
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Heavens

"I am,"

As Bei Feng's form dissolved before the warrior, a sensation like a current tugged at Qing's very being. He felt his consciousness being drawn away from the battlefield, from the memories of Bei Feng's valiant struggle. The world around him began to shift and expand, revealing a grandeur beyond his previous comprehension.

Before Qing, the scene unfolded in breathtaking grandeur. Colossal pillars stretched upward, their towering forms surpassing even the mightiest mountains. The expanse of the sky seemed to defy comprehension, stretching infinitely in all directions. Qing's gaze was drawn upward as he ascended, each step filling him with a sense of awe and reverence.

As he ascended higher into the sky, a revelation dawned upon him. These pillars, which had initially appeared as ordinary structures, were something far more significant. They were stakes, immense and formidable, crafted from ice that shimmered with an otherworldly light. The realization struck Qing like a bolt of lightning — these stakes made of true ice were not mere landmarks, but monumental symbols of power, purpose, and an ancient legacy.

As his awareness expanded, Qing's vision extended beyond the stakes. He now saw that the winged figures he had once perceived as monstrous creatures were, in fact, divine messengers. Their forms radiated an otherworldly presence, their wings continuing to shine with a golden light even as their corpses lay on the ground.

The memories of Bei Feng's struggles were not just memories; they were lessons, experiences that had been imbued with purpose and meaning by the divine itself. Qing understood that he had been granted the opportunity to witness one of Bei Feng's many trials, to understand the depth of the challenges that had shaped a hero's legacy.

Qing's soul continued to be pulled through this revelation, his perspective shifting and expanding as he absorbed the profound truth of the world he was experiencing. He wasn't merely a witness to history; he was an integral part of a grand narrative that stretched beyond the bounds of time and space.

Qing was once again pulled to the mysterious space this time it revealed more itself. The boundaries between reality and the ethereal seemed to blur. Qing's senses were overwhelmed by a sensation of boundless energy and knowledge. As his consciousness settled into this realm, he could feel the presence of the divine more intensely than ever before.

The space itself was a tapestry of swirling colors and shimmering light, each hue representing a different facet of existence. Threads of destiny intertwined and danced, weaving a complex pattern that seemed to extend infinitely in all directions. It was as if the very fabric of reality was laid bare before him, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. Qing looked over trying to grasp the finite yet limitless knowledge that he could obtain if he just studied it more.

However a voice caught his attention in the midst of all controlled chaos.

[How was it?]

Qing continued to look over his surroundings. Qing's mind swirled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as he tried to process the profound experience he had just undergone. The voice, the light, the memories of Bei Feng's struggles, and the glimpse into the cosmic tapestry had left him both awestruck and bewildered.

Turning his attention to the ball of light once more, Qing felt a mixture of curiosity and urgency bubbling within him. He needed answers, clarity on the myriad questions that now occupied his thoughts.

"How was it?" Qing finally asked, his voice a mixture of wonder and confusion.

He had yet to grasp what had just happened to him.

"What had just happened? Who is Bei Feng? Why was he fighting the messengers of the divine? And most importantly, how does this help define his purpose?"

The ball of light pulsated gently, its glow casting a soothing radiance upon Qing. The voice resonated once again, carrying a sense of patience and understanding.

[Bei Feng was the last mortal that has ever tried to ascend to the heavens on his own. ]

Qing absorbed the new piece of information, a sense of sorrow and reverence washing over him as he contemplated the fate of Bei Feng. The idea of someone attempting to ascend to the heavens and the tragic outcome of their efforts filled him with a mixture of admiration.

"Ascending to the heavens..." Qing murmured. The idea of mortal others could ascend and reach the land of the divine. How was it in the land of the divine, what was there to be explored in the heavens.

[No one has attempted it ever since Bei Feng attempted it. The technique might even be lost to time now.]

While skilled mages and practitioners of magic could defy the limitations of the ground through their arcane arts, the act of ascending to the heavens required something far more profound and complex.

It wasn't just a matter of defying gravity or casting spells to keep oneself afloat. Ascending to the heavens involved traversing not only the physical boundaries of the mortal realm but also the metaphysical barriers that separated the mortal from the divine. It was a journey that transcended the mere manipulation of magic and delved into the very essence of existence.

Qing's thoughts drifted to his mother's words, a reminder of the cautionary tales that had been passed down through generations. The consequences of attempting to breach the boundaries of a mortal were dire and unforgiving. It wasn't simply a matter of facing physical challenges; it was a confrontation with the very fabric of reality itself.

The act of ascending the heavens was intertwined with the delicate balance that maintained the order of the cosmos. Mortals were bound by their mortal forms, their connection to the earth and the cycle of life and death. To attempt to transcend these limitations was to challenge the natural order, to upset the equilibrium that had been carefully woven into the fabric of existence.

Qing's mind was a whirlwind of contemplation as he considered the implications of such a pursuit.

[It is unfortunate his mortal body failed him.]

"What happens if you fail to ascend?"

The ball of light's radiance seemed to flicker with a sense of solemnity as Qing posed his question. The voice that resonated carried a weight of understanding, as if it comprehended the complexities of mortal endeavors and the consequences they could entail.

[When a mortal attempts to ascend to the heavens and fails, the outcome can vary. Some mortals who were disciples of a being would continue on with their normal lives. In this case the divine being would suffer the after effects. While others return to the mortal realm in an atrocious state not a mortal nor a divine being forced to roam the land in ghastly form forever. Mocked for the rest of their lives for their failure. ]

The response left Qing contemplating the implications. Failure, it seemed, was not necessarily an end but rather a redirection of one's path, a forging of new connections and possibilities.

"And Bei Feng?" Qing inquired, his voice soft yet filled with curiosity. "What happened to him after his attempt?"

The ball of light's glow shimmered as if reflecting the passage of time. The voice carried a sense of reverence as it spoke.

[After his attempt, Bei Feng's mortal form could not withstand the immense energies of the heavens. His physical being could not endure the transition.]

[It was a pity a great vessel had to go in such a pitiful way]

Qing's thoughts swirled as he contemplated the significance of Bei Feng's audacious endeavor and the implications of its aftermath. The notion that Bei Feng's failure to ascend would lead to such drastic aftereffects.

One man's failure would lead to the complete stop of people's attempt to ascend to heaven. How important would Bei Feng have been for this to have happened to him.

Qing continued to absorb the revelations about Bei Feng and the profound consequences of his failed attempt to ascend.

[Do you have any other questions regarding your purpose?]