
Good news

It's been two days since I moved here and boy is it fun. It seems I'm not the only kid here. There is Timothy age five and is one of their real kids. John is ten, not their kid but is so cute and sweet even I've fallen for this kid. Paola is also their kid and happens to be the only other girl besides me, and before I forget she is two years old and looks more like her dad which is a plus for me at this moment.

Don't really want to hate a innocent child into my fight with her parents and the biggest reason is .... you will be stupid if you haven't figured it out by now. I like kids and I understand them a lot better than any adult every could. Mostly because, I've been in their shoes and I know how adults work meaning I can't hate kids.

Another couple of things I've notice are the meal times. Breakfast takes places at seven in the morning which is so not me. Since they have lunch at school they eat at their time slot. As for dinner it happens at seven thirty no questions ask. I won't be starting school until Tuesday so I just make myself some food if I get hungry, but for the most part I still haven't been able to find the switches to this group of people.

What I do know is kind a wired. I mean whenever a man shows up at the door and Julia is the one who answered it, you can bet she will show a business like smile but keeping a three feet distance from them another. I'm guessing she has a thing against men or just lower class guys. The other thing is the way she treats us all. Either she got her cooking skills in prison or the army or she is just that bad in the kitchen.

She does shows tenderness to her husband in a strange way and in that way he also responds in a somewhat similar way. She feeds him four plates of food even thou he can only eat three. You may think this is just the norm but the thing is she doesn't know how to cook, so image eat three plates of that. The worst part is, he always says

"This is by far your best dish yet" so I'm thinking. If this is the best then what did her first dish taste like? And does he have a stomach of steal? The only good thing is she only does dinner breakfast is done by Rick himself

"Willow I'm sorry the paper work took longer then I thought it would, but starting Tuesday you will be going to our school starting" said Rick still chewing down his on his food "Usually I don't like it when a student doesn't wear their correct uniforms to school, " Julia said in her authorizing voice aka school teacher voice

"Uniforms?" trying to sound or better said show interest to this. I've never had to wear a uniform before so why should I start now

"We understand you never had to worry about such things before but you really do need to wear one in our school. For our girls they must wear their blue knee length skirts" Julia informs me in her mother knows best tone and it still piss me off

"Then it's a good thing I found a loophole in the school guide uniform code" as if I didn't see this coming, "As long the school is inform I rather wear pants over a skirt then I'm fin, right"

I can totally tell the look on face. Annoyance and amazement I have already expected her to do this at some point. So I know how to fight her back, and boy does it feel good.

Now it's time to see what they are like at school. Maybe so mischief will do them some good. Right?