

Cindy's POV

"Mrs. Martini so I ask again, who was the person that brought you?

"Mr. Kyle brought me to my husband, Felix’s house on that fateful day"

"Are you sure it was him?” The prosecutor asked. I looked at prosecutor in the eyes and I was ready for him.

"I don’t think I'd forget the face of a man who clearly thought that I'm no more important that a piece of object to be sold and used" I answered him, truthfully.

"How did you feel about Mr. Felix when you first met him?" The prosecutor continued to ask questions. I took a deep breath in, exhaled and composed myself.

"At first if I'm honest, I did not like him at all. I thought of him as the man who ruined my life"

"What would be your feelings for him now?"

"I am married to him and I guess you could say I love him, in fact I love him with all of me" I answered the prosecutor and I turned to look at my husband. The roaring from the crowd was heard, loud enough to shatter ones eardrums.