
SKYRIM: Dragonlord's Ascension

He transmigrated into the body of the supposed main character in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim But to his surprise, the entire quest seemed to have been changed. He wasn't a dragonborn like he expected himself to be, but a dragonlord instead, with powers to foster bonds with dragons. With only a minuscule knowledge of the world and a mysterious system... can he survive the hell that is Skyrim? This is an adaptation of the Elder Scrolls. Some characters and the world itself are adapted from the game. UPDATE SCHEDULE: 3 CHAPS/WEEK WEDNESDAYS/FRIDAYS/SUNDAYS

75BlackFlames · Video Games
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24 Chs

First Battle

He squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness, but found out he could see a little better than he would normally be able to at night.

The cottage was the usual medieval-styled type with minimalistic furniture and a more homey vibe, although, this one was a little more...unwelcoming than normal...

Walking further into the house, he arrived at the general room where a cooking spit was set up, there was no fire lit under it though. Right in front of the cooking spit, was the dining area. A table and two benches with some vegetables on the table. 

He walked towards the dining and grabbed an apple. Immediately, his inventory opened up, asking if he wanted to store the fruit. He agreed and the apple vanished from his hand, storing in the inventory that had about 100 slots.

He picked up a couple more vegetables, storing them in his inventory. He noticed something weird about the table though.

"No meat on this table. A vegetarian? In Skyrim? That's weird as f*ck."

He continued on until he reached the bedroom. He slightly opened the door and the stench that greeted his nostril almost sent him back to his world.

Wincing in discomfort, he covered his nose with one hand and pried the door open his other hand.

He suddenly paused, two orange eyes greeted him with drool dripping from its maw and what looked like the battered body of a man on the floor beside the bed. There was blood all around the room.

"Crap!" he cursed under his breath as the wolf started running towards him.

He bolted back to the dining and grabbed a chair, just in time to smash it on the head of the wolf as it was leaping towards him. The wolf's body flew sideways, harshly hitting the wall.

After two seconds, it got back on its feet and growled , showing its rage. 

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Saphira jumped downwards from Lucian's shoulder and growled in response to the wolf, opening her mouth.

Sparkles of electricity surrounded her and shot towards the wolf, continuously electrocuting it and rendering it immobile. Seizing the chance, Lucian ran to the side of the wolf.

Gripping the knife he grabbed from the table tightly, he slashed across the neck of the wolf, blood spurting out for a few seconds as the wolf fell on its side and shook for a few seconds until it completely stopped moving.

>>XP +10<<

"Phew! That was a lot harder than I expected. I may have to find some sort of weapon later on, at least before I learn some proper magic. First, let me see what this dude has for me."

He went back to the room, covering his nose while he scanned the entirety of the room before walking towards the dead body. Paying no heed to the gore all around him, he flipped the dead man over and dipped his hand into his pocket, fishing out 5 gold coins, he found 2 coins in the other pocket.

He went to the wardrobe by the side and got a leather backpack along with a pair of normal clothing from it. The clothing was neat and a little thicker than the one he was currently wearing, so he changed into them.

After changing, he grabbed the steel knife on the dresser and left the room, closing the door properly behind him.

He went to the front door and made sure it was properly locked before he returned to the dining area.

He lit a fire in the cooking spit to provide some warmth, he laid down to rest and assess his current situation.

He's just been tossed into the world of Skyrim, although he had a had a general understanding of the world, this version of the game seems to be ways off of what he originally knew. So he planned to set out the next day to better understand the regions, politics and in role in the game.

With all of these in mind, he closed his eye to take a nap, informing Saphira to keep watch for him and alert him if anything felt wrong.