
Research Continues.

A binding rune, or more specifically, a binding agent, is a form of construct that acts as a foundational base so that the Magicka can take on an identity to interact with the material plane. This is also the key to making their projectile able to interact outside their body.

Since the pure form of Magicka is considered part of the existence of the one who cast it, the world around them does not recognize it as another entity and proceeds to scatter or, more specifically, banish this Magicka that is not connected to their caster's existence.

Similar to how every spell in Conjuration works and is executed, the Mundus doesn't recognize that the projectile that he wanted to create is a part of their creation and proceeds to banish it like any other summon that a Conjurer casts. That's why every Conjurer who wants to make their summon stay a little bit longer must cast a binding rune so that the Mundus itself acknowledges that it is their own.

And after the Conjurer places the binding rune on their summon to be summoned, the process of entry to the Nirn plane of existence is executed if that summoned entity wants to interact with the material world.

Like how a passport works in his previous life, the process of identification is done by Mundus itself, operated to discern whether it's native or not, and this binding rune is the immigration official stamp for this creature to be able to roam around, telling anyone that this entity is allowed entry by the native themselves.

And in turn, the caster can just peel away this binding rune to unsummon the creature if they don't want the entity to wander around again, or by just letting the Magicka creating the rune stamp exhaust itself so that it will banish on its own.

But, as the College professor himself stated, not just summoned entities want to go back to their plane of existence, so either by accident or by deliberate intention, these entities will try to invade and create their own identification to become part of the Mundus ecosystem. This is evident, as they can see some of the Daedra or creatures that remain from the Oblivion crisis, still walking in their plane of existence, terrorizing their homeworld.

But, this is the crucial difference between Conjuration and his own pure form of Magicka. While Conjuration wants to call something that is not native to their world, his own magic is already native and doesn't need to be acknowledged by creating this binding rune, which is why William corrected it to be a binding agent, to essentially creates another object that Mundus itself recognizes as a natural part of the existence, which can be manipulated freely by William.

Yet, after thinking for a bit about how this is a possible pitfall that will make him research endlessly until he essentially only creates a spark of fire or any elemental type of spell that is already recognized as a natural part of the world, he changes his mindset.

For starters, he doesn't want to create an object using his own pure Magicka just to swing it with telekinesis like some kind of Geo elemental type spells. No, he wants to make this process one part of a continuous mechanism where he launches his projectile so that it can hit the flying dragon, no matter the height or range that the dragon is supposed to be.

Essentially creating a binding agent that can be connected to the other side of the planet, where he can just place his projectile to follow a fixed trajectory until it hits that part of the location, without him aiming where it will land and all of that stuff that he's sure will be another pitfall of research that will go on endlessly.

So, after thinking for a bit, William takes out another two empty books from his scrip bag and writes the title on the front page.

"Mystic Bullet." 

"Infinite Extension."

Looking to his left, William sees the same frequency lady as himself taking two books from her bag and also writing the title of that book, but with a different philosophy and mindset than his own.

"Energy Orb."

"Energy Wave."

[09:35, Weakness of Titanic Beast.]

After saying goodbye to Vivienne, who wanted to go to the Reversing Lycanthropy class, he wanders around the castle trying to find another map so that he can know where he needs to go. And finding the map, then twenty minutes later, William finally arrives at the class that will make him better understand how dragons react and interact with different spells that he will later throw at them.

Since he knows the lore from the game can only act as a reference because of the simplification brought by the developers to make the game more enjoyable, he must have extensive knowledge if he doesn't want to be surprised due to his lack of preparedness. So, entering the class and listening to the lecture, even though there is no specific mention of a dragon in the curriculum, the idea behind how to bring down a large creature is extensively explained by that professor.

For starters, the blood of these titanic creatures, with the Emperor Crab as a reference that resurfaced because of the Second Conjunction of the Sphere, flows more rapidly because their circulatory system must facilitate the huge body that the creature has. Essentially, this makes every spell that the core mechanic of which is to interfere with the transmission of the Magicka present in the blood of that creature, much, much — triple the charm — much harder.

Examples of the spells that interfere with Magicka transmission through the blood include the common spell found in the Illusion school of magic, Frenzy; spells in the Alteration school of magic, Telekinesis; and any healing spell in the Restoration school. All these spells essentially directly interfere with the transmission of the creature's Magicka that is constantly and rapidly changing.

Which is why anyone who wants to kill these gigantic beasts prefers to burn them to death rather than manipulate them with Illusion to make them kill themselves. That would require dedication and effort that is not worth it.

But for him, who wanted to survive this dragon invasion, he preferred to take this unworthy approach rather than not having it at all. And after questioning the professor, or more specifically, the Expert level mage, on how to make this interference Magicka spell work, he got an answer that would surely make any common mages drop their effort before they even started.

"So, I need to focus my research on just a handful of spells, preferably one or two spells, if I want to directly intervene with the Magicka of these large beasts, right, professor?"

"Yes, child. Until the framework of your spell becomes instinctive and able to deal with any kind of Magicka transmission in the body of any living and non-living being."

Next chapter