
Moon Dance.

[Night. Courtyard, Anna mansion.]

It's already been two hours since he arrived at the mansion, and he is able to meet many of Za'bil's friends and family, even having a chance to talk with Auntie Ezabi. She mentors him on entering the State of Resonance, with the result being he is able to enter with just ten seconds of moments, which seriously surprised him at how much of a blessing it is to have a mentor with the level of an Arch-Mage all the time.

And not only that, from the experience that Auntie Ezabi had guiding new people who were only starting their journey in the arcane, she told him that he is a natural diviner. Judging from how all the surrounding Magicka wants to be friends with him, and gives their information up to him willingly without taking it by force.

But when asked what direction in philosophy William wanted to go, which is creating his own method, Auntie Ezabi immediately stopped the mentor and reprimanded him for not telling her earlier. She told him that the early mindset of an Aspirant just learning magic is the foundation for everything about that person. If that foundation is contaminated with thinking of others, he will not go very far in the arcane.

Besides that interlude, he also talked a lot with Onmund about the introduction to the school of magic that the College will teach in this month. Since the system of class is not applied here, which is very different from Oxenfurt where you are placed in the same period of class with those of the same age and go forward in study together with that same group of people.

The College will only provide open lectures that are set as scheduled, essentially allowing anyone who wants to learn to enter the room and listen with no other program whatsoever. Then they can practice at home whatever they learn in the class, if that person wants to practice. Because, apparently, in the college's mind, they already consider that the student that enroll are adults enough to know the direction without constant guidance.

Unlike his first life, where the college or education system was very suitable for every kind of people, from the delinquent to the diligent, the College of Winterhold's education system will eventually only allow those who are very very diligent.

Maybe by sheer pressure from the colleague that can go forward faster than them, maybe by the money that is not worth it knowing there is no specific guidance, maybe by the lack of tests to track progress except when wanting to advance their title—whatever it is, the College of Winterhold's education system eventually allows the cream of the crop to be their graduates. If he is able to simplify, it is similar to many colleges from his past world, but the difficulty is tuned to legendary level.

Which is why upon learning that information, William immediately wanted to drop out, considering the money he has will not be worth it for just that type of education. But after venting his frustration to the members of the study group, making Za'bil choke on his food in response to his prediction about people from Beyond the Sea Ghost always wanting to drop out, Onmund finally told him where that large sum of money goes to.

It works like this: to the one that mentors their junior if they are senior or student if they are the teacher, depending on the time that they are mentoring and the quality of education that they are providing, the money from that person that is being guided will be shared with the mentor that person asked for.

This essentially creates a subscription system similar to Spotify from his past world, where an artist will be paid based on how many people listen to the artist's music and how long that person listens. Only this time, instead of using a coding program, the College uses some kind of supervising magic. But because the spell only works on the College's grounds, not many people will mentor outside the castle.

Which is why people like Shani, who mentor her friend outside the College, are considered very kind and generous. She easily becomes Za'bil's best mentor, following her wherever she goes like a duck to its mother. This twist of events creates an opportunity for him to readily have five mentors who gladly teach him outside or inside the castle about magic based on their specialties. Minus Restoration that is, with the Illusion being Sylvia Anna.

Except for talking about the arcane, his time is mostly spent playing Gwent with others. The deck that he uses is a Nilfgaardian set with Assimilate playstyle, which he bought from Shupe. Yes, Shupe, the Rock Troll who acts as a shop owner in the standalone Gwent, a part of the Witcher franchise that focuses only on their card game.

If he is able to guess the story, Shupe was attacked by the Nilfgaardians but then pacified by Auntie Ezabi's caravan that traveled through Lyria, who wanted to go home because they anchored their ship in that kingdom, the closest coastal land to the Skyrim province.

And because Toussaint is a coastal land under Black Sun territory, not wanting to take any chances of an enemy armada entering their ocean seas, Auntie Ezabi had no choice but to take a long journey. In this journey, they met Shupe on the way, instead of Queen Meve as in the timeline he knows from the game.

And because Auntie Ezabi found potential in this card game that Shupe collected, she then invited the Rock Troll to be part of their entourage. This is why William is able to see the sight before him: a housecat sitting atop an Ogroid monster head, drinking Est Est, a very expensive wine with her telekinetic magic, in this cold frigid night illuminated by the warmth of a large fireplace.

"What happened, William dear?"

"No, nothing, Auntie. I just thought that you are awesome."

Just shaking her tiny head followed by a chuckle, Auntie Ezabi then turned toward everyone, saying, "Everyone, now that the night is high, let's cook Moon Sugar to bring ourselves into the dreamland."

Wide-eyed and looking left and right, seeing everyone happy at the prospect, even Nordling like Onmund, William immediately exclaimed, "Ehkm, Auntie. I don't do drugs. So, excuse me for leaving for my quarter first."

Hearing that statement, everyone, from the servant to even Za'bil and Onmund, who are very strict and righteous, laughed out loud, making him very confused about why it is so funny doing illegal things. But luckily, Sylvia Anna came to his rescue, saying, "Relax, new guy. We are not making Skooma. It's just a ceremonial dish made from Moon Sugar."

Nodding her head, Brelyna, the Dunmer that focused on Alteration, chimed in, "Yes. It is also not addictive and very safe for consumption. The only effect on your body is when you are sleeping. And that too gives you very pleasant, vivid dreams. Nothing harmful, really."

Wanting to ask more, but all of a sudden, like in the market, Za'bil shouted first, "He'll play the lute!" then followed by J'zargo, "He'll play the tabor," then another by Onmund, "I'll be the rebec," then another, then another, until eventually, a full band of minstrel musicians were ready by the side of the campfire.

Then leaping from atop an Ogroid monster head, Auntie Ezabi walked toward the cooking site earlier, saying, "Okay, ladies, help Ezabi make the pastry. Remember, no magic, okay?"

Seeing everything ready, Za'bil then laughingly shouted, "Start the music!" making everyone jump from their seat and starting to dance round and round from their place around the campfire, using simple movements, clapping their hands forward and back, with their legs galloping like madness.

Chuckling, seeing William stunned and frozen in place by the rapid blistering festivity, Nelacar, the member who focused his study on Conjuration, and sat beside William, got up and extended his hand, "Come, let's join in. We will not get anything if we are not dancing."

Coming out of his stupefied expression, William quickly unbuckled his two katanas and got up with the help of Nelacar. Following him toward the next campfire that has many more people, since in their site only two of them are left, while the others play the instruments and help Auntie Ezabi cooking. He then tries to imitate the dancing that Nelacar shows him.

"Here. The clap is on the beat of the drum."

"No, not like that. Your feet must be in constant movement."

"There you go, that's perfect. Now, let's enter."

After a couple of tries and finally managing to imitate the dancing, William was able to enter the group. Not wanting to mess up his first time, his mind focused on keeping his feet a meter in front of others and a meter behind. However it seems, the rigidness of his movements was quickly noticed by the people around the campfire.

"Hahahaha, relax Redenian! Just enjoy the flow!"

"Listen to your body, human friend! It will show you!"

"Empty your mind and listen to the music, William!"

Looking to his left where the Senche-raht that greeted him earlier outside the mansion, William followed one of S'ia brother's guidance and let go of his overthinking. Transitioning from not understanding (which made him frown), to mildly understanding (which made him relax), to somewhat understanding (which made him smile), he finally chuckled and fully entered the joyous activity.

After fifteen minutes of constant dancing, the first dish was finally ready. Seeing the ladies who cooked bringing out the tray filled with all kinds of desserts, everyone started laughing and loudly chanting, "Serush Kha'jay," over and over. The contagious mood caught William as well, and he too started laughing and chanting, not wanting to miss out on the experience.

"Seruhs Kha'jay!"

Following the faster and faster beat of the music, William is finally noticed by one of the ladies who brought the tray of food, making him chant even more loudly.

"Seruhs Kha'jay!"

The lady followed his springy step of the dance, and William laughed along with her.

"Seruhs Kha'jay!"

Taking one of the sweet ceremonial breads, the lady then started hand-feeding William.

"Srhmmh Khmm'Jmmay!"

Next chapter