
Smart Guy in Against the Gods

A smart guy is transmigrated into the body of Yun Che right at the beginning of his third life, when he was supposed to reincarnate. This person is very different from the original Yun Che - he is rational, cool headed, matured and will make full use of Yun Che's various cheats and his own knowledge of the original story to walk a very different path. However, he has not read the original story in full, since the story had not yet come to an end by the time he was transmigrated. How will this lack of knowledge affect him? What path will he walk? --- Obligatory disclaimer - The plot and characters of Against the Gods do not belong to me. The plot and OC of this fanfiction do belong to me. Spoiler warning: Right from the first chapter, this fanfiction contains massive spoilers for Against the Gods. You have been warned.

G_28 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 8

Yun Che had taken a much shorter route for his cultivation and not spent too long, so he arrived at New Moon Profound Palace just three months after getting out of the Xiao clan, an entire three months earlier than he was originally supposed to have arrived.

This meant the new palace chief would be welcomed three months later, which would be the day of the banquet, so he had an entire three months to increase his cultivation before leaving this place for the next phase of his plans.

He went to the gatekeeper and showed him Sikong Han's tablet, which Xiao Lie had given him just before he left the clan. The gatekeeper immediately let him in without making any fuss.

Soon, he was greeted by his brother in law, Xia Yuanba. "Brother in law!" Yuanba exclaimed and rushed towards Yun Che to hug him. Yun Che opened his first gate – Heretic Soul – and prepared for the embrace.

Thankfully, his high cultivation base combined with the boost from Heretic Soul was enough to protect him from Yuanba's strength as he hugged him. In fact, he had to hold back his own strength from crushing Yuanba.

"Brother in law, what are you doing here?" Yuanba asked. Yun Che replied that he had come to visit Sikong Han, upon which Yuanba explained his own circumstances as well.

Yuanba then led him to Sikong Han's office to meet him, and Yun Che deliberately suppressed his profound cultivation level to 4th stage of Nascent Profound realm, as well as closed his profound entrances to leave only 19 open.

Sikong Han was euphoric upon getting news of Xiao Lie, and asked Yun Che about his cultivation related status. Upon hearing he was a 16 year old with 4th stage Nascent Profound realm cultivation, he was ecstatic and hurriedly checked his profound entrances. Upon further discovering that he had 19 profound entrances open, he was shocked speechless.

Yuanba, who was stunned as well, asked at this point, "Brother in law, didn't you have crippled profound veins? How could you suddenly have 4th stage Nascent Profound realm cultivation?"

Yun Che had already prepared an answer for this and replied, "It was all thanks to your sister actually. Using her authority in her sect, she was able to acquire three precious treasures which not only repaired my profound veins, but also boosted my talent enough that I could cultivate to this stage." He dumped all the credit to Qingyue, who thought she knew the actual secret method how he repaired his profound veins, and would hopefully play along.

Yuanba nodded with a laugh, "Ah, it was big sister! Her sect could indeed have done such a miraculous thing." He also refrained from mentioning the actual name of her sect in front of Sikong Han, taking a lesson from Yun Che.

Sikong Han had regained his bearings by this point. He gently asked, "Dear boy, would you like to join New Moon Profound Palace?"

Yun Che raised an eyebrow and replied, "Only if I can get into class one."

Sikong Han agreed to it and enthusiastically gave him a student identification badge. Yuanba led him to his new residence and he followed along.

Jasmine spoke mentally, "This Xia Yuanba... is he your friend?"

Yun Che replied in the affirmative, and Jasmine explained to him all about the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins. He said thoughtfully, "I could try to artificially give him some mental trauma so that he awakens this legacy."

After all, even though he was obviously not going to be one of his 'female companions', Yuanba would also play a significant role in his plans.

Murong Ye and Lan Xueruo/Cang Yue appeared, and Yun Che made sure to just politely greet them and not make too much trouble. After all, Cang Yue didn't play any role in his long term plans.

Also, after feeling that Yun Che was at 4th stage Nascent Profound realm, Murong Ye curbed his arrogance somewhat.

Finally, Yun Che arrived at his new residence. The next day onward, he started training his cultivation and new profound techniques. Particularly, Jasmine started instructing him in Great Way of the Buddha, continued the lessons with Star God's Broken Shadow and upon Yun Che's specific request, started instructing him in a profound aura concealing technique.

Being the Heavenly Slaughter Star God, she specialized in movement and stealth. This time, she imparted her knowledge of stealth techniques to Yun Che. While she herself could go completely imperceptible while using this technique, Yun Che could only conceal his profound aura at his current level. But this would be enough for his short term plans.

The technique was essentially a camouflaging technique – instead of trying to make his profound energy completely undetectable, which would require a lot of energy, this technique changed the signature of his profound energy to completely match that of the surrounding environment, so that anyone who detected it would not be able to differentiate it from the environment. It consumed a lot less energy and was very efficient.

Three months went by with Yun Che doing nothing other than training hard. In these three months, his profound energy cultivation reached 5th stage of True Profound realm, and he mastered the first layer of the concealment art. He was not able to reach the first stage of Great Way of the Buddha, but made a lot of progress in it.

Not exactly. In these three months he had also established a friendly relationship with Cang Yue, since she was going to be a part of the next phase of his plans. It was strictly friendly and nothing romantic.

Finally, the day had arrived for the new Palace Chief to be appointed in New Moon Profound Palace. A banquet was being held and the various sects of the city, including the branch of the Xiao sect, had all been invited.

This day, Yun Che released profound aura of 9th stage Nascent Profound realm, using his new concealing technique so that even Emperor Profound realm individuals wouldn't be able to sense his true cultivation level. This day he would finally start the next phase of his plans.