
Bumming start

Ooooh (relived sigh as he finished his latest project as a 9 year old) this will make it easier a portal gun (Narrator : used it as I had no other idea instead of portal gun from Rick) this will make it easier as I said before but as a 2nd reason more resources it's so high quality it's made out of the Blitzergs a (Narrator : resource as strongest in existence) it was so hard like my parents where mad that I was so stressed out for the past 2 years of what they thought was nothing luckily I found something that was barely any help so I had to spend more time on it was graphene really hard I had to use scrap metal a used motor axel all rusted you know the jig now that I got it I can travel to places that are important hm mysterious material with no inhabitants now I got to press the trigger :Rick and morty portal noises: /Blitzerg a translucent material\ aah oh shit no air wait crystick crystallized lopkinsgazed know it from my portal gun that can analyze things okay portal gun use inter dimensional storage hey portal I now know the dimensions now bring me to dimension-3139 earth :more Rick and morty portal noises: phew I am back so this crystal currently holds all the dimensions past current and live feed memory's and it will never be grown back unless cloned and the material needed amzeg with a mother board all of them are together on dimension - C79 A alien man eating!!?? Planet oh my god the risks I got to make at least I dropped school now I gotta go on my adventure if I get the stuff in need I can make two dimensional tv box's that can go to infinite agh narrative god do your thing (narrator : a tv box that can watch and play anything from Rick and morty) -A lot of hours later- finally. :door opens: oh shit #Beth# ugh rick why weren't you home oh no reason okay I supercharged it with electricity it's now a super charged amzeg good thing I got two of each and made a time crystal two of them and yea :Zap zap zap zap: finally! I'm done I can show my parents wait I got 3 I have 1 extra pair for a copy machine to copy anything -one year later finally finally a hole set up from rick and morty except more advanced but does all the same secret rooms also and rick and morty is one the cable box I made man living in the woods really is a best way to get away with everything I got everything from rick and morty except nothing changed just rooms secret stuff gear gadgets etc not same house family and you know... anyway I'm getting mom I'm gonna pack my things in a bag with foam to keep from breaking and scratches gotta keep top notch cause I'm keeping it a mystery to surprise my parents so they can stop treating me bad and be nicer to me to show them I am worth something

:walks in living room: {ugh what's up with our ugly kid the dad says welp I'm gonna abandon him the mom says} .. I'm hungry -next day- fuck they got everything out of my room into a bag and stuff but I'm outside woah total abandonment now I know what they whispered about eh atleast I have my full rick and morty set up gear gadget stuff uhh builder bot take me to a world where life is super habitable with everything rich and no life form of human is not habited :Portal zap: finally here a cool tree that's big good enough build bots make me a secret under ground base when I say what open the door and put the door to the big big big underground base make a science lab that can do anything with any material in existence now that it's done I'm gonna make a interface like those novels cause I'm bored after some time in his new lab he finally made 2 things one I had not mentioned a interface with a storage dimension that is infinite an 1 billion copy's of a pencil that brings drawing to reality