

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

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Razo realizes his aura to scare Harith. Razo realizes that Harith is undaunted and unafraid by his attempts to intimidate and scare him. He realizes that Harith is not threatened or threatened, and he realizes that Harith will not back down and will not be deterred by his threats and attempts at intimidation. Razo realizes this, filling him with immense anger and fury. He realizes he must resort to more extreme and violent measures to achieve his goals. He will do whatever it takes to overcome Harith and stop Harith from progressing further with his martial arts training and journey.

Harith replies, "Bring it on. You might have the status and the prestige of an inner circle student. Still, I have the determination and the will of an outer circle student, and I will not back down from this challenge. I will not give in, and I will not give up, and I will not go down without a fight. You might have more power and technique, but I have far greater strength and will and will never back down and will never quit. So come at me, and let's see what you have."

Razo starts attacking Harith. He rushes in with incredible speed and power and launches a sudden surprise attack against Harith. He strikes with lightning speed and incredible force, unleashing a furious barrage of blows and attacks. Harith is surprised by Razo speed and power and is forced to retreat and defend himself from Razo's onslaught. Razo presses the attack and doesn't let up, and he continues to unleash an intense and relentless barrage of attacks. Harith struggles to keep up, defend himself, and counter Razo's relentless assaults.

The fight between Razo and Harith continues. Razo keeps up his relentless assault and his constant onslaught of lightning-fast attacks. Harith continues to defend himself and try to counter Razo attacks. The fight is intense, and both fighters seem equal in matching each other's skills and techniques. Razo sees an opening in Hariths defences, strikes with incredible speed and fury, and lands a powerful blow. Harith is caught off guard, thrown off balance, and sent flying backwards. He lands hard on the ground, is stunned, and is visibly hurt and injured.

Harith uses Steel Sun Law. He focuses his energy and channels it into a powerful and devastating attack. The Steel Sun Laws are an incredibly powerful and destructive force that can cause immense destruction and damage. Harith focuses all his strength and power on this attack, unleashes a mighty and powerful wave of energy, and strikes Razo directly in the chest with this devastating attack. Razo is hit with full force, and the power of this attack throws him back, and he lands on the ground with immense pain and agony.

The fight continues. Razo is hurt and injured by the Steel Sun Law attack and is on the ground, trying to recover from the immense pain and agony. Harith sees his opportunity, rushes in, and strikes Razo again with a powerful and devastating strike. Harith is filled with a sense of determination and determined to destroy Razo and take out his anger and resentment. He continues to strike and launch attacks against Razo and does not stop or give an inch. Razo cannot defend himself and is entirely overwhelmed by Hariths relentless.

Harith replies, "I will not let you bully me anymore. I will not allow you to hurt my friends or my people. I will strike you down and ensure you never hurt anyone again." He continues to attack Razo, and he does not let up. He is filled with intensity and vengeance and will not stop until Razo is defeated. He continues to strike with lightning speed and incredible force and does not stop or let up, even for one moment.

In pain and agony, Razo speaks through his pain and glares at Harith with a look of hatred and malice. "You dare challenge me. You dare to oppose me!? You will regret this. I will not accept defeat, and I will not give in. I will not stop until I have destroyed you, and I will make you pay for what you have done and make sure that no one else has to suffer from your evil and your tyranny ever again!"

Harith uses Steel Sun Law. He focuses his energy and channels it into a powerful and devastating attack. The Steel Sun Laws are an incredibly powerful and destructive force that can cause immense destruction and damage. Harith focuses all his strength and power on this attack, and he unleashes a mighty wave of energy and strikes Razo directly in the chest with this devastating attack.

But before Harith can deliver the final blow, Sury intervenes and manages to stop Harith before he can deliver his final blow. Sury sees Harith ready to strike, and she can see his intentions. She comes in, puts herself between Harith and Razo, stands tall, and holds her hands up to stop Harith from striking. She can see and read the situation and prevent the final blow from being delivered. She stops Harith and turns Harith around to look at her.

Sury is siding with Razo, and she is angry at Harith. She glares at Harith and speaks to him angrily and passionately. "You have let Razo live. And the tyranny and the oppression continue to exist, and you have allowed Razo to remain free. You have let him continue his tyranny and allowed him to escape justice."

Harith replies, "I cannot let this stand. I cannot let Razo continue to bully and threaten and intimidate everyone. I cannot let him continue to run free and terrorize and oppress everyone. I cannot let him spread evil, tyranny, hurt, and pain. I must strike him down and rid the world of his evil once and for all."

Sury replies, "Then I will kill you."

Harith replies, "I look forward to your attempt."

Harith and Sury get into a tense and awkward staring contest, standing face-to-face, neither one backs down. It is almost like a duel, but with words instead of swords, and the tension is thick as they stand there, ready for anything. They continue to stare each other down with a fierce intensity and an absolute hatred and malice between them. They are both still, and they are both resolute in their goals and in their intentions.