

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved

"Do I hear 175?" The man quickly said almost missing my ears. How the hell did he talk so fast and why was it so hard for us to understand? This is stupid and very unprofessional honestly. How is it going to help anyone if we didn't understand the whole point on why we were participating?

I tried to tell my brain to quiet down as it wanted to continue to agree and give even more reasons on how all my points were right. It was making it hard to focus on his words.

"Yes!" I shouted, shoving myself forward with our number card.

Everyone decided to ignore Soul's no as the Auctioneer pointed to me accepting my bid. He groaned as everyone continued to focus on the excited young women next to him instead of the very responsible sober one next to her.

The people that sat in front of us glanced behind rather annoyed by my loud shouting. I giggled giving them a sheepish expression.