
Skyrim: Navigating The Unknown

Join Volfir on his journey through the rapidly changing times of Tamriel. Through loss, time and experience, from a sickly, weak and apathic teen, he grows into a responsible and thrill-loving adult, capable of influencing the world's course The novel begins 7 years before (4E 194) the return of Alduin (4E 201) during which I will be developing the mc's character and abilities, certain events will be pushed further back or further forward than the canon timeline Alduin's return will also mark something special and interesting, for this part I took inspiration from Pepey_LePew's Altering Skyrim (which I recommend reading) P.S. This is my first time properly writing a 'book', so I will be thankful for any feedback and suggestions, this FF is just a start since I plan to write for my whole life. I will be practicing and expanding upon my favourite games and books for a while before I make my own original novel though. I promise none of my works will be dropped since I wouldn't have started it with no planning in the first place Enjoy your read!

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Ch. 10: A/N update


I am very sorry for the lack of uploads, I always write in my free time, but it's more about my thoughts, ideas and etc.

The reason for why it's very hard for me to consistently upload along with my work duties and college responsibilities is because it takes a while for me to put my thoughts and ideas into a structure, so that all readers (be it those who played Skyrim, simply heard of it or don't even know what that is) can understand the content and have a good time reading

So I have decided to change up my approach to writing. The way I started uploading is something I call "a leap of faith", I was like, - " Eh, I'll just upload a chapter and see where this goes". But now that I experienced uploading to a website and as a reader myself, I know it's frustrating and confusing returning to a book you've read a week ago and you don't even remember what the last chapter was about

I don't have enough experience or talent to engage the audience in such a way, with 1/2 chapters a week, for them to be content with such a number. So I decided it would be best for me to stack up the chapters myself first, before uploading them for reading

Thank you for your time if you read this to the end,

