

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.

Walking towards the sink I rinsed my face a few times to get rid of any tears. And grabbed a paper towel as I walked towards Maliq's room.

As I entered he was busy in the mirror flexing his non-existent muscles in nothing but boxers.

"What are you doing?"

I snorted with laughter. He jumped around snatching a shirt from his bed covering his chest.

"I was just getting dressed" He gritted through his teeth embarrassingly.

"Does anyone knock in this house anymore?"

I breathed in laughing "The door wasn't completely closed." I cried out in laughter.

"And what the hell are you covering?" I cackled pointing towards the shirt.

He rolled his eyes chuckling as he shoved the shirt over his head.

"Whatever you caught me off guard" He mumbled flopping on his bed crossing his arms.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, catching my breath. I glanced over at his wall. Covered with N.W.A & Coldplay posters. I always made fun of him because he was known to have random genres he listened to regularly. My eyes scanned over a few of the paintings I had given him. One of my best ones using oil paints of a realistic forest in fog with a silhouette of a deer in the background.

"I heard you and mom."

I snapped my head towards him remembering where I was.

"Oh yeah, dinner is ready by the way."

I started to walk out.

"Are you gonna move out?"

I stopped mid-step sighing.

"I don't know maybe"

I looked over at him. I watched as his eyes slid away towards the paintings on the wall.

"If you truly feel like this is something you can be successful in then you should go."


My heart welled up to hear it. Even if it did come from a 14-year-old. I appreciated it.

"I mean yeah."

He shrugged. "This isn't something you just thought about overnight. I remember growing up you always had your drawings all through the house. And as time went on they got better and better, but seemed to show up less and less."

I thought about the memories of mom being proud of the scribbles I would present to her. Proud of the bold colorful lines that I somehow saw as a unicorn. Or the countless abstract pieces I was known for until I turned 13 and started taking my canvases seriously aiming for a specific image.

I did notice that the older and better my paintings got the less they popped up around the house and the more my room filled from wall to wall.

"I-I have to figure it out. I wouldn't know where to go."

I replied distantly. Raking my brain for all my options. With my salary and the little I have saved, I could get a decent cheap apartment. Something cheap enough that I can keep up with all the utilities.

I stood lost in thought. Maliq jumped up shuffling through his drawers looking for something. Then came out empty-handed.

"Hold on." he mumbled going towards his closet. He came back with a Nike shoe box opening it and pulling out a stack of cash.

"Where in the hell did you get this?"

I snapped. I walked closer seeing a few hundred's and many 20s.

"I've been saving for like 3 years now. I wanted to save for at least half on a car when I turn 16, but you know that'll be a minute from now. So here.''

he shrugged, handing it to me.

"I-I can't accept this. How even much is this?"

"550, from all the birthday money and the time grandma hands us cash and says don't tell anybody, and the summers I would vacation there. I mowed a lot of lawns and took out a lot of trash.''

"You know the elderly they love to find you a job for money."

I chuckled nodding agreeing.

Remembering all the times I spent at grandmas as a young teen doing stuff around the house for extra cash.

"Also all the times I gambled with Mr. P. That old man sucks at poker."

I snorted shaking my head. Mr.P was the neighbor of my grams who was a gambler in his day.

Taught us poker, spades, and dominoes and played with us regularly on granny's porch, when we would spend the night over there. Why he would teach children gambling I don't know, and why my grand never stopped him is far from me either.


I paused my eyes filled with tears. "Thank you." He smiled at me hugging me.

Maliq headed towards the kitchen and I went towards my bedroom. Setting the cash on my bed I went and pulled out my savings envelope, tucked it in my drawer, and counted every dollar I had, including my upcoming paycheck.

Adding it all up to 1,300. I spent the rest of the night searching for apartment deals. By the time the clock struck 12:00, I found three potential places. One being an hour out from my job, an apartment that wasn't in the best area but not the worse.

Another being 30 minutes away from a duplex that was more modernized than the first, the only thing being it was pushing my budget. The last being an apartment not too far, the pictures looked pretty decent but sometimes online pictures be lying. So I definitely would want to check these out in person.

Before falling asleep I thought about all the people I could call to let me crash for a few nights, one being Ms. Irene of course, but quickly diminished the thought, knowing I would feel too pushy asking her that type of request, even though I doubt she'd say no, it's just the type of person she is.

Anthony definitely would allow me to stay, but I quickly disregarded that, thinking of the last conversation we had I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

Groaning I rolled my eyes, flipping my pillow to the cool side. He completely fucked our relationship, our conversations definitely will be more awkward now. Even though he frustrated me I did enjoy his friendship hopefully we can get back to normal soon.

On my way into a deep slumber, I decided on calling Saniyah to ask if I could spend a few nights with her before I found my own place.

I knew my mom and I had a rocky relationship but not enough where she would make this type of decision. I hate to say it but she's bitter, and condescending she looks at me and only sees dad but looks at Maliq and sees her future. He looks more like him than I.

I sighed knowing I was lying I had her body but his everything else eyes, hair, nose, mouth, and forehead. I was a spitting image of my father and in any other essence I would be proud of that, but now I'm nothing but ashamed.

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.