
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The Isle of Ass: A Father's Finding (MiddayMonster)

Summary: Isaac is in the midst of an oceanic search for his long lost daughter when he comes across an uncharted island filled with bratty little girls who have some extra thick wobble meat packed behind them.


"Is he dead? Is he, is he?"

"No, he isn't dead. Just won't stop sleeping." Bryce replied and took a long wooden rod to poke at the face of the man they had captured. "See. He's still moving."

"Ohhhh…" Fallon said but then took control of the stick to give a couple of pokes for herself. "Mister! Mister! Are you dead? Are you sleepy?" The little girl giggled. Both 11 year old sisters took turns at jabbing the adult deep in slumber. Isaac was a man closing in on his 40s and he was far past the spindly runt his body took form in when he was closer to Bryce and Fallon's age. He had a slight paunch to him but Isaac's 'dad bod' was never out of control.

"What!!! What's poking me?! What's tied around my arms?!" Isaac gasped as he was abruptly taken from his sleep by the blunt edge of a stick jabbing at his bearded jaw. He made an attempt to bat the incoming object away from his face but only found that a hand-woven rope had been wrapped around his wrists to hinder his mobility.

"It's just us big sleepy!" Fallon chimed in.

"Duh." Bryce poked the stick at Isaac one more time before holding it at her side.

"And who are you?! Where am I even?" Isaac asked, too confused and startled to think straight. His eyes were only still adjusting to the sunshine but he could somewhat make sight of the juvenile silhouette forming a pair of mischievous twin pre-teens. The shallow cave being utilized as Isaac's prison was hardly the size of a room. In theory, he was only a few feet from freedom and could only make out the stone that surrounded him besides the single sunbathed entrance being guarded by a pair of brats.

"You're in jail stupid bum." One of the girls said with a roll of her eyes. I'm Bryce, and this is my twin sister. Fallon." The twin speaking had a confident smirk on her face while the other smiled with an nearly absent-minded joy.

"Hihihihi." Fallon added. The two little girls didn't even seem real to Isaac. One minute he was on a ship at sea and the next he was captive in a cave by two children playing some kind of practical joke. The two were only 11 years old, and their Korean-American heritage gave way to dark olive skin, black hair, and almond-shaped eyes. The duo was identical in every way except for their demeanor and hairstyle. Bryce, who seemed to take glee in Isaac's imprisonment had her hair in short pigtails poking out at either side of her neck. Fallon spoke with a much softer voice and her shoulder-length hair was loose and a little more shaggy.

"And you're our SLAVE!"

"Hehehe, yup. You gotta do everything we say and stuff. And like do our chores and stuff."

"Or we'll kill you!"

"Kill?!" Fallon asked with shock in her voice. While Isaac could sense the hyperbolic tone of Bryce's claim her own sister could not.

"If he doesn't do as well tell him, WE KILL."

"Oh, uhm right. KILL. And eat your bones tooooo!"

As the little girls teased Isaac he didn't even know what questions to ask first. His mind was in turmoil and the obnoxious games of two brats was not help him piece his scrambled brain together. The man could hardly even move himself enough to sit up on the cave floor which was thankfully matted with some kind of makeshift flooring of leaves and twine. Whatever kind of knots the twins or whoever else may have tied him with were more secure than Isaac could handle. The rope wrapped around each wrist and connected behind his back to a loop around a chunk of rock that would make him unable to push forward. While Bryce and Fallon continued to giggle and suggest things that may or may not be true a third more responsible voice came into the cave to give Isaac some genuine explanations.

"We are not going to kill him and we certainly will not be eating him. We have plenty of vegetation for nourishment and protein for meals." A new young girl stepped into the cave Isaac was being contained in. She was only a little older than Bryce and Fallon but leagues more mature and spoke with a British accent. "I apologize for the twin's humor, don't let them alarm you. They would not have been my first choice to stand guard but that decision was left out of my hands."

"I can handle myself around a couple brats. Please, where am I?" Isaac replied only to have Bryce stick her tongue out at him for being called a brat.

"Isaac is it? Your name is Isaac?"

"How do you know that?"

"Your belongings. Some of them managed to wash up ashore along with you. My name is Eliza." The young ebony girl was just hardly a teenager and held herself with a somewhat stiff yet patient demeanor. Eliza was only an inch or two taller than the twins but contained her own kind of juvenile cuteness. Circular glasses rested on her button nose while a few strings of hair framed her face with the rest being tightly pulled to the back of her head and leading to a big frizzy bun that was nearly the size of her skull.

"Shore? But my boat was nowhere near the coast."

"No. We are approximately several hundred miles off the coast of Maryland. While this island appears to be completely unknown besides us and the other girls, it has been home to a small culture much before our time. It's all of a peculiar nature…"

"Yeah, it's magic!"

"Like real magic!"

"Magic huh?" Isaac eyed Bryce and Fallon for a moment before looking back to Eliza for actual rationale.

"While I do believe there is a logical and scientific explanation for everything in the world, there do happen to be several… coincidences that forgo conventional reasoning. This island, our home has been inhabited several generations before us by another tribe made up of women. It seems that this place has only ever had females living here, even now the only ones here are only girls. All of us have been part of accidents involving planes in what certainly should have resulted in death but yet young girls like us have made our way here... Your arrival is very curious to us." Eliza squinted at him with curiosity for a moment then continued.

"Our foremothers have left the memories of their way of life through relics and tools and whatever knowledge I have been trying to decipher along with our leader. It's thanks to the women before us that I and the other victims of several different plane crashes were not only able to survive but thrive in our new home. It's not only the remnants of their civilization but their primitive scribes that guide us. While we are only children and have no true medical experience we have suggestions through certain fables and growth between the girls that lead us to an enhanced fertility."

While it may be conceivable that this island was inhabited by plane crash survivors who happened to just be drawn to the island and just happen to be young females there was no reasonable evidence of any supernatural forces at play other than the children's bodies. The three were dawning leather loincloths that were rough around the edges but still managed to have purple embroidery stylishly weaved around the trim. Bryce and Fallon were in the early stages of breast development so their midriff-exposing tops had nothing to contain, unlike Eliza who was a little further into growing a pair of modest B cups. Just under their tight tummy and thin waists was the extension of a feminine shape that made their lower half excessively voluptuous.

Their skimpy loincloths had to be held on string exploding the curvy divots of their hips that lead into wonderfully plump thighs. The real magic was in the size of the cheeks of her butt stuck out in a manner that could not be ignored. All three of the underage girls had an ass that was thick, wobbly, and curved into a pair of bubbles butt that stuck outwards enough to sink the back of their makeshift skirts to even sexier shortness.

"Are there any adults here at all?" Isaac asked who had noticed their oddly excessive proportions but didn't pay them much attention.

"Alba is 15 and the oldest of us but we prefer to make any decisions with as much rationale as we can."

"Our Tribe Mother makes all the shots." Bryce said to disrupt the conversation.

"Please don't tell me you're Tribe Mommy is some kind of talking coconut or something 'magic.'" Isaac sighed and chuckled to himself.

"No, our Tribe Mother is another girl. Young like the rest of us, only 12. But she has the final say in all the sensitive decisions here. I simply advise."

"Well… That's a lot to take in… I don't even know what to say." Isaac looked down at his legs to think. His clothing was in tears barely leaving him in ripped-up shorts and a shirt with large holes in it. The man figured he should be thankful for his life but was determined to get out of this situation eventually. "Can you at least cut me out of here Eliza? This isn't the comfiest spot to wake up in. I promise I won't be any kind of threat. An adult can probably do a lot to help out. Maybe even figure out a way for us all to get out of here and get everyone home?"

"HOME?! YUCKKKK!!!" Fallon spat at the mention of leaving the island.

"We are home dumbo. But maybe we'll see if you can swim back to all the other boring people on the mainland." Bryce snickered and jabbed the rod at Isaac's forehead.

"I'm afraid we have to keep you imprisoned until we can properly determine what to do about this situation. A man arriving here is very unprecedented, Isaac. You are not a factor many of us would have considered possible."

"B-but you don't understand…" Isaac struggled to speak for a moment. "I need to get back to the water. I need to get back to my ship if there even is anything left of it… I'm not just some random man, I'm a father." Eliza looked at him with sympathy while Bryce and Fallon were busy giggling in between whispering in each other's ears.

"I apologize but I will continue to follow the Tribe Mother's orders until further we are updated on what to do next. You will just have to remain patient but I understand Bryce and Fallon can make that a difficult task."

"Heyyyy nerd-wad! We ain't that bad." Bryce whined.

"Yeahhh. We are having tons of fun keeping watch of our slave!"

"Certainly…" Eliza muttered with dry sarcasm. "Farwell Isaac. Patience." The beautiful ebony girl had left the man in the cave to only be accompanied by a duo of bratty twins. While Eliza did clear some of Isaac's questions and put some kind of ease to him, Bryce and Fallon were sure to keep themselves entertained at the adult's expense. Isaac was not sure how to handle his situation. It's not as if he could reasonably negotiate with a set of 11 year old twins whose main interest was teasing the man after every word he says. Isaac was just worn down and frustrated with what to do. It seemed as if his search for his daughter took an abrupt and unexpected halt.

In his dreams, Isaac was back on his boat. There was no crew insane enough to spend weeks on a dead-end search in the middle of the ocean but Isaac was desperate. His little girl was gone for a whole year and he simply couldn't accept that she was gone. Even with the harshness of weather, the father had not given up on his search. The night his vessel was closing in on being capsized under the weight of unnaturally mighty waves should have been his first hint that things were going ary but the day after the man's efforts would be doomed. His survival was just as mysterious as the erotic growth of the girl's backsides and the existence of the island he came to be imprisoned on.

While the twins allowed Isaac to snooze his way into a deep slumber they would soon take the opportunity for even more mischief. This time around instead of poking the man with a stickFallon and Bryce had taken it upon themselves to remove Isaac's damaged pants and play with an entirely new piece of lumbar.

"No, you have to do it like this. Tongue too!" Bryce bickered with her younger sister as she performed the proper movement for the perverted act they were partaking in.

"Ohhhh. Wow..." Fallon watched with amazement as Bryce performed in an exciting new act that was far too inappropriate for girls their age.

Both twin Asian girls leaned over with their heads sandwiched on either side of Isaac's menacing phallice. Even while the man lay asleep the children had encouraged and toiled with his cock enough to get it to full throbbing hardness. Isaac's endowment towered over their adorable face with a solid 15 inches of mesmerizing cock meat with a thickness that went even beyond the man's fist.

Bryce had stuck her warm wet tongue out to trace Isaac's throbbing erection in a childish attempt at giving a blowjob. The little girl enjoyed toying with the man's flesh-pipe, even if he was asleep. Neither of them truly understood what they were doing or even how a penis worked but Isaac was their captive and this was much more fun than standing guard.

"Okay! I think I get it now." The ditzy little girl said as she sent her lips to the other side of Isaac's fat dick to perform service on. She was never the most intuitive out of the both of them but Fallon mirrored her sister's licking along the other musky ridge of cockmeat. Both 11 year old girl's had begun a sloppy drool amongst the man's engorged piss-pipe in pure curiosity of this strange yet enticing appendage.

It wasn't long after both tongues began their movements for Isaac to awake to heavenly sensation. The man was coming to the realization that something wet was crawling around his enormous cock while not fully aware of the adorable 11 year old children playing with him in a way that was all too sexual for someone underage. Even while captured and kept from moving in the ties around his wrists the man did not mind whatever was happening to him until he saw how young the little cock suckers working his fuck-tube were.

"W-what!? What the hell are you two girls doing?" Isaac questioned as he snapped himself awake. While he was in somewhat of a panic, Isaac couldn't deny the amazing feelings of it all. How their mouths were warm and wet while covering his shaft with slobber. To only add to the vulgar sight of it all was the way they arched their backs at his side. It presented the perfect opportunity to see both Bryce and Fallon's big blubbery ass cheeks curving up in a way that made everything feel so much more shameful to the adult man.

"What does it look like, dummy?" Bryce answered. The little girl had a mischievous smirk on her face even while her lips were mostly focused on an adult's massive cock. "We're having fun with our slave. That's what we're doing." She explained that with a cocky and sassy tone. "You know... I was mad at you for falling asleep before we could play but this is kind of fun. And your dingy tastes really good..."

Bryce took a long lick along Isaac's meaty shaft while staring him in the eyes with a hungry gaze. Her young juvenile tongue left a streak of drool that shimmered against the sides of the girthy meat-club she'd come to crave. The girl leaned forward again to drag her cute, pillowy lips and trace the sensitive skin in a circle pattern while tasting his skin with every pass of her lapping wet muscle

There was something about Isaac's penis that enamored the duo. Something more than simple lust motivated their lips to gloss over the immense length and give gentle kisses at the top while the other was pecking at the bottom. Even Isaac noticed something odd about his manhood, as if his arousal was at an all-time high and his erection was so intense that it multiplied from what should have been its average size. His balls were especially overacting as they heaved and overcrowded the space between the man's thighs like two swollen grapefruits

"Unnff... Stop it... Don't put your mouth there..." Isaac tried to protest, as amazing as their mouths felt and as alive as his cock stood stiff he still felt a moral shame when it came to children doing something so perverse. He had no capability of moving away from the juvenile twin's tongue-heavy blowjob. The duo had Isaac at their mercy and were not doing anything but nuzzling and licking at each side of the exciting adult package. His twitching shaft would pulse and throb with the warm wet mouths following up and down no matter how much shaking the cock was making.

"You kids don't even know what you're doing..." He said after letting out a moan. As wrong as it was to be doing this with two 11 year old girls the feeling was more than amazing.

"Heehee. I think we know what we're doing. Your face keeps getting sweaty and nervous." Fallon giggled and took a moment to snuggle her cheek against the man's oversized fuck-pipe. She had it rubbing against her own youthful skin and shot an innocent smile to him that didn't make Isaac feel any less guilty. "It's so much fun."

"He's just being a boring lumpy butthead We have to go faster!" Bryce cheered as she began moving her mouth at a sudden and intense pace.

"W-WAIT! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" The man screamed out but Fallon was beginning to match her sister's pace. The pair of wiggling tongues sank and slid to force out more erotic pressure on the man who was failing to hold his breaking morals in. They didn't even pause to tease or taunt him, the twins were determined to continue on with their little game.

Just as Isaac was about to let out another plea for the children to stop, Bryce had gripped her delicate little hand to the base of his shaft. Her young fingers gripped at the shaft and slid across the underside with curious strokes of her fingertips. Although she could hardly wrap her palm around even half of his cock the movements were all she needed to push Isaac over the edge.

"N-no…." Isaac accepted his defeat as his cock unleashed a sudden and overwhelmingly intense climax. The man had never spilled more seed in his life with the amount of white blasting from his piss slit. The torrent of jizz in thick waves of chunky semen that was beyond fertile in just how plentiful and dense the sludge was. Isaac was never one to have a 'modest' orgasm but this was something unreal as a pool of his breeding jelly rocketed several feet behind from where the twins were lying over his lap.

"EEE!!?" Fallon shouted in confusion when his white and sticky sperm splattered onto her face. She was completely stunned at the amount of white creamy liquid the adult male just ejected and was even getting some over her pretty little facial features. Her senses were overtaken by an aroma she had no understanding of. "Bryce look! We made him do white pee! Is that good?" Fallon asked as she looked in amazement at the slime coming out of Isaac's cock.

"Whoa..." Was all Bryce said as the warm bubbly semen shot onto her petite face and neck, just as it'd done to Fallon. The smelly liquid seemed to cling to her smooth pale skin like glue. Bryce wiped up a little of Isaac's white spunk that clung to her chin with a forefinger before trying a taste out of morbid curiosity. Opening up her wet lips with an eager lick of his ejaculate off her fingertip. "You know... this is the kinda stuff guys make to make girls like us pregnant. Like to become mommies." Bryce said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"That's not true… That's not how it works…" Isaac managed to say between panting from how hard he came.

"P-pregnant?!" Fallon asked her sister as if she didn't fully know the meaning of the word. Her bright eyes showed nothing more than a stunned look but the thought of being pregnant would be terrifying for most, but Fallon didn't understand that much. "Is it more fun? I wanna have more fun with him! How do we do it?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's like they put their thingy in a girl's umm... well ya know." Bryce tried her best to explain but she was hardly any more sharp than Fallon on this sexual topic. Not wanting to seem stupid or immature, she took confident command. "I'll show you. Just stand up and let me help you get into position." She positioned Fallon to stand over Isaac as he lay down with her back facing him. "Now you gotta take this off too." Bryce said while removing her sister's loin cloth.

"S-sex!? You girls can't have sex with me! You're so young... A-and small..." Isaac said but there was nothing small about the ass being unveiled to him. Fallon had some of the juiciest, thickest buttocks the man had ever seen. While he was trying to stay modest about what he was doing with a pair of little underage girls his cock couldn't help but stand even stiffer than before.

"Ooh!" Her surprise was more to do with how cool the evening air felt on her bare flesh but the idea of doing something even more than just licking Isaac's cock felt strangely exciting. Fallon wiggled her large round behind and shook her tight, immaculate rear that now exposed her flat young tush, plush curvy rump, and bubble buttcheeks back to Isaac. She wiggled her hips making the orbs of ass fat jump up and down as they smacked together. The perfect shape and excessive scale only added to the bounciness to make every movement of the little girl amazing. This wasn't even including how they twitched, jiggled, and wobbled when she made the slightest of movements.

"Now you gotta sit on it." Bryce purred as she pushed her sister into a squatting motion for the adult's cock to finally penetrate her. While the intentions were on impregnation it wasn't Fallon's pussy that was burdened with cock but her asshole. Bryce was sure that this was the proper hole to be doing this kind of thing with and was gleeful to aid her twin to be the first one getting gigantic adult dick forced up her ass.

As her body lowered, Fallon felt Isaac's flesh rod entering behind her. It was all too sudden with no ease for his monstrous, twitching shaft to stretch the small tunnel of her tight young butthole. The head of his thick shaft forced into her snug chute passage while the 11 year old flexed all of her young rectum muscles inside to squeeze and grip tightly around Isaac's hard throbbing tool.

"Ehh!?" The child gasped after letting out a shrill screeching noise when her cute little body was invaded by Isaac's cock for the first time. She was only a child and had no real understanding of the explicit sexual act she was performing but almost on an instinct, Fallon began to slowly drop her hips and pull back up in a repeated motion.

"Mmmphhh... S-st..." Isaac tried to mutter a pleah of resistance but was himself, too enthralled with the sight before him. Fallon's huge ass was in slow motion on his dick and the man could never have expected it to be this hot for a child to take his cock up their ass. The longer the man remained trapped inside the girl's sphincter of her ass hole the bigger she could feel his shaft getting with how wide he started to grow and stiffen to hammer deeper. His pre cum and leftover breeding grease started dripping a slippery slick liquid right inside her butt which had caused her movements to move more fluently. Fallon already had tight anal muscles to grip and cling to his massive cock that kept squeezing him in the deeper he sank.

"Aaaagghhhhh!!!! Bryce!! It's pushing into my tummy!! Why feel so weird? Why does it feel so weird?" She whined as she bounced on the cock with more vigor. Fallon was moving with excited curiosity to discover this strange yet thrilling act. The little girl would lean down, moving her bouncy underage ass deeper onto the thick swollen dick slid further inside her then would quickly perk her body up. Her asshole kept a tight clench on Isaac as she was becoming slowly skilled at performing anal sex on his shaft but her asshole muscles wouldn't let her slide too quickly as Fallon could feel the pulsating veins bulging around her bowel. Her anus was stretched open wide to accommodate his fat erection stuffed halfway inside of her.

"I think I need a break..." Fallon sighed while she looked to her sister with wincing eyes. Having her shithole stretched like this was a burden beyond her tender age and tight prepubescent body. Even while continuing to bounce, Fallon's curvy legs wobbled and grew weak while she awaited her sister's guidance to help stop. The only issue was that Bryce had fun watching her sister get fucked in the ass and wanted Fallon to keep riding.

"No! Don't get off. We need Isaac to shoot more of that white stuff. And into your butt this time!" She said while placing her hands on Fallon's shoulders. In a violent push, Bryce made sure her sister slid down the adult's monstrous meat pipe. Fallon's massive wobbly butt collapsed right onto Isaac's groin, jiggling on impact with a thunderous, lewd SMACK which sank every inch into her. Fallon was stunned to tears after that little rough push, yet feeling wonderfully full like never before. Now Bryce felt like she had all the power in making Fallon ride Isaac's dick. She made sure that Fallon's body was in constant motion and wasn't letting her sister take it easy.

"Look at you go!" It was with her position that Bryce made sure Isaac's cock rammed harder, quicker, and faster into the young girl's rectum from her being pulled down and slammed over and over with those overly plump booty mounds rippling so wonderfully with each strike. Fallon was being slammed against Isaac's groin with so much force that her ass grew red from the intensity.

Fallon's vision slowly faded in and out while the only thing her mind processed was the fat throbbing member sinking deep into her shitter. Riding an adult's cock like this sent sensations like fire erupting through her ass as well as lower belly like fireworks. There wasn't even any pain despite getting stretched wide once she really became used to these feelings. Fallon began grinding her ass like crazy for more of his fat cock to ram deeper up her butt with all that meat inside her rubbing harshly against every little bit that squeezed it.

"Bryce... I never felt this hot before but having him stuffed inside my bum is like... like my insides are melting with a burning sensation and he feels amazing..! Keep making me bounce on his big fat adult peepee thingy!!!" Her anus closed on every single throbbing inch as she rode his thrusting erection hard before rolling and rocking those fleshy thick buns all over the man's stomach, making her entire back end jiggle violently over and over as well bounce for maximum effect.

Fallon yelped out a screeching moan but was made immediately speechless with the power of an adult cock being shoved inside her. Isaac's oversized tool was beaming her asshole so brutally that she couldn't speak. The ass fucking effectively broke her mind into an overloaded sense of joyful pleasure while she moaned and stuck her tongue out like a wet flap of desperation. Fallon didn't even know what to think other than to keep moving her plump underage booty as it continued to bounce in absolute ecstasy. Her wobbling giant tushy was assaulting Isaac's groin and lower stomach with the jiggling impact that kept crashing into him. A satisfying PLOP of flesh bouncing against each other with their cheeks mingling with every strike.

Fallon had been quickly rationalizing this ass fucking as not some misguided attempt at breeding but the most amazing experience of her tender 11 year old life. Even while Bryce continued to push and encourage her movements that kept squishing her hot juicy bubble cheeks on top of him she couldn't keep the awestruck smile from her face. The riding was intense and even while Isaac wanted to resist no one had noticed how the rope keeping him hostage was being frayed from how vigorous Fallon and her massive ass had been.

"It's too good!" Isaac moaned in pleasure as he reached another sloppy plentiful climax. With his dick buried in a little 11 year old girl, his breeding syrup began to inflate Fallon's tummy. Despite the girl's smaller size her ass was made for breeding in a way that didn't seem logical, almost like this was a pair of massive testicles attached to a cute kid. His cock couldn't have been further inside of Fallon's colon while Isaac soaked fuckhole. She was receiving so much seed it seemed like a river had stuffed its way inside her inflated tummy.

After popping him out, there was a long silence between the two children. It wasn't long until Fallon let out her last whimper and tumbled onto the ground after having her ass fucked so hard. There was nothing but heavy breathing as they stared at each other; "Did I really take everything...?" The thought flashed across Fallon's mind while feeling absolutely satisfied for the first time. As she let her ass leak the chunky white juices Bryce looked to Isaac figuring it was her turn next.

"Looks like you both had a lot of fun. Hmmm... but do I want to try too?" Bryce teased in a soft sarcastic voice as she looked over the mess between Isaac and her sister. She took off her loincloth only to turn her rear to the man to show off just how huge her butt was too. Bryce wiggled her hips, arched her back, and swirled her ass around to make a truly erotic show out of presenting Isaac her ass. The oversized curves moved around in hypnotic circles which would put any exotic dancer to shame. As if her taunt wasn't obvious enough she continued to smack her fleshy ass in all manner of directions before kneeling down over the man's face. She only did so to make a point to make sure her asshole was perfectly aligned with Isaac's still throbbing cock. "Are you gonna stuff it up this big sexy bum of mine as well?"

"My sister had such a hard time doing it so maybe I'll wait..." Bryce giggled and stood up. For as short-tempered and sassy as the twin could be at times she also knew when to call it quits. "You're our prisoner anyways so I can do naughty stuff to you whenever I want to." The child did all that teasing for nothing. Bryce had no intentions of having her ass fucked like Fallon did and was about to put her skirt back on and leave Isaac helpless and horny.

"Grrrr... I'm not just you're plaything!" Isaac barked, now enraged that his intensely erect piss-pipe cock was not being treated to the supple body of another 11 year old child.

"Actually... You kind of are. Dummie." Fallon stuck her tongue out only causing Isaac's horny rage to grow.

In a violent yank, the man lunged his arms forward with so much force that the remaining fibers of rope around his arms would snap. He was no longer bound and no longer the girl's slave. In an instant he swooped in to clench Bryce's waist and toppled over the youthful Asian brat, pinning her to the ground. The man had all the power over her while his adult body lay atop her with his stiff cock grinding between her perfectly puffy and oversized asscheeks.

"Are you kidding me?! Get back over there, SLAVE!" The child barked and struggled as Isaac hulked over her. Her arms and legs couldn't compete as she'd become trapped under Isaac's large adult body. It was only once he clamped his arms around her thin frame that she could fully take advantage of her situation. She couldn't run or even squirm to fight back when his colossal fuck hammer was this close to her asshole. Her thoughts continued racing, wondering if he'd actually fuck her as hard as she made Fallon take it. While scary she felt excited for some reason just thinking about this new punishment. "You're thingy is poking me!"

"My THINGY isn't poking you enough!" Isaac shouted at the little girl as he re-angled his dick to prob the entrance of Bryce's tiny 11 year old shitter. "Now my COCK can really play with you!" The morality keeping him from pounding an underage girl with his dick had been long gone from Isaac. Wanting nothing more than to feel the elegant tightness Bryce's childish 11 year old starfish he jabbed the cock tip again at Bryce's pink entrance. Desperate to just smash the whole length in and start to break her bratty slut attitude he was too pent up and horny to have restraint. In a rough slam of his adult crotch, he plunged the tip of his tool to breach past the first layer of her young butthole before slamming deeper as Bryce screamed out. "Uwoooh... So tight... So TIGHT... It's like you want it you slutty little Asian whore!"

"AWF UCK NO!!! It hurt... AWRHRHRH WON'T FIT...!!! YOU STUPID FAT BLOB!" Bryce screamed out but her words had no impact on the man who'd made his decision. "Stop pushing! You won't... GRK Nfffgf... Shit... fit! There's no WAY it could go INSIDE... my... my ASSSSSS!!!" Her hips wiggled around as much as the girl could manage. Isaac had a tight grip on her bottom but all the shaking Bryce was doing only made the joy of anal fucking her even better. Her massive mounds of ass meat rippled out wildly before compressing in place against Isaac's midsection like two heavy melons of thick blubbering flesh. Her tight virgin anus clung and resisted to his adult meat but that didn't keep the man's thrusting from growing stronger each minute passed. Isaac's shaft was longer than her forearm and had such great girth that stretched Bryce out into shape like a metal pipe was burrowing deep into her bowel.

"GRRRRR!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE OUR TOY!!!!!" She cried in anger now that the tables had turned on her. The tiny twitching butthole was stretching out around his shaft which felt too thick to continue fucking her this fast. Bryce was pinned and helpless with the inches plowing into her rear and throwing the little girl into a state of submission. Isaac's crotch continued pushing against Bryce's soft skin each time he thrust inward. Their skin slammed repeatedly with her heavy cheeks crashing back against his pelvic mound like two fat stacks of endleslly wobbling butt-meat.

It felt almost as if each movement he made was pushing his cock head against her very womb though it wasn't penetrating but simply working its way along her stomach before plunging back deeper after plopping out that small puffy starfish ring to escape only a moment ago. The entire shaft and length of Isaac's erection slid back deep in that anus channel like a piston being slammed inside of her. There was nothing she could do to keep him from violating that sensitive bowel passage any longer as she began to let out weak moans the more and more Isaac's rock-solid pipe plowed forward into her prepubescent body.

"You're liking it, huh? You're just a kid slut after all." Isaac mocked cruelly as Bryce could hardly hold in her voice. While she was angry and terrified to have an adult force his dick into her ass with this unbreakable force, she couldn't deny it was feeling less painful by the second. Isaac was set on being rough on her juicy underage ass. While he was playing rough she was having a difficult time keeping herself together but something kept the man's thrusts more precise and calculated than they already were.

"I don't like this you creep... Y-you're n-nothing but a..." Bryce tried to say but only melted into contentious gasps.

"You wanna play games now?" Isaac chuckled. Isaac started to get the exact motion he needed as it made his cock strike deeper, harder, faster as he held onto Bryce's thin waist to thrust upwards like a wild stallion. Isaac made it so deep into Bryce it felt like his dick was permanently reshaping her bowel. His plowing only began harder as his adult size began to cause a lump in the 11 year old's stomach whenever he slammed deep enough. Her whole body was trembling from the gut-plundering girthy rod stretching her butt-ring wider and wider. Bryce's rectum clenched and squeezed that large shaft to maintain a tight cling to him until it only held his monster cock snugly against the child's inner walls.

"Keep doing it! Keep using my butt!!! I wanna be your slave!!!" Bryce screamed, fully submitting herself once her tender 11 year old brain had been anal fucked into bliss. She had no more struggle to give to Isaac and accepted being his helpless underage butt slut. All Bryce could do was beg for it and arch her back to further invite the adult to keep pounding her shithole but Isaac was satisfied with the work he had done in breaking the child through brutal anal sex.

Isaac gave a final rough pump that caused his waving balls to be smacked against the underside of Bryce's wobbly ass-cheeks while they pulsed and tightened. Without warning Isaac's dick erupted in Bryce's anal cavity and sent a barrage of powerful tingly bursts erupting from her wide-hipped young booty. These currents went straight through every sensitive nerve in her sphincter resulting in Bryce letting out another piercing scream that was unlike anything she felt before. The little Asian girl was in full ecstasy with such thick voluminous loads of white adult jizz flooding up her stomach. Isaac held his groin inwards, lathering slick seminal fluids into Bryce while plentifully dribbling out from the depths of that extremely abused underaged asshole. Just like her twin sister, Bryce's bloated belly became a tank for the man to retain such a massive load from having her ass turned into a fuck sleeve.

The poor kid was positively overflowing with his adult seed, drenching her golden tan skin until not a single inch had avoided total soaking by that milky substance as its raw aroma hung over both girls thick and heavy on the surrounding air which only accentuated their adorable yet curvy frames. Bryce and Fallon rolled over one another letting out ceaseless grunts after having their huge asses used by a massive adult cock. Even while the twins were in a state of half-sleeping post-sex with smiles kept on their adorable young faces.

Isaac's cock had finally calmed down enough to stop being erect after his third climax. He was no longer a prisoner to the children but he was gaining remorse for the perverted act of pedophilia he had just committed. The man was just about to pick himself off the cave floor and try to think of a way to deal with the situation when he was suddenly faced with the lethal end of a weapon.

"Hold it right there sicko!" The voice of a teenage girl filled the cave but before Isaac could look up to see who it was coming from his eyes focused on the pointed end of the spear being held by his neck. This wasn't like the blunt rod Bryce and Fallon where annoying him with, this stick could kill.

"Isaac... What have you done to the twins?" Eliza asked with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Want me to slit this sucker, your highness? I'll cut this fool up just like any other animal here." The girl holding the spear sounded more eager for violence than concerned with the two little girls leaking piles of jizz out of their freshly fucked assholes.

"That's not necessary Alba. We will deal with this another way. Free him."

"What?! But this dude is bad news!" Alba replied, taking an even tighter grip on her spear.

"Tribe Mother? If I may, it seems as though this man is possibly dangerous. Perhaps we should investigate this new situation further. Bryce and Fallon appear to be… injured?" Eliza questioned the sight of Isaac's seed slugging from both girl's as well as his flaccid cock. Her concern was slowly turning into naive excitement.

"This man is not dangerous. This man is my father." The 12 year old Tribe Mother spoke with a bemused look on her face. She was calm and dawned with a crystal-studded headband that was worn like a crown. It had been a strange and mysterious journey for Isaac but he had found the missing daughter he set out to rescue. Their reunion was not like anything the father could have expected and now his fate felt even more questionable.