

Become the greatest hero or villain that the world has ever known! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life, while attempting to defeat evil... or wreak havoc on the world.

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


You're definitely not in the mood to go to the office on Monday, but still try as best as you can to concentrate on the article.

However, thoughts about the encounter with the Steel Aeronaut prevent you from really concentrating on your work. Who could it really be? And, what is its ultimate objective?

Robbing a bank would appear to show a typical and rather predictable motivation, but trying to steal a meteorite stone indicates that its ultimate aim might be far more ambitious. But, what could that be?


It would probably be better to try to track down whoever is inside the armor, but where could you start? Given that it was sighted in London a week before you first met it, you wonder whether its flight capability would allow it to cross the Atlantic. If not, it might have been shipped in.

You could try to find out if any corrupt port official had allowed the machine to be smuggled in. Alternatively, improvements were made to it in between your fights, which would have required some parts, probably acquired through the black market.


However, finding a corrupt port official or black market dealer in technology might not be that easy. You need some sort of initial lead who can point you in the right direction.

At this point you remember about Jacob. He is a high-society drug dealer whom you encountered a few weeks ago. Seemingly well connected, it's possible that he can provide you with some information.

Thus, as soon as you finish at work you head over to see him.


Jacob lives in a rather nicely decorated apartment in lower Manhattan, typically selling drugs to executives and bankers. He is a rather skinny and charismatic character, wearing the latest fashions and expensive after-shave. His long blond hair is neatly tied up in a ponytail, and he appears slightly weary when you turn up at his apartment. "Slatestone…what a surprise. I was just about to invite you to my place for a drink…you know, to thank you for the other day…but, what can I do for you?"

Meeting him was a bit of an accident, as you saved him from being attacked by some street thugs, before realizing that the bag he was carrying was full of cocaine. You let him go, but why did you do so?

You might be a villain, but you don't like the effects of drugs on society. Thus, you told him to mend his ways.

You sit on the sofa and pause for a few seconds to think, which seems to make Jacob a bit nervous. It's probably better not to tell him much, so you just settle for explaining that you are looking for somebody.

There are different ways you could go about trying to find the Steel Aeronaut.

Jacob swallows hard. "Okay, I'll tell you how to find the person you are looking for. However, you never heard this from me, understood?"

He yields very quickly to your intimidation and tells you everything he knows.

Satisfied, you leave him there trembling while you proceed to the address that he gave you.

It's a small office in the port, where a skinny unshaven old man in work overalls sits behind a desk.


As you walk towards the door, you fail to notice that there is a small patch of dark oil next to it.

The oil makes you slip, though you subconsciously start to fly to prevent this from happening. Returning to the upright position, you regain your composure and walk towards the door.


The port official is very surprised to see you walk in. "Eh…you're Slatestone. Ah've seen you in the news…. What are you doin' here?"

You look straight into his eyes, and explain what you are after. He looks very scared, and sweat starts to run down his forehead. "Ah, ah…ah know nothin'. Why did you come here?"

The port official's eyes open wide as you say this. "Eh…thanks, Mr. Slatestone. Ah'll tell ya everythin' I know!"

Apparently, the person he dealt with was a tall, strong, redheaded woman, wearing rather big sunglasses and a black coat. It's clear that he knows very little else, and was paid handsomely not to think about the matter further. Frustrated, you let the port official go, and return home.
