

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved

After hiding out in the bathroom and watching him through the window has he snipped the different ripened vegetables, I finally went downstairs and settled on a classic car action movie which Soul didn’t seem to mind after he joined me shortly after.

I sat on the love seat while he took the couch. We spoke through the majority having already watched it. It was mostly us discussing what we thought about it and what should have happened.

Of course falling asleep half way through I woke up to hear Irene already home. Eyes half closed I watched as she walked quietly past me towards the kitchen. The T.V played lightly in the background, the credits scrolling at the end. Checking the time I saw it was after 4, I looked around to see Soul nowhere to be seen. I decided to ignore the disappointment I felt.

“Oh you're up, How are you feeling? It seems you enjoyed yourself last night.”