
dreams of beginning

it's dark I can barely see my hands it's starting to get colder my fingertips are freezing I feel like I'm about to die about to wake up from this Hellas nightmare suddenly something appeared in front of my eyes it read


System notification user has went under skill adaptation process.

Chance of success is 100% if user denies the process user has a 99.9% chance of dying.

skill user is processing is (Blood Dreams) this skill kills everyone who is sleeping in a 1 mi radius.

If user level up to the selected level user will be able to control the skill's radius.

User has successfully obtains the skill (Blood Dreams) user will wake up in 3...2...1...0 good luck user.


As Nemu-sōna wakes up in panic in a cold sweat wondering what just happened as he said paralyzed about his dream "oh my God what the hell was that. Wait a minute then it's saying my dream that in a 1 mi radius anyone who's sleeping would die" as Nemu-sōna started to panic he quickly ran to his parents room as he said stuttering "Mom, Dad wake up you ok? answer me please are you there?" as he turned over his parents all he could see is two lifeless bodies as if their life force with drained out of them. as Nemu-sōna starts to panic with a million tears down his face after 5 minutes of this he wipes off the tears and then says "Mom and Dad wouldn't want me to cry just because they're dead I should check on (sister's name)" He panics downstairs as he kept on yelling out his sister's name (sister's name) I see came to her room he slammed open her door he quickly want to check on her shaking her body around and around in a few moments after this checks one more time and he's the same form his parents were in as a single tear goes down his face he says "why this has to be me whY wHY WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME"as the same status window opened in front of him reading this time that he could


User is in deep panic does user wish to bring back those who have died?


As Nemu-sōna yells out "YES"


If user wishes to bring back those who have died user has two choices

Choice one user could become a hero or commonly known as a player this choice is slower than the other choice but you do get some advantages. First, advantage you could become famous and get a lot of admirers it will get harder for people to target you and you do get support from what is commonly known as guilds maybe even the world government if you are working with them at the time.

Choice two user could become a villain or what is commonly known as a anti-player the adventures of being a villain is you earn money quickly, you also get stronger faster whenever you level up, you do not have to listen to the law or anything of that sorts the one downside is you're popularity would be below the negative.

User whose choice do you pack?


Nemu-sōna yells out 'VILLAIN"