
Slave to the Darkness

The world belongs to the humans but what they do not know is that in the dark hours of the night there is a slave market that happens in the woods. No one knows about it except those that are wealthy and pay a fee for the membership. As the slave market moves from town to town, finally they reach its destination where they call up the buyer letting him know that they have arrived with some intriguing goods that he might be interested in. The slave that was bought from the Slave Market in the middle of the night was taken to her new home by her first Master. She feels safe with him but doesn’t remember anything from her past and doesn’t know what secrets lurk in her mind. The Master that bought a new toy thought since she was what he was looking for. He hoped that she would last longer than the rest but what he didn’t expect was the past to come back to him after a hundred years without it. With his new memories he softens up but only for her as she is now his everything, he will stop at nothing to protect her and help each other remember their past together. Excerpt "Just who do you think you are? I will get you thrown out of this area if you continue to loiter around here. I was just having a chat with my soon to be man when you interrupted me." The girl pointed at Yuki blaming her. "Darling, were you going to pick up someone else when you already have me by your side?" Yuki turned and pressed her body up against his side. She rubbed her chest on his side to show that he was hers. "You know that I can not replace you, Liliana. I was only telling these ladies that they couldn't have the purse that I specially ordered for you." He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. The ladies looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I will get what I want. I want that man and that purse!" The lady screamed and her face turned beet red. Yuki turned her head over, "you can not control someone's feelings. You can not compare to me in any way shape or form." Yuki turned her head away shapely. "Oh is that so. THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEAUTY CONTEST!! There is a competition for the queen of the beach today and if you win I will leave you alone and bow down to you but if I win I want that purse and your man!" Cover is a commissioned Product and all rights belong to me and the artist that created it for me.

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
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325 Chs

9 Half Bonded

It was approximately twenty minutes and Yuki opened her eyes. Her body was unusually heavy. She looked over at Cedric before blacking back out. The mixed blood was coursing through her veins and her body felt like it was on fire. She grabbed the blanket under her hand let out a scream of pain. On her chest, there was a faint outline of an intricate tattoo of a moon and an outline of a wolf was formed in the moon. Yuki stopped screaming and opened her eyes. She weakly looked over at Cedric sitting in the chair. 'The blood bond is half complete.' She released her hold on the blanket and struggled to sit up.

Cedric put the book down and came over to Yuki's side. He wasn't showing how panicked he was from Yuki's screaming but there was fear in his eyes. "How are you feeling?" he sat behind her leaning her body on his showing that he would support her weight.

"Master, you smell fearful." Her body involuntarily shivers in delight from the fearful scent. "It's never wise to show fear in front of a creature of darkness tamed or not." She leaned back onto his chest. "I'll recover. The blood bond is half complete. Had I drained you I would've felt no physical pain." She closed her eyes relaxing her body against his. 'He must have an association with a wolf demon of some sorts. The brand gives it away. He'll have a matching one once the bond is complete.' She runs her fingertip over the fresh mark. "It turned out really beautiful."

Cedric was holding her closely. "My fear is from how loud you screamed. I was afraid for you. I had complete faith that I could provide you with all the blood that you needed." He pauses before asking, "how can you tell it's half complete?" He watched her start to trace the intricate tattoo. He looked closely at the design. "..." He was stunned silent when he saw the wolf.

"This is a special tattoo only formed when a blood bond is formed but because only I bare the mark it's not complete. You will have a matching tattoo to prove whom I am bonded with. The moon represents that I am of vampire royal descent and the wolf is something that is connected to you." The pain and heaviness finally eases off. "I must warn you, Master, I'll be hit with that type of craving once more before the blood bond is completed. Please chain me to the floor so that I can't attack any of your workers. Also, etch a cross into the anklet so that I can't use my powers to get free." Yuki turns around and pleads with her eyes.

"...." He is silent as he absorbs the information Yuki has given him. 'Royal descent!? Most of the dark world knows that Vampires from royalty are heavily guarded as their powers are the most fathomable. I shouldn't pry too much tonight but how in the world did she become a slave? No, wait that's not important right now.' He mentally shakes his head. "If you're certain then I will do as you request. It's hard to find good help after all. Your eyes have yet to go back to one color." He says and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "We should go shower together." He evilly smirks and reluctantly lets her go.

“I felt like an animal, and animals don’t know sin, do they?”

― Jess C. Scott, Wicked Lovely

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