
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

chapter 8


Two lost souls find themselves in the spirit world of Avatar. After making plans to meet after claiming new bodies in this new reality, one of the souls soon claim something else that caught their eye before the appointed meeting.

Earth, Fire, Water, and Air the four elements and until a century ago the Four Nation before everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

A familiar tale you all know but this is not this tale no. This is the tale of two lost souls giving new form and life in a world they once only knew as a story.

A story they will alter and change for their own desires shaping the course of the Elemental Nations history for better or for worse.

And this tale started none other than the Spirit World where two souls "awoke" with a feeling of confusion. As in the waters of the spirit world swamp two forms stood with the first form groaning rubbing their head as they stood up wet from water blinking around confused realizing they seemed to be in some kinda swamp...one that strangely looked or felt familiar.

Their confusion and shock only grew when they looked down and saw their reflection in the water or rather a reflection that was not their own.

Because what was looking back was the face of a stranger a light skinned man who seemed to be in early or late twenties with short black hair, light skin, amber eyes, possessing a swimmers lean muscular build.

While wearing clothing they recognized as garb from the Fire Nation from Avatar! It was the clothing of a Fire Nation noble similar to something he saw those like Mai's parents wear in the series if decorated slightly different and in a darker shade of red, "What..the..hell?"

The figure could only say looking at the water in deep shock and confusion wondering what was going on was this a dream, or was this all real?

The other soul noticed he had short brown hair (fixed in a small bump on his head) but with sideburn bear. He was also dressed in red clothes but his had armor (chest plate, shoulder plates...a belt with golden accents) that looked military.

"ok...this...is weird"

"What..what is this?" The first figure asked the one dressed in military gear, "Is this a dream?" He asked looking down at his hands, "Or are we..dead?" He asked with a confused and slightly frighten tone

"Well...i hope its more of a dream cause..." he looked around "if im correct i think this is the spirit world so..."

"Ah..fuck." The first figure said with a bleak tone as he looked fearfully around, "Don't tell me Koh going to pop up and steel our faces!? He asked/demanded in worry as he glanced warily around as his fists tighten, "Because as neat as the character looked on tv I don't want to actually meet him!"

"Fortunately i dont see a dead tree so we might not be close to him" he looked in front "all i see is this pond"

"Okay..okay..that's something." The first figure said with a frown looking down at the pond in question ,"By any chance.." He looked over at the first figure curiously, "Would the terms tv, nickelodeon, or last airbender mean anything to you?"

Wondering if the first figure was someone like him or someone from the Avatar world if he was really in the spirit world

"umm will say it does to you the same for me as you did mention that centipede of a spirit" the other answered

"Yes.." The first figure said with a tentative frown, "I remember the episode he appeared in and have no desire to have my..or well this face."

His hand rose up to his face feeling it out, "As part of his collection." He said in a unsure tone at his current looks before shaking his head, "So any idea what we can do before Koh or some other spirit not friendly to humans shows up?"

"Ummm" the military figure looked at the pond, "i think you could give this a good look" he said pointing down at the water...where he could see a person that looked like him sleeping in some red colored room

The figure gave a blink looking between the image in the and the figure beside him, "If that's you..than where am I?" He asked before looking down into the water and soon with a ripple another image joined the first the figure much like the other was snoozing in a red colored room though on with a more aristocrat air to it.

"ummm..just an idea" said the military "if those are suppose to be us...then that mean if we simply deep into this pool it should...well...take us back into our physical bodies" he blinked "or at least i think it could work"

"That...sounds like as good a plan as any." The first figure replied said with a frown, "But than what?" He asked looking over at the first figure, "We just live our lives in the Avatar world?"

"Ummm thats...a good point" the other said "actually...you wouldnt happen to know WHEN in the avatar universe we will be in? i dont want to wake up and find myself in the middle of operation phoenix or at the black sun"

Couldn't even begin to tell you?" The first figure said with a shrug and grim frown, "Nothing I see hints at the date at all."

He said with a sigh rubbing his eyes as he examined the room, "At the most don't see any level of tech that would hint at the Legend of Korra or beyond it era." He said with a speculative tone, "But that still gives a big time frame of when.."

He said shaking his head looking over at his companion, "For all we know we could be in the era of Kyoshi or in the first decades of the hundred year war."

"Ummm" the other guy thought for a moment "well...i suppose there is no other idea...but to jump in" he said before turning to the first figure "in case we get separate we should try meet up somewhere"

"Right.." The first figure said after a thoughtful hum looking over at their companion, "Not like we've got better options other than taking a gamble." He said with slight grumble before arching a brow at the other man, "But where should we try to meet up and when?"

He asked crossing his arms before giving a slight blink as he cupped his chin in thought as a idea suddenly sprung inside his mind, "What was the name of that beach Zuko and the girls went to in that one episode?"

He asked wondering if that could be good meeting spot or not.

"Ember island?" asked the military "ummm could work...you look like a noble so would be easy for you to reach it"

"Yes ember Island could be the perfect area to meet incognito and discuss..." The second figure gestured at their current forms, "This..."

He said before sending the second figure a frown, "We just need to hope we'd both be able to travel there.." He stated before giving a hum, "Perhaps arrange meeting while giving us enough time to get there and get handle on all this."

They stated and asked in speculative tone

"Ummm sounds like a plan" said the military "oh! almost forgot..what about our names?" he asked

The second paused for a money before sending the first a thoughtful look, "Considering these bodies already seem have rooms."

He began to say before adding with a thoughtful hum, "Than they or rather us.." He gestured at the two of them, "Likely already have lives and all that it entails."

He arch a brow and added in slight deadpan, "Names included."

"Ummmm" the military closed his eyes as he tried to focus...then a name came to him "Ryu Feng" he said "Commander Ryu Feng of the fire nation"

The noble man gave a blink at that before with a quick look of realization closed their eyes and tried to concentrate before feeling the information came to his mind, "Taro Chase."

He stated opening his eyes looking over at Ryu, "Nobleman of the Fire Nation." He said with a proud look before following with a statement of mixed emotion, "Recently appointed head of the Chase noble line following the death of my father General Zakar in the war."

"Ummm...a week for now have to make a training exercise that will take my fleet close to Ember island" said the now named Ryu "if you can reach it by then..i think we could talk"

"Yes.." Taro said in slight far away tone with his eyes gazing off into the distance before shaking his head, "I should be able to make that appointment easily."

He said looking over at Ryu, "I'm a bit ahead of my duties for my family and the Fire Lord since inheriting my position at court." He said in speculative tone, "So taking time to rest at Ember island should be no issue."

"Then its a plan" said the mylitar "i will then be waiting for you" he added before stepping into the pool.

suddenly he was covered in a white light and disappeared

The noble after gave a sigh looking into the pond gaining a serious look, "I look forward to our next meeting than." He said before stepping into the pool and like Ryu disappear in white flash

(Sometime later)

Taro Chase as he was known now as examine the fire nation village he was waking through followed by two guard still hardly believing that he was there in person since waking up a few days ago but he was.

And after getting a handling on his memories he knew he was from a long line of merchants that become part of the upper classed rank among the nobles the elite of the elite nobles only below the royal family.

And earlier this century after the fire nation had conquered and claimed some land from the earth kingdom they had managed to claim more lordship over some of the first colonies increasing their power and prestige.

Though while calling colonies home that didn't mean they were away from heart of fire nation or have lesser influence among the courts. As duties or whim still brought them back

However it was the former that had brought Taro to the fire nation before he had fused with him or become Taro in his place

Regarding military transports and supplies for the war effort and meeting with minor nobles regarding it however while he was out about town he had spotted a familiar face walking into a estate he had business with.

A face that caused him to change plans s bit to go about taro original business before heading toward Ember Island

But he shook himself out of his thoughts seeing the minor noble estate in front of him and addressed the guard in front of him, "Good day gentleman." He said folding his hands into his robe, "I am Taro Chase and I have business with the master and mistress of the estate."

He stated with slight smirk

"Right away sir...the masters have been expecting you" said the guard. although on that moment the door of the state opened.

"Upps...sorry Yao" said a girl who bumped into the guard "im running a bit late for school."

she was a small girl of maybe 12-13 years dressed in an fire nation school uniform (a black and red long vest tied with a red sash, an inner grey shirt and skirt and dark reddish boots). her brown hair was held on a high ponytail.

"its ok miss Ji...you dont have to worry" said the guard

"In a rush my dear." Taro asked with a smirk laying eyes on the girl that drew his interest On Ji a minor Avatar character who only appeared in one episode but one that's attracted his interest and desire none the less

He thought giving a good nature chuckle while shooting her a teasing smirk, "Are you perhaps eager to meet up with some lucky lad?"He asked while thinking back to the episode and On Ji self proclaimed boyfriend Hide.

"Oh? Sorry my good sir but no" she said with a small respectful bow "im just running late for school"

"Ah I see." Taro said rubbing his chin before shooting the girl a smile, "So not only cute but a girl who takes her studies seriously." He gave her a wink, "You'll make a fine catch for any man my lady ~"

They said in a slight teasing flirt

Jin couldnt help but blush a bit.

"I thank you my lord" she said before remembering she was going late "Oh shoot i better hurry" she added before starting to run away

"Hehe a lovely girl." Taro said eying her retreating form particular her butt before shaking his head, "Anyway.." He shot a smirk at the guards, "could you escort me to your employers."

He said as a smirk formed on his face, "I have... business to discuss with them." He said with slight chuckle

Hours later when the sun began to set the same girl walked towards the state´s gates.

"Lady Jin" the guard called for her "your parents have gone out for the night" he announced "but they have left a guest they want you to meet and keep company until they get back"

On Ji gave a blink at this, "A guest?" She asked questions before arching a brow and asking, "Who?"

Before a voice spoke up revealing themselves behind the gate, "That would be my dear." Taro Chase said with a smirk arching his own brow, "I do hope your studies went well today~"

"Oh my lord" the girl bowed to him "i didnt expect you to stay here" she said a bit confused of why her parents left her with the guest

"Well my business took longer than expected." Taro said with a amused smirk, "And your folks after agreeing to my generous offer..

He let out a secret smirk, "Allowed me the honor to stay as their guest and enjoy the company of their beautiful daughter."

"Oh! well...i hope you are comfortable in our home ummm" she looked around "would you like to...well come in?"

At this Taro let out a good natured laugh, "I was about to ask you the same." He said with a smile, "But I love your manners~" he said before giving a slight bow, "And I would love to come in.."

He said before adding with a smirk, "As well as join you for a private dinner just the two of us~"

"Ummm...sure...i would like that" she added as she walked into her home and removed her boots before entering

Taro gave a grin as she walked past and followed her into the estate with her leading him to the dining hall he took the chance to strike up conversation, "So tell me about yourself my dear ~"

He said with a coy smirk at her back, "Likes, hobbies, dreams." He explained with a wave of his hand

"Umm...well....i like music and painting" said the girl "although my parents said i should focus more on studies than in the arts"

"Ah such a shame." Taro said with click of his tongue with his eyes roaming down On Ji backside "A beautiful girl lie you should be free to pursue her passion and share it with the world."

"Umm thanks...but...maybe in the future i can convince them" she added

"Heh perhaps~" Taro said with a secret smirk as they entered the dining room with a table already prepared with candles lit and a feast sat between two chairs, "Shall I escort you to your seat my lady?"

He asked with a smirk offering his hand

"Umm thanks my lord" she said taking his hand

"It is no problem my dear." He said gently escorting her to the table and pulling out a seat, "But tell me." He arched a brow as she sat down before making his way to his own seat across from her, "What exactly do you know about me?"

He asked the soul that had become Taro Chase feeling curious if she knew who he was or had heard of him or his family in any capacity

"Umm...you are lord Taro Chase...you are the biggest import and export of food and metals of the fire nation...recently opening routes with the colonies of the earth kingdom"

"Hehe correct~" Taro said with a nod reaching for a wine glass, "My family line goes back to the time of Avatar Kyoshi." He said with a note of pride smiling at the girl, "And since the regretful death of my father do the war and his choice to join the military."

He said in a slight subdued tone while holding back a smirk, "While leaving management of our family work to my mother and eventually me once I was old enough to assume command and she regretfully passed on."

He said with a slight low tone before shaking his head, "I've worked to established and grow my family powerbase more than ever~"

"and you have become quite successful" adeed Jin with some awe

"Thank you my dear~" Taro said with a hint of smug pride at her awe while also feeling glad the person he had found himself as had built himself such a good powerbase before continuing on, "However.."

He frowned giving a sigh, "I am regretfully the last of my family line." He told her with a frown which while good news didn't have to worry about any rivals inside his family arranging a accident he knew that was a problem rival nobles might try to exploit or even if it didn't if something happen to him would lead to chaos with rivals after his lands and assets.

Which admittedly wouldn't be a big deal for him the real issue was something happening to him which why he wanted to address this problem while also get something he wanted, "Which is also what brought me to your parents."

he told her enjoying and taking several bites out of his meal watching her eat her own food as she looked at him curiously, "And we came to arrangement that would help me address this little problem~"

"Eh? How so?" Jin asked confused "What could my parents help you with?

"Why simple." Taro said with a chuckle before the older 25 year old man looked at the 12-13 year old girl with a leer, "providing me with a beautiful girl that will bear my child~"

"Eh?" she looked up in confusion "Wait...you dont mean" she said in nervous tone

"Heh that's right.." Taro said with a smirk while taking a sip from his wine glass, "After we agreed upon a good deal." He told her partial money and partial bit of threatening with his influence he left unsaid, "your parents have turned you over to me.."

He told sending her a leer, "you are now my concubine and future mother of my child~"

"Wait what?" the girl cried in shock "What you mean im your wife..how...that cant be"

"Hehe I didn't say wife my dear." Taro said with a smirk raising his finger, "I said concubine~" He said a leer, "A distinct but important difference." he said with a shrug while internally thinking the wife card would be on the table for now but he wanted to see how things played out before choosing a wife

"As for how it's possible." He said leaning into his hand as he shot On Ji a smirk, "I just gave your parents a offer they couldn't refuse~" He said with a laugh

"But...but...concubine...i...but how..." the girl was highly confused and shocked about this.

what does he mean by concubine

mother of his children?

"Ah.." Taro spoke up with a smirk as he stood up from the table, "I see you're absolutely speechless with joy~" He said walking around it before arriving at On Ji and placing a hand on her cheek, "Though i'm looking forward to seeing how much and how loud you can scream~"

the girl nervously stood up.

"Scream? please my lord...you are scaring me" she added looking around hopping for her parents to appear

Taro let out a chuckle at that, "Scare you..' He repeated taking a step forward, "There's no reason to be afraid of your new master my dear~"

He said with a coy smirk

"my..my master?" the girl asked "my lord...i think you are...steeping out of boundaries"

"Quite the contrary " Taro disagreed with a shake of his head, "As of today you officially belong to me my pet~"

He said smirking wide, "The paperwork is all signed and your parents received quite a good bargain for this deal."

"But..but why?" On Ji asked in fear...why would her parents accept something like that?

"Well for your parents it was simply a good business deal." Taro said with a shrug and evil smirk as he stood across from her, "For myself.." He placed his hand on his chest as he stared at her with obvious desire, "It was securing my family line and.."

He gave a perverted chuckle as he leer at her, "claiming something quite beautiful that caught my eye some time ago~"

"But...but..." Jin didnt know what to think.

A good business deal for her parents? That meant they sold her? But why...money? and was she suppose to have kids with Lord Taro?

"There is no need to worry though my dear." Taro said in a small comforting tone that contradicted his evil smirk, "While I can't say i'm a good man.." He told her with full honesty since considering what he's just done he likely couldn't be anywhere close to that, "I will say I'll treat you well~"

He said as he reached and placed his hand against her cheek once more

The girl tremble at his touch.

"I...i dont understand..." she said in fright

"Perhaps than this will help clear things up." Taro said with a smirk as he placed his other hand on her other cheek before dipping his head down and giving the younger girl a hard deep kiss

"Ummm ummmm!!!!!!" she cried in shock onto the kiss

Taro quickly exploited her shock by removing his hands and pulling it around to her back using it as leverage as he pressed her against his body and deepen the kiss

"Umm ummmm" the girl tried to resist but suddenly found herself being hoist up by the man

Taro himself groaned into the kiss making sure to hold her close to himself as he took a few steps back before twisting around and placing her down on the table having no care for the silver ware or food getting knocked down or out of the way

"Ummm wait..ummm ...what are you doing ummm!!!" Jin cried/asked between kisses

"I'm skipping ahead to desert my sweet~" Taro said with a smirk as he grope and squeezed her breasts through her clothing

"Ahhh wait...dont touch me like that ahhhh!" the girl cried

"Sorry my dear but as your master I can touch you however I want~" Taro retorted back with a smirk as his hand went down to the sash tied around her waist easily tearing it off

"Wait...no...stop that!" cried the girl feeling his hands taking off her sash and going for her vest "Ahhh what are you doing?"

"I'm getting these clothes out of the way~" Taro said as he lowered his head and started to kiss at her neck, "After all you don't need them for what we're about to do~"

He said gripping ahold of the vest and the grey shirt fabric underneath before pulling back as hard he could to rip them off

"Kyaaa!!!" she cried trying to cover her now naked chest "Stop!! Guards..guards!!!" she cried trying to call for help

This however made Taro laugh as he smirked down at her, "Dont waste your breath my dear~" He said hungrily eying her breast, "The guards have already been told about our new arrangement~"

He said as he grabbed and squeezed her bare breasts enjoying the feel of them, "And have been told to ignore your cries and orders." He said giving a hard squeeze before leaning down to bite her right nipple

"Ah ahhhhh!!!!" the girl cried in pain "Please no ahhh!!!"

"Hehe don't worry my dear~" Taro said with a coy smirk as he lowered his hand down to her crouch and started to rub it through her pants, "You'll soon be loving every minutes of this~"

"Umm ahhhh p-please ahhhh" she cried "I...i dont want ahhhh!!!"

"Oh you'll want this soon enough~" He said gripping ahold of the cloth covering her crouch before giving a good heave and tearing it off like her upper body clothing, "I'll be making you scream my name soon~"

"Ahhhhhh ugggg" the girl groaned as the cold air hit her nether region "Ple...please I..."

"Shh.." Taro said shushing as he grabbed her right breast in his left hand while starting to rub her pussy with his own right, "Don't worry.." He said smirking down at her, "your master will take good care of you~"

He said rubbing her pussy with eager lust, "You and our future children~" He said giving a slight cackle

"I..i dont ahhh please...dont ahhh whats ahhhh whats happening ahhhh" the girl began feeling weird...as if a warm sensation moved through her body

"What's happening is i'm claiming a delicious looking slut as my personal breeding slave~" Taro said in a dark tone before giving her lips a hard kiss

"Ummm ummmmm!!!!" she still tried to resist but this time she felt a tingle growing inside her that pushed her to try kiss back

Taro gave a internal smirk at that as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth pushing it against her own while also slipping his fingers inside her pussy and started to finger it while softly warming it with his fire bending abilities but summoning forth any fire

"Umm umm ummm!!!!!!" her eyes widen as she felt the heat in her pussy

Taro increased the pace of his pump while enjoying the taste of her lips and her mouth and at the same time grabbed onto and gave her nipple a hard twist

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" the girl cried "please ahhhh i...im feeling ahhhhh!!!"

"Hmm that's it scream for your master~" Taro said breaking the kiss before biting down onto her neck

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Ji cried as some juices squirt out her pussy

"That's it cum for me..." Taro said increasing his pace, "cum for your master!" He yelled before locking lips with her again~"

"Umm umm UMMM!!!!" she cried as she released a load of juices on his fingers

Taro himself groan into the kiss as he felt the juices cover his fingers before he broke the kiss, "See.." He said with a smirk, "doesn't it feel good to let your master have his way~"

"Ah ah ah..i...i dont ah ah ah whats...whats happening ah ah ah i feel...so hot" the girl panted out

"That my dear.." Taro said pulling himself back as he stood over On Ji while she tried to catch her breath laying on the dining table, "is your inner fire crying out for you to embrace your new role~"

He said as he started to pull off his clothes and disrobe

"Ah ah ha...my new role?" her mind tried to catch up after the sudden explosion of heat and lust

"Yes your new role~" He said while tossing aside his robes and shirt than looking down at her with a leer, "As my personal pleasure slave~"

He said as his pants fell to his ankles.

"Ah...ah...pleasure...slave?" she asked before noticing he getting naked "Eppp....you...you are not thinking in..."

"Claiming my prize~" Taro finished with a smirk as he started to rub his hard cock against her pussy, "Fucking you here and now on this table.." He leaned in and added in a dark husky whisper, "Breaking you until you worship the ground I walk on~"

Jin trembled trying to back.

"W-wait! you...you cant..thats...thats too big!!!" she cried in fear

"Ah On Ji~" Taro said with a smirk reaching up to cup her cheek, "There's no reason to be nervous.."

He said rubbing her cheek, "After all pretty soon you won't be able to live without my cock~"

"I...please...im scared I..." she tried to say

"Shh there's no reason to be scared~" Taro told the young fire nation girl with a smirk while rubbing his cock against her entrance, "Because your master is here to take care of YOU!" He told her while exclaiming the last word thrusting his cock inside her with no warning as he claimed her as his and broke her hymen in one powerful thrust

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" the girl cried at the sudden intrusion and the pain coming from it "AHHHH...IT...IT HURTS AHHHHH!!!!"

"FUCK SO TIGHT!" Taro groaned out as he started to hammer away at On Ji pussy unconcerned at shaking the dining table or some of the silver ware and plates falling off it, "HMM YOU FEEL SO GOOD!"


"Hehe just wait my dear~" Taro said with a grunt while moving his hips feeling utter euphoric at her her tight deflowered pussy, "YOU"LL SOON BE LOVING THIS!"

He exclaimed with a grunt before his eyes fell on a bottle of wine and grabbed it giving it a chug as he continued to pound On Ji savoring the taste of the rich wine at the same time

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah...please..ah ah ah ah no...it..it hurts ah ah ah ah ah help...help!!!" the girl cried with each bump in and out her

"Fuck~" Taro groaned smirking down at her, "I told you no ones coming to help you your parents have given you to me~"

He said with a laugh, "So just embrace your new life~" He told her before turning the wine bottle over and started to pour the drink all over her body

"Ahhhhhh!!!" she cried as the liquid drench her

"Hehe drink up my dear~" Taro exclaimed with a laugh after soaking her body in the wine moved it up to her face pouring it down while not once stopping his hips

"Ah ah ah gulp ah ah ah" she cried causing some of the wine to enter her mouth forcing her to swallow

"HEhe that's it drink and celebrate your new life~" Taro said pulling back his hip leaving just the tip of his cock inside her pussy, "and your impending motherhood!" He exclaimed before slamming back inside of her

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!! ah ah ah ah mother? I ah ah ah ah ah"

"Yes because i'm gonna knock you up!" Taro exclaimed thrusting his hips as hard he could while setting aside the wine glass leaning forward to give her wine drenched body a lick

"Knock me? ugggg ahhhhhh ahhh ugggg" she shivered feeling his tongue on her warm skin

"Yes..~" Taro hissed out twirling his tongue around her wine drenched nipple, "I'm going to fill you with my seed over and over till you're carrying my child~" He said with a grunting brag as he slammed his cock into her pussy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" the little girl cried harder as he reached even deeper inside her "your...your child? I...i cant be ahhh a mommy ahhhh"

"Hmm..ah..nonsense~" Taro purred out licking up more of the wine covering her body while continuing to slam his cock into the younger girl shaking the table, "Arg..you'll..be..a perfect..mother~"

He assured than added with a leering smirk, "And you'll..hmm...look so...beautiful...carrying my child~"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah no..i...i cant i ah ah ah ah ah ah ah" she moaned "ah ah ah ah ah i...i feel weird...i ah ah ah ah ah i think i need to...ah ah ah ah ah ah peee!!!!"

At this Taro smirked as he drew his head and upper body back up while grabbing and twisting her nipples, "Let it out my dear~" He groaned out fucking her as hard as he could, "EMBRACE THE PLEASURE!" He yelled out with a loud groan while slamming his cock inside of her particularly hard and giving her nipples a hard twist

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Her pussy closed on his cock as it began exploding out juices that soon formed a puddle on the table

And as On Ji orgasm beneath him Taro felt his own release as her folds tighten around his cock and he gave a groan as he began to shoot his seed deep inside the girl

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" a new cry escaped her lips as she felt the warm liquid filling her

"ON JIIIIII!" Taro yelled out with a wide lustful grin of triumph shooting his seed deep inside her for several moments before he found himself collapsing on top of her panting and trying to catch his breath

The girl herself was having a hard time breathing.

her whole body was hot and covered in sweat.

her pussy hurts

and a weird sensation was filling her.

she trembled even when she was feeling quite warm as her pussy dripped cum, juices and blood

"Hmm..you were delicious my dear~" Taro said raising his head to look up at her with a smirk, "Truly worth skipping the main course~" He said giving her body another sensual lick

The girl shivered her mind still trying to catch up to what just happened

"Hmm..you should be happy my dear~" Taro said with a smirk as he rose up and cupped her cheek, "While you might be becoming my concubine instead of my wife." He told her with a dark smirk, "Rest assured I will be a good man to you and a good father to our children."

He said leaning down to give her lips a quick peck, "Plus now you'll have plenty of more time to pursue your passion for music and painting without your parents to stop you~"

She looked up at him with tears on her eyes.

she...being able to paint and play music?

that...did sound nice

"I know you feel hurt and confused." Taro said leaving out he was of course the source of said pain, "But all this is for the best." He told her as he looked into her eyes, "You'll be far happier at my side than living under parents who were so quick to sell you off for their benefit~"

That...was true.


her own parents...sell her...to this man...

On Ji couldnt help it...she started to cry

"Shh..shh..don't cry." Taro said in a soft tone barely holding back a smirk as he lowered his head (quite aware his cock was still inside her) and placed it against her forehead, "your master is here to take care of you."

He told her giving her lips a sweet peck before lowering his head to kiss at her neck, "I will always be here to take care of you~"

"sniff ahhh snifff uggg" On Jin continue crying but couldnt help but let some small moans each time he kissed her

At this Taro gave a little smirk, "Just picture how happy you'll be~" He told her trailing butterfly kisses down her neck as his cock began to harden and twitch inside her pussy, "I'll give you a life of pleasure and love~"

He said with a smirk as his hand rubbed alongside her right thigh, "Along with a family~"

"Ummm uggggg hiccup" some tears kept falling but her cries diminish

"That it.." Taro said kissing down her body between her breasts, "This isn't a tragedy my dear this is the start of something wonderful~" He cooed rubbing and squeezing her breasts, "you, our children, and any other girl I claim and their own children."

He said with a wide leer, "We're all going to be one big happy family~"

On Jin closed her eyes as some more tears fell as this was just the start of what will be the rest of ehr life

And Taro...the soul that had become Taro Chase just smirked as he rose back up and started another round of fucking his newest pet more eager than ever to see where this new body and life will take him~

I know this may not be for everyone, and I do not condone such behavior. but remember this is just smut nothing more.

Tvvcreators' thoughts