
Chapter 7

[100%] a skill that originated from the ultimate skill [???%] a skill of the character from Mob Psycho, Shigeo Kageyama, in which whenever he gets overwhelmed by his emotion, once the bar reached 100%.

His abilities will gladly fully show their full power.


A powerful aura exuded from Go Hanuel's body, his hair was fluttering high, his eyes became white as if they were but empty whitespace that gives everyone who looked at it will feel despair and fear.

The ground beneath Go Hanuel started floating and the ground started trembling as if it was trembling in the presence of Go Hanuel.

Go Hanuel raised his head and looked at the monsters in front of him, he raised his arm and pointed his finger towards them, "Burn to nothingness and be devoured: Hell's devouring flames"


A gigantic dark flame exploded from GO Hanuel's hands spanning up to the horizon, it was even bigger than what Madara used for his majestic flames, the black flames were unstoppable as they devoured all of the monsters that were charging towards Mark.

The flames also extended up into the skies that even the SS Vultures were not able to escape even when they flew high up in the skies, everything turned into ashes and rained from the skies.

*Swooosh! *Roar!

The World Devouring Snake roared loudly as the flames burned some of its scales, it broke through the black flames and charged towards Go Hanuel.


The World Devouring Snake was very fast and immediately reached up to Go Hanuel with its mouth wide open wanting to devour Go Hanuel in one go.

Go Hanuel didn't panic and raised his hand and gigantic flame wings that were even bigger than the head of the World Devouring Snake, the flame wings wrapped around Go Hanuel protecting him from the attack of the World Devouring Snake.


The two forces collided with each other creating a loud explosion, the World Devouring Snake was blown away from the explosion and rolled on the ground a few times, while Go Hanuel was standing safely under the protection of his fiery wings.

Go Hanuel then opened his wings and with one flap of his fiery wings, he immediately reached up the skies in a blink of an eye, Go Hanuel eyes scanned the surroundings and found that the World Devouring Snake was moving under the sand.

"I see, I now know why you said you are different from Great Sage, Mnemosyne" Go Hanuel said.

[Answer: It's good you understand]

Go Hanuel pointed his finger towards the World Devouring snake following its path, then a small ball of flame started to gather around his fingertip, it turned brighter second by second.

"Let's see if your scales could still protect you" Then a laser-like line came out from the tip of his finger and immediately struck the World Devouring Snake.

The World Devouring that was moving under the sand, noticed the laser but it was already too late as it immediately hit its body.

*Boom! *Boom! *Boom! *Roar!

Loud and big explosions appeared whenever the light touches and the one who was taking all of the damage was The World Devouring Snake, it roared loudly as it tried to escape away from the light but it was as if Go Hanuel had an aimbot, it could not escape.


The World Devouring Snake kept rolling around, Go Hanuel calmly looked at the world-devouring snake, "Its output is weaker than I thought, this skill can't pierce its scales at all" Go Hanuel commented as he looked at the struggling World Devouring Snake.

Its scales have already been burned to coal, Go Hanuel stopped firing the laser, just after he stopped firing the laser.



The World Devouring Snake roared loudly, and then over a hundred sandstorms and tornados came out from nowhere, Go Hanuel lost his balance for a bit before he finally regained his stability mid-air.

The world Devouring Snake angrily pounced towards Go Hanuel, it now has wings from its back that extended up to 2 meters, it was made of sand, "So it can manipulate sand, no wonder it seemed weak, I was just away from its range, now this is a monster worth devouring" Go Hanuel said, then flapped his wings and charged towards the World Devouring Snake.

Go Hanuel pulled his punch and it was immediately enveloped in flames, then to speed himself up more, Go Hanuel's legs were covered in flames and boosted his speed more, the flame in Go Hanuel's hands grew bigger and bigger.

Finally materializing into a huge fist of flames that covered the whole sky becoming even brighter than the sun, Go Hanuel then had a feeling of finally being able to say his favorite quote, "Be devoured and be my power! praise the sun!"


Like the sun falling from the skies, it charged towards the World Devouring Snake, both roaring on top of their lungs.


An explosion comparable to a big bang happened on their collision, the whole place turned white, the remaining monsters that were still alive only saw their life flash by before they turned into nothing but dust.


A loud explosion happened once again and a mushroom appeared at the battle site of Go Hanuel and the World Devouring Snake.

Go Hanuel landed on the ground with his clothes being burnt into ashes, Go Hanuel's fiery wings on his back disappeared, he then sighed and sat on the ground with a disappointed face, "I only got to devour half of it before it burnt to ashes, HAAAA!" Go Hanuel said with a loud sigh.

"I only got 50% of its original power! what a waste! Mnemosyne it's your fault! you didn't control the power output!" Go Hanuel protested.

[Rejected: Skill Mnemosyne is not at fault]

[Answer: Its the host fault for being carried away]

"Hmph!, you cant change my mind! Lalala Lalala! anyway, time to go back" Go Hanuel stood up and looked at the gate that appeared in front of him.



Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can

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