

Cindy's POV

Six thirty in the morning:


-- Hey Precious been trying to call you all night

--What do you want Rosh?

-- Did I do something wrong? OK I know the drinks were way past its sell by date and the bread was a little dry but times are tough.

-- What! You gave me expired food? Anyway, that is not the point

-- Then what is?

-- Please, keep away from me

-- Oh I see. I guess your little boss said something about me then

-- Leave my boss out of this!

-- Oh now you are going to defend him, I guess you have been rolling in between his sheets already

-- That is not true Rosh!

-- No need to convince me sweetheart, just so, you know, that lawyer boss is not a saint either. He is a crook.

-- Takes one to know one

-- So, I guess he has done his research then.

-- Bye Rosh

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