
Enter Zafrix

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday , the day everybody in the whole world awaits. The reason? Tomorrow will be the day I will awaken my magic attributes , age 18 is when your body is considered to be mostly developed.

Hence was also the best age to unlock all the mana channels of your body , luckily tomorrow was the day I was turning 18. I was lucky cause the Magic Academy was also starting tomorrow , the requirements to enter academy was to be 18.

I couldn't sleep as I was excited about going to Magic Academy tomorrow , academy was the place where I was going to get my channels unlocked.

The process to unlock the mana channels was quite easy. The requirements were that you had 18 age and graduated from any Magic Highschool. If you were above 18 you'd to go through another process in order to unlock your mana channels.

After finally completing my highschool , tomorrow I was going to the Magic Academy , the place where mana channels are unlocked.

Of course you could just ask an awakened mage to unlock your channels , but that way wasn't the official way. For the official way you had to get a license which was only provided by the magic academy. The license had a mana print which was different for every mage.

Next morning I woke up with bags under my eyes.

"In the end I couldn't get any sleep."

Suddenly I heard a voice from downwards , my room was located on the first floor so my mom had to shout so that I could hear her.

"Zaf , are you awake? Get up , you've to get ready for your academy. Also Happy Birthday , now get ready the breakfast will be served in 10."

Her words were no more than commands for me , I brushed my teeth , took a bath and got ready putting on my academy uniform. I quickly ran down for my breakfast and the first thing I saw was my mom and dad kissing.

"Aww , is that what you want me to say?"

I placed my hand on my heart and said ,

"Ugh , don't make your single 18 year old son feel lonely."

Seeing how pathetic I acted my dad was the first to console me.

"Don't be like that you'll get a girl soon too , also Happy Birthday."

"Is my birthday that insignificant to you guys? The first thing I hear from mom are commands and from dad are pity words."

To my words both of them laughed and I too couldn't control my laugh.

"Hahaha , anyways eat the breakfast quickly and get in the car with your father. He will drop you off today , we will celebrate your birthday in the evening after you come with your channels unlocked."

As my mom talked with me the breakfast was being made by the use of magic , my mom infused her mana in fibre hands which were available in supermarket and used them to cook the breakfast.

I stuffed the two breads in my mouth while reading the new isekai novel which released few days ago. Seeing how I ate my mom commented on it and said ,

"Hey , eat slowly I know I said quickly but I didn't mean that quick and keep that novel away while eating , God of Gluttony please save him."

"Mom , chill he isn't going to come here anyways."

I placed my novel on the side and focused on eating my breakfast , after my breakfast my dad dropped me to the academy. Fortunately the academy was near where we lived , thanks to that I was able to reach there in time.

The campus before me covered more than half of City W , because of this our city was also called as the Magic city. Many students stayed in academy's dorm so that they could get their awakening from the best Magic Academy in the whole world.

Other cities had a magic academy too but City W had the main and first Magic Academy which increased it's value and hence was said to be the best academy. I entered through the small gate by showing my ID proof , the people maintaining the security their were none other than our seniors.

As I didn't know much about the campus which us why I couldn't tell where I'd to go to get my channels unlocked. I turned and returned to the security post which our seniors were operating.

I saw a man sitting on a chair near the entrance and went to ask my doubt.

"Excuse me , could you ple-"

I took a look at him and couldn't say another word seeing how intimidating he looked. His face looked stiff as if saying that.

'You are disturbing me now scram.'

"Yes , is there anything you want?"

I regained my courage and continued ,

"A-Ah yes I wanted to know where I should go in order to get my mana channels unlocked , actually I'm a new student and don't know much about this campus."

He didn't say anything and pointed out towards a window , the problem was that I couldn't tell which window it was.

"Is it that one?"

I said pointing towards a window , he shook his head and kept pointing to a window.

"I can't tell which one it is."

Suddenly a girl with brown hair came and hit the senior in the head and said ,

"Oi Jerry , what are you doing? Is that how you guide your junior?"

After scolding senior Jerry , she turned towards and said ,

"Could you please tell me where you want to go?"

"Yeah could you please tell me where to go in order to get my channels unlocked?"

"Hmm , to apologize for how Jerry behaved I will personally escort you there."

Seeing hee kindness I said ,

"Oh , you don't need to do that much. You can just tell m-"

"I insist , seeing mana channels getting unlocked is very fun to watch anyways."

"Then I'll be in your care."

Saying that I followed her to a room present on the second floor of the academy. In the room sat one old woman with a crystal ball infront of her , the crystal ball multiplied mana which helped to unlock the channel.

"Are you here to unlock your mana channels? If so then scan your card there and sit on the chair infront of me."

I scanned my ID proof and sat down in the chair , the old mage placed her hands on the crystal ball and looked at me as if telling me to put my hands on the crystal ball too. I looked at the senior who brought me here and saw her giving me a thumbs up.

I placed my hand on the big white crystal , right after I placed I started to fee a tingly feeling in my spine. Mana entered into my channels and I felt as of this is the first time I'm using my body.

'This new feeling , I feel like I've been reborn.'

After few minutes , all of my mana channels were unlocked and I was finally able to remove my hands from the crystal ball. My hands felt more responsive and sensitive , the feeling of mana flowing inside me felt surreal.

"Now place your hands on crystal ball and try to insert some mana inside it."


Instead of old mage the senior replied ,

"This time you'll get to know your magic attribute , miss Helie has been doing this for years so she'll tell you your attribute accurately."

"I-I see."

I was so bored of keeping my hands on the crystal ball that the second time was kind of boring me. Still , knowing that it was for my own benefit I placed my hand on the ball again. As told I tried to flow my mana through the ball , but I couldn't do it for the first few minutes.

"Don't give up and try again. Fight!!!"

The senior standing besides me tried to encourage and after few tries I was finally able to feel my mana flowing in the crystal ball. Because of my multiple tries I started sweating and felt my sweat flowing down my head.

The ball started glowing and the colour three of us saw was grey. Suddenly out of nowhere a message box appeared infront of me , because of this sudden message I was startled and fell down from the chair I was sitting on.


「 Congratulations Player!!! Human System is unlocked 」

「 Registering Player 'Zafrix' 」

「 ... 」

Registration Complete

Player ID : 09

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