
Slaughter the Gods

A man died in his world and then appears before a God of another. That God then goes on to say that he caused the man's death in his world and brought him here for his own enjoyment. The man, shaken with disbelief and anger, is then tossed into this new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, a basic system that can only answer questions. He vows to kill those who have wronged him, planning to take vengeance upon the God who did this to him. But is that the only tragedy that will befall, the only God that he will vow to vengeance against? What truly awaits this man in this new world fraught with dangers and the unknown? Will he let go of his anger and live his life, or will he be consumed by rage and continuously seek his vengeance? Will he successfully kill a God? Read this man's story. Also of note, Harem will not be large. And there will be gory and or dark moments in this book, so read at your own discretion. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for giving my book a try. Also, don't forget to check out my other books. They are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-misunderstood-heroic-villain_11956325005658505 Humanity Rising: War: https://www.webnovel.com/book/humanity-rising-war_26575634406791205 ----------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Requiem_Phantom Discord: https://discord.gg/N7SMEDMNrM ----------------------------------------- Also, the book picture is not mine, and the rights go to the original owner and creator. If you want me to take down the picture and you are the owner or creator, just message me, and I will do so. I only added in the book title and my name as the creator of the book. Thank you.

Requiem_Phantom · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Tenth Death

A year has passed since my first fight with the Orgolith, and had eaten my first monster meat. I remember how at the time, I had struggled with trying to cut it and cook it. I eventually just gave up and started to eat it raw, and since I figured I can't truly die, then what is the harm?

Luckily nothing had come of it, except I felt myself get much stronger after eating it, like its strength and ferocity, and become one with me.

After that, I got to making a new spear and went to find a place to rest. I ended up finding a cave that I thought was unoccupied, but that led to my next death.

I ginormous spider-like monster but with multiple baby-like heads on it ended up wrapping me in a cacoon and ate me slowly with its baby-like mouths. Piece by piece. One of the worst deaths I ended up having, in my opinion.

Even after I had revived, I was kind of out of it as the pain and memory had somewhat scarred me, and though I had not yet broken in spirit, it was a lot to process before I was ready to get back to everything.

I did become successful a few more times and went an entire month without dying as I hunted and ate beasts, becoming stronger and stronger. My strength never dissipated after dying as I always came back to life at my peak, though any grown facial hair or head hair would be gone, though scars would remain.

Honestly, the whole revival thing confuses me as it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but what can I expect from a god that makes monsters like these and calls them pets.

My fourth death ended up being pretty simple as I kind of just got stomped on and turned into mush. I didn't even know what happened until I revived and asked AGS afterward.

But apparently, a hundred-foot-tall S-Graded monster had walked by and just got crushed underneath. There was no chance of survival at all. I have no idea how I would even fight such a monster.

I had even asked a question about how many monsters are actually in this realm, and the answer astounded me.

{By my calculations and readings of life forms, the current number of monsters is nine hundred eighty million, five hundred thirty-two thousand and fourteen monsters remaining within this realm.}

I actually almost lost hope at that, like how many death would I have to go through to be rid of all the monsters in this realm. Though they do tend to kill each other more than I kill them. But still.

At least from what AGS told me, is that there are currently no EX-graded monsters in this realm, with the strongest being only SS grade.

But that could change.

I ended up getting strong enough to hunt E-grade monsters with ease, while I could somewhat fight against D-grade monsters.

Though my next death came when I happened to come upon the B-graded monster known as a griffon. Though slightly different from the ones I know because it actually melted me with a breath of acid the moment it saw me.

And, well, being melted by acid is not fun. Very painful and traumatizing. Would not recommend.

It was kind of disrespectful as it didn't even bother to eat me like I wasn't worth it. Not like I wanted to be eaten, but still, kind of hurt my growing pride as a warrior.

Speaking of being a warrior, I am starting to get pretty decent with the spear. Though I have already gone through a dozen wooden spears, I would say I am learning how to use them properly. My attacks becoming much stronger than normal.

My sixth death, I died to a Kangaroo, well at least that was what I thought it was when I first saw it. Thought I was hallucinating at first cause this is definitely not Australia though it kind of feels like it at times.

Anyways, the weirdly eight-foot tall kangaroo that had a spiky metal mohawk on its head and long jack-the-ripper kind of claws mauled me to death before chewing on my shredded flesh.

It actually wasn't a very strong monster, but it caught me off guard. So I vowed revenge against it and went in the opposite direction from it. I wasn't ready to face it yet.

The seventh death actually didn't even involve a monster, as I ended up falling off a cliff. I was nearby a water stream, but it was on another side of a ravine, so I was trying to find a way across. But then something equivalent to an earthquake happened, I lost my balance and went right on over.

Probably my most preferred death as although it was scary falling, the pain was very brief. And I woke up at the bottom of the ravine and had my eighth death the very next moment as a horde of small creatures that were a mix of spiders and snakes had eaten me.

When I awoke again, I immediately started climbing to get out of there. There were thousands of those little buggers, and not something I could face.

My ninth death, with no surprise, was me being eaten again. This time by a dinosaur-like monster that eerily looked like a T-rex but had long, lanky arms instead of short stubby ones and shot out spiky nail-like appendages, kind of like a porcupine.

I got impaled like a shish kebab and was eaten whole.

After that, I went on surviving for a few months and just had my tenth and most recent death last night. I was sleeping when I felt an intense pain and realized the lower half of my body was gone, along with most of the ground.

Apparently, some worm-like monster that tunnels through the earth had taken my lower half while it was traveling. I soon died after that and then reawakened with my body intact the next day.

It truly has been an eventful year.

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Thank you for your support, and hope everyone continues to enjoy my story.

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