
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Family Secrets by val3far

Summary:Devastated by the death of their mother and wife, a family falls down a twisted world of depravity, rape, and incest, and 6-year-old Evelyn is at the center of it.

The house was quiet, disturbed only by the sound of David kicking off his shoes and shedding his jacket. Every mundane task carried an added weight, his shoulders heavy with the loss. It'd been some months since his wife, Vivian, passed away, but the day of their anniversary felt like the wound was reopened. 

David started drinking heavily after Vivian's death. He'd come home late, always working long hours now, and sink into the couch. Empty, crushed cans surrounded his feet in a circle. Eventually, once he couldn't force down another drink, he'd trudge back to his bed, or simply slump into the couch and let sleep take hold.

With a heavy sigh, David pushed himself up from the worn couch, his footsteps heavy and uneven. He lingered in the middle of the hallway, distracted by the gentle, warm glow of a night light emanating through his daughter's door. 

David walked closer to the door and peered inside, spotting his 6-year-old daughter, Evelyn, sound asleep in her bed. Her small frame was curled up under a pink blanket with a teddy bear clutched close against her chest. 

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. He never realized just how much she looked like her mother. She was so beautiful and dainty. In a way, it still felt like he still had his wife through the presence of his Evie. 

Without thinking, David pushed open the door and quietly stepped over to her bed, careful not to wake her up. He gently stroked her silky, honey-blonde hair with his rough fingers. His gaze softened as he watched her breathe softly, looking so peaceful in her slumber.

As he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead, his hand brushed up her thigh. David hesitated for a moment before slowly gliding his hand up, feeling a strange sensation stirring in him. He felt a sense of guilt and shame wash over him, but it was immediately replaced with a want for more.

David shakily climbed into bed with Evelyn. He leaned in against her, feeling a warmth spread through his body that he hadn't felt in a long time. Vivian's death sucked all of that out of him, yet Evelyn made him feel the same way again.

The scent of her hair and the heat of her body against him awakened a deep feeling of desire for Evelyn which he never knew that he had. As he rested his head against hers, he couldn't ignore the growing urge to touch her more.

He slid his trembling hands, both from the anxiety and alcohol, under Evelyn's nightgown, his breathing growing heavy. His touch was hesitant and gentle at first, but as he became more aroused, his movements became firmer and confident. He knew deep down that what he was doing was wrong, but his mind was foggy with alcohol and lust. 

Suddenly, Evelyn stirred in her sleep, and David quickly pulled his hand back, immediately feeling himself sober up. He quickly climbed out of bed and stumbled towards the door, his mind realing with guilt and self-loathing.

As David made his way back to his room, he couldn't believe what he'd done, and wondered what else he would've done if he hadn't stopped. But, despite all the shame and disgust he felt, it didn't stop him from thinking about Evelyn as he relieved himself of his erection. 


David woke up feeling the weight of his actions from the previous night. He sluggishly got out of bed and stumbled into his bathroom and spent the next 10 minutes hugging the porcelain throne as he let it all out.

As he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't shake the disgust that he felt. He was a pedophile, a pervert, a failure of a father and a man. He should be in prison. It was all true. 

He wanted to put an end to his feelings, the perverted imagery that crept up into his mind as he thought about his little girl, the urges, the erections. But she was like an addiction to him, and everything about her got him hooked again.

For a short moment, he considered turning himself in or seeking the help he desperately needed. But, the thought of being seperated from his daughter, the light of his life while living through this hell, was unacceptable. He tried to justify it to himself, Vivian would have wanted him to take care of their daughter, and he was only showing her how much he loved her, just in a different way.

But deep down, he knew that it was all bullshit, undeniable by the way the guilt was already making him feel. His hands shook, his heart raced, and his chest hurt as he struggled to breathe. He wanted to be a good father, truly, but that didn't seem very possible anymore.

After having his first breakdown, of many, for the day, he staggered into the kitchen and made himself a pot of coffee, he'd need multiple cups.


"Daddy, what where you doing in my room last night?" Evelyn asked with a mouthful of cereal while kicking her little legs. 

David nearly choked on his cup of coffee, "Ah—what do you mean, babygirl?" He tried to keep his voice calm and steady, but it felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest.

"I woke up last night and you were by my bed," Evelyn casually said.

David felt a lump form in his throat as he tried to come up with an answer. "I was just checking on you, sweetheart. You know how you get nightmares," he put on a fake, warm smile.

Evelyn seemed to accept his answer, and she went back to eating her cereal without another word. David turned around to pour more creamer in his coffee, struggling to even face her. 

He wanted so desperately to just pretend that it was a dream, but he knew better. He knew what he did was something a father never should've done. His hands shivered as he mixed the spoon in the mug. 

As David mixed his coffee for much longer than he needed to, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to see Caleb, his oldest son, walking into the kitchen. 

"Morning," Caleb yawned, grabbing a box of cereal from the cabinet. 

"Morning," David mumbled back. 

Caleb glanced a curious look at his dad, sensing that something was off, but carried on. He grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal into it. 

"I'm going to be working late again, I need you to watch your sister," David said.

"I told you I'm going out with my friends today!" Caleb blurted out. 

"I don't care! Just do it. That's all I ask of you," David squeezed the handle of his mug. "And go wake up your brothers." 

Caleb scoffed and rolled his eyes, but left the dining room, he knew arguing with his dad was pointless. He made his way down the hallway towards his twin brothers' bedroom.

As he pushed open the door, Caleb was surprised to find Nathaniel and Noah sharing the same bed. They had bunk beds, but they clearly elected to sleep in the same bottom bed. He had always known that the twins were close, but he'd never seen them sleep in the same bed before.

"Hey faggots, wake up," Caleb grumbled, pushing slightly at Nathaniel's shoulder. 

Nathaniel stirred and groaned, but eventually sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, while Noah jolted awake at the sound of Caleb's voice. 

"You guys slept through your alarm. Hurry up," Caleb urged gruffly as he turned for the door, completely ignoring the strangeness of the situation. 

After a quiet breakfast, all the kids finished getting ready. David quickly finished his coffee and put on his work jacket before gathering his things.

"Alright, everyone ready?" David called out, trying to act as normal as possible.

The younger three kids all piled into the car, with Noah in the passenger seat and the others in the back. The atmosphere in the car was tense and awkward. David's eyes didn't waver from the road, while Noah and Nathaniel repeatedly glanced at each other.

David dropped off Noah and Nathaniel at their middle school without any trouble. The twins were always well behaved—well, Noah was. But, as he pulled up to Evelyn's school, he felt his uneasy feelings for her growing stronger. He turned to face Evelyn, who was looking out the window.

David took a deep breath and steadied his voice, "Hey, Evie, give Daddy a kiss before you go," he said softly, lacking confidence in his request.

Evelyn's eyes lit up and she leaned in, having to rest her hands on David's shoulder to get close. As Evelyn gave him a big, loud kiss on the cheek, he felt heat rush to his face.

Putting a hand on her back, David slid it down further than was appropriate for a dad. "Have fun at school, bun," David said, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

Evelyn beamed at her dad with a smile that gave him butterflies. "I love you too, Daddy!" she replied cheerfully.

He didn't want to let her go, but they'd been parked outside the school for a while already. As Evelyn gathered her things and prepared to leave the car, David watched her closely. He couldn't help but stare at Evelyn as she skipped away, his eyes tracing every inch of her little body. 

Several hours had passed since the kids were dropped off, and now the school day had come to an end. Noah and Nathaniel had walked to their soccer practice, while David was still stuck at work.

Meanwhile, Caleb was growing increasingly resentful of the fact that he had to pick up and babysit his little sister. He had been looking forward to going out with his friends for the Friday night, but now he was stuck with Evelyn.

As he pulled up to the school to pick Evelyn up, Caleb felt his blood burning hot. He watched as she skipped out of the school with her friends, her pink backpack bouncing behind her.

As Evelyn got into the car, Caleb spoke, "You got everything this time? I'm not driving back over a pen, again."

Evelyn nodded silently, casting her eyes downward. She felt a knot in her stomach. She never liked being around Caleb much, he always seemed to be mad at her over something.

Caleb glared at her for a few more seconds before starting the car. "Put on your seatbelt, I'm not waiting all fucking day," he hissed. He suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, causing Evelyn to rush and fumble to get her seatbelt around her.

Evelyn leaned her head against the window as the car sped away from the school. She stayed silent as Caleb made a phone call.

When they got home, Caleb retreated to his room, but not before saying, "Don't bother me unless it's an emergency." He shut the door, before immediately opening it again. "My girlfriend's coming over, don't tell Dad or I'll cut up one of your stupid toys."

Evelyn nodded nervously, watching as he shut the door again. She kicked off her shoes and slid off her backpack, quickly settling into the living room. She turned on the TV to drown out the sound of Caleb's blaring music.

After a while, Evelyn started to feel herself drifting off. She leaned deeper into the couch and pulled the throw blanket over herself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door, jolting her up. Evelyn rubbed her eyes and stood up. She ambled towards the front door. She found Caleb's girlfriend, Sarah, standing on the other side with a hesitant smile on her face.

"Hey, Evie! Is Caleb home?" Sarah asked, bending down a bit to talk to her.

Evelyn nodded and turned towards the hallway. "Yeah, he's in his room," she mumbled.

Sarah thanked her and made her way past Evelyn and down the hallway towards Caleb's room. Evelyn plopped back down on the couch and unpaused the cartoon she was watching.


Evelyn started to hear weird noises, sounds of moaning and groaning, coming from Caleb's bedroom. Curious, she got up and slowly approached the door, sticking her ear against the door to listen.

But, suddenly the noises stopped, and the door burst open, sending Evelyn flying backward. She hit the wall with a thud, her little heart racing.

Evelyn tried to stutter out an apology, but Sarah's angry voice cut her off before she could get anything out. "I fucking told you, Caleb! I said I didn't want to do that shit!" she yelled, shoving him in the chest.

"I just wanted to try it out!" Caleb argued.

"I'm going home," she snapped back, storming past the both of them.

Caleb's sweaty face of embarrassment quickly twisted into a snarl when he spotted Evelyn. "What the fuck? Why're you eavesdropping!" he yelled as he pulled up his sweatpants.

"I'm sorry!" Evelyn sputtered.

As Evelyn tried to back away towards the living room, Caleb's voice rang out. "Hey, wait! Come back here, Evie," he yelled.

Evelyn hesitated, her heart pounding with fear. She didn't want to go to him, but she was too scared to disobey her big brother. Slowly, she turned around and walked into his cluttered, filthy room.

Caleb grabbed her by the arm, his tight grip causing her to wince. "What were you doing outside my room?" he asked, his voice harsh and seething.

"I—I heard weird noises… I was curious," she stuttered, her eyes downcast. "I'm really sorry, Cal." She tried to pull away, but he only squeezed her arm even tighter.

"I'll show you what happens to nosey little brats," he growled. "I bet you wanted to tell on me to Dad for having Sarah over."

"No! I wasn't!" Evelyn bleated.

Caleb's grip on her arm was painful as he led her towards his bed. Evelyn felt hot tears streaming down her face as he locked the door and turned back to face her. In that moment, she didn't see her big brother, she saw a stranger.

Caleb knelt down and was so close that she could feel his warm breath on her face. Evelyn scrunched up her face and closed her eyes as she felt his hands slide under her clothes, groping her childlike chest and body. She wanted to scream, she wanted to call for help, but she was frozen with fear.

As he knelt down to grab the waistband of her skirt, he took her first kiss, his mouth pressing against hers sloppily and hungrily, tasting the tears on her lips. She always thought her first kiss would be magical, like in movies and cartoons, not like this, not in her brother's cluttered, trash littered bedroom, while her big brother's pulling down her skirt.

As Caleb kissed her again, he started to pull up her unicorn T-shirt. Evelyn tried to stop him, but he was too strong for her meager resistance. He yanked her shirt over her head, leaving her bare-chested and only wearing her pair of Little Mermaid underwear.

His lustful eyes locked on her prepubescent chest, which lacked any sign of breast development. Evelyn attempted to cover herself from his perverted gaze, but Caleb grabbed her arms and yanked them away.

She shuddered as he began to suck on her pink nipples, making them hard and uncomfortably sensitive. Pain shot through her chest as he eagerly bit and nibbled at her tender, supple skin.

As Caleb sucked and nibbled on her nipples, he ran a hand down her body and slid it into her panties. She felt his fingers probing her delicate skin before one slipped inside her pussy, causing her to grimace.

"Ow! Please, Cal, stop!" she yelped, trying to shut her legs and push him away.

Evelyn felt a sharp pain shoot through her nipple as Caleb suddenly clamped down on it. She cried out in pain, writhing as his teeth dug into her flesh, only holding on tighter as she struggled.

Blood dribbled down from her sore, swollen bud once he pulled his mouth away. He pushed Evelyn into another kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth so she could taste her own blood.

Caleb pulled his finger out of her pussy and wiped his hand off in her honey-blonde hair. She felt the sticky wetness in her hair and shivered with disgust, which made him chuckle.

Caleb yanked down his dirty sweatpants, which he hastily pulled on just a few minutes ago. Evelyn's eyes widened in terror as her eyes landed on his fully erect dick dangling between his legs. It was the first penis she'd ever seen. Caleb grinned at her shocked expression.

"Like what you see, little sis?" Caleb smirked, slowly stroking himself.

Evelyn shook her head frantically. She tried to dash for the door, but Caleb quickly snatched her by the arm and threw her onto the floor. Evelyn rolled over and groaned in pain, clutching her aching side.

Caleb stepped over to Evelyn and dragged her up onto her by her knees by her hair. Caleb slapped her in the face and pulled her mouth open. He forced a couple fingers into her throat until she gagged.

"Don't you dare try to fucking run again," he hissed and slapped her again.

Caleb forced her head down between his legs, his big hands guiding her face to his crotch. The scent of sweat and teenaged boy musk overwhelmed her nostrils as she felt his hard cock pressing against her lips.

"C'mon, Evie, put your big brother's dick in your mouth," Caleb taunted while gyrating his hips. "I bet you've never done this before, huh?"

Evelyn hesitated, but the look in her brother's eyes forced her to give in. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, reluctantly taking his cock. She gagged as he shoved himself in as deep as he could.

"Fuck," Caleb moaned, thrusting his hips forward, making Evelyn's head bob back and forth as she struggled to keep up.

Evelyn's throat constricted as his cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged and coughed as he kept pumping into her, his balls repeatedly slapping against her chin.

"You're a natural slut," Caleb panted as he pulled his dick out of her mouth. "You're lucky I don't tell Dad about this. He'd kill you if he knew you were so good at taking boys' cocks."

Evelyn turned her head towards the door, but Caleb grabbed her by the chin and turned her face back to him. He leaned in and pushed her into another kiss, while running his hand up and down her tiny frame.

He slipped his hands into her underwear, roughly grabbing her ass and squeezing it, causing her to gasp. "You've got a cute little ass, Evie," he grinned.

Caleb pushed Evelyn onto his bed and flipped her over on her tummy. She trembled and buried her face into her arms. Caleb climbed onto the bed and pulled off her Little Mermaid underwear with one quick movement, leaving her completely bare and exposed to him.

Caleb spread open her legs and parted her cheeks. He leaned down and spat on her tight asshole. She tried to squirm away, but he just yanked her back down by her legs.

Without warning, he squeezed a finger inside of her. She cried out as he worked to stretch her open, the slickness of his spit making it easier to finger her. She sobbed and begged him to stop, but he only became more rough.

Caleb eventually worked her hole enough to insert a second finger, then stretched and loosened it until he could fit a third finger in. All the while, Evelyn was crying and shaking with pain.

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief as she felt him finally pull his fingers out. But, it was quickly replaced with a new feeling, the tip of his cock, pushing against her virgin hole. Her eyes widened in horror and she pleaded with him to stop.

Caleb grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head, arching her back enough that she could see him. "Shut the fuck up! If you shut your fucking mouth it'll be over quicker!" he screamed in her face, spit flying, while repeatedly slapping her in the ass.

She sniffled and swallowed the lump in her throat. She buried her face into the mattress to muffle her sniveling and crying.

The pain was unbearable as Evelyn tried to resist the forceful intrusion, but Caleb persisted. After a couple more thrusts, Caleb managed to force his way into her tight ass, sending waves of agony throughout her body and causing her to wail out in pain. He pulled out, spat on her hole again, then pushed it back inside.

Caleb began to pound into her relentlessly, driven by pure animalistic lust. Every thrust shook the bed and made her feel like she was being ripped open from the inside. She dug her nails into the mattress and screamed as he brutally raped her.

As he rapidly thrust in and out of her, the pain began to dull a little bit. However, her whole body continued to ache tremendously. Eventually she realized he wouldn't stop, so all she wished was for it to be over soon. She didn't know how much longer she could take the pain.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out the reality of the world around her. All she could hear was the sound of their heavy breathing and the loud slapping of their bodies, skin against skin.

Caleb's rough, constant movements only grew more intense, slamming his hips into hers with brutal force. His grunts and groans grew louder, and he dug his fingernails deep into her soft flesh.

Suddenly, she felt Caleb's body tense, then release inside her. He pulled out and rolled over, laying beside her trembling body while heaving and panting. She coughed violently and only caught her breath in short gasps.

Once Caleb finally caught his breath, he pushed Evelyn off of his bed, leaving her lying on the floor, naked and aching. Blood and cum seeped out of her violated, brutalized ass. She had no tears or words left, just hiccups and pained whimpers. She felt completely numb and unable to move. She curled in on herself, hugging her naked body.

As Evelyn's senses started to return to her, her blood ran cold as she realized that Caleb was taking pictures of her on his phone. She tried to crawl away, but he grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her back towards him, laughing at her feeble attempt to escape.

"Stop it!" she pleaded, her voice hoarse and weak.

Caleb only laughed at her. He shoved his phone in her face, making her look at the pictures he'd taken. "I got proof of you being a bad little girl now," Caleb taunted. "If you tell anyone, I'll show Dad and he'll hate you forever, Evie."

Evelyn felt like she was going to vomit. She knew her brother was mean, but she never thought he was this horrible and cruel. Caleb continued to take pictures, moving and flipping her around multiple times to get more angles and shots.

Evelyn trembled and shook her head while pleading, "No, no."

Caleb kicked her in the side as she pulled herself onto her hands and knees. "Now get the fuck out of my room," he barked. "You got blood everywhere. I have to clean up this mess."

Caleb kicked her in the side as she pulled herself onto her hands and knees. "Now get the fuck out of my room," he barked. "You got blood everywhere. I have to clean up this mess, you nasty whore."

Evelyn slowly got to her feet, her body feeling heavy, her sore muscles screaming in pain, as she got to the door. She flinched as she felt her clothes hit her back.

She held her breath as she spun around, fearfully anticipating another lashing. However, Caleb simply watched silently as she scooped up the pile of clothes. Tears streamed down her face as she stumbled towards her room with a limp, her tiny body aching and her mind still reeling.

As Evelyn made her way back to her room, she fought the urge to throw up. With shaking hands, she began to change back into her ruffled clothes. Her eyes never left the floor, she couldn't bare to look at her battered body.

She pulled back up her Little Mermaid underwear, wincing as she felt a mixture of her brother's cum and her blood seep out and soak the fabric. She struggled with putting on her skirt, tripping, hopping, and stumbling until she finally got it. Then she pulled her unicorn T-shirt back on.

With a deep breath, Evelyn slowly turned her body towards the full-length mirror hanging on the back of her door. She always loved to spin around and do poses while looking at herself. Her appearance was one of the things she really cherished about herself.

But as she looked at her reflection, she didn't feel giddy and pretty. Her eyes meticulously scanned over her disheveled appearance. Her hair was a tangled mess, her faced was swollen and red, and she stood awkwardly.

She barely recognized the bruised, broken girl staring back at her. Evelyn turned her head away and let out a choked sob. She ran over to her bed and flung herself onto it. She squeezed her favorite stuffed animals as she cried herself to sleep.