
Flower That Exist

A boy named Park Jimin was the first born son of the Park family. He was rather hated. He was hated for how he looks. All of them does not see his beauty for they have a standard or specific characteristic of which and what.

Jimin lived within the dark for years, some had already forgetten him. People cherished his younger brother. No one really paid attention to him.

The young man felt loneliness and sadness that he began to hate himself for looking that way. He hated everything about himself.

Jimin was eventually sent into a faraway place. There he became fond of flowers. All different kinds of flower. He once grew a flower that is called smeraldo. He basically hated it for it's dull and blunt appearance. It reminded Jimin himself.

But one day he noticed a girl lurking around his garden. He was extremely furious but he sided to watch and see what the girl will do.

The observe every flower with amusement on her eyes. She was amazed and happy of what she's seeing.

Sooner she eventually stumbled upon the flower that Jimin hates. The smeraldo.

"This is really amazing. I never thought I would see the smeraldo flower. I thought it does not exist." The girl whispered.

"What do you think your doing?" Jimin suddenly appeared out of nowhere, making the girl shrieked.

"Ajhussi, do you own this garden?" She asked.

"I said wh-"

"It's beautiful." She smiled.

Jimin was flustered, nobody metioned that word to him. Nobody.

"Ahjussi can I come here again later tonight?" She asked with twinkling eyes.

"Whatever, do what you want." He said then turned around.

"Ahjussi I'm Jiyeon by the way. Don't forget my name alright." She shouted so that Jimin could hear it.

Jimin just smiled as he removed his masked.

So the night comes and as Jiyeon asked, she did really came but she came around midnight. Jimin waited patiently for the girl to comeback.

" Ahjussi, where are you?" She shouted.

"Yah stop shouting!" Jimin said irritatedly.

"Oh I thought you slept already." She said.

Jimin didn't say anything and went silent.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Jimin suddenly asked while there sitting on a bench.

"Nope why would I?" Jiyeon asked.

Jimin didn't say anything.

"You mean scared because your wearing a mask?" Jiyeon asked.

Jimin nodded a bit.

"Ahjussi, everyone wears a mask you know. The difference is that you're wearing something literally while ours are just invisible masks." She said as look up on the sky.

Jimin felt his masked slipping off. Insted of fixing it, he just let it slip off.

Jiyeon suddenly stood up and" Ahjussi, LOOK LOOK THE SMERALDO ITS STARTS GLOWING." She lightly slap Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin was also shocked, he didn't knew the smeraldo glows at night. He didn't knew it has a beauty that is hidden.

" I didn't know that it glows at night. I didn't know it could be this beautiful. " He said eyes locked on the flower.

"Ahjussi, I think your really beautiful. You should stop wearing your mask." Jiyeon said while looking at the man.

Jimin got flustered that he covered his face with his hands.

"Dont look at me, I'm ugly." He said.

"That's what the also smeraldo told me." She smiled.

"People believed that the flower does not exist. But it does, it's just that they failed to recognised it."

"It's just like your beauty."