
Slaughter the Gods

A man died in his world and then appears before a God of another. That God then goes on to say that he caused the man's death in his world and brought him here for his own enjoyment. The man, shaken with disbelief and anger, is then tossed into this new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, a basic system that can only answer questions. He vows to kill those who have wronged him, planning to take vengeance upon the God who did this to him. But is that the only tragedy that will befall, the only God that he will vow to vengeance against? What truly awaits this man in this new world fraught with dangers and the unknown? Will he let go of his anger and live his life, or will he be consumed by rage and continuously seek his vengeance? Will he successfully kill a God? Read this man's story. Also of note, Harem will not be large. And there will be gory and or dark moments in this book, so read at your own discretion. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for giving my book a try. Also, don't forget to check out my other books. They are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-misunderstood-heroic-villain_11956325005658505 Humanity Rising: War: https://www.webnovel.com/book/humanity-rising-war_26575634406791205 ----------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Requiem_Phantom Discord: https://discord.gg/N7SMEDMNrM ----------------------------------------- Also, the book picture is not mine, and the rights go to the original owner and creator. If you want me to take down the picture and you are the owner or creator, just message me, and I will do so. I only added in the book title and my name as the creator of the book. Thank you.

Requiem_Phantom · Fantasy
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51 Chs


After having finished its gourmet meal, the monster saunters off back the way it came, towards the place it woke up and now calls home.

It eventually reaches a small forest and continues inside, to where it finds a cave. The place it had woken up in, with no memories of anything else. It believes this to be its home as it has known no other place.

Though the beast doesn't feel full from the weird creature it had eaten, it decides against going back out to hunt. As it can feel the presence of many creatures stronger than it. So the beast decides it best to wait until those presences calm down, and then it can go back out to hunt.

Maybe it will eventually find more of such weak weird creatures as the one it just ate, as not only was it tasty, but very easy to hunt and eat. If only it was bigger and more fulfilling.

Thinking such things, the beast lays down inside the cave and starts to doze off into a dreamland while waiting for the time to pass.

And like this, a few days pass by as the beast waits and waits until finally, it feels less presence of strong beasts that could threaten its life. After all, it prides itself on its strong senses.

The beast then saunters out of its little cave abode to go hunting again as its hunger is starting to flare up. But first, it needs to relieve itself, as its natural urges show themselves.

It finds a nearby large tree and then squats next to it. Then the beast clenches and forces the excrement out of its body to relieve its urges and get to finding a new meal to enjoy.

After having forced the waste out of its body, the beast stands back up, shakes a little, and then calmly walks off into the distance to find new prey to make a meal out of.

Yet a mere few hours later, something begins to move within the large excrement of the beast. A humanoid hand pops out of the disgusting filth, followed by a head and then a torso, and finally followed up by the rest of the body as it crawls its way out.

"Fuckin disgusting!" Arthur, the man that had crawled out of the filth, exclaims in disgust as he is covered in it.

"I can't believe I died just like that. And then, just like that, I am back to being alive. Though the fucking monster had to shit me out." He says while trying to sling the excrement off of his body.

"AGS, how much time passed while I was dead, and which direction did that monster go?" He asks.

{Three days and six hours have passed since your passing. The monster has walked south of your location.}

"Thanks. Well then, let's head north, as I would rather not be eaten again. I shudder at the thought of experiencing that pain again. Being chewed up like a five-course meal." Arthur says as his body slightly shivers at the thought.

He starts to walk southward, while his face is scrunched up at the terrible smell that begets him, while he tries to think of what the next thing he needs to do other than bathe.

"I need a weapon. I will never survive here without one. But where the hell will I find something that can be used as a weapon? The strongest materials either don't exist here or they are the beasts themselves. I might have to stick to simple wood. Maybe create a spear or a bow?" He wonders aloud as he walks.

"Well, I don't know how to create a bow, that is probably more complicated, so I should stick with the simple spear, as even cavemen could create spears. But first I need water. To both drink and bathe."

It takes Arthur a few hours of travel, thankfully with no terrifying meetings, before he finds a simple river to drink from and to bathe in. Though it might have been the terrible smell that kept other monsters away.

Arthur immediately jumps into the river and starts to wash off all the excrement that covered his body while watching the filth flow down the stream. To get all of it off took nearly an entire hour before he actually felt clean again. Though he still stank somewhat as it is only water, he could wash with water and no soap.

Arthur then heads upstream a little, away from where he washed, to drink in the area that is completely untouched from all the filth that he got off of his body. He takes multiple handfuls of water to his mouth, quenching his desperate thirst as if he hasn't drunk anything in years.

After getting his fill, he stands up and stretches his body, yet still shudders slightly as if feeling phantom pains at where he was bitten.

He even takes a look and sees a scar where his arm was bitten off his body and a scar where his torso was separated from his lower half.

"I thought so. It isn't a complete revival like in a video game starting at new. I somewhat remember waking up at first and then feeling a heart-wrenching pain, as if my body was stitching itself together before I passed out due to the pain. And then I woke up once more to crawl myself out. So it actually happened like that, being stitched back together." He mutters to himself while checking his body.

"I guess that god wasn't wrong about suffering. That pain was indescribable and not something I ever want to go through again." He says aloud.

"Alright, time to make a spear." Arthur says while grabbing a medium-sized rock near the riverbed.

Then he walks around, looking up at the trees, trying to find one that feels just right. Then he sees it, a branch that looks almost perfect to make a spear from. He takes off his torn, dirty shirt, wraps it around the rock, and then ties that to his body.

He then proceeds to climb up the tree, slowly taking his time not to fall. Once he gets high enough, he sets himself up on another nearby branch, takes out the rock, and proceeds to hit the branch he wants at the root, where it is attached to the tree.

He slams it over and over again and doesn't even stop when his hands start to hurt or bleed from the repeated smashes against the branch. He grimaces in pain but continues as this means survival. Survival after the god comes back.

After all, he now has a thousand years to try and get strong enough to fight against a god. He will have to believe in the adaptability and potential of the human body.

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