
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 9 The Vow

"Hmm??" Ava looked at Aran, that's look and that's eyes, was she the cold wind in hot summer and the soft blanket in winter why her eyes were so warm why he felt like a hypnotism in those black eyes.

"I mean don't you have a little bit more time??" Aran asked.

"I love to listen your story but I have to go home because I have to do college project and tomorrow is the last day. I am sorry." Ava did not want to go either but she had to go.

"Don't say sorry, thank you and I am sorry..." Aran in his life might be did not say sorry to anyone but today someone who wanted to listen his sad boring life he said this 'sorry' word to her.

" Don't say sorry and thank you for your so awesome story, Go home, and hug your father tightly and believe me your problem  will be solved..." Ava stood up while saying this.

"No…I just can't see Emily with my brother, I will die..." Though Aran said that but he did not know where to go now, he did not have friends, and did not want to use the credit card because it's his father's money.

"Emily???" Ava asked she did not know his girlfriend's name.

"My girl friend and maybe I can say ex." Aran voice it's really painful to hear.

"I wanted to run away with her but she did not want to because she did not love me, she said there were no love between us it's just attraction and more over my brother would be CEO so there would be no reason to marry me." Aran did not want waste Ava's time but he did not resist and told her.

"It's okay, let the past go. Give yourself time, but where will you be going now?? Do you have money??" Although she stood up but she did not go left Aran behind, she would work full night for her project so it's okay give him a little time.

"No... I really don't know what to do..." Aran felt so happy that first time some one asked him what he wanted to do.

"Okay... let me think, go 'xy' road I saw banner in a restaurant that they need delivery boy, do you know how to ride bike?? They will give you bike..."  Ava asked curiously.

Aran smiled a little because Aran had countless bikes, and the whole collection of every bike that came in market but he did not say anything.

"Yes, I know..." Ava did not even realise that his father was billionaire on the country because every interview that held there were his brother so people did not know Aran.

"License??" She again asked.

"Yes, I have..."

"Okay then go there and in 'zz' street there are rooms for boys and they don't take advance money... so go now..." Ava was so excited for him.

Aran saw her expression; someone was happy for him it unbelievable.

"I do.." The vow that made by Emily, her heart was like killed by knife to say this, Ayan the most handsome bachelor was his husband now but she did not want that for one time she wanted see Aran's face, the first kiss she promised to give Aran today it would belong to someone else, she wanted die at this moment.