
Slow Life With My Daughter Raising System

Bautista died in front of his daughter's corpse. In the next morning he woke up in a unfamiliar place. "I should've have died with her!" [Ding! Host's has activated daughter raising system!] "There's still a chance to find my reincarnated daughter?" [Yes host, but first we must raise your strength!] ~~~~~~~ It is a slow life novel with a good world building with no cultivation cliche, although this is not an action novel but a slice of life genre, I will not be stingy and add necessary action episodes.

TheUnknownPen · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

Weeew! Weeew! Weeew!

Weew! Weew! Weew!

A mixed sound of ambulance and police siren can be heard along with flashing red and blue lights.

Countless people gathered on the roadside forming a circle as they watched the scene before their eyes.

Terror, Sympathy, and Fear, Those are one of the few emotions they had as they stared at a mutilated corpse of a child.

A mutilated young girl lying beside the roadside can be seen, she had no clothes exposing her body, Completely naked.

A hint of fear and despair can be seen on her remaining eye, as the other one was missing.

"Christine...i-is that you?" A middle-aged man fell onto his knees as he saw a child lying on the roadside.

He feel...he didn't know himself either; sadness, despair, hopelessness, anger, resentment, guilt various emotions converge within his already fragile mind.

Right now he feel nothing.

He just wanted to see his daughter, his lovely daughter.

Are the heavens really unfair? He worked hard throughout the years as he singlehandedly raised his daughter after his wife passed away due to an incurable illness.

8 years! Swear, blood, and his soul. He did everything he could to raise his daughter properly.

He gave him a decent and comfortable life, he loved his daughter, even until now he still loves her.

Christine was not a mischievous child, as she knew their family situation at a young age. She rarely asked for something. She is not a material child.

Probably the biggest thing she begged her father was the time she wanted to have a cellphone, Because she is being left out by some of her classmates.

While he was reminiscing about his memories of his daughter A black sedan arrived at the scene, The door of the sedan opened and a tall young man, his height is about 6'3 ft, wearing a black police uniform, on top of it is a bulletproof vest and a body cam is attached to it.

'What a pitiful sight to see' he thought to himself as he saw a middle-aged man on the ground kneeling beside the children's corpse.

He then decided to approach the middle-aged man, as he got closer, he got a better view on the corpse.

He frowned, the body was brutally mutilated, such a thing isn't the work of a mere human, it was a work of a demon! There is no way a human can do this kind of thing.

"If a demon really exists in this world, then this mthrfckr is definitely one of them" he said in a low voice.

He reached out to the middle-aged man and said. "My Condolences, Mr. Bautista", he places his hand on Bautista's shoulder.

"I sincerely apologize for disturbing your time with your daughter, but can I have some of your time?" the young man said.

Bautista did not respond. The young policeman shakes his shoulders, but the other party has no reaction.

"MEDIC! MEDIC!" He shouted. Almost instantly three people in white rushed towards them.

One of them examined Bautista's body, his eyes were open, but is unresponsive.

"We got a shock patient, carefully escort him to the ambulance, and get to the nearest hospital.

Since Bautista is still breathing, there's no need to worry that he'll die without questioning him. At least for now.

The ambulance took off immediately as soon as they got Bautista inside.

3 days later Bautista was released, but as soon as he got out of the hospital, a laughing madman charged towards him while holding a knife and he did not have any time to react as it was too sudden.

The knife ended up being buried deep inside his body, it got all the way in including the handle.

While this was happening, the madman only laughed hysterically.

"Your daughter is the best dish I have ever tasted in my entire life, HAHAHAHAHAHA" As the madman said it. Bautista snapped, he intended to take the knife and die right away to join his daughter in the afterlife. But right now, the man who brutally killed his daughter was right in front of him.

"YOU FUCKEEEEEER!" Bautista roared, he punched the madman, his fist flashed straight onti his throat.

The madman let go of the knife and fell onto the ground, unconscious.

Bautista didn't intend to let him off, he will die anyway. He lost too much blood and he already feel cold, the adrenaline was the online thing keeping him moving on this point.

He pulled out the knife that was buried deep on his body, blood gushed out like a faucet.

He staggered and his vision went blurry, but it was enough to sent this demon in hell.

He held the knife with both hands and stabbed the madman's throat.


The madman let out a sound before completely dying.

Finally, he avenged his daughter.

He can now rest in peace.

He then dropped onto the ground with lifeless eyes.

Meanwhile, the passerby and the security guard at the hospital were shocked, they could only watch the scene unfold before their eyes. Not daring to move a single muscle.

10 seconds, the incident only lasted ten seconds, at first they heard someone laughing hysterically and then a loud roar. Followed by it was two lifeless bodies on the ground.


Bautista opened his eyes, he...is alive. He felt terrible, he intended to die but and join his daughter. But somehow he survived. He looked at the surroundings and many questions rose on his mind.

He realized that he was in a small wooden room. he  turned his head on his right and saw a wooden table with a candle placed on top of it.

He continued to look around and saw a wooden cabinet and a wooden door.

He stood up from his bed and approached the door,  he then opened it and a ray of sunlight pierced his eyes. An endless grassy plane appeared before his eyes.

'This place is not bad' he thought to himself.

He then examined the area, the small hut where he woke up was actually on top of a small hill.

The hill was really small, he can see the bottom of it from the door. At the bottom, he saw tall wooden fences surrounding the hill.

The sun was up in the sky meant that it's currently noontime.

He continued to walk and decided to descend the hill. After a minute he reached the wooden gate at the bottom.

He opened it and decided to follow the stone path wondering where would it take him.

After walking for at least an hour, he saw a dense forest up ahead, he continued to walk towards the forest when a mechanical voice reverbated throughout his ears.

[Ding! Detected that the host is only 500 meters towards the "Forest of Doom".]

[Ding! System advice that the host to not proceed any further as the host only has 10% chance of surviving.]

"A system? Oh"


Suddenly Bautista lost all his strength as he suddenly fell down.

His eyes staring at the dawning sun as he recalled a memory of his precious one.

"Daddy, come here Christine wants to show you something!" Christine calls Bautista who's watching TV.

"Oh? Let me see" Bautista walked towards Christine.

"Look! I finished all these books!" Christine happily flashed his phone in front of his father for him to see.

"System novels, You like those kinds of books?" Bautista asked.

"Yes! Yes! Christine wants to have a system so that she could help her father, because father is always not home. Christine is lonely" Christine said in a low voice while showing a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Bautista's heart ached as he saw his daughter's sudden change of mood.

"I'm sorry sweetie, father needs to walk so we can survive" Bautista then hugged her.

Back to the present...

Bautista was lying on the ground for hours. He watched the sun as it goes down and witnessed the ascending moon.

[Ding! System has detected an increase of active beasts throughout the forest.]

[Host please head back to your house as soon as possible]

"Hey system, Christine said that systems are all powerful and can grant many wishes. Can you bring my daughter back? Do I have to do countless mission? Please tell me you can do that."

[Ding! Detected a pack of Burning Skull Wolf, initiating the teleport function]

Bautista gazed at a distance and saw the pack Burning Skull Wolfs from afar, they are thrice the size of a regular wolf and their heads are constantly burning.

He looked at them with a blank expression.

'Will I get mutilated just like my daughter? Will I die the same way as her?'

He didn't mind dying this way, her daughter must've suffered before she died so he can only accept his fate this time.

[ Ding! Teleporting host]

Suddenly he was engulfed in green light and he vanished on the spot he was currently at and reappeared at the courtyard.

[Ding! Although the system cannot magically revive your daughter. Her soul is now in the Ark of Reincarnation waiting to be reincarnated into this world.]

Bautista's eyes widened, "So I can bring her back. Can the system identify my daughter?"

[Ding! Although she possessed a different body. Her soul remains the same. The system can identify the soul of the host's daughter whenever their paths crossed.]

"So I have a chance!" Bautista suddenly regained his energy and stood up.

He then proceed to enter his small hut and walked towards the bed.

He then lay down and closed his eyes, he sleep happily knowing he can meet his beloved daughter again in the future.

"Hello! this is my new book! I hope you'll enjoy reading it. although it is a slow paced book, it is not that slow pace that will make you bored. at least I'll keep a balance between them."

TheUnknownPencreators' thoughts