
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Enemy Edging


When finally taking down her most hated mortal foe, one Mary Sioux, in surprisingly not mortal combat, her torn clothes let Tanya find out that she has something quite interesting between her legs. Something that no girl should really have had, and that makes her feel a bit jealous about currently missing.

Still, it won't prevent her from taking the unconscious girl into an abandoned barn for thorough interrogation about an upcoming operation that the General Staff have been worried about.

In fact, she might be able to use it to her advantage in said interrogation, given the right tools and techniques...


Disclaimer: I do not condone any sexual activity with or towards minors. It is a crime almost everywhere worldwide for a reason. Children can not consent, as they have not developed enough nor been taught enough to do so. Keep it fictional.

Work Text:

Major Tanya von Degurechaff touched down in the center of a large clearing in the middle of nowhere, her quick scouting fly-around showing that there were indeed no enemies nearby at all, or anyone else for that matter, and that meant she'd be undisturbed here for quite some time.


Inside of that large clearing sat only two things; a decrepit farmhouse that hadn't seen habitation in probably decades, and a barn that seemed in marginally better condition sitting next to it. A barn that she'd be using to conduct some business while she was here.


She walked forwards, her torn battlesuit leaving her body uncomfortably exposed, both due to the autumn winds creeping across her skin and the idea of exposure of her skin to unseen eyes. It wasn't a strange notion either, as the only parts of her flight uniform that were intact were the actual propulsion machine strapped to herself, parts of her sleeves and collar, and one furred ankle.


Otherwise? The girl was functionally as naked as the day she was born, and showing it too.


Pushing open the door to the barn, she was met with the sight of a mostly barren area, hay having been blown off the stone floor long ago, and similarly cleared of animals or tools even for longer.


Walking down the row of stalls, she undid her flight machine and placed it in one of the empty stalls, before moving to the next one and turning to see that inside was a metal chair, recently placed there by herself. But more importantly there was a girl on that chair.


Correction, there was a naked girl tied down on that chair.


Not a speck of fair skin was covered by clothing on the girl in front of her, unless you counted the metal clamps that secured her wrists and ankles to the seat, but they didn't cover even a bit of her more sensitive bits, so Tanya didn't count them herself.


She didn't feel bad about it though, both because she had been the one to have done so as it was a common interrogation technique, and given who the girl was too.


Long, wavy brown hair cascaded down the girl's shoulders and framed her face, which was admittedly very pretty, made to be quite cute with greenish-blue eyes that put the whole picture.


It was ruined, however, by the way it was all twisted into an expression of absolute hatred , all directed at the Imperial mage.


"There you are, you worthless witch!" the bound girl spat out. "Just leave me here naked and then go out for fun! Was it just to watch me squirm?"


Tanya rolled her eyes. "How very professional of you, Sioux," she said, not bothering to keep the annoyance from her voice. "If you couldn't notice you've left me just about as exposed as you are. Still, I'm required by international law to inform you that we are to undergo a field interrogation here, and thus you might be subject to whatever the interrogator deems fit to acquire her information. That interrogator being myself, if it wasn't obvious to you," she threw in as a petty slight.


"What? Field interrogation?" the girl said, bewildered, making Tanya sigh.


"Yes, those are indeed the words I used a few seconds ago, I'm glad you have the intelligence to at least parrot words. It means it's possible that you might have what we're looking for." She walked forwards, placing a finger on Mary's chin to tilt it up. "We'd like to ask what you know about Operation Rainfall."


The girl's eyes went wide in the way that Tanya knew meant she knew something about this, and thus wouldn't be wasting her time here. Just a few seconds later they turned towards anger, tinged with amusement.


"Oh really? You think that if I knew anything, I'd give it to you?" she stated firmly, though she really wasn't being clever as it hinted to Tanya that she certainly did know something about it. "How dumb can you be?"


The blond just shrugged, though. "Well, I didn't really think that you'd give me anything, honestly, but I did need to ask outright at least once for legal reasons," she explained, eyes turning to look at the girl's lap.


There was the oddity she'd noticed earlier when stripping her down. Instead of a nice, smooth crotch like a girl her age should've had, there was instead a meaty protrusion of masculinity. Even soft, Tanya noted that the penis almost went down to the brunette's knees, and could privately admit to being jealous that this girl got to have a penis when she herself was forced to give up hers when coming to this damned world.


She'd also checked for curiosity's sake and found that yes, Mary did indeed have both parts, a penis and a vagina, the former above the other with large, baseball-sized testicles that obscured her lower lips.


It was an oddity for damned sure… but one she'd decided to use for this interrogation, given her limited supplies and time-sensitive need for it to work.


Her hand reached forward, grabbing onto the large tip of the other girl's cock, making Mary shout in surprise and jostle her restraints.


"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing!" the brunette asked, squirming as she felt the surprisingly soft fingers of her captor encircle the tip of her penis, her cheeks blossoming with heat from the surprise of the act and the tingling she felt there.


Tanya gave the older girl a glare. "Given that you're currently a prisoner of war, you don't exactly have the ground to be asking any questions around here." She gripped a bit tighter, relishing in the other girl's slight squeak as she did so. "Still, if you insist on knowing, given the sudden nature of your interrogation, I was given permission to use whatever means were at my disposal to proceed here."


The blond's hand gave gentle tugs and grasps on the other girl's cock and, slowly, both girls watched as the rod began to grow, lengthening out a bit further and standing up a bit straight so that it softly bowed in line with the Imperial soldier's grip.


"Some prisoner you've turned out to be, though," she teased, her fingertips rubbing over what she knew to be the sensitive tip of the cock, watching the way the older girl wriggled within her seat and gritted her teeth, cheeks decorated with lines of crimson as she gently caressed her. "Getting hard over your captor. What was it? A sick interest in being tied up and toyed with? Or is it your hebephilic nature showing with the sight of my body? Which I can't help but note that is due to you damaging my uniform."


It was overstepping her bounds and more than a bit unprofessional, but the Major held no love for the girl who'd been a thorn in her side for so much of the ongoing war.


Still, there had to be some truth to her words, as she could see the bound girl's nipples stiffening up, as well as the penis within her grip growing harder and bigger by the second.


"S-Shut up!" Mary answered her, just as overly emotional as ever. "You're just an awful witch of the Empire, and you'll never see success or even the light of tomorrow when I get free from here!"


Tanya smirked at the shout. "Bold words for someone in such a vulnerable position," she teased, before turning her grip on the penis and sliding her hand down the length.


Mary's breath hitched as she felt the soft fingers glide along the length of her cock, thin trails of pleasure left behind on her sensitive nerve as the smaller girl slowly stroked her halfway down the length and moved back up.


'W-What's she planning to do?' she asked herself, forced to watch in growing concern as her dick hardened under the blonde's treatment, those little digits strangely pleasant against her skin as they stroked back and forth.


"Y-You're not acting with any authority!" Mary challenged her with a shaky voice. "You're just being a lecherous demon!"


Unfortunately that just made the little devil's smirk grow wider and more smug. "Well from where I'm standing only one of us is enjoying anything here," she protested, moving her fingers to the tip of Mary's cock and rubbing her index finger in a quick circle around the leaking tip of her now rock-hard penis, jutting out tall enough that it was at nose-level with the blonde. "Still if it hurts, I wouldn't be opposed to giving it a little kiss better."


With that she leaned forwards, eyes never moving from Mary's own as she pursed her lips and planted them directly upon the slit of her penis, making the bound brunette gasp at the feeling.


If Tanya's fingers were like the feeling of smooth hair, then her lips were like pillows for the few seconds they were pressed against her dick, and she could feel herself twitching with the other girl's grasp.


Tanya herself couldn't help but be pleased by the frustrated look upon her prisoner's face, and reasoned that this was going well so far, so she might as well step it up.


She moved her other hand to grab the base of the hard cock, her fingers just barely able to wrap around the entirety of the length, and moved both her hands to stroke the halves of the monstrous length before her.


Mary's breath hitched, and behind her pursed lips she could hear a faint whimper come from the girl, making Tanya's satisfaction grow a bit more.


Still, she could definitely get a bit better, and so moved in to plant another little peck of her lips on Mary's cock again, this time slightly lower down, and one more even lower.


Her gentle descent of kisses joined her slowly stroking hands in making the girl's cock pulse powerfully, her body writhing and wriggling about in her bonds as she so desperately tried to do something , escape most likely, but also possible that she just wanted to stroke her cock on her own.


'Well too bad,' Tanya thought to herself as her lips touched down underneath the penis' head. 'That's not in the plans for today.'


Mary herself was in a strange mix of heaven and hell, the blonde devil's gentle ministrations sending tingles of arousal down through her shaft and up into her entire body, but seeing that same girl be so unbearably smug, and not knowing why she was doing this was driving Mary up the wall.


Not helping matters was the fact that, well… Mary was already very sensitive with her extra "equipment", but she also hadn't had the time to get herself off in at least a week.


For a girl who usually masturbated about twice a day, that was a serious undertaking.


And having been so pent up, these soft little touches were so much against her bare skin, the contrast of the cold metal chair and the little bits of wind brushing along her body not making things any better.


She did her best to stave herself off but she was powerless under her hated foe's touch and, soon enough, she could feel the familiar sensation of an impending orgasm.


It was slow to approach but approach it did, and Mary jerked and writhed in her bonds, trying to do everything she could to not sully herself in front of Degurechaff herself, holding herself back just a bit-


She suddenly felt a wet sensation on her tip and her eyes widened to see Tanya's tongue sticking out onto her skin.


And just like that, it was too much.


"Grr, damnit-" she yelled out, before her words turned into a shriek of surprise as she felt something tight squeeze around the base of her length, and leaned back to see that there was a golden glowing… ribbon , of all things, tied around her… right where she felt the squeeze.


"Ah!" she said, feeling one little vestige of her orgasm still go off as a line of semen shot out of her cock and splashed a now-surprised Tanya, landing just above her right eyebrow and tracing down across her face until it ended just below her lip.


Tanya was glad that her ploy had worked. She'd practiced with it in the past, of course, using her orb without directly touching it. She was just lucky it was so close in the other stall, or she might not've been able to pull off her creation trick at all.


Still, even more surprising was the spurt of cum that was covering half her face, both by its impact and its weight upon her skin. She braced for more, but after a few seconds with nothing but frantic twitching from the absurdly large cock, she smirked and met Mary's gaze with her one open eye.


"I should've guessed that even when you have an orgasm, it's half-assed," the girl taunted, using her finger to draw off the segment of cum that was situated on her eyelid, a sizable glob by the sight of it.


As she toyed with it, the restrained girl growled. "Y-You're the one who cut it off!" she yelled back, the voice holding a tinge of struggle, and Tanya could see as her cock throbbed about, body silently begging to continue its release.


Of course, the blonde wouldn't do such a thing without concession from her captive, so she shrugged. "Well that's just semantics, really. A bit of belly-aching from the no-good mage who got herself captured."


Mary growled again but she ignored it in favor of looking at the white google stretching between her fingers. It was… interesting to feel it again, familiar in a way that she'd nearly forgotten about, given her current body's lack of a way to source it.


Still, regardless of her strange bout of nostalgia, Tanya needed to clean up. Knowledge from prior searching that there weren't even rags for cleaning within the dilapidated barn, along with the feel and scent of the bit on her hand, something between them drove her to part her lips and place her fingers in her mouth.


Immediately she noticed the thick, gooey feeling of the semen was even more pronounced on her tongue, her saliva loosening it to let the warm globule slide about in her mouth.


What she also noticed was that it was a heavy taste on her taste buds in a way that she could only describe as male lust diluted to pure liquid. A thick, almost honey-like liquid in its stickiness, but liquid nonetheless.


She couldn't help the small jolt of arousal that hit around where her womb would be, but she kept it suppressed to not show Mary. The girl did seem to be affected by the act though, her eyes wide and focused on Tanya.


She'd only done this given there was no real way to clean herself, the only available material being the remains of her uniform, but with the way Mary seemed to be affected…


Decision made, Tanya pulled her fingers out of her mouth, keeping her lips held tight so that she'd pull all the semen from them, she made to scoop another length off her face before repeating the process, putting on a show of licking and suckling her digits clean, relishing in both the strangely appealing taste of the jism and the absolute enthrallment of the Entente soldier in her clutches.


'She is much too easy to read…' Tanya mused in her head as she cleaned.


One more swipe and she had the last of the cum placed on her tongue, at which point she closed her lips, swirling and swishing it about her mouth, poking at her cheeks so that there was no doubt what she was doing before, finally, tilting her head back to swallow the load.


She had to do so a few times, the solid chunk of Mary's semen clinging to her throat, but eventually she got it down, delighting in the way that the other girl's face looked so vacant, all focus on her libido as she'd watched Tanya's display.


"Well, I do have to ask if you're willing to give up the information we need," Tanya stated, watching with amusement as the resistance came back to her face.


"Of course not! T-This isn't enough to break me!" Mary protested loudly, and Tanya sighed dramatically before focusing on her magic.


"I suppose I'll have to try a different tactic, then."


Mary's eyes widened and she turned her head back as she felt something slightly warm and solid clamp around her forearms just above her wrist, but was unable to see from her restrained position.


There was a click that echoed throughout the barn and Mary found that she was suddenly lacking those same restraints.


Wasting no time, the girl's head whipped around, landing on the blonde before her and, with a hate-filled snarl, jumped forward to attack her.


She was stopped mid-flight, her snarl turning choked as she was held back not only by the strange feeling on her arms, but a tight grip on her neck keeping her not even a foot away from the Imperial demon before her.


Said demon tutted mockingly, making the rage fume with Mary, only offset by the discomfort of her situation. "Why am I not surprised? The first chance you get and you start acting like a wild animal."


Tanya held a hand out, fingers open and before Mary's eyes a thin golden length appeared between them. She tightened her grip and yanked on it, making Mary yelp in surprise as she was pulled forward just another inch, that thing on the back of her neck snapping taut to keep her from reaching the girl again.


"I never thought I would be forced to become a beastmaster when signing up with the military… but when faced with a snarling creature like yourself, I suppose one must adapt."


Mary growled again. "I'm not a beast! You're the beast here!" she yelled, voice a bit raspy from the confines around her neck.


Tanya only smirked at her words. "Really? Chained, leashed, chomping at the bit… A rabid dog seems a much more fitting description than the professional soldier you're supposed to be."


In a flash of motion, Mary felt the girl slam into her chest, driving the wind from her, and further disorienting her when she spun around and was shoved into the wall.


The brunette tried to pull back, but that same restraint around her neck was still holding her taut, and a glance down showed that she was somehow attached to the wall via a golden length anchored through the wood.


She felt the smaller girl kick one of her legs to the side and scrambled to stay upright, to not choke from lacking balance. But now with her legs wide apart, that was when she felt that same warmth that was keeping her arms together and keeping her neck to the wall appear around her legs and, try as she might, she couldn't push her legs together.


Tanya stepped back from the irate, struggling girl to survey her handiwork. It was a hard bit of magic to practice, creating constructs like this, but once she had gotten it down she'd been rather proficient at it, and had in fact practiced such things like this to disorient opponents within combat.


It was too advanced for her subordinates to learn sadly, but that didn't mean she couldn't apply it where needed herself. And with the lacking restraints of this dilapidated old building, it was definitely needed.


But her diligence was rewarded with her prisoner, bound to the wall by a set of golden, glowing restraints, namely a collar on her neck and connecting chain, arms restrained together at the wrist and forearm behind her back, and legs connected by a large bar to keep her legs spread far apart, also connected to the wall to keep any errant kicks at bay.


Along with the ribbon she'd fastened around her protruding cock at its creation, altogether only taking the slightest bit of effort for her to maintain the spells, much less than she was used to while flying or fighting, the girl was well and truly at Tanya's mercy.


Tanya admired Mary's pert butt and the tight holes that sat between them, the puckered star of her anus and the slickened slit of her pussy, as well as the bobbing cock beneath her, and considered her approach from here.


"So, Miss Sioux. Do you plan on giving any information on the operation now?" she asked while resting a hand blatantly upon her ass, spurring on a growl from her prisoner.


"I already told you, you're not getting a word from me, disgusting girl!" the brunette growled out.


Tanya clicked her tongue in faux disappointment. Her hand traced a small, gentle circle around the girl's soft ass, making her writhe just that little bit more in her bonds. "I'm sure that a… reward of sorts could be arranged if you were to reconsider."


Another growl was her response, and when a few more moments passed with no coherent words, Tanya sighed dramatically. "Well, no one can say I didn't try the carrot, at least."


Pulling her hand back, Tanya held it up high and, after a quick body reinforcement spell, sped it forward back to Mary's rear, hitting it with her open palm at appreciable speeds.


The ensuing smack rang throughout the whole barn, followed by the very sharp squeal of her prisoner as her cheek already showed the slightest hint of reddening from just that one slap.


"I'd urge you to reconsider, Sioux. I can make your time here quite hellish indeed."


The threat was followed by a firm gripping of her ass, though once more Mary stayed silent, glaring at Tanya as much as she could with her limited ability to move.


Tanya clicked her tongue again, shrugging for effect. Without a word, she moved directly behind the older girl and crouched down to be at head-height with her rear.


Reaching forward, the blonde tightly gripped onto the girl's perky cheeks, making sure to grab just hard enough to sting, and spread them open, showing her holes fully to the open air.


"H-Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing!" Mary yelled out in surprise and anger both.


Holding Mary's cheek there with a quick application of her magic, Tanya moved her hand forward to press firmly against the rosebud before her, making the girl gasp as she did.


"Hmm, it seems that the reports of you being a 'tight-ass' were more accurate than assumed," she taunted. "And I'd thought it was just soldiers being crass."


"You damn-" were the only words that Mary could get out before Tanya decided enough was enough, and pushed her head forward, opening her lips to press against her prisoner's ass.


Another sharp squeak assaulted her ears, but the Imperial ignored it in favor of keeping a tight hold of the girl's cheeks and pressing very insistently against the muscled ring with her tongue.


It tasted of sweat, mostly, but Tanya had experienced worse from the Empire's dining halls, and so she instead did her best to push her tongue about, slowly but surely loosening up the tight resistance of the clenching butthole.


'That ended up being more literal than I meant,' she thought to herself, before finally the ring gave way and she pushed her way into the confines of the brunette's ass.


"Haaah!" Mary yelled out as Tanya's tongue punched through into her asshole, the slippery and slimy little appendage wiggling about experimentally, pressing against her walls.


It was a weird sensation to have something back there, to have that little tongue licking about within her butt. Her body was instinctually squeezing it, intent on pushing it out, but being bound like this, there was very little she could do but take the abuse of her butthole.


"S-Stop that!" Mary cried out as the tongue made quick circles deep within her. "You're just a damn demon, so stop doing that!"


There was a pause, and the girl wondered if her words had been heard. Then, there was a sharp crack of pain across the cheek of her ass, making her squeal in surprise and pain.


Then, like nothing had interrupted her, that evil blonde continued to lick around emphatically inside of her ass.


The worst part of it all to the brunette was that it actually felt kind of good , the pent up lust that her greatest enemy had tied off from her pulsing emphatically within her, each lick and stroke inside of her making it flare more and more.


She could feel it as her cock twitched around beneath her, silently begging for remorse from a jailer who had none to spare, and she did her best to grit her teeth and bare with it.


That was when Tanya pushed herself that further bit into Mary's ass, making her let out a high-pitched moan as the tongue went even deeper than before, deeper than she'd ever thought anything could, and-


"Ooooooh!" The girl suddenly cried out, as Tanya's tongue rubbed against something in her butt that set her lust alight like nothing before, making her shudder and writhe within her arcane shackles, desperate for release.


"I can cum, I can cum, I can cum~" she chanted to herself, focusing on that feeling just as Tanya herself seemed to, her tongue centering on that strange patch of flesh within her ass that made pleasure surge through her body.


But no matter how much the blonde's tongue probed and prodded her at that good spot, the ribbon on her cock kept its tight seal, making her balls ache as they were further denied their purpose.


Suddenly, Tanya pulled back from her ass, leaving Mary to lean against the wall, panting heavily and feeling the distinctly uncomfortable sensation of air against her now slickened anus, tingling and chilly at the same time.


Tanya however, felt like she did a good job, as she breathed intently but quietly, staring at the slightly opened asshole in front of her.


She'd been pleasantly surprised by not only the fact that eating the ass of her enemy wasn't that bad an experience, but that she'd seemed to find that magic little spot where the prostate could be touched.


It worked wonders for affecting the older girl, and a quick check confirmed her ribbon held fast even as that gargantuan rod twitched about erratically.


Still, she wasn't done tormenting Mary, not by a long shot, and moved her hand up, pressing two fingers into the open recesses of her asshole and, when just the first joint was in, spread her fingers wide.


"Gggh!" Mary ground out, but the blonde paid it no mind as she stared into the opened hole of her prisoner's anus, watching the flesh spasm erratically.


Quickly glancing between the brunette's rearmost hole and her still-trembling cock, Tanya focused her magic once more in her free hand and created a huge, glowing phallus within it.


One that matched Mary's own to a tee.


"You know Sioux, I have quite the unique learning experience for you here," she said, fully aware that Mary couldn't look behind her as she angled the mystical cock towards that twitching sphincter. "After all, it's not every day that you get to learn exactly what it feels like to be a pain in someone's ass!"


The moment the words left her mouth, Tanya's hand shot forward, forcing the rounded tip of the cock straight into Mary's spread hole and watched as more than half of it was buried inside of her ass.


Mary's squeal of shock and pain at the sudden sodomy made Tanya glad for the remoteness of their location, though she didn't let it deter her from forcing the rod deeper and deeper into the fleshy confines of her prisoner's butthole.


An interesting effect of her magic was their translucence, allowing Tanya to see the violent spasms of Mary's walls as they tried to push the magical log from her body, but Tanya's arm was stronger than Mary's colon, and so onwards it pushed.


She delighted in Mary's continuing gasps and writhing as it sunk further and further into her, visiting some of the pain that she'd felt from her stupidity back upon her in such delicious vengeance.


Soon enough it was hilted all the way inside of her, and as Tanya watched the rounded bottom be swallowed by the tight sphincter, only the slightest glow where it couldn't fully wrap around showing its existence from the back, she let herself feel a moment of devious satisfaction, before schooling herself back into some semblance of professionalism.


Kneeling further, Tanya dragged her nose along Mary's slicked crotch and down to her sizable balls. Immediately she could smell the familiar scent of sweat and musk pervading her nostrils, and unbidden she could feel herself grow a bit aroused at the stench.


As she began to take it in, her hands moved away from their holds above to grip one of those huge nuts instead, each one large enough that she couldn't fully enclose her fingers around them.


She could feel Mary's little spasms and hear her stifled moans as she began to massage them, fully aware of how the soft kneading and tickles of her breath must be making Mary feel.


"How the hell do you ever fly, Sioux?" Tanya teased, hefting the sack within her grip. "You've got such heavy weights on you after all, it must be hard to even take off!"


Before the girl could retort, she opened her mouth and pressed her tongue to one of the nuts, sliding it up the length in one, long stroke, gathering up the sweat that'd been building up on her tongue and, more importantly, making the girl moan loudly at the pleasure of her work.


Around the orbs, she could see as Mary's cock continued to erratically spasm about, doing its damndest to achieve that ever lofty orgasm, and she smirked.


Sooner or later, Mary would break.


Still, she didn't sound that out at all, instead using her tongue for the more important task of working towards that break, slowly lathering the back of the hefty nut with her saliva, her sense of taste joining her sense of smell in being bathed with Mary's musk.


Mary herself was in a hell made purely of lust, her cock aching and throbbing with her pent up desires, and the gentle, almost caring way that her captor was bathing her balls making it all the more intense.


And that damned shaft she'd shoved in her wasn't helping in the least, feeling as long as a table leg and thicker than one at the least, its presence made sure that every single motion her tormentor did was even more of a struggle for Mary to endure.


Her toes curled, her back arched, her teeth ground against one another, but for all the lovely tingles that pervasive tongue left behind only serving to add to her torment.


"Aaahh~" she moaned out when Tanya's hands stopped caressing her heaving sack and instead slid down and over them to grab onto her cock. The intensity of even that simple touch was profound, and Mary was almost depressingly disappointed when she didn't accidentally undo that damned ribbon with her motions.


She winced as Tanya pulled her stiff rod downwards though, her hands sliding up it enough until she'd gotten near the top where she gripped it tightly and started to slowly stroke her.


The brunette gasped and shuddered as those soft, slender fingers caressed and touched along the top of her cock, exploring and moving about her head even as the soft, rhythmic stroking continued.


Tanya's devilish delights only grew as she could feel the constant shuddering of Mary's body pleading for release, though she continued to only tease and torment her instead.


She was still surprised at just how huge Mary's cock was, her hands having to move quite a bit to reach the top, but once she had she'd made sure to give it some small strokes and, remembering quite well how sensitive that tip could be, also poked and prodded about it with each pass of her fingers.


Mary suddenly shook her hips, the girl's ass bounding about above her, and Tanya couldn't have her prisoner getting any funny ideas. So she removed one of her hands and delivered another magically-enhanced slap to one of those taut cheeks of hers.


The rewarding sounds of the crack followed by a sharp squeal, made all the sharper by the huge presence lodged within her ass, soothed Tanya's ears, and she pulled back from Mary's balls for a moment. "Keep still like a good prisoner, Sioux," she said, doing her best to sound both affirmative and seductive, before she leaned forward to drag her tongue along the breadth of those heaving orbs that hung there.


While doing so, the blonde had a devious idea, and so she pulled back, swallowing down the leftover juices before speaking again. "Hmm, you know, I've always been a little curious about something…"


The vagueness of her statement was sure to keep the older girl nervous as to her plans, and Tanya used that time to quickly pull the girl's cock farther up behind her, getting a groan of discomfort as she did so.


When it was pointing towards her chin, an angry red tip that was dripping a thick stream of precum, she leaned down and opened her mouth to take it between her lips.


"Mmmgh!" Mary ground out as she slid herself up and over that mushroom-like head, feeling its spasms against her lips and eventually her tongue, hot and slick and tasting even more of that musk that only men should have then even her balls had before.


Once she had slid over the tip and she could feel it leaking directly onto her tongue, Tanya clamped down firmly with her soft lips and moved her hands up, each one grabbing a solid handful of taut ass for handholds, before she truly began to work.


A quick reinforcement spell on herself made it feel almost effortless as the blonde pushed herself up the shaft, feeling it slide across her tongue and down her throat, slowly moving and intentionally swallowing every few seconds to give it a torturous massaging.


Mary herself was gritting her teeth, feet bobbing against the ground and hands clenching tightly behind her as that dreaded Imperial mage slowly took more and more of her cock within her little mouth, the soft and warm flesh of her throat squeezing about every little bit to make it all the better, and only getting more intense as she took the whole thing.


It was a surprisingly short time before she felt the younger girl's nose push up against her balls again, the slight tickle feeling almost like a surge of lustful lightning through her spine with nearly the whole of her cock engulfed by her foe, pointed nearly fully down from what she could feel.


She stayed there for a good few seconds, vigorously swallowing along the brunette's cock and forcing a squeak from her lips as every possible inch of her dick encased in those soft lips was massaged and milked with focused effort.


Then, Tanya pulled back in one, smooth motion, coming back down from Mary's cock and making her whole body tremble in delight, a long and low moan slipping out of her.


The blonde moved back up just as quickly, though there was no break when she got to the top, as instead she moved back down, continuing the way she speared her own throat with her turgid, pulsating penis.


"Y-You fucking-Aaahn!" she moaned and cursed loudly, no room for any subtlety with the increasing pace of the facefucking she was subject to, absolute pleasure leading to her absolute torment.


It was so fast, so damned soft within the blonde's throat, like a warm and slick sleeve that was built just for her dick. She wanted to badly to cum, to be able to make that stupid bitch's belly bulge obscenely with her semen.


But that goddamned ribbon was still there!


"C-C'mon! Goddamned evil girl!" she stuttered vaguely, a desire to plead with her captor bubbling more and more as she continued to slam herself up and down her shaft. Each pass made it grow closer and closer to her hate, and a small part of Mary that was still not consumed by the lust worried about breaking to this girl.


Mary threw her head back, eyes closed and teeth clenched as she concentrated on the vice-like mouth, on the pleasure and the sensations. Her feet stamped about in their bonds, her body unable to hold its desire fully within as she tried to force a release somehow, without stooping to the low of begging for it that was inching nearer and nearer to the forefront of her mind.


But it was so hard…!


Without warning, Tanya fully slid off of Mary's cock, and she was left whimpering as the open air tickled and touched along her length, the saliva that coated it only making the chilly touch all the more agonizing in its pinprick-like sensations.


"You know… I can't help but commend your resolve…" that damned girl's voice spoke aloud, a slight heaviness of breathing and the slickness of what had to be her cleaning lips of saliva. "I wouldn't think that a brainless zealot such as yourself could back up their words for this long."


Mary growled, the insult letting her hate flare back up, though she was so overstimulated that she couldn't form a response.


The Imperial mage seemed to take her silence as a prompt to continue. "Still, it doesn't exactly work that well for me. After all… I still need that information, Sioux."


Mary growls again, this time forcing the vitriol into words. "Not… a… chance…" she ground out.


Once more, Tanya just clicked her tongue. "Hmmm. Well, in normal cases such fine control would be a good thing," she said, as Mary felt the hands let go of her rear. "After all, it's only serving to prolong your suffering."


Suddenly, the massive presence within her ass expanded , making Mary's ass sting with pain as it felt like it'd almost doubled in width from its already monstrous size, and her legs trembled with pain and arousal both, her cock dripping along the ground beneath herself.


Then, without any form of warning, there was a smack on her ass and she squealed with pain. It wasn't from the girl's hand, but something harder, more solid, wide enough that covered both her cheeks and made her clench oh-so tightly around that huge presence inside of her rearmost hole.


Tanya was grinning with malicious glee as she watched the girl spasm within her ethereal bonds, obviously not having expected to be met with the large, glowing paddle that she now held within her hand, which combined with making the dildo suddenly bigger, must've shook her to her core.


Still, she had a job to do, so she patted the paddle against her open palm as she spoke up. "Operation Rainfall; Where will it be taking place?" she asked firmly, careful to keep the sadistic glee from her tone.


"N-No…" the brunette spat out, though it was weaker than before, hesitant almost, and Tanya knew that she was close to getting what she wanted.


So she raised the paddle back far and, with reinforced arms, swung it down with all her might right on those exposed cheeks.




"Eeee!" was the harsh sound she was met with, the brunette's whole body jerking forward with the sting of the impact, her whole body convulsing with feeling.


"What's the goal of the Operation?" she asked again, this time focusing on the ribbon around Mary's cock, and she watched with interest as the other girl's body flexed and tensed as the ribbon, still squeezed intensely tightly, started to vibrate too.


"N…Never…" was Mary's response, barely above a gasp as far as words went.


Still, it was resistance, so once more Tanya brought up her paddle.




Those previously fair-skinned cheeks were turning a delicious shade of red as Mary yelped, her cock bobbing frantically and letting out a thick, drooling stream of precum all over the wall and floor in front of her. Her hands were opening and closing in little bursts, and she was rocking about, obviously desperate to be free.


"Details woman, details!" she yelled out and, without waiting for a response this time, forced the base of the cock to expand outwards, opening up Mary's little asshole wide, wide enough that Tanya could see the glowing base quite clearly through the now fist-sized opening of her anus.


'It makes for a wonderful target,' she thought to herself as she once more pulled back, aiming right for the glowing-




"Heeeeeh!" was the gasping, breathy sound that came from Mary, sounding more like it came from an animal than a human. Her whole body rocked about, and even without seeing her face, it was so obvious she was on her last legs of resistance.


But Tanya's frustration was brewing within her. This was leading her nowhere, and with memories of all the times this girl had hindered her, targeted her for stupid, emotional reasons that didn't belong on the field…


"Useless!" she yelled out, swinging her paddle again, towards the full breadth of that ass this time.




Another squeal and another tremble, though Tanya didn't give her another pause.






















"Absolute waste!"




Tanya held herself back from delivering another strike, closing her eyes and breathing deeply to calm herself down. She'd lost her professionalism there for a moment, and while it might've been understandable, she was above that.


Once she opened her eyes, the Major couldn't help but smirk and feel a bit of lust stir within her at the sight that she bore witness to.


Mary's ass was changed near completely from the color of skin to a vibrant, angry red, the raw skin labeled with rectangular marks from particularly harsh hits from her paddle. She was bent over as much as she was able to, seeming to press her head against the wall. Her heavy breathing was evident with the flexing and receding of her torso, and she trembled like a leaf in the storm, her cock dripping beneath her, every few seconds tensing up powerfully to paint the wall in front of her with another line of thick precum.


All in all, she looked like a complete mess, and Tanya couldn't be prouder of herself.


Focusing, she quickly turned the tool in her hand into another dildo, this one a bit more averagely sized, and walked forward, taking a peek at the drooling pussy that sat between her overstuffed asshole and her bobbing cock.


'Much too empty,' she thought sadistically to herself, pushing the dildo forward without warning and sinking it all within those puffy lips in one go, getting a low, growly moan from her prisoner.


It also seemed to be the girl's last straw, as her legs collapsed, barely held up from the constructs securing her legs and the way her cheek pressed firmly into the wall.


Tanya moved around her to look at her unfocused eyes and open mouth, drool dribbling from the side of it as she simply lay there, insensate despite the sudden intrusion.


The Imperial Mage clicked her tongue once more, but left it at that as she undid the chains connecting the girl to the wall and caught her limp body as it fell further forward, hefting her prisoner up and walking over to the metal chair that sat bolted to the floor.


Without care Tanya tossed Mary onto the chair, making the girl squeak in what was likely both shock and pain as her sore cheeks impacted the unforgiving metal and jostled her two arcane insertions.


The blonde showed no mercy though, instead using the time where she was still out of it to secure her glowing restraints, collar, wrists, and ankles, to her seat.


As she finished up on her ankles, she heard Mary coughing, and looked up to see the brunette glaring down at her.


Tanya gave her a derisive smirk in response. "Back to the land of the living, are we?"


Mary growled, but it was a weak thing. "You… You deserve your title, demon…" she bit back.


The blonde simply scoffed. "This song and dance again? How droll." Her hand went to cup the other girl's chin, moving her head up a bit more. "I'd say that you're losing your touch, but… That would be implying that you had anything to begin with, and it would be rude to give you false hopes."


Mary bared her teeth at her captor, watching with annoyance as Tanya rolled her eyes. Still, she did let her chin go, surprising the still semi-groggy girl.


She only became more surprised when Tanya stepped up onto the chair, giving her a very solid view of her bare, alabaster skin, with the sight of her glistening slit making her cock throb almost painfully in her lap.


"Hmm hmm~ Seems someone has some expectations of what's happening," the blonde taunted, flaring up Mary's annoyance a bit, but she was kept silent as Tanya's hand moved down to her crotch, two fingers spreading her puffy lips open with a slightly slick sound that nonetheless rang about Mary's ears.


But what spurred her lust on more was the pleasant pinkness of the other girl's crotch, the inside of it looking soft and luscious, more than anything she'd ever imagined, and she couldn't stop it as the stiff length between her legs danced at the prospect of it, every bounce tinged with pain from that damned ribbon on it.


"Yes, it seems that's exactly what's happening here," her captor continued, kneeling down to press her opened lips directly on top of Mary's tip.


Immediately Mary tried to buck her hips up, instinct trying to slip herself inside of that delicious looking pussy… But she barely moved an inch due to her restraints, instead just barely brushing against them in a move that made her moan in frustration and lust both.


The blonde girl smirked a bit wider at that but, instead of plunging herself down on the rod like Mary silently pleaded for, she moved slowly down, her lips gripping the head of Mary's cock in an agonizingly soft embrace, the squeezing, pillowy hold moving down her intensely sensitive head and down under it to her shaft.


Once Tanya's legs were bent almost double, she slowly lifted herself back up, making the brunette grit her teeth to keep from giving the other girl any more delight, that soft grip teasing her so wonderfully that she wasn't sure if she wanted to moan aloud or scream in rage.


And it just kept going, the slow gentle passes of those slickened lips on the side of her rod, keeping her in this state of blissful anguish, her cock being slickened in even more of the blonde's juices as she did so, that infuriating smirk sitting pretty on her face the entire time she did so.


"You know," she suddenly spoke up after what felt like hours of silent grinding. "If you'd just give in, tell me what I want to know, then I'll let you experience the wonders of being in the tightest hole you'll ever feel in your life~"


Tanya's seductive tone and the promise of penetration made Mary's cock twitch and throb, and she had to take a few seconds to temper her anger and resist that aching temptation. "I-I won't… Lose…" she ground out, voice breathy and words staggered, but resistant all the same.


The blonde didn't seem deterred, instead just shrugging her shoulders as she continued her grinding. "Well, I'm not the one who will never experience the thrill of an orgasm again, in that case. I'll leave that duty all to you."


Instead of pulling back, Tanya moved the hand that wasn't balancing herself on Mary's knee over and grasped the head of her dick, making her squirm as much as she could in her bonds as those soft fingers gently squeezed it as if she was trying to draw milk from a cow.


"Hmm hmm hmm~" she laughed silently. "I can see that you're at your wit's end, Sioux. All of this suffering, all of this denial… What's it for?"


As she spoke, her finger moved up to press firmly into Mary's cock tip, making the stream of precum flow all across her head, and more importantly causing a jolt of pleasure to rush down her length.


Tanya ground her finger into the very tip of her dick in small, slow circles for a few moments, simply letting Mary sit there in pure torment.


She could see it on the brunette's face. Desperation was just beneath the surface, and this slow, plodding torment was working wonders on it. It's just a shame that there was that final little layer of resistance, buckling under the weight of her lust but not fully bending like she wanted.


Still, Tanya had a plan to fix that.


"Well, I would say that you're all talk at this point," she said, pulling her hand back from Mary's tip and licking off the collected juices before pulling her pussy back from the girl's engorged cock and lifting herself up higher. "Since I know just how to break you, Sioux."


Once more Tanya had lifted her crotch up above the other girl's rod, but instead of pushing her puffy lips down on it once more, Tanya instead shifted just a bit further forward, taking ahold of that swollen head, and gently lowering herself down until it was pressing right against her ass.


Mary's eyes widened, face shifting into an interesting mix of anticipation and despair as Tanya let go of the rod and instead pulled her cheeks back apart and, with another subtle reinforcement of her body, slid herself over that head.


"Aaaaah!" Her prisoner's yell of agonized delight echoed throughout the dilapidated barn, and Tanya wanted to roll her eyes at the other girl's dramatic nature.


She was having an issue though as, even with her magical enhancement, the cock poking inside of her asshole was still a beast of a rod.


Regardless she was made of sterner stuff and, after a deep breath, she was able to push herself lower onto it, letting out a small grunt of effort as she did.


It wasn't noticed by Mary though, who had continued shouting and moaning aloud as Tanya slowly sunk more and more down the rod, inch by inch sliding into her rectum.


She could admit quietly that she was feeling a bit aroused from the intrusion herself, the sensation of her toughened rear taking this thick and long length in… It was equal parts alien and pleasure at once.


The blonde could feel it as it pressed against her stomach though, and a quick check showed she was about halfway down the rod. Another deep breath, a tensing of her rear, and she was sliding down again.


It went quicker this time, and she mostly focused on the lustful torment present in her prisoner's body, both the way it looked upon her shrieking face and the constant spasm and twitches of the rod she was embedding within her bowels.


Soon enough she felt her ass hit the older girl's lap and let out a sigh of relief, taking a moment to adjust to the presence within her asshole before staring balefully at the girl before her.


The shouts were annoying her, so she reached out and grabbed the girl's chin firmly, shutting her up as she forced her to meet eyes.


"Oh Sioux. You'll never outlast me," she taunted, not bothering to hold her derision back. "After all… we've only just begun."


Mary's eyes widened at the statement, missing the moment she had to prepare herself as Tanya lifted herself back up her cock.


The girl moaned deeply as she felt her foe's tight asshole clamping tightly to her rod, the pillowy soft walls were slick with the mingled juices she was coated with and the warmth was so intense .


And given it was maybe even tighter than her throat had been earlier Mary was feeling the pleasure intensely.


Tanya moved quite quickly up her rod, soon enough finding herself at the top of it, her sphincter squeezing achingly well around her sensitive tip for a few moments, before she pushed herself back down.


"Aaaahn~" she moaned aloud, unable to stop herself as those walls glided down her length again, bottoming out once more inside of those tight confines just a few seconds later.


And she hung there too, her asshole clenching and convulsing intensely, massaging every inch of her buried within the young girl's bowels, the sight of her length pushing against the inside of the blonde's body to be visible to her eyes…


It was such delightful torture she felt.


Without warning Tanya lifted herself again, still continuing to massage her with her asshole all the while, the muscled ring of flesh visibly clutching onto her length as she went up.


Mary's body twitched and writhed about as her captor slowly but nigh-effortlessly toyed with her body, on so many levels using her apparently-skillful anus to tease and torment her so damn much.


All the while that insufferable smirk stayed on her face, even as those cheeks were dusted with crimson.


Yet still, that ribbon was still there! Denying Mary the release she so desperately craved for who knows how long! Her captor, this blonde bitch in front of her, was lavishing in her torment of the brunette.


And worse of all… Mary could feel her resolve slipping with every stroke of the delightfully evil ass on her length, every single squeeze of those soft confines…


She was reaching the end of her rope, she knew, and she couldn't do much about it.


Desperately she tried to escape, straining at her bonds as hard as she could, but her focus was torn from her by the constant drop and lift of Tanya's ass, and she could barely muster anything as a result.


Then, Tanya stayed fully sheathed, the younger girl rolling her hips around and making Mary squeak and moan in open lust at the motions.


"Give in, Mary~" she spoke, her voice both sultry and breathy, eliciting a whimper from the bound girl, turning into a yelp as she felt the girl's hand cup her sack and squeeze it gently. "You can finally cum, empty those big balls inside… if you just tell me what I want to know."


Finally, with the gentle massaging of her balls, and the regular clenching around her cock, at the promise of release after so long… Mary cracked.


"A-Alright, I'll talk, I'll talk!" she cried out, voice shaky and near sobbing with shame as she did, but the desire for release had won out in the end.


And not even the evil smirk on that devil's face could steer her from getting that.


So she spoke, on and on about everything she knew about the secretive operation from the few meetings she'd been in and could recall, with Tanya silent and achingly still upon her lap the whole time.


Until finally, she'd spoken her last. Letting out a deep sigh of shame, she looked up with a quiver in her lip. "That's it… Now please, just let me cum!"


Tanya reached over, the first bit of moving she'd done since Mary had begun to confess, and patted her on the head like an obedient dog. "Well since you've been such a good girl … I suppose a reward is due."


The girl turned her eyes downwards, and Mary followed them, watching in unabashed delight as that ribbon, that dreadful golden band around the base of her cock… Vanished into gold dust before her eyes.


"T-Tha-" she tried to get out, but was cut off by the blonde on her lap grabbing onto her shoulders and hefting herself up, gripping her length the whole while, and within moments coming back down with what sounded to Mary as a deafening slap .


The pain of her asscheeks, even with the gigantic insertion inside of her butt and the smaller one in her pussy, the hours of torment… Everything blended together in that one moment and made Mary cum .


"Oooooooh!" she screamed aloud as who knew how many hours worth of pure sexual torment came to a head, her balls tightening almost painfully. The captive girl felt her cock widen from the sheer deluge that was rocketing up the shaft and, past the molten pleasure flowing through her veins, was directed to watch the girl currently bouncing in her lap.


The deep red on Tanya's cheeks, her messy hair, and the lust in her expression only served to make the experience more delightful.


"U-Unloading everything inside a little girl?" Tanya taunted her, but Mary couldn't even bring herself to be mad with the intense, delightful relief rushing through her body. "No wonder why you're a prisoner! Still, I can't just make a mess in this poor house, now can I?"


Right as she finished talking, Mary felt Tanya's ass tighten even more around her cock, a seal of pure muscle that kept her seed firmly within the smaller girl.


Her cock couldn't care less about anything other than the warm hole it was embedded in, pumping load after gargantuan load deep within her bowels, every pulse feeling like a slice of heaven to the pent up brunette.


Tanya moved slower once her ass tightened up, but it almost felt like every time she lifted up she was trying to drag out the seed from her directly, and every time she fell she was just making Mary's cock grow narrower, making her next spurts all the more intense.


It was pure bliss, the blonde's asshole squeezing and clenching around her length, the flood of cum being pumped over and over into her as if her balls were a never-ending font of that thick, white goo.


Mary's vision went white and back a few separate times over who knows how long she was cumming, thoughts turning to pure mush and focusing on nothing but cocks, ass, and that smug little mage on her lap.


The intensity of the orgasm, from both the mind-bending pleasure that was flooding her body, to the pure unshaken peace that coincided with it from finally being able to cum… Mary was in a state of bliss she'd never felt before in her life.


Sadly though she did come down from her high eventually, slumped back on her chair and panting harder than anything she'd ever had to do on the battlefield, sweat soaking her skin and all of her limbs sore just from being clenched for so long.


She could feel as idle twitches wracked her form, her nerves shot at every which end from the ordeal of delight she'd just awoken from.


However, what took her attention the most was the form of the girl on her lap, with the blonde major's cap sitting over her eyes, her skin glistening with sweat and a wry grin on her face.


But most attention-grabbing of all was her belly, bloated from the sheer volume of cock and cum that were sitting within it, big enough that Tanya's head could fit within it twice over and still leave some room.


Despite that, the Imperial Major looked up at her, satisfaction in her eyes.


"There you are! I'm always astounded by how little prowess you actually show, for how much of a pain in my rear you are…" The girl paused and groaned, before shaking her head. "Well you can at least make it up to me, you stupid girl…"


Mary was only the barest hint of annoyed by that statement, still too suffused within her afterglow to be truly bothered.


But what did stir her from that was the feeling of Tanya hefting herself up from her lap, dragging her tight little asshole up her cock and making the bound girl moan aloud as her sensitive rod was further doused in pleasure.


She pulled off the head of Mary's cock with a little grunt and leaned forward, jiggling about her overstuffed belly in her face. Then, the little blonde carefully turned around on the chair and bent over, hands pulling her cheeks apart to show her un-obscured crotch mere inches away from Mary's face.


And to Mary's lust-addled mind, the sight was an arousing one, with Tanya's pussy lips looking red, puffy, and soaked with juices. More interestingly though, was the puckered anus sitting right above it, closed so tightly that it was just barely leaking out a small dribble of that white cum she knew so well.


"We have plenty of time before we have to leave… So if you do a good enough job of cleaning up your mess, I might let you have a go at my pussy too."


Mary's eyes widened with anticipation, her arousal-baked brain delighting at the prospect of being able to do just that, but before she could try and lean in, Tanya instead pushed herself back, smothering Mary's face within her taint.


But the bound brunette didn't see this as an issue, immediately setting her tongue to work on the length of flesh, voraciously licking and slobbering all about both holes that were presented to her.


Tanya herself was feeling rather delightful as Mary worked at her crotch like a starving dog, her belly heavy and yet satisfyingly full of that hot ball of semen.


"Mmmmnh~" she moaned aloud, toes clenching against the metal of the chair beneath her as she kept herself upright.


And as she threw her professionalism to the side to indulge her sadistic desires for a time, she wondered what else she could do to have fun with Mary before she was forced to give her to the Empire.


'Regardless of what I do, I know that every single drop of cum in those balls… is going to belong to me,' she decided, before Mary's tongue punching through her anus and beginning to slurp at the near-lake of semen within her butt forced a shuddering moan from her lips.


All in all, it'd been one of the most successful missions Tanya had done.