
Sleeping With Five Other Guys

[WARNING: R18+ content] “To gain money, I climb on every man’s lap to have sex with them. One was bearable, since I gain benefits. Second is worse, since I lost dignity for wealth.” Noelle Iris wants to give up on life already when her ill mother’s hospital bills reach a massive amount of money she cannot provide. She got fired from her work, too. Out of all the darkness she experiences that day, a man named Blake Villano, comes up and offers his help. However, in exchange of paying Noelle’s bill, she needs to work as a porn star. How can she overcome the sexual pleasure when all men wanted to taste her? .... [EXCERPT] Blake stated, “In order to make you wet faster, I have to kiss you, Noelle.” She liked granting permissions, only on technical but not on body talks. Blake didn’t touch her breasts but pulled her closer. Her nipples found his brusque chest. Holding her safely in the back, Blake tilted her chin up, and slowly leaned down to meet her lips. It’s the first time Noelle experienced a kiss. Her virgin lips screamed further than her subconscious. Blake didn’t move, waiting for Noelle to open her lips. When she responded, Blake didn’t hesitate to kiss her gradually. Nibbling in her lips, Noelle got confused where to place her hands. She held on to his waist, steadying her posture. Blake reached her butt and squeezed one of them. Noelle felt something coming out of her groin. Blake slipped in one finger in her butt crack, fiddling at the outer skin. Noelle pressed her groin to his crotch, and he felt it hardened. Continuing the minimal torture, Blake rubbed it back and forth, reducing the tension. His tongue swirled inside her lips, and oh, Noelle felt so good about it. She forgets all her problems by just a kiss, an erotic stimulation, and Noelle started to love the job she accepted. Blake didn’t resist travelling his hands to her breasts, squeezing it. It detached Noelle from his body, stepping back, as if being electrocuted. Their sloppy kiss got interrupted instantly. Noelle covered her chests. Blake pursed his lips, left hanging, recovering from their body warmth. “What am I…” Noelle got confused. ... [Cover is not mine, and there is no way the author claimed the picture as her own. The text is edited through Canva.]

Kyrie_Sunbae · Urban
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49 Chs

Blake's Fling

"Move your way towards her using your fingers. She's enticed with your kiss, so the only way to stimulate her orgasm is through your fingers," Lia advised.

Blake scanned at the six women, and they are all good for Lia. Noelle is separated from the list.

"She cum at a single kiss, I know a way to control her, but I bet it will take months before she got used to another man's touch aside from me." Blake crossed his arms. Lia's face contorted of confusion. She likes to think critically.

"Practice her for a while. I bet she's going to cum at the right moment if you do it well."

Lia was attractive. Her eyes swooped down along with her long lashes, and her lips puckered in a smooth red-jelly color, that exudes extravagance. Blake never touched Lia, and she isn't allowed to be a porn star.

The CEO must be out of her mind. He pictured alluring models as mentors needed to teach the new trainees about how to do porn, but they haven't got any experience.

Blake challenged, "Did you even get fingered at?"

Lia halted from writing down comments at the chart and looked up at Blake. He leaned down, his eyes getting darker. Lia stopped writing, clasped her hands together, retorting, "Why are you curious about my sex life, Mr. Villano?"

Blake raised his eyebrows. "I'm not. I'm just asking you. You know these things but you're a mere doll to the CEO of A&E. I hate being straightforward, but you didn't have any experience on sex, right?"

It is somewhat insulting. Lia never expected to be annoyed at a man's word.

"I have been once, Mr. Blake Villano. Unfortunately, it's a one-night stand. No permission granted on both sides," Lia replied fiercely. What an interesting story for a woman's sex life. Blake smirked, using his charm to win her over.

Lia had a plan to scrape Noelle from the list. Blake had a plan to put her again.

"So, will you like another one-night stand again, Ms. Lia Valor?"

[R18. Read at your own risk.]

Lia pinned him down an empty chair as she climbed in his lap. She danced with her waist down, teasing his crotch, and it did the effect. Lia was good at kissing, and Blake was nearly bewitched.

Choosing a sexual partner outside A&E is the hardest. Blake didn't even want to have Noelle as his partner. She's slow like a turtle, her kisses were skeptical, and she isn't that aggressive as Lia.

Whenever Blake tasted another kiss, he labeled them in. Now, Lia's the mango one.

Blake arched his body in its own accord, to where the comfort is attained fast.

Their sloppy kisses derived the warmth Blake has been searching earlier. Noelle's body became an obsession to his eyes, but not enough to topple him over. Blake admitted how pitiful he was for the woman.

He helped her, not to gain her favor, but because it was his goodwill.

Lia didn't stop, nibbled in his bottom lips, and Blake hissed, touching her waist. She is wearing a crop top, and it allows Blake hands to scoop inside. Lia rubbed her middle to his groin, and it erected.

She was too good for a second-timer, as Blake thought. Their breaths synchronized with each other. Blake unhooked her bra. Lia willingly separated from Blake's lips and wore off her crop top, along with her underwear. She was half-naked now.

Blake leaned down to her chest and kissed her nipples. At the process of pleasure, no moans elicited, a cell phone rang at the table. Blake sucked in one areola, and squeezed in one breast. Lia bent backwards, liking the pleasure to her bones.

When the ring of the cell phone alarmed Lia, she pushed Blake out from her chest, and his eyes glistened with longing. She wiped his lips, whispering, "Someone's calling you. You should answer it while we're pounding."

Lia continued to torture him as one of Blake managers called him. Standing at the table, Lia stripped off his jeans and boxers, dangling his junior free. Blake answered the call like it's nothing.

Lia is already naked, too. She stood at the side, holding his groin like a banana. Lia rubbed it back and forth.

"Of course, of course, I already recruited someone perfect for your film. It's about virgins, right?"

Blake touched Lia's pussy as she spread her legs wide at the top of the table.

"Yes, I know that you needed one, so I find one. You're going to meet her tomorrow."

Lia groaned silently, cussing in the air. Blake finished the call before closing his eyes.

They are both experts to the industry that even answering calls is held professionally.

Blake's making out with the most fashionable he ever met. It was such a rare chance.

"Let's do this again sometime," Lia whispered. Blake inserted two fingers inside her, both of them moaning their names, and cursing out. Lia will never regret having this intimate moment with him.

"Write Noelle on the list, and I'll do it in exchange," Blake mumbled, rubbing her clitoris.

"Of course, I should do that," Lia hushed a breath, held his wrist, and closed her eyes in pleasure.

Blake held her hips on both sides, and chafed his erection to her hole. It brought Lia lying down to the table, messing up the pictures down to the floor. A sweet torment and anguished pain with no regrets, Lia liked the taste of Blake in her mouth.

"Let's do this again," she breathed, receiving Blake's humane being inside her.

'I'm at the front door. Come out.' – Blake.

Noelle jolted awake from her bed and swept the curtains aside. She saw a car parked in front of their house, and gushed, typing a reply hastily.

'How did you find me?' – Noelle.

'Your resume and the details I got from you.' – Blake.

"Aish!" Noelle exclaimed. Sweeping the comforters of her bed, Noelle removed the rabbit sleeping band and checked the smell of her hair. Retrieving her dry shampoo, Noelle sprayed it all over her hair, and swept the dust off.

Noelle fixed her sleeping look. She put on some gloss in her lips and highlighter under her eyes. Noelle puffed the perfume in her neck, too, for fragrance.

After that, she stormed out of the bedroom and to the front door, in her living room slippers.

Noelle rushed at the gate, opening it wide, and saw Blake in a stunning tuxedo. She smiled quickly.

"Hey," Blake greeted, putting a kiss in her cheek, a welcoming gesture.

"Hello," Noelle smiled a little, and didn't give the kiss back.

"What drops you here? I didn't clean the house or even prepare the food. Is it the training? I thought it's on the weekends."

Blake opened up his coat, retrieving an envelope inside. He showed it to Noelle.

"What is that?" she asked.

"Lia granted you an accommodation to A&E hotels, the official partner of A&E. You're going to stay there until the auditions came," Blake announced. It surprised Noelle.

Accommodation… Is she hearing it right?

"In a hotel room, yes…"

"Yes. The company will support the payment of the room you're using. Plus, I requested for you to have enough space. You are alone, but, looking at how you live, it should be large."

Noelle turned to her house, stifling a chuckle. It used to be her mother and her. But she's alone now.

"And the car I've bought is yours, too. You have to succeed in getting the director's attention so that it will be yours. It's the pre-price, but I will help you to succeed in order for those benefits to be under your name," Blake reported. Getting the keys in his coat pockets, he dangled it free in the air.

Did she have to believe it?

"I know it felt like a dream, but it's yours temporarily, Noelle."

"You are like my fairy godfather… the one who depict my wishes true."

Blake pursed his lips. Last night, Lia's taste never left his mind. He has pounced on 5 rounds, and it never lost its spark. He has a purpose—to give something to Noelle and make her smile.

"How can you do that to me? How can you help me this grand, Blake?" Noelle queried. She never appreciated her worth back then, knowing that she didn't deserve it. Now that a man is doing it, the words of affirmation were too good to be true.

The joy was illustrious in his eyes.

"I'm fond of you, Noelle. You're unsullied, and no one can taint you with a crimson mark. I like how innocent and foolish you are, sometimes, but despite of that, you are careful. You are wary on who to choose, and what to believe."

For the first time in Noelle's life, she heard the words of tenderness from a man's lips.

"I like how meticulous you are for your mother. I can see the love in your eyes longer than I stare in you," Blake revealed. It was precise and it touched her heart. She was speechless.

"Enough of the drama, you have to train, Noelle. Go to bath and I'll drive your car."

He touched the top of her head, and motioned for her to go inside.

You reached the 10th chapter of the book.

What will you think of a man pleasing you to have sex with them?

Is it approrpriate to accept it to satisfy your torment, or is it inappropriate to accept it since you are not married?

Kyrie_Sunbaecreators' thoughts