
Slow Life With My Daughter Raising System

Bautista died in front of his daughter's corpse. In the next morning he woke up in a unfamiliar place. "I should've have died with her!" [Ding! Host's has activated daughter raising system!] "There's still a chance to find my reincarnated daughter?" [Yes host, but first we must raise your strength!] ~~~~~~~ It is a slow life novel with a good world building with no cultivation cliche, although this is not an action novel but a slice of life genre, I will not be stingy and add necessary action episodes.

TheUnknownPen · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Immenent Threat

"Hey Hey my system, what's your name?" Christine asked her system.

[It is Good Daughter System]

"So boring, how about I give you a name"

[If that's what the host wants.]

"Yehey! I should call you Betty" Christine said excitingly.

[Why is it Bettu, Host?]

"It's my best friend's name, Betty the doll"

[I see Host.]

"Don't call me host, can you call me Christy?" Christine said suggestively.

[If that's what you want, Host.]

"It's Christine!" She then pouted at the blue screen.

[Okay, Christy]


Christine stood up from her bed and opened the door.

"Christine, breakfast is ready!" Bautista shouted from the first floor.

"Okay Papa, I'm going down" Christine replied.

She descended downstairs carefully. Yesterday she ran downstairs and her father scolded him, so she never tried to run downstairs.

As she reached the first floor, she headed straight to the dining room and saw her Father sitting on a table waiting for her.

"Christine, sit down, let's eats" Her Father told her while pointing at the chair.

"Un!" She replied enthusiasticly

The moment she sat down, she began gobbling the food down, It didn't even took 20 minutes before she ate all the food on the table.

There was Fried Rice, 12 Hotdogs, 5 Fried Eggs, and a Lemon Juice.

Although this may seen many, Christine was like a vacuum as she gulp down the food at a ridiculously fast rate.

"You little glutton" Bautista pinched her cheeks

"Stop it Papa" She said angrilym

"Alright, Alright. I'm sorry" he then left a smile on his face.

"What's funny Papa!" Her cheeks turned red as she glared at her Father.

"Such a fierce young lady we got here" Bautista chuckled.

"Anyways, Is there anything you wanted to do?" Bautista add as he picked up the plates.

"I want to cultivate!" Christine replied, she then looked at her Father with her huge sparkling eyes.

"Sure thing, your Papa will guide you" Bautista nodded.

Although this world may seem peaceful, but that's just because there was a barrier in the Omega City that's protecting them from the invasion of Divinr Beasts.

Even though he Upgraded the barrier, he didn't put his trust on it.

Only by becoming strong in this world can one defend theirselves from immenent danger.

Yes he is a Sovereign God Realm, but don't forget that there's still an uncharted region he had yet to explore, he Heaven Realm!

His strength may be top notch in this world, but when an expert with Heaven Realm cultivation arrives he will be powerless to resist.

Thus, by allowing her daughter to embark on a path of Cultivation can lessen his worries. At least her daughter will have some power to resist.

With this thought, he left Christine on the table and headed to the sink, he carefully washed the plates and utensils.

"Papa, I'm going outaide to play!" He heard Christine and he replied "Okay, just don't leave the courtyard, this is a very dangerous place with lots of monsters. They will eat you." Bautista tried to scare her.

But his daughter scoffed him off, "Humph, I'm not a child anymore. That kind of thing only works on children. Christine is a Teen now!"

"Okay, okay. Just don't leave the courtyard alright?"

"I got it Papa, It's dangerous outside the courtyard, I know at least that much" She replied with a proud tone.

"Go play then, Papa will come to you after I finished the dishes."

Christine ignored him and rushed outside the door.

"This kid" Bautista sighed

[Ding! New mission has arrived.

"Help your daughter cultivate"

Rewards: Cultivation Essence Sphere x10]

'A new mission huh' Bautista muttered to himself.

After a few moments. He finished washing the dishes.

He was about to go out when the system's voice echoed in his ears again.

[Ding! Why does the Host bother washing the dishes, you are a Sovereign God Realm Expert.]

"Knock it off System, you told me to live a slow life, that's what I am doing."

[Oh, My bad host.]

"If you know you're wrong."

[Ding! Received Cultivation Essence Sphere x1]

"Alright, you said nothing at all, you win" Bautista replied with a defeated voice.

'At least this system knows how to please me'

He said inwardly

[Host, I can hear you]


The two of them entered the state of deadlock silence.


The door suddenly slammed open, Bautista looked at the door and he saw a tiny girl with her arms crossed, she glared at Bautista as she pouts.

"Papa! I thought you were going to follow ke outside, why are you standing in daze right there?"

"Does Papa has loose screws on his head?"

"Papa is such a liar, I hate Papa now"

Christine bombarded him with her words of anger, Bautista just stood there in gaze. Although he is a Sovereign God Realm Expert, his mentality is actually powerless against this daughter of his.

Bautista suddenly kowtowed 3x and said, "I apologize your majesty, this old bones is such an unworthy father. I actually made you wait for me."

Christine was flustered. She stared at her Father who actually kowtowed like those characters from the novels.

"Uhm, Papa I'm just teasing you, could it be you actually had a loose screw on your head?"

However, Bautista didn't stand and and continued to kowtow, he didn't even look up.

"Papa is worthy, why is he not worthy. Papa is the best" as soon as she said that, Bautista immediately rushed in front of her. This action made Christine startled.

Bautista then hugged her tightly, and spinnes her around.

"Hehehe I got you little girl" Bautista smirked.

"No fair! No fair! Papa is cheating. HAHAHAHA" Christine laughed after she complained.

The two of them bonded for a while before heading out to the courtyard.


City Lord Residence, City Lord's Office

"Great Ancient One, Are you sure that there's a Divine Beast at God King Realm?" Elder Hughes asked solemnly

"There's no mistaking it, I didn't want to believe it either, but Waro's Group was actually wiped out. And before Kuro died he sent a message to m about the Divine Beast", Baku replied.

"It is a Giant Three Headed wolf with a height of 20 meters, 10 meters wide, and 30 meters long. I believe it is a Hybrid type Divine Beast." Baku added.

"Can you deal with it?" Elder Hughes could no longer contain himself. It may be offending to ask the Ancient One is he could deal with it. If the other party took it negatively he would be finished.

"Honestly, I don't know. Although I am a Peak Stage God King Realm, my cultivation base is not consolidated. I still need a few days." Baku shook his head.

"I see...we can only hope that the arrival of that Damned Beast will be a few days late." Elder Hughes said in a anxious voice.