

One day, an exiled Mercury fell from the night sky, only to disappear. For four years. Waking up, she found that times had changed. What will the exiled Planet do, and how will she get back?

Chinerakorame · Fantasy
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<Chapter 2>


Hmmm... I'm quite sure Cleo forgot to add 'evil.' He would never force anyone to slaughter babies in cold blood. The only one who would ask that of us is the Moon. And even she's merciful when appointing punishment..

"Hey, yeah, Cleo definitely forgot to add evil! Yeahhh, I'm so smart~*ehehe" Saturn laughed, paying no mind to the me who glared at her.

"Oh my Sun, you're right! Saturn, you're so smart!" Earth commented. These two idiots, I swear...

"Fine, Saturn, I totally didn't just say what you did in the last chapter, but it doesn't matter right now. Whether the Sun actually messed up or not doesn't matter, because there is one problem blocking us from killing anyone." I stopped glaring, now just staring at Saturn with a blank face.

We don't have anything to see into people's souls. Even if we did, I don't think it's possible to differentiate good from evil anyways. The only one that can find out is--

Speak of the devil.

A blast of wind blew through the door(knocking it down), and an orange ball hopped onto my lap.

Boing, boing--

And from that ball, a whirlpool of color erupts, until…

A young girl, looking around 12 or 13 years old, harnessing the nebula's best orange-vanilla hair with deep aqua eyes, sits on my shoulders.

Yes, this is the one. Venus. The one we've all waited for.

"I just knew that y'all couldn't live on without me~!" She managed to echo my exact thoughts.

Venus then protruded a mirror from absolutely nowhere.

"My sidekick Morning Star~! It shows the level of purity in a person~! For example," She then shines the Venus-symbol shaped mirror onto Saturn.

"Ugh, why are you pitch black~? I bet Mercury could just kill you right here, right now, and Cleo wouldn't give any repercussions~. Hey Mercury, you should kill this guy~!"

"Unfortunately, that I cannot do. You just specified 'he,' correct? Saturn is 'she.' Pronouns are important" I replied.

"Ahh, I see... Well anyways, that's fine too~! Mercury, kill her please~!"

"Don't worry, We won't hurt you." Venus teased towards Saturn, who curled up in a corner of our cowbell blue room.

I heard Saturn mumbling to herself and decided to look in Venus' mirror. The first time I've seen myself in four years... I have blue hair? B--But… during school… Silver.. Is it Enirity's atmosphere? And.. Silver eyes?! Did I go through the wrong portal to this planet? Saturn, if this is because of you…

I clenched my fist.

I have grown quite a lot though. I bet if he came he'd give me a mouthful about how to dress in a large hoodie so as to not show off my beauty. But he's not here. And most likely never will come.

"It's not just me who went through the wrong portal! Earth did as well! And I'm sure we sent Mercury down the right one, so she is fine!! It feels weird watching people grow up, but four years have passed after all. And now she looks different. Like, what is up with her new hair color?" Saturn droned on and on.

"Shut up, let's go find the first victi-- honored sacrifice to our pillage." Earth said with murderous intent in her eyes. I inched away from her.

Venus grabbed her mirror, opening a door on the right side of the room. The sun blinded me. And by Sun, I mean the literal Sun, not the ugl-- BEAUTIFUL ruler of it. This is the first time I've stepped on Enirity. The planet resembles Earth, with bright green grass and colorful flowers everywhere. Enirity is just a bit better than Earth, though. A lot better, actually. Sorry Earth.

Did I mention I can read minds?

Of course I didn't, I just remembered I could.

That's why the blinding light as well as the noise on planet noisy Enirity crashed down on me and almost made me throw up before I stepped outside.

You know, all Venus thinks about is skin care, all Earth wants is to sleep peacefully, and then there's Saturn. Even the brainle-- SMORT Sun is better than hi-- her. Saturn doesn't even think. I don't know if she's really, REALLY smart, or just really, REALLY braindead, but one of them must be correct, right?

I wonder, did I even breath while asleep?

A breeze of fresh air filled my lungs.

So soft, yet sharp and minty. I wonder. Is this how 'he' felt before the..

7 years ago.

In Milky Way High School…

"Hey, hey! Mercury! let's go play!" a young boy's voice echoed from afar.

"Ok! Wait up, Galilei! Don't hurt yourself by running too fast!" Fourteen-year-old Mercury dashed towards that echo.

The Sun glared down on us from above. Wind rippled the freshly-cut grass in the fields of High School.

Galilei stopped, looking up. A large white Parthenon-like building decorated with majestic gold outlines stood in his way.

"Oh.. I accidentally ended up at the school again.." Galilei awkwardly muttered.

"No way.. You're too obsessed with school! You're a school-holic! Take some breaks!" Mercury circled around her friend.

"But, if I do, then there's no one left to record the Planet's activities for the Sun. I have a lot of work, you know! I'm only taking a break because Earth decided she wanted to torture Sun with the workload, that sadist.."

"Be grateful. That sadist has a lot on her plate, too! But yes, I agree, that annoying sadist. How did she even become like that?!"

"I think it has to do with this thing called 'pollution..' After taking one look at the creatures suffering on Earth, she decided that 'the Earth is not beautiful' or something.. Anyways.." Galilei grinned sheepishly.

"Anything fun circling around lately? Like who Venus's new boyfriend is, or something?"

"Venus always has a new boyfriend. That type of news isn't even considered new anymore. How about you? Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?" Mercury teased.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in love. I'm too old, anyways.. Today's my 28th birthday, you know."

"Hey, I forgot to mention, happy birthday, Galilei!" Mercury shouted to a young-looking man wearing a white shirt with baggy overalls, donning pilot's glasses atop of a brown bear-winter-hat.

"Thanks, you realize this now?" Galilei teased, with a scornful look on his face.

"Nah, I'm too lazy to say it, even now I'm talking through my gritted teeth."

"How rude for someone who's usually playing pranks on everyone in our class.."

"I mean, they all deserve it!.. Is what Hermes said to me earlier, and my older brother is always right!" Mercury retorted.

"Hermes is one of the biggest nuisances in the galaxy! Even if he's your brother, don't follow in his footsteps, alright?"

"But.. But you're Hermes' friend too! Y'all are like 2 years apart! If you came here to lecture me, then go play with him instead!"

"Nooo, Mercury, I think of you as my closest friend and younger sibling! Don't abandon me..." Galilei whined in a high-pitched voice.

They had sat in the large grass field to the left of the school, a secret place most people chose to ignore. Many others were there too. Venus, surrounded by kneeling boys, sat on a white dove-patterned bench. Jupiter flaunted his finesse on random girls after Venus rejected him. Saturn muttered witchcraft curses under his breath in the corner, a royale purple cloak draped from her head to her shoulders.

Just then, a gust of wind blew in a whirlwind pattern towards the center of the grassland, swaying the trees and grass in the surrounding area.

A slim figure in the sky with large navy wings and white robes held on to a winged-hat, a caduceus gripped tightly in their right hand.

"Brother!" Mercury's voice crescendoed into a happy, energetic tone.

"Oh, it's you." Galilei looked towards the horizon behind him with an expression of sweet release and mourning.

"What face is that? I even made time to come and see you.." The annoyed winged being exclaimed.

"Fine. Sorry. Hi, Hermes. I thought you were busy. What a surprise." A monotone Galileo droned.

Venus is weird--

(Chinerakorame says as they type with the same style of talking as Venus)

Anyways, thank you for reading~!! Feel free to critique on my writing and grammar~!!

((If you just comment that this series is bad I will find a way to send Ogre emojis to you))

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