


I drink more wine than I should and wake up feeling sick the next day. My phone rings as I steady myself on the edge of my bed. My head doesn’t hurt like when I am hung over, but my stomach sure does.

/"Hello?/" I answer the phone more so that it will stop making noise then because I want to talk to the person on the other end.

/"What time is your last class over today?/" Clark’s voice comes through. He should know the answer to that. He had met me after several times and my schedule had not changed once this year.

/"2 P.M. Like always,/" tell him.

/"Great,/" he hangs up before I get a chance to tell him that I wanted to talk to him before I went to my first class. The girls and I had talked about it the night before. Both had agreed that since my first class wasn’t until nine and Kierra’s didn’t start until ten we would all have time to talk about however my confrontation went with him.