

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

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20 Chs


The force of Sury's aura, hatred, and malice explodes around you, and it washes over you. The air is filled with hatred, fury, and malice, which is intense and oppressive. The force of it is oppressive and overwhelming. It is overwhelming, hard to breathe, and difficult to even stand strong as it washes over you. It is intense, overwhelming and oppressive... and it seems to take your energy and your light and twist it and bend it and turn it and transform it and fill it with hatred and malice. But you stand your ground... and you remain calm.

Your reply. "you finish?"

Sury replies. "You're still standing?! How is that possible? How is it that you can still stand? You must be immune to my aura." And she stops and stares at you with a look of disbelief... he is completely shocked by the fact that you are standing and still calm. "How can this be?"

Boom, you realise your aura to Sury.

Sury is hit with a massive wave of fear... the force of your aura explodes around you, and Sury is hit by it. It washes over her and fills her with an overwhelming feeling of fear and terror, and it washes over her. It leaves her with only one thought in her mind, and that is survival. Sury feels an overwhelming wave of fear from your aura, and she is paralysed with fear. She freezes, and she is unable to move or speak or act. It is as if she has been completely frozen and locked into place. Her eyes stare blankly, and she seems completely paralysed with fear.

You walk past Sury, go over to Harith's body, and check his condition on the ground. Harith is lying on the ground and is badly injured, and he is bleeding from his wounds. He is still alive but struggling, and it is clear that he is close to death. Harith's conditions are not good, and he is very vulnerable.

The light of the White Deer Law floods over Harith's body, and Harith heals. His wounds close, and his injuries heal. The light of the White Deer Law is powerful, healing, and healing Harith's injuries and wounds. Harith has been healed by the light of the White Deer Law, and he is no longer bleeding, and he is no longer in pain. Then, You let the medicine team bring Harith to the clinic, and Harith is transported there. He receives treatment for his wounds and his injuries.

You look at Razo seriously, and your expression shows determination and resoluteness. Razo's eyes are wide, his pupils are dilated, and he looks like he is scared out of his mind, and he is shaking, shivering, and sweating profusely. He cannot look you in the eyes, and he is sweating. He seems to be on the verge of a panic attack. He seems to be at the point of a nervous breakdown, and you can see that he is completely shaken and he is filled with fear, and he seems like he is utterly terrified.

"Let this end here." You say to Razo... and immediately, your eyes lock with him, and an intense look of horror and fear washes over Razo's face as he sees the intensity, hate, and malice in your eyes. He is absolutely frozen in fear as he sees your eyes, and they fill him with a deep and crushing fear. The look in your eyes is absolutely terrifying... and it sends chills down his spine, filling him with a sense of terror and fear. He has never felt this before and has no idea what to do.

Razo replies, "Please forgive me."

His voice trembles, and he sounds like you just shattered his world. You have completely shocked him to the core, and he just looks at you with a look of desperation in his eyes and says... "Please forgive me."

What happened? What have you done that is so unforgivable? He seems like he is about to cry... and he seems like he is completely broken. He looks at you with a look of desperation, begging for your forgiveness... and you have no idea why.

You release your Zero Palm, and it explodes with tremendous force. The force of the Zero Palm is incredible, and it is overwhelming. It washes over Razo, and it washes over you. The air is filled with force, power, intensity, destruction, and ruin. The explosion of the Zero Palm is so powerful, incredible, overwhelming, destructive, and devastating that it rocks the world itself. The explosion of the Zero Palm rocks the world. The ground quakes, the Earth cracks and shakes, and the air fills with dust, smoke, and debris, and it is an apocalyptic scene of destruction and horror.

Chaos breaks out as a result of Razo's death. The Sun Academy is thrown into chaos, and there is an incredible amount of panic, confusion, and fear, and it is a horrible scene. People are panicking, screaming, fleeing, yelling, and crying... and there is total chaos everywhere. You have killed Razo in the Sun Academy. You have caused incredible chaos and destruction, and it is an absolute disaster.

There is chaos and panic, and people are screaming and crying for their lives. There is total mayhem, and it is absolute pandemonium.

You can feel the presence of a few powerful forces surrounding you. There is a sense of overwhelming power, and you can feel it all around you... and it is a terrifying and horrifying sense of pure evil, hatred, and malice. You can feel the presence of the Fourth Elders... and he has arrived on the scene. You can feel their evil aura... it's terrifying, and it's intimidating. You can feel the presence of the Fourth Elders. It is so overwhelming and intimidating.

The Fourth Elders stare at you with serious faces. Their facial expressions are filled with anger and fury, hatred and malice... and it is terrifying and intimidating. There is a powerful presence of evil, hatred, malice, and destruction, and the Elders are mad as hell.

Fourth Elders: "You have committed an atrocity... you have committed murder, and you have gone against the teachings of the Sun Academy. You have brought shame and disgrace on us, and we will not stand for it. You have murdered Razo, and you must pay in blood." The Fourth Elders step closer to you, and he is mad as hell. He is filled with hatred and vengeance. The Fourth Elders seem to be getting ready to punish you... and you have no idea what he is going to do.

You look at the Fourth Elders, and you're not afraid. You have no fear, no hesitation, and you just stare them down... and they are shocked. The Fourth Elders have never seen anyone stand up to them like this. He is absolutely shocked and surprised... and he is confused, and they are shaken. You have done the impossible... you have stood up to the Fourth Elders and not backed down. You have been completely fearless, and you are not intimidated by them.

"You are correct; I killed Razo... and I do not regret it. I do not regret it one bit. And if it comes to a fight between you and me... then so be it." You stand your ground, stand by your actions and words, and do not back down from the Fourth Elders. You will not allow yourself to be cowed, bullied, or intimidated... and you will not allow yourself to be swayed, scared, or backed down. You stand your ground, stand tall, and look at the Fourth Elders... and you are not afraid.

The Elder looks at you, and the elder replies... "You are a dangerous individual... and you are filled with incredible strength and courage. You are not afraid... and you are not intimidated. We are impressed." The Elder looks at you.

The Fourth Elder launches an attack. He attacks you with incredible speed and power and strikes at you with lightning speed and tremendous force. It is an incredible attack, and it hits you like the force of a lightning bolt or like a powerful punch. You recoil from the impact, stumble, and are knocked off your feet. The force of the Fourth Elder's attack is overwhelming, extremely powerful, and rocks you to the core. You are stunned and shaken by the force of the attack and shocked and overwhelmed. You must defend yourself!

You use your Zero Palm, and a powerful force of energy explodes from your hand, knocking the Elder back. The force of your Zero Palm hits the Elder, and it hits him hard... and he is knocked back. He stumbles backwards, and the force of your Zero Palm knocks him back... and he hits the wall. He is thrown back and slammed against the wall, and he is knocked back... and the force of your Zero Palm hits him hard, and it hurts... and you have countered his attack. That was a great move!

"I... I... how? Where did you... where did you get that power?! The power of your Zero Palm is incredible... and it is so overwhelming and incredible... and I have never seen anything like it before." The Elder is in awe... and he's overwhelmed. He is amazed... and he's blown away, and he's speechless.

He can't believe what he saw. The Elder is amazed at your power... and it seems like he is absolutely blown away by your Zero Palm. "How?!" He asks in awe... and he looks like he is filled with amazement.

Your reply... "It's none of your business."

The Elder looks confused, and he looks shocked and surprised... and then he looks angry, and then he looks enraged, and he replies... "How dare you speak to me in such a way?! You have shown a great amount of disrespect, and it is unacceptable! You are a fool... how dare you speak to me in such a way?! This is unacceptable."

You have angered the Elder with your response... and he has never had anyone speak to him this way before... and he is filled with anger and rage.