
Slow Life In Anime Fantasy World

This is the story of a soul called Error 404, a soul that was reincarnated in the fantasy world of anime. He offered to be a hero or a demon king if he wanted to but, he rejected all of it, and said. "I'm sick of tiring stuff, if possible I want to live a slow life in another world, become a farmer or anything, as long as I'm away from those tiring kinds of stuff" And so here his story began. -=-=-=-=- This is a wish fulfilment fanfic I created to relax, just like the title says, the pacing of this book is slow, if you like so many actions and events then this is not for you. This book is a mix of many fantasy anime, expect some from novels and anime such as Tensura, Moonlit Fantasy, and more. I don't own any of the characters here except for the oc. The cover is not mine :) Updates are from Monday to Friday. which means 5 chaps a week. Hope you guys enjoy

World_Mayka · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10- Onsen

A hundred spiderlings, yes, that is how many Zafu's children were, Wisp could not help but remember the documentary he watched on TV that spiders could give birth to many spiders.

The spiderling's appearance was the same as Zafu except that their size was only as big as Wisp's fist, yep, very small, Wisp has to be careful when walking around to not step on the spiderlings, but it was later given a solution as the spiderlings created webs from trees to trees to travel.

It took quite a while for Wisp to get used to it but anyway, the spiderlings also have good intelligence, they could understand Wisp and even follow his orders, they also help tend the fields, making Wisp's workload easier.

They also love to eat potatoes like Zafu, so to coup up with their number, Wisp added 10 potato fields, at least with that, he doesn't have to worry about the spiderling not having any food.

Well, enough of that, today, Wisp decided to ask Ruu about the nearby kingdoms of this world, he learned it after Tohru described the kingdom that tried to hunt her down.

According to her, she was attacked inside a country called Holy Empire Ruberios, it was they seemed to be fanatics that wanted to kill every monster in the world, which made Wisp thought of Crusaders in his past life.

Anyway, they sound dangerous that Wisp became concerned and decide to learn about the world around him, only by knowing what's around you that you will know what dangers it has.

First of all, the land where I was staying, The Land of Death, itwas a very vast land that was surrounded by mountains, if Wisp put it to how big the land was, it was the size of Japan and China together, yes, that was how big the land was.

It made Wisp wonder how big this world was, japan was already fairly big much less China which was even bigger, but anyway, The Land of Death was in a territory of a Demon Lord.

"Wait? a demon lord? is it really okay to live here?"

"Did you get help when you build this place Honey buns? or receive any money?"

"I made these all myself"

"Then you don't have to worry, just because it was in the territory of a demon king doesn't mean it was rightfully theirs, they don't even have any authority in this place, so it's okay"


The Demon Kingdom is located at the North East side of Wisp's place, they are also in a war with a human kingdom which is the Holy Empire Ruberios.

"Such a barbaric kingdom"

"They are nothing compared to Nasca Namrium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire, which is a more powerful kingdom, they seemed to be aiming for a world conquest"

"Oh... I guess, everybody wants to rule the world eh"

"Are you going for the world conquest too Honeybuns?"

"Naa, I don't have any plans to"

Ruu could not help but look at Wisp who smiled at her, a human that has no desire for power, it was a first for her.

"Anyway, tell me about other kingdoms"


On the Southwest from their place, there were kingdoms that specialized in magic, this made Wisp interested as he heard it, there are 4 major magic kingdoms, Spade Kingdom, Clover Kingdom, Diamond Kingdom, and the Heart Kingdom.

Almost 99% of their population are magicians, they also have special artifacts called Grimoire that every people has in their kingdom, this caught Wisp's interest, doesn't that mean if he also had a grimoire he could use magic? well, that is for another time.

Then on the west which is a vast sea, there was no kingdom there as it seemed to be an unclaimed land.

"There is actually a land over the sea, I went there once and they were at war right now, their technology seemed far higher than the one on this land if I remember correctly, it was a country called the Empire was waging war with every country there"

Tohru spoke as she suddenly remembered.

"Whoa, this place is so chaotic, anyway, do you know what kind of technology do they have?"

"If I remember correctly, it was steam technology combined with Magic, a certain god is also overlooking that place"

"I see"

"Well, that is all of the notable kingdoms around us"

"How about the north?"

"Hmm, in the north, there is nothing but a big chunk of water and some small islands, that place is also covered with pirates and some organization called World Government are stopping them"

"World Government? then aren't they like the strongest organization then?"

"No, World Government is just a name they gave themselves, there was no meaning to it, they are not necessarily overlooking the world, and they don't have the power to"

"I see, this world is scary"

"Don't worry honeybuns, we will protect you"

Tohru and Ruu said at the same time and jumped to his embrace, Wisp smiled and hugged the two of them, he is lucky to have them by his side.


After learning a little about this world, Wisp was at least became aware of some things, but even if there are wars everywhere, as long as they don't disturb his peace, Wisp won't care about them.

Anyway, life continued and Wisp continued improving his daily life, and one of those things was to build a bathhouse, Wisp had been bathing with cold water ever since he arrived in this world, even when he has a healthy body, he just couldn't take the cold water.

And so he planned to build an onsen for everyone, first things first to find a hot spring... well, there was actually no need to find one.


Because there is magic! Wisp can just as for either Tohru or Ruu to heat the water at the right temperature, banzai magic!

So to start it off, Wisp decided to look for a place to build the bathhouse, he wanted to make the onsen look as natural as possible, he looked for a rocky area, then used his AFT to create a natural-looking pit, of course, he made sure to clean it up.

He scraped off the dangerous areas such as pointy stones and other things that could hurt a person, building this place took Wisp a little more than a month since he was kind of a perfectionist when it comes to these things, but hey, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Wisp finally finished with a 30-meter size onsen with natural rocks and a fence that covers the onsen, while he was at it too, Wisp installed a manual water pump so that everyone doesn't have to go to the reservoir every time they need water.

The only thing left to do now is to fill the onsen up with water, which will also be done manually...

"Wait... Maybe I can ask Ruu to fill it with water using magic, yeah, that is good"

Wisp suddenly had a thought and immediately decided to go to Ruu, but just as he was about to go towards Ruu, he heard Zafu's alarm rang 2 times.


Wisp made his way towards the east and summonsed his AFT, it took him a few seconds to reach where he saw there was a commotion as the dogs charged towards that place.

Arriving the place, he saw a girl with blonde hair and white wings, being bitten by the dogs while screaming for help and running away.

"An angel? no wait, everyone stop! stop!"

Wisp immediately stopped the dogs from biting the poor angel who was now all bruised up.

"Thank you for your help"

The angel said and waved her hand, a golden light covered her entire body making all the bruises and her disheveled clothes return to normal.

'Magic is so cool'

Wisp thought as she saw her magic, just as he finished patching herself up, Ruu and Tohru arrived.

"Honeybuns, What happe-guh"

Ruu's expression was that of a kid caught by her parents, she smoothly turned around to run away but the angel noticed her.

"Ha!! so you were here Rurunashi!"

The angel pointed at Ruu with her fingers.


It was too late as the dogs thought of this as a form of attack and immediately attacked her with a chain combo of left and right, it could be said that her state was the same as Ruu when Wisp first met her.

Wisp was able to stop the dogs from attacking the angel but she looked pitiful after that.

"Honeybuns, I will talk with her, you can go back, for now, I will tell you later"

Ruu said as she pated Wisp on the shoulder,

"Okay, she is free to come in"

Wisp nodded and brought the dogs back, it seemed like the angel was scared of the dogs now, Tohru decided to stay with them.

-Night time-

"Rurunashi and Tohru how dare you two lie to me!"

The angel named Tia yelled as she tried to escape the door of the room, but she was held by Tohru and Ruu clinging to her tightly.

"We need your help! we can't do this by ourselves!"

"Yes! we need you!"


"I'm fine with Tohru and Ruu"

"Don't speak honeybuns!"


It was a very chaotic night.