
Slutty Olive

The female lead is an orphan whose family died in a car accident she became lonely and then she started using sex as a means to get rid of her loneliness and she got addicted to having sex. until she came across Elvis who she loves but things didn't go as plan cause Elvis married Anna instead of her but she still played it cool then she became a prostitute after which she met a guy that changed her life.

DaoistFTgH0q · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter Six

He later on the couch And spread her legs apart when he caressed her clitoris "ahhh" she moaned he added one more finger inside and started pumping her then he slowed down "Ahh, don't harder" she moans he pushes his tongue inside her hole And started pushing his tongue inside her hole he sucks, licks And twirls her clitoris "ahhhhaaa tthis iisss sooo goood" she moaned  he bites her clitoris "ahhh" she cried out "l-i-aamm cooming" she said And came in his mouth. "kneel" he said And he strips himself  his eight inch rod stood proudly .

She slowly twirls her tongue around the tip of his sick then licks down to his shaft And goes down to suck on his balls.  She then starts to take his length in her mouth, she took his whole length in her Mouth, his length was touching the end of the  back of her throat .she started moving her head up And down slowly,  Elvis let out a grunt and gave a small growl ,not able to take it anymore he held a hand full of her hair And started bobbing her head up And down then after a while he release his cum in her throat And she swallows it then she licked him clean. Then he positioned himself between her legs then he started ramming her inside, she started moving her hips with his rhythm giving him a deeper access to her. "aahhhh" Elvis knew he hit her g-spot And then he pumped harder continuously hitting her g-spot he felt her walls constricting And he said "don't you fucking come slut until I tell you to" she held her self And he went deeper And hit her womb she could not hold it anymore then he said "you can come" And they came together, they continued for 4 hours then he came in her face after which he left, Olive cleared the sitting room she checked the time And it was only 12 she went to bed and woke up 2:32, she freshened up And went to pick Maya from school, she wore a blue jean joggers And a yellow top And a pair of sandals. 

           "mommy, mommy"maya said and ran towards her ,olive bent And scoped her up in her hands And the mother And daughter hugged each other "how was your day sweetie " olive asked And pegged her Cheeck"mom school was fun after classes my teacher took us to play And here I am" Maya said as she smiled revealing her cute dimples "mom am I going to stay over at Lucy's house today "Maya asked "yes darling, I will be going to work today but I wont go tomorrow so I can spend time with with you darling "olive said as she carried Maya home "Yay!! OK mom "Maya said with excitement, after walking for 2 minute they arrive home olive took her to the room remove her clothes And gave her a nice bath "mom do you know my friend Anna And Lucy had a fight today "Maya said "no sweetie tell me what happened" olive said as she wore her clothes "well mom Lucy And Anna have the same pencil and Anna losses her pencil And saw Lucy holding the same pencil as hers And she grabbed the pencil from Lucy, Lucy also dragged the pencil from her saying it is her pencil And Anna drags her hair And fell on the floor And they started dragging each other hair" Maya said "really where was your teacher" olive asked "she went out of the class And when she came back she saw them dragging themselves And she separated And she asked what happened then she returned Lucy's pencil back to her" Maya explained  "OK but sweeetie it's not good t9 fight plz don't be like your friends  OK sweetie" olive said trying to educate her daughter "OK mom but what if they started it" " if they are at fault then you report to your teacher "olive answered "OK now come And have your  lunch what do you want to have pasta or salad" olive asked "ummm(thinking), salad I want salad mommy" Maya said with smiles "OK sweetie come let go have lunch mama's hungry" olive said And she sat on the dinning  And eat with her daughter after which she played with her building blocks (legos) .