
Passing Years and Honest Eye

It's been almost 100 years passed since I appeared on this island. All things on this island are all untouched by human hand. A clear ocean, vast azure sky, bright hot sun and grassy hill swaying gently in the wind it gives anyone feeling of tranquillity and peace.

Standing on the shores of an island, I stepped into the ocean.

Feeling a warm drift of the water along with a touch of soft sand surrounding my feet. I observed the vast ocean that I can't even see the end. Moving my head, through clear water I saw a group of fishes swirling in the water. I never get bored of this feeling.

"It is another good day today."

Holding a net I made prepared, I dived into the water to search for food. Due to my unique body constitution made a bit harder for me to dive into the ocean. But I had plenty of time to practice so after a few months, I learned how to dive with no problem.

Why seaweed you ask? Well eating fruits and flowers in many years I got a bit bored of it so today I decided to get some seafood to add my dinner table.

Diving deep into the ocean I collected clam, seaweed and crab fulling my net.

That is enough for a few days. Especially that seaweed gonna be delicious after drying under the sun or mixing with soup. While I busy planning my dinner, I sensed something getting closer to me. It seems like I targeted by a predator but sad to choose me all of the possible targets.

It's a meaningless boast, but I have quite a confidence in my strength as master of martial art.

Back in the earth, I could easily beat a brown bear in submission. And had quite a lot of disciples under me but sadly none of them succeded. I am not talking in a scary way like I spartan training or death tournament, there was just no one wished to live a lonely life like me.

Well, I got a bit sidetracked there. Basically saying there is a predator around Island that can't beat.

Just as I sensed a scary looking shark appeared and sped towards me. With my two palms, I received the attack on the moment my palm touches the shark's skin, I let my body gently followed through it. Using the momentum, I appeared beside of shark. Using my knife hand, I pierced the side of a shark and ended its life.

I went back into the shore with my spoil. But first I placed my spoils on the ground, holding both of my hands in prayer position I read a mantra.

"Om Mani Padme Hum."

It may be necessary but still killing is killing. With this prayer, I wish their soul to have a good life in their next life. Leaving them on the ground, I went back to the ocean to swim.

Just like they say 'Time flies like an arrow ' it felt just like a moment, but when checked the sky. I saw the sun already on halfway sinking into the horizon.

I took my spoils to my small house on the side of the forest. My house is a simple Japanese traditional house connected with open-air bath. Arriving in front of my house I called the name of my friend.

"Xueliang I bought our dinner."

"Oh, master Zeku have you returned. Come in, I already prepared your favourite green tea and cleaned your smoking pipe."

A moments later a man with a dressed green robe greeted me. He had tall but had a frail-looking appearance. But his real form is a black dog that people called 'Penghou'. Ten years ago, I found him washed away on shore while taking fresh air after finishing my training. At first, I thought just unlucky dog washed away by current so, I took care of him then one night he turned into a human and wished to serve me. Seeing his earnest look, I couldn't just refuse him. Also because of his cooking.

"Thanks again Xueliang but please at least let me clean my own pipe."

It felt like I being baby that can't do anything.

"Master, as your servant at least let me do this kind of thing."

Ah! his honest eyes it felt painful. I just healed you on my whim that is all. This old woman doesn't do something justify your loyalty. I couldn't handle his stare so, after leaving my spoils I quickly went towards my room.

Inside my room, I saw a fresh towel and new clothes arranged beside of cup of green tea and my old pipe on the table. This is gonna be a bad habit.

Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Shirogane Zeku, I am one of those things called reincarnated people. Basically, I died and revived in another world by gods. I don't know what goddess saw in this old man myself, but she chose me and asked if anything I want.

So I asked it is possible to keep my memory and training I have in my life. She said okay, then I asked to live in peace with my house. She agreed. Then as the last thing, I asked a bit of strength. Well, any man wants to become strong so, I couldn't help it.

Hearing my selfish request with smile goddess agreed. Then I appeared on this island with my house but then I forgot to tell her my race and gender.

This is my first chapter of my story. Enjoy

I write three chapters per week.

For_Researchcreators' thoughts