
Prologue and Notice

Hello there. Before you get to Chapter One, I should explain a bit of the world you're reading about first. One of this series main inspiration is Tokusatsu (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai , Ultraman, Metal Heroes, etc) so this series may contain references to series that I don't own, so Toei or any other company please don't sue, I just really like your work and just wanted to pay some homages.

Next thing is this series takes place in an alternate version of Japan, full of all the Tokusatsu type things: ninja dojos, yokai, cyber police, magical girls, space aliens, giant robots, dinosaurs, school delinquents, and of course, people who can transform into cool heroes and kick butt!! So don't take everything to seriously !!

Also the way the series is written looks different than most books.

Ok now with that out the way I can now write the series!! This is the Tokusatsu inspired series, Slient Zombie!!