Isaac's skin. She gyrated her hips passionately, smothering his lips against her anus. Alba's smooth anus puckered open and closed while brushing against Isaac's face. She moaned softly each time the rim of her ass hole kissed his skin. The teen loved everything about having her big fat booty grinded all over Isaac's face.

It wasn't long for Isaac to give up on resisting. Indulging in her soft cushy butt cheeks and leaking pussy juices staining his face lead to his biology to betray his attraction. While he was well aware this girl was only 15 Isaac's foot long cock took too much enjoyment of having his face sat on. From under his loincloth his dick started to poke upwards, only making it apparent to Alba that he was turned on.

"MMmmm. Feels good, doesn't it, old man? Just admit it." Alba cooed softly while continuing to hump Isaac's face. Her fingers gripped tightly into his hair as she held on firmly. Alba's huge curvy bottom jiggled constantly while rubbing against the older man's skin. Every part of his face became coated by her dripping wet pussy fluids.

After noticing Isaac's growing member underneath his loincloth Alba smiled mischievously and reached forward. "What's wrong? Got something else you wanna bury in my ass besides your face?" She teased while grabbing hold of the shaft with both hands. Her grip wrapped tightly around the thick rod squeezing it with firm pressure. Alba stroked slowly and pumped along the length of his cock while remaining seated comfortably atop his face.

"Gahhh... Relax, Alba. Get your hands off of that." Isaac responded once her immaculate ass was hunched over enough to give him room to speak. His cock only responded to her touch by gushing out rapid spurts of pre-cum fluids that nearly splashed the teens face with how messy it all was.

"Hehehe! Sure don't seem like ya want me to relax when you're throbbing hard like this. Just admit you like being buried in my fat ass and I'll think about letting you breathe." Alba giggled and continued stroking the meaty pipe between Isaac's legs. Her nimble fingers squeezed around the base of his shaft pumping rhythmically. Pre-cum oozed from the tip and trickled down her knuckles, coating her palms slickly.

"These balls look too full for you to be such a prude." Alba moved her hands from the man's pipe down to his engorged testicles. With gentle squeezes Alba fondled the sack lovingly, massaging deeply into the skin while occasionally tugging lightly. All the while Alba kept grinding her massive bubbly booty against Isaac's face.

Isaac moaned while feeling the smooth tender hands of an underage teen massaging his balls. He couldn't take all the teasing and ass that was weighing down on him. He took hold of Alba's ass, each hand on her cheeks to then spread her open, only making the teen leak and even more horny.

"You slutty fucking tease." He said before sticking his face right between her blubbery booty so his lips could begin to kiss and tease the pecker of her asshole.

"Oooohhh! Now yer getting into it, old man." Alba gasped sharply, feeling the older man squeeze onto her giant round rump. Both palms sank deeply into the doughy flesh of her cheeks spreading apart easily. With his fingertips reaching inward she felt Isaac's thumbs rub against her sensitive anus. Alba sighed pleasurably while her asshole twitched against his touch.

"Mmmnnghhhh." The man began to slowly introduce his tongue into the little girl's insides. While sealing his lips around her wrinkled hole the man plunged inwards to explore Alba's innards. The sluty teen squealed loudly as Isaac shoved his tongue into her anus. She immediately loosened her grip on his scrotum and focused her grip back to his gigantic shaft. Even while he took the effort to focus on eating her ass he couldn't stop from enjoying the way her hands slid up and down his cock to attempt jerking him off.

"OOOhhh fuuuck!! Mmppphhh!" Alba screamed euphorically while Isaac's tongue slithered inside her rectum. Her small pink sphincter clenched shut tightly around his slimy appendage but did nothing to deter his efforts. Instead the man probed deeper, licking rapidly within Alba's anal cavity. The teen trembled excitedly upon feeling Isaac's slippery muscle swirling wildly through her bowels.

As much pleasure she received from his oral performance Alba's focus remained fixated on his mammoth sized penis. She stroked vigorously along his length, pumping her hands quickly up and down the girthy rod. Thick globs of precum dribbled from Isaac's urethra which drizzled down the underside of his shaft.

Isaac's skills at rimming Alba's tight 15 year old asshole only proved more intense as he dragged his tongue deeper into her. The man was no longer playing around with teasing this tight hole. He gave each of her cheeks a smack then squeezed his fingers against her smooth flesh until each digit was nearly enveloped by the bloat of her ass. His sloppy mouth licked and pried and hit all the most sensitive spots. He was closing in on giving Alba an intense climax while being unaware how close he was to his own.

"AAAHHN!! Fuck! FUCK! YEESS!!" Alba cried out ecstatically while Isaac ate away at her anus. Every second that passed made the teen scream louder than before. Her cries echoed throughout the jungle surrounding them. Her tiny pink sphincter convulsed uncontrollably, pulsing wildly around the older man's tongue. Warm beads of sweat formed across her forehead glistening brightly beneath the sun's rays. Alba's body trembled furiously causing her colossal curvy rear end to wobble erratically atop Isaac's face.

Just as Alba felt her orgasm approaching, Isaac erupted suddenly spraying a deluge of semen all over her face. Ropes of hot sticky sperm splattered everywhere drenching the young huntress thoroughly. She gasped surprised by the sheer amount Isaac ejaculated but recovered quickly to lap up whatever white gooey liquid landed near her lips.

"MMmmm. Holy shit!" Alba exclaimed cheerfully while reaching her own orgasm. The teen's petite frame shook violently, shuddering intensely. Her pelvic muscles contracted spasmodically releasing a torrential flood of feminine juices streaming from her vagina. Isaac's cock was letting out a viscous load of breeding slop. His seed stained Alba's face as well as making its way straight upwards before landing in a pile between his legs.


"Happy now? Let's get back to business." The man said while stumbling to his feet after the underage teen got her huge ass off his face. Isaac was determined to bring something back to the tribe and prove his worth but Alba was hoping for more than just a tongue after what they had just done together.

"We ain't done yet, old man." She grinned playfully wiping cum from her face. Confidently walking towards Isaac who stood defiantly holding his spear firmly in one hand. "You didn't really think I'd let ya get off THAT easy did ya?" The teen chuckled lightly reaching her arms outward wrapping them around Isaac's muscular torso. Without hesitation Alba pulled her loincloth off her and presented herself for the man to take. The teen began to wiggle her hips in a mating call for Isaac to come mount her plump cheeks and shove his meaty pipe into the hole he just greased with his spit.

"C'mon Papi! You got this booty all worked up..." She purred while her ass jiggled and clapped together making her buttocks rippled rhythmically. "So why dontcha stuff it full already?" Alba taunted seductively biting her lip waiting eagerly for Isaac to claim his prize.

"No... I need to hunt. I need to prove myself." Isaac turned from the needy underage girl who wanted to have her virgin ass fucked.

"C'monnn. Doncha want another piece?" The teen purred while leaning back against the trunk of a palm tree. Alba remained bent over with her enormous bubble butt stuck out prominently. Her massive posterior bounced beautifully each time Alba shifted her weight slightly. Isaac paused for a moment to get temporarily hypnotized in the swelling spheres of wobbly ass meat. It was difficult pulling away and even more of a challenge when his balls felt this needy to unload even more cum.

"No. We need to get back to hunting." Isaac said as he turned his head away from the sight of Alba's juicy ass.

"Grrr.. Whatever. Your loss!" Alba grumbled to herself and held on to the sexual frustrations Isaac pent her up with. Accepting that her asshole would remain spit greased and unfucked she decided to help the man with his mission, at least for now. She got a hold of herself and pointed out the tracks the boar left on its escape. "Yo fuckbrain. Your little friend went that way. That is if you still tryna hunt piggies."

"Uhm... Right." He replied, correcting his path and heading towards the direction Alba was pointing. Traveling through the forest had now become tense for the both of them. There was an undeniable lust still lingering in their bodies but now the focus was elsewhere.

"You know. Maybe if you give me a couple pointers this whole hunting thing could move along quicker. Think you can help me out?" Isaac asked. At the very least he was hoping their little fun made the teen sweeter on him.

"I'm not helping your dumbass." She scoffed at his request for help. "If you can't hunt you can't make it around here. Let alone put any of your filthy fingers on my body again. Prove your worth then you can go back to being a gross pervert." Though the teen agreed to help track down prey there wasn't any guarantee that she planned on assisting further. While the pair trekked through dense foliage they came across several animal footprints scattered across muddy soil. These were fresh markings indicating a trail leading toward another boar grazing peacefully ahead of them. The beast appeared oblivious to their presence and provided Isaac with an opportunity to strike. However, instead of encouraging the older man onward Alba sat back and crossed her arms watching curiously.

"I got this.. I got this…." Isaac turned his focus to the boar and flung his spear at its side. "Hit!" He cheered as his spear grazed one of its legs, crippling the animal while it made for its escape. "You're not getting away this time." Isaac quickly leapt into action, grabbing his spear and following the trail of blood the animal was now leaving. He moved with even more speed and confidence as he quickly kept up with the boar. Isaac didn't waste his time making awkward attacks while moving, the man chased his prey until the boar was cornered with no place to run between a large boulder and a hill too steep for the animal to climb. "You're mine now piggy." Isaac paused to focus on where to strike his blow. Just as he was about to make a powerful attack to end this animal and prove himself a worthy member of the tribe, Alba had thrown her own spear into its skull. She was the one to make the kill, not Isaac.

"Hahaaahaha! In your face, ol' man! Looks like you REALLY are useless!" Alba laughed mockingly and proudly walked towards the deceased animal. "Guess you weren't ready for big game hunting. Shame really." She teased the defeated older man sarcastically.

The teen grabbed hold of her spear, yanking it free from the boar's head. "Who knows how the Tribe Mother will react when she hears this. Look on the bright side. Maybe I won't have to cut off your head and we'll just throw you back in that cave to keep you as our prisoner. Who knows." Alba teased him as Isaac's fate was now unclear.

"You little..." Isaac was still in shock that his hunt was cut short by Alba's impatience. The teen had been messing with him the whole time and he was at his breaking point. "YOU BRAT!" Isaac lunged for the teen and knocked the spear from her hand. The man grabbed hold of her shoulder and looked angrily into her eyes. Alba had never come across anything around the island that was stronger than her but the sexy Latina teen wouldn't let him advance on her without a little fight.

"Ouch!" Alba yelped loudly struggling fiercely attempting desperately to break free from Isaac's grasp. Her smaller physique was easily overpowered by his massive build. With one arm pinned behind her back the teen flailed viciously kicking and punching repeatedly. Even though Alba lacked strength compared to Isaac she fought back relentlessly, eventually finding the way to squirm and wriggle free.

"You had your chance Papi! Now get your hands off me!" Alba took a swing at the man's face but her fist bounced off his bearded face like paper. He was too enraged to be stopped.

"And I'll be taking it and I'll KEEP taking it until you learn your fucking lesson!" Isaac barked at the underage girl then quickly turned her around. From her Isaac could get access to that massive ass that had been teasing him the whole day. It was his now and his to take as he flipped her loincloth with so much aggression it tore.

"Wha… Hey!" Alba shouted startled feeling the rough fabric ripped clean off her waist. Without warning Isaac's mammoth sized penis slipped between her smooth doughy buns. The teen shivered nervously looking backwards over her shoulder. "What do ya think yer doing?!" She demanded answers terrified by how helpless she truly felt against this man's immense strength. "Get off me you dumb prick!" Alba protested loudly while trying once again unsuccessfully to break free. His groin was pressing right against her backside. She couldn't budge as her ass jiggled rubbing smoothly against Isaac's thick veiny shaft. Her soft tanned skin quivered constantly rippling rhythmically every time Alba attempted escape only for her attempts to fail miserably.

Once settled and buried between Alba's fat cheeks Isaac took hold of her braids and pulled her head back. "You should've helped me hunt. This is what happens to little girls that only want to tease and play games." Isaac started grinding his dick slowly along her crack, smearing pre-cum all along her smooth bubbly surface. He had grown completely hard within seconds and was more than ready to brutalize such a tight underage hole.

Without worrying about how prepped her tiny rim would be Isaac mercilessly plowed his hips forward until his cock penetrated the teenagers asshole. The tight folds of her rectum had an intense amount of resistance but Isaac's gigantic meat slap stretched Alba wide open. He didn't hesitate to start pumping his hips. Each thrust forced inch upon inch of his rigid rod deeper inside her anal cavity. All the while her humongous cheeks jiggled and slapped wildly against his crotch.

"How's it feel now, brat? How does that hole feel getting stretched out by a man's dick?!" Isaac was lost and screamed at the teen while giving her the proper punishment. There was nothing that could stop him from ravaging this teen and abusing her body like it was his property.

"AAHHNNN!!! Oooooh FUUUCK!! MMPPPHHH!!" Alba cried out hysterically, thrashing violently against Isaac's grasp. Every inch of her colossal round rump quaked furiously, shaking erratically. The teen's screams echoed throughout the jungle surrounding them. No matter how hard or desperately she struggled, Alba failed miserably, unable to escape his firm grip. Instead of breaking free she ended up bouncing her huge juicy buttocks uncontrollably.

Alba's petite frame shuddered intensely, trembling spastically. Her pelvic muscles convulsed rapidly contracting forcefully around the mammoth sized penis slamming deep within her bowels. Warm beads of sweat trickled her wobbling rear end as it shook erratically bouncing furiously against Isaac's crotch.

Getting totally consumed by his lust and dominance Isaac didn't hold back. He gripped her braids tightly and continued plowing into the teens asshole like a wild animal in heat. Each pump of his hips was met with the thunderous clap of her blubbery cheeks. His monstrous cock filled Alba's tiny asshole, completely stretching her insides wide apart.

"You're gonna let them know I can HUNT! You'll tell the tribe whatever I want you to say!" The man was making his demands while deep in her quivering shithole. He wasn't simply using her huge ass to get off but fucking the underage teen into a punished state of submission. He wanted her broken.

"Do you understand!? Or am I gonna have to use this tight asshole until you know your fucking place!?" All the while Alba was screaming euphorically, moaning louder than ever before.

Alba shook her head frantically crying hysterically. Tears streamed down her flushed red cheeks glistening brightly beneath sunlight shining overhead. She tried desperately pleading for mercy but none of her words coherently escaped her lips. Between Isaac's relentless pounding and overwhelming size Alba had lost control over her mind and body becoming completely overwhelmed by pleasure.With each vigorous thrust Isaac's gigantic member pushed deeper, stretching her bowels widely apart. The teen's anal walls clenched shut firmly clinging tightly around Isaac's throbbing girthy pipe. Her tiny pink anus pulsed uncontrollably milking the older man's cock. The more Alba's body shuddered intensely the tighter her sphincter squeezed constricting his shaft tightly.

"Y-YES!!! YES PAPI!!! TELL ME WHAT TO DO! CONTROL ME!!!" She screamed in mind broken joy. Alba surrendered herself completely, succumbing entirely to Isaac's willpower. With no hesitation whatsoever the young Latina hunter begged submissively hoping to please the older man raping away at her enormous booty.

"TELL ME HOW TO SERVE YOU! USE ME HOWEVER YOU WANT!!" The teen pleaded ecstatically, gasping sharply and inhaling deeply. Her body trembled intensely, shuddering furiously. Alba's feet lifted slightly off the ground barely reaching above knee height as she stood tippy toe while bent over. Seeing Alba lose herself and beg for more encouraged Isaac to keep up the pace.

"That's what I thought, brat! You're gonna submit and I'm gonna make you do WHAT I WANT." He kept railing into her ass like it was a pussy needing to be stuffed full of his seed. Isaac held onto her braids and used them to pull Alba back further onto his dick. While keeping a steady pace his hips smashed forward with incredible force causing those cheeks to clap and shake harder than ever.

"P-PLEASE PAPI!!! AHHN!! I'M CUMMING!!!! AAHHN! I-IM GONNA CUM!!!" Alba squealed euphorically, climaxing instantly spraying feminine fluids splattering wildly across the damp jungle floor beneath them.

His dick unloaded a flood of sperm straight into Alba's asshole, painting her intestines white with a single shot. Before his balls finished unleashing their load Isaac continued to rail his hips forward forcing another blast of cum deeper inside her. It wasn't long before both his scrotum and her shithole were coated in hot sticky semen.

As Isaac pumped aggressively deep within Alba's rectal cavity warm globs of seed spurted furiously flooding her bowels thoroughly. The teen's tiny pink sphincter dilated widening tremendously allowing a deluge of white gooey semen to burst forth shooting explosively outward. Seminal fluid blasted directly against her innards swiftly filling up every available space inside Alba's bowel until they were leaking out of her..

"Don't worry brat. I'm far from done with you. Your tasty ass belongs to me now." After pulling out of her stretched shitter Isaac let Alba attempt to stand up after being ass fucked so hard.

While experiencing the most intense orgasm she ever felt before Alba felt her legs begin to give way beneath her collapsing immediately dropping onto muddy soil below. Her arms hung loosely hanging limply while her large round rear end rested atop damp earth soaked heavily by her own vaginal discharge. The young hunter painted exhaustively wheezing breathlessly trying desperately to regain composure.

"You promise?" Alba said with a dumbfound smile on her face.

"Promise. Now let's Get back to the village." Isaac said to the teen after hoisting the boar over his shoulder. "And who is getting credit for this hunt?" He asked.

"You… You Papi… It's all you!" Alba mumbled as she stumbled to her feet with shaky legs. At this point she would do anything the man would demand of her but now he was simply interested in showing his usefulness to the tribe.

The two arrived back to the tribe to shocked faces and whispers amongst the thick assed children. Not only was Alba left bottomless and white dick yogurt spilling from her down onto her thighs but she had wrapped her arms around the man in both a gesture to snuggle with his arm and prep her worn down body for support. The only two who looked excited by the teens' condition were Bryce and Fallon who knew the exact kind of naughty treatment Alba had just received. Regardless, none of the children had ever seen their huntress look so willingly weak and submissive.

"Tribe Mother. Ashley. Your father has provided." Isaac announced triumphantly as he lay the dead meat before her.

"Hmm…" Ashely's eyes hardly looked at the dead animal and shot straight towards Alba. "Did you fuck this girl?"

"That's a complicated question sweetheart." Isaac grit his teeth and tried to think of a way to explain what had happened.

"Did you stick your cock into Alba?! I don't need to give attention to the crap that comes out of Bryce and Fallon's mouths but I expect answers from you."

"Heh. It's fine. Tell her Papi." Alba giggled. "It was so good, and so fun…"

"Uhhh… Ashley… listen."

"I've done enough listening and think this tribe has had enough with you… I want to speak with Eliza on how to handle this situation before I do the same to you as you did that pig."