

Become the greatest hero or villain that the world has ever known! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life, while attempting to defeat evil... or wreak havoc on the world.

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The captain nods in approval. "Great, I didn't expect anything else from you. I was waiting for the SWAT team to arrive so that we could storm the building. But, if you can deal with him we'd be very grateful. I prefer not to put my officers in harm's way unnecessarily, though we'll be outside in case we're needed. Black Cockroach has asked for a negotiator to come, as he says he has hostages inside. However, we're convinced that he's lying and that there's nobody else in there."

With that, she waves to some of the officers to let you pass.

Calmly, you walk through the police cars and approach the supermarket. The glass windows have been broken in many places, and the Black Cockroach has placed shelves against them to barricade himself inside. However, he has left the door open, probably waiting for the negotiator to arrive.

You take off and fly in through one of the windows.


Directly in front of you is a humanoid-like insect, slightly smaller than the average human. His dome-like brown belly is divided into several segments, with the rest of his skin covered by a black plate-like exoskeleton. Two large membranous wings protrude from his back, covered by a tough protective second pair of wings. His head is rather smaller than the rest of his body, and his compound eyes have two long flexible antennae on top of them. Two strong insect-like arms protrude from his torso, ending in powerful claw-like hands. A little brownish blood is coming out of some wounds in his lower abdomen, probably from the bullets fired by the police officers. As Captain Villardi suspected, his exoskeleton doesn't appear to be hard enough to completely protect him from bullets.

He advances a couple of steps toward you while looking at your costume, and addresses you in a hissing tone. "Whoo aree youu? Youu aree not thee negotiatoor!"

Black Cockroach hisses and continues to advance toward you. "Youu think that youu can overcomee mee?! Youu will follow thosee officerrs out of thee window!"

The shadows start to form around your opponent, who stumbles around blinded. You use the opportunity to push a couple of shelves on top of him, which sends their contents scattering around the supermarket. With that, you signal for some of the police to come in, and they proceed to put some rather impressive-looking handcuffs on him.


You walk toward the police barricade, and as you reach it Captain Villardi takes you to the side of the street, away from everybody else. "Slatestone, your actions prevented my officers from suffering further harm, something for which I am grateful."

Clearing her throat, she continues, "I hope that I can count on you to help us with any other future problems with enhanced humans. Am I correct in assuming that?"

You nod affirmatively. "Of course, Captain. Just let me know when you have any problems and I'll come as soon as I can."


The captain goes into one of the police cars, and takes out a red radio. "We've given these to a couple of other enhanced humans that we trust, so I think that it's time that you had one. Any time there's a problem we'll call out to see if any of you can help. Obviously, I understand that you must have other matters in your life to attend to, but we'd be grateful for any help that you can provide. Don't worry—there's no tracker or anything like that in it. I give you my word."

You take the radio and wave goodbye to the captain, while the crowds continue to take photos as you leave the scene.


A while later you finally return to your apartment block, tired after the events of the day. You briefly stop to check the mail from your mailbox, before getting on the elevator and pressing the button for the 9th floor.

Rent in New York is notoriously expensive, yet you've become quite fond of your apartment. You leave the keys on a little wooden stand at the entrance, and proceed toward the kitchen to grab a drink.

Sitting on your sofa, you gaze toward a high school certificate that you've hung on the wall. You are quite proud of it, stating that you…