

Vader drags a crippled Overhaul by the hair and proceeds to drag him towards the truck, while the news helicopter moves their spotlight at them to get a better look for their cameras.

He uses the Force to undo the lid to the tank and it leaks all over the road.As Vader drops Overhaul, he uses the force to lift the man up in the air and set him across the spilt fuel.He draws his lightsaber and ignites it, with the intentions of killing Overhaul with a method he has in mind.Some people would call this method of his unethical, questionable, dangerous.

(Cue the music)

Overhaul's face pales as he watches in terror when the lightsaber lowers down to the flammable fuel that is spilt between him and Vader.He couldn't move a muscle to free himself from the Force in mid-air.The only thing Overhaul could do is watch as the lightsaber comes into contact with the flammable liquid and fire comes to life.

Overhaul can feel the heat from the fire as it crackles, he begins to sweat from the heat and the fear that he knows what Vader is going to do to him.

Vader: Now you will suffer, Overhaul...

Vader lowers his stretched arm out and throws Overhaul down and drags him into the flames.Overhaul begins to scream from the burning sensation.He feels his own skin burning from the flames and he couldn't take it.


Vader ignores his pleas for mercy and drags him deeper into the fire with not even a single ounce of pity or regret.

Vader: Your pain... has just begun.

Vader watches Overhaul burn as he keeps pinning him down with the Force.Even if he stops pin down the villain, Overhaul couldn't escape from the fire, due to Vader breaking his back earlier.Everyone watching from the helicopters' camera are in shock to see Vader displaying his cruelty much further.

Vader continues to watch overhaul meeting his demise, not keeping his eyes off him until the fire grows larger and obstructs his view from him.To stop the fire from spreading quickly, he outstretches his hand, removing fire and swirls the flames in a circle.The fire rises up and spins upward in the form of a massive and beautiful pillar of fire before dissipating in the air.

Everyone watching Vader forming the flaming pillar from the news helicopter's camera were in awe.It was like they were watching a biblical event performed before their very own eyes, much that of the Israelite's exodus from Egypt.

With the fire now gone, Vader checks on his handiwork.A crippled, burnt, and crispy Overhaul lies on the ground, still alive.But Vader makes up his mind and chooses to let the villain live and have the pro heroes take him away to tartarus.Death will only be considered mercy at this point, a way to escape from suffering.

After all, having one's body being burned to a crisp, a broken back, and being rid of their quirk was quite the fitting punishment for someone who tortured a child.

Vader approaches Overhaul and stares down at the crippled villain to, he is humiliated and defeated.He then gives him his final message to before his departure.

Vader: When your spirit is nothing but ashes... then you'll have my permission to die.

After saying his peace to Overhaul, Vader turns away from him and marches to his car to leave the scene.Just as he takes off, sirens of law enforcement are heard from the distance, arriving with many officers and pro heroes who are in the investigation of the Yakuza.

It's over.The Yakuza is no more, thanks to a dark warrior who seeks out for blood.The criminal underworld is terrified for Vader displaying his brutality.Vader is well accustomed to killing and torturing, sending a message to the criminal underworld that they cannot hide from him.

May Kai Chisaki burn in hell...

It is currently dawn.Shortly after Vader departs from the destroyed Yakuza compound, the authorities and pro heroes arive at the scene.They are horrified at what they found.Amongst the pro heroes who had arrive at the scene are Aizawa and Sir Nighteye.

Disturbed and irritated by Vader's bold actions for killing off the entire Yakuza, Aizawa let's out a sigh and rubs his temples.It's too early for him to see all of this.

Aizawa: I hate it when he does this.

Naomasa and Sir Nighteye stare at the Medical assistants carrying what is left of Overhaul on a gurney with a nebulizer mask on him.They wheel him out of the scene to a black van with medical equipment.He screams out in pain from every touch to his charred skin, the medics uses sedation to suppress the pain.Once overhaul is put inside, the black van drives away and heads to the villain hospital.Little did anyone know, Twice is at the scene and he pulls out his phone to make a call.

The van drives down the highway with a police car escorting them.But up ahead, the driver notices a truck with a figure crouching on top.The person is wearing a black robes with a hood over his head, and a hand covering his face.The driver immediately recognizes the person.

Police driver: Oh crap!That's Tomura Shigaraki from the League of Villains!

The driver sees the truck's rear doors opening up, revealing a man in a suit with a top hat, and another person wearing black robes.He recognizes the person with the suit to be Mr. Compress, but he doesn't know who is the person in black robes.

The police car escorting the police truck with Overhaul, gets in front of it as the LOV's truck slows down to stop the convoy.Tomura leaps away from the moving truck in an attempt to stop the police car.Pro hero Sajin Higawara sticks out of the passenger seat and uses his quirk.

Sajin: Not so fast!

Tomura is stuck from the large amount of sand from Sajin's quirk.

Sajin: You may be able to disintegrate whatever you touch, but that won't work against sand!

Shigaraki grows a wicked smile under his mask.

Shigaraki: Yeah, you got a point.But will it stop THIS?!

Tomura puts his hand in a choking gesture, Sajin and the driver feels a tight grip around their throats.Sajin stops utilizing his quirk to clutch both hands on his throat while gagging.The driver let's go of the steering wheel to put his hand on his throat as well, trying to stop the choke, big mistake.The police car begins to swerve and Tomura releases them as he jumps off of the car before it crashes.

Tomura lands on the hood of the black van he is after and uses his quirk on the windshield, making a hole for his hand to fit inside.The driver begins to scream in fear as Tomura grabs the steering wheel and flips the black van.

Spinner slowed the truck down to a complete stop.Mr. Compress and the hooded figure hopped off of the truck.The hooded figure looked towards Sajin, who was able to jump off the police car with the driver in his arms.He approached Sajin with malicious intent, while he was distracted with the unconscious driver.Sajin raised his voice to get a response from the unconscious driver.

Sajin: Are you alright?

He stops what he is doing when he hears footsteps directly behind him.The cold feeling runs down his spine suffocating the warmth.He turns around and is met with the hooded figure with a mask and fiery yellow eyes.It is none other than Darth Malgus.

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Sajin has no idea who Darth Malgus is, due to the fact that has been keeping himself hidden from the world.

Sajin glares at him and gets in a fighting position, readying himself against Malgus.

Sajin: Who are you?!

Malgus responds with a force choke, Sajin feels a tight grip around his throat and is brought down to his knees.Malgus pulls out his lightsaber hilt and ignites it, revealing the crimson blade of the Sith.Sajin is in shock for seeing the lightsaber as he chokes.Malgus replies to him in a deep and malicious tone as he raises up his lightsaber.

Malgus: Your bane...

He swings down his lightsaber at Sajin's neck, striking him down with a decapitation.Sajin's body falls to the ground as the head rolls away.Malgus extinguishes his lightsaber and puts it away.

Back with Tomura, he uses the Force to violently tear off the doors from the van.In front of him, he sees the burned and charred body of Overhaul strapped to a mattress with quirk cancelling restraints on his arms and legs.At first, he thought that Overhaul is dead, but he can feel his presence is still there.

Shigaraki: Still alive, huh?Good.

Shigaraki searches through the van to find what he is looking for, only to come out empty handed.He drags the mattress out of the van, laying it on the road.He sneers down at Overhaul and mocks him.

Shigaraki: Looks like Vader did a number on you.

Overhaul doesn't react, he just stares off into space with a blank face.Not even when Mr. Compress takes his left arm in an act of revenge did anything to get his reaction.Tomura's mind wonders about what Vader did to break him.

Shigaraki continues with his search, he checks Overhaul's person and finds nothing.He takes off his father's hand from his face to show his empty expression at the tied down man.Shigaraki pulls out a small red capsule that has been used back when they first made contact.

Shigaraki: Where are they?

Overhaul mumbles something under his raspy breath, Tomura couldn't pick up what he is saying.

Shigaraki: What was that?

Overhaul repeats what he said and Tomura hears it this time.

Overhaul: You... can't beat... him... No one can.

Overhaul's words are enough to enrage Tomura.Remembering his master's training, he uses the Force to search through his mind, only to find that it is completely shattered.But there is one thing that stands out from man's broken mind.A twisted image of his true tormentor, the devil himself.

Shigaraki stops with his mind probe when he finds what he's looking for, only for his emotions to boil into anger.He mutters to himself.

Shigaraki: So... he took them.Damn him.

Shigaraki decides to let some steam out for his revenge against Overhaul.

Shigaraki: You know what I think, Overhaul?Someone so obsessed with erasing quirks shouldn't have one of their own...

He reaches his left hand out and touches his remaining arm, disintegrating it.If only he realize that Overhaul is actually quirkless.

Shigaraki: And if we don't cut that off, your whole body will turn to dust.

Shigaraki pulls out a knife and proceeds to cut off the disintegrating arm, leaving a bloody mess.Inspire of the painful process of losing another arm, Overhaul doesn't even give a reaction to it.This enrages Shigaraki even more, thinking that he should just take the legs as well.But before he does anything, Malgus approaches him.

Malgus: That's enough, my apprentice.

Shigaraki refrains himself from doing anything else to Overhaul.

Malgus: Did you find them?

Shigaraki: No master, Vader took them.

Malgus gives a disappointed look, but not to his apprentice, but for the mission.Malgus and Shigaraki look down at the charred Overhaul, who is still conscious.Overhaul's eyes dart towards the Sith Lord that stands before him, feeling the darkness emitting from him.

Malgus: We may not have them, but now we have you, the man who knows how to make them.

Overhaul begins violently shake from Malgus' response.And he doesn't like the way it sounds.Malgus lowers himself down at Overhaul with his yellow eyes, menacingly.

Malgus: I have plans for you, Kai Chisaki...


It is currently morning, and the sun is shining over the city.We find Vader at the hospital with Piett and Eri.

They arrived to the hospital when Vader returned to Piett's apartment, letting him know that it's finished.They spent the whole night at the hospital with Eri being taken care of.

Vader sits next with Eri, who is sleeping on the bed.He gently strokes the little girls hair as he watches over her.A knock is heard from the door, and Piett goes to check it out.He opens the door to see Detective Naomasa.

Piett: Ah, good morning, detective.How can we help you?

Naomasa: Good morning, Piett.I am here to discuss something with Vader.

Vader stops stroking Eri's hair and looks over to Naomasa.He stands up from his seat and approaches the detective.

Naomasa: There is something we need to talk about.

He gestures for Vader to step outside the room for a private discussion.Vader nods at him and leaves Piett with Eri to watch over.

When he steps outside, he sees other people who are expecting him.Sir Nighteye, Izuku, and a boy Vader is not familiar with.

Vader: I take it that this is about the Yakuza.

Naomasa: Yeah... We also came here to check on the girl you brought in this morning.

Vader: She's doing alright.

Naomasa: That's good.

Naomasa gestures his hand to Sir Nighteye and the boy, bother Vader is not familiar with.

Naomasa: This is Mirio Togata, known as Lemillion, third year student at UA.

Lemillion: Good to meet you, sir.

He and Vader shake hands for a bit and Vader turns towards Sir Nighteye.

Naomasa: This is Mirai Sasaki, known as Sir Nighteye.His agency was investigating the Shie Hassaikai.That was until you took them all down, except for the leader, who was taken to to the villain hospital.

Vader smirks underneath his mask, knowing Overhaul will live the rest of his life as a burnt vegetable and will no longer hurt anyone.

Naomasa: But I have some bad news.Earlier, the league of Villains raided the convoy carrying Overhaul and now he's missing.The heroes and police are currently into the looking into the whereabouts of the League of Villains and Overhaul.We'll find them.

Vader cursed to himself from the inside, thinking that he should've finish the job when he had the chance.

Sir Nighteye: I heard a lot about you, Vader.The first hero with the right to take lives, must be gruesome.

He extends his hand out for Vader to take, and he does.When Vader shakes his hand, he looks at the mask's lenses and activates his quirk to see his future.

Everything that surrounds Sir Nighteye sinks into a void.He receives a Vision from the future, and what he finds is horrifying.


In the vision, he sees something that would forever stay in his memory.He sees a ghostly figure, instead of Vader.It is almost as if the figure is facing off against someone, but who?

The vision fades away from Sir Nighteye and returns to reality.


Sir Nighteye shows no visible reaction, but he is in shock in the inside.

Sir Nighteye: It's good to finally meet you in person, Vader.

Vader: Likewise.

They finish with the quick handshake.They ask Vader questions about the raid and what exactly he did, trying to put the pieces together for what exactly went down.Vader takes his time to gives them answers in every detail.The only thing Vader did not tell them, are the quirk-destroying bullets he took from Overhaul before burning him alive.

With the short interview out of the way, Vader returns to Eri's room, along with the heroes to see her.Vader tells them about how he found her in an alleyway, and how he rescued her from Overhaul's henchmen.He even tells them how Overhaul did cruel experiments on her.They begin to have mixed emotions, mixed with sadness and anger.

An few hours have gone by, Vader is alone with Piett and Eri, who is waking up from her sleep.She opens her eyes to see her savior waiting for her.

Vader: Hello there.

Eri: V-vader!

Vader leans in for Eri to hug as they embrace each other.She clings on tight to him and sobs in joy of seeing him again.

Eri: I-I missed you.

Vader gently pats her back in comfort.

Vader: I missed you too, young one.How are you feeling?

Eri: I feel good.Thank you so much!

They spend the next hour together, and Vader feels something within him that he has never felt in a while, something that of a loving father.

Eri: I-is he gone?Is the bad man gone?

Vader remembers how he took pleasure of burning Overhaul alive back at the Yakuza compound, but he knows he is taken by the League of Villains.At least he will not be able to lay one of his crispy fingers on her since his quirk is gone.

Vader: Yes.He will no longer hurt you.

He feels Eri's compassion for him.Almost like she views him as a father figure.And it warms his heart up.

They would spend the time bonding together.Vader would leave the room to return with some food for her and learning that she loves apples, so he would return with even more apples for her to eat.Her eyes sparkle in joy and satisfaction, like a kid getting Christmas presents.

Piett watches them with a smile on his face, wiping a tear off his cheek.He never seen this side of Vader, before.

But is didn't last forever, Naomasa returns to them with some news.

Vader: To what do we owe the pleasure, detective?

Naomasa: I have some news that regards Eri.Is now a good time?

Vader nods at him in approval.

Naomasa: We did a background check on her and... she... will be staying here at the hospital.Her parents... abandon her.She has no relatives to stay with.

Piett is in disbelief from what he is hearing.Eri will have to stay at the hospital, due to having no one there for her.As for Vader, let's just say he isn't taking it any better than Piett.But Eri is the one who is hurt the most.

Piett: What???

Naomasa let's out a sigh for bringing in the bad news.

Naomasa: I know.But she has no one to be with, by law, she will have to stay here.She will be taken to a room that will be kid friendly.I'm sorry.

Eri sheds rears upon hearing that she will stay here.

Eri: No... Please no!I don't want to stay here.I want to leave with him!

Naomasa holds the urge to shed a tear, feeling guilty for bringing the bad news.

Naomasa: I'm sorry.But there is nothing we can do.But don't worry, sweetie.The hospital will give you special care, nothing will happen to you.They even have toys for you to play with.

Eri: Toys?

Naomasa: Yes, sweetie.You will be able to play around with them have some fun.You have my word.

Eri: I guess that sounds... good.

Eri lowers her head in sadness, thinking that she won't leave with Vader.Vader is disappointed with the fact that she has to stay, until an idea pops up.

Vader: Can we talk... in private?

Naomasa: Of course, Vader.

Vader and Naomasa leaves the room, while Piett comforts Eri by giving her gentle head pats.

Naomasa: What is it you want to ask, Vader?

Vader: Your phone.May I see it?

Naomasa: Sure.What do you need it for?

Vader: You'll see.

With trust, Naomasa hands Vader his phone to use.Vader types in a few words and taps onto a link.He shows Naomasa the phone, leaving him stunned.

Vader: I know what I have to do.And I have the strength and will for it.

Naomasa: Are you sure you want to go through it?

Vader: ...For Eri.


It has been a few days since Vader visited Eri.He would drop by every day along with Piett, Naomasa, Izuku, and Mirio.But today is a special day.

Eri is currently in the play room with Izuku and Mirio.They watch over her as she plays with some toys, but notice the look on her face.Almost as if she feels sad.

Izuku: Eri?What's wrong?

Eri: Vader... Is he coming?

Izuku: O-oh...

Eri: Will he come here to visit me?

Izuku: Of course!You know how much he cares for you.I'm sure that he's just busy for to-

The door to Eri's room suddenly opens up, revealing Vader accompanied with Naomasa and Piett.

Izuku: -day...

Mirio: There he is, Eri!

Eri calls out for her savior, in relief that he is here.

Eri: Vader!

With a smile on his face, Vader gets down on one knee as Eri rushes to him for a hug.They embrace each other.

Eri: I was worried that I would never see you again!

Vader: You know that I'm not going anywhere.I have something to tell you Eri.

Eri releases her hug from Vader as she looks at the mask with curiosity.

Vader: You will no longer be staying here.You're coming with me, to your new home.

She lets out a gasp upon hearing that.

Izuku: Wait, isn't she supposed to stay here.

Naomasa: Well... there has been a change of plans.Piett here has something to show you.

Piett pulls out a folder containing documents.He shows them to Izuku and Mirio.They are in shock upon reading them.

Izuku: No way!This is amazing!

Mirio: They're adoption papers!This is great news.

Eri is confused from what they're talking about.She then looks back at Vader an asks him a question.

Eri: Vader, what's going on?

Vader: Eri, you are coming home with me, and by law, you are now my daughter.

Upon hearing that, Eri's eyes widen when she hears that.

Eri: W-wait... do you mean...

Vader places a hand on her shoulder with a proud look on his face.

Vader: Yes, Eri... I am your father.

Eri immediately gives Vader a bear hug and sheds tears of joy when she hears that.Vader returns her with a soft and gentle hug.

Eri: Papa... You're my new papa...

Vader: Yes, daughter.I am.

Everyone in the room begins to clap for Eri having a new father, one that will always be there for her.Vader and Eri separate from their hug.

Vader: Let's go home, my daughter.

It is currently the next day after Vader adopts Eri as his daughter.We find the father and daughter back at UA school grounds.Specifically, inside of a building that has been constructed for people who are force sensitive, Vader's academy.

The academy has a design similar to the student dormitories, But it does have some major differences.

Firstly, the building has 6 floors, 5 floors for the future students, and the 6th floor for Vader's new quarters.Vader's quarters is designed with one hallway at the middle, with 4 rooms at each side, and 1 door at the end of the hallway.

For the left side of the hallway, each door leads to the medical chamber, the bacta tank chamber, the maintenance chamber, and the meditation chamber.On the right side, the doors lead to the common room, Eri's bedroom, the bathroom, and an empty room.For the door at the end of the hall, it leads to Vader's luxurious office.

Next, the academy has a courtyard at the back.The courtyard is where Vader's students will practice and train with their abilities of the Force, and will learn lightsaber combat.

And last but not least, the front of the school has a sign on the front that reads "Knights of the Force".

Now, back to the story.

We find Vader and Eri at the bottom floor, where the kitchen is located at.Vader has his protocol droid prep a warm breakfast for his daughter as she watches the droid cook for her.

She was in awe at the sight of seeing a robot for the very first time, and she even loved her father more when he told her that he built the droid, himself.

The droid flips a pancake with a pan as it hums a song to himself to brighten up the morning for Eri and Vader.He finishes the breakfast and puts the pancake on a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon on the side.

Protocol droid: And, breakfast is served!Here you go, young Eri.

He places the plate on the table in front of Eri, as her stomach let's out a loud growl from the smell of the food in front of her.

Protocol droid: Goodness!You must be starving!

Eri let's out a small giggle from the droid's playful reaction.Vader helps her by cutting the pancakes into pieces for her.Every bite she tastes, makes her feel like her soul ascends to heaven.She enjoys every bite she tastes from the food.

Eventually, Eri finishes with her food, leaving an empty plate with not a single crumb left.She accidentally let's out a burp.

Eri: S-sorry.

Vader smiles at her and gently ruffles her hair.

Vader: It's alright, Eri.You are human, after all.

Eri notices that Vader does not have a plate of food for himself, she grows concerned for him.

Eri: Papa.Where is your food?

Vader thinks to himself on how he is going to tell her about his old injuries, and his cybernetic implants.

Vader: I... don't require to eat, Eri.My body is not the same as it once been.

Eri worries for her father, hearing that he might actually be hurt this entire time.

Eri: Does it hurt, papa?

Vader's eyes widen in surprise upon hearing her say that.His life support suit may have been greatly altered to no longer torment him, but his body still aches in pain.His skin still bears the constant pain filling reminder of his defeat on Mustafar.Even worse, his scratchy synthetic skin still irritates him as usual.

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Vader: Yes.But It is something that I've come to terms with, my daughter.

Eri answers Vader with hesitation.

Eri: I... I can help you if you are hurt, papa.

He knows where she is going with this.Before they left the hospital, Vader learned about Eri's quirk.She has the ability to reverse a living beings body back at its previous state.Basically, she can heal someone's injuries and make them younger.But there's always a catch.She could reverse someone far back before they existed.This can mean problems for her, but that's what her father is there for.Vader will help with training her quirk.

Vader: Though I do not doubt the sincerity of your offer... I respectfully decline, Eri.I have long come to terms with my... condition.

Eri frowns when she hears this.But the way he said it is almost as if he believes that he is not worthy of being healed.

Eri: Okay...

Vader decides to put an end to her rain clouds and asks her something that would make her feel better.

Vader: Now, now, little one.I know what would make you feel better.

Eri's frown is replaced with a look of curiosity.

Vader: How about we go to the mall and buy you some toys and clothes for you?I'll even get more apples on the way back.

Eri does not know anything about the mall, but when she hears the word of her favorite fruit, she is sold.She then gasps in excitement.


Vader and Eri are currently walking through the mall, looking for toys for Eri.

Eri is wearing a small red sundress and a small hat over her horn, and she is pleased with it.Vader is wearing his brown cape and robes instead of his black ones.

Eri makes sure to stay close to her father and hold onto his hand.She prefers to ignore the crowds of people that made her nervous, especially when everyone recognizes Vader.

People were taking pictures of them, some even approached Vader to ask for an autograph.

When the people left them alone, they walk past a store that catches Eri's attention.She stops in place, causing Vader to stop as well.

Vader: Eri, are you alright?

Eri: Papa, look!

Eri points at the store she is looking at.There, in the store window, are merchandise of Vader.Eri presses herself on the glass with stars in her eyes.Eri rushes inside the store.Vader sighs to himself, he's going to have to buy all of it.

Vader follows his daughter around the store as he pays for anything that catches her eye.Action figures, t-shirts, posters, a limited edition statue, and even replicas of his lightsaber and mask.

When they finish gathering the merches, Vader beings them to the cashier to pay for them, and she chuckles at Eri's excitement.The cashier decides to make a joke with Vader.

Cashier: Buying merchandise of yourself?

Vader: For my daughter.

The cashier smiles at his statement, realizing that the little girl next to Vader is actually his daughter.

Cashier: I didn't know that you have a daughter.Vader as a father, huh?To be honest, you're my personal favorite hero, sir.

Vader pays with his card and a small smile forms on his face.It feels... nice.It feels good when people look up to you.The cashier looks down at Eri as she puts the merchandise in the bags.

Cashier: And little girl, you have a great father looking out for you.

Eri's eyes sparkles from the cashier's compliment, knowing that there are people who likes her father.

After buying the merches, they leave the mall.Vader brings Eri to the grocery store and to purchase nearly every apple-related the store has to offer.They leave the store and Eri happily bites down on an apple.


It is currently night.Vader puts Eri to sleep in her bedroom.He had to stay with her for a bit, due to her being afraid of the dark.So, he read her a bedtime story and succeeds on putting her to sleep.He puts the book away and heads to his medical chamber for maintenance on his suit for the night.

A few hours go by, and Eri wakes up from a nightmare of her tormentor, Overhaul.She looks around for her father, only to find him nowhere in the bedroom.She gets off of the bed and leaves her bedroom.At the hallway, she finds a little mouse droid rolling around.Eri finds the little droid to be cute, so she chases it around for a few seconds, playing a game of tag with the droid.

The mouse droid runs off to the medical chamber, and Eri follows it.She enters inside, only to find a sight that makes her heart sink.

Eri sees a man with missing limbs, charred skin, and cybernetic implants on his body.Deep down her heart, she knows that this man is her father.She tries to get the attention of Vader.

Eri: V-vader?

No response.Vader is in deep meditation, while his suit is under maintenance.He can't hear her.Eri slowly approaches her father until she is right in front him.

Eri: Papa???

Eri begins to get scared for her father, thinking that he is dying.But in reality, he is not.She clings onto her father and buries her face on his abdomen, and cries.She is scared of losing him.

Eri: Please... don't go... Don't leave me.

Something unique happens.Something stirs within Vader's body.Suddenly, all of the cybernetic implants begin to be pushed out of his body and fall to the floor, drenched in blood.His legs and left arm begins to grow at a rapid rate as it pushes off the mechno-limbs.His skin begins to regenerate from its previous state.And hair begins to grow on his head.

Eri: I don't want to be... alone, again.

Vader immediately opens his eyes as he wakes up from his meditation, feeling Eri pressing against his abdomen.He is surprised to see her when he looks down to see her clinging onto him for dear life.

Vader: Eri?

Eri looks up with tears running down her cheeks.But she is in shock when she sees the new look on her father's face.

Eri: Papa!

Vader realizes to himself that his voice sounds younger.His body is healed, and feels much younger.He is in shock when he sees his left arm, his legs, and his skin is regenerated.He immediately takes off the nebulizer mask, and the harness holding him up.He stumbles when he tries to walk, not used to the return of his legs.He leans against the operating table and catches his breath as Eri follows him, not used to feeling his body as whole.He gathers his composure and walks when he feels better, he succeeds.He walks towards a counter to pick up a small mirror, and is in shock to see a younger version of himself staring back at him.

He is in astonishment at what has happen to himself.The only part of him that has not been healed is his right arm, which still has its mechno-arm.He places down the mirror and looks down at Eri with a worried look.

Vader: Eri, what happened?

Eri's voice quivers as she tries to answer him.

Eri: I... I... I used my quirk on you.I-I didn't mean to... I... had no control.I'm sorry.

She lowers her head as tears roll down her face, dripping down to the floor.Silence takes over the medical chamber.Eri stares down at the floor in shame, preparing herself for a bombardment of insults or beatings for disobeying her father.

Instead of insults and beatings, Eri feels Vader's hand gently placed on her head.He gently pats her hair in a playful matter.

Vader: I guess we're even, then... Thank you, Eri.

Eri looks up at her father's blue eyes, who is smiling at her.More tears begin to roll down her face.But they are tears of happiness.Happiness at the kindness and love shown by her father.The things Vader had done and the risks, just to save her.He is the only person who did all of it just for her.

In spite of Eri going against his decline to her offer, Vader is grateful for what she had done for him.He feels alive, and stronger with the Force.

Vader kneels down for Eri as they embrace each other in a hug.Eri buries her head on her father's shoulder, clinging onto him.

Eri: Vader...

Vader smiles as he gently pats her back, she means everything to him.

Anakin: Anakin.It's Anakin Skywalker, sweetie.

Eri: Anakin?... I... I love that name.

The Skywalkers hold onto each other for a little while longer.Eri means a lot to Anakin, thinking that she's too precious for this world.

Eri: I love you, papa...

Anakin: I love you too, Eri...

Sir Nighteye is currently scrolling through the computer, checking every news headlines about Vader's raid on the Yakuza base.

When he found out that the Yakuza, the organization that he has been investigating and trying to take down for years, is suddenly destroyed by Vader, he almost praise him.Keyword, almost.While he is glad Vader wiped them off the map, he didn't agreed with his brutal methods when it comes to taking the lives of criminals.

When Vader was a vigilante, the heroes did everything in their power to apprehend him, but to no avail.When the message came clear that he was not only killing villains, but saving lives, it gave them an idea.Have Vader on their side, they would be able to keep a closer eye and learn whatever they can from him.It was better to have him with them instead of against them.But for Sir Nighteye, he had some doubts for having Vader with them instead of locking him away in Tartarus for killing villains.He believed that no one deserves to die, and no hero should have the power of judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to killing off a villain.

But what really disturbs Sir Nighteye are the current events.The Yakuza massacre is a start.He couldn't get it out of his head after being at the scene, especially viewing the news footage of Vader burning Overhaul alive.

Another one of Sir Nighteye's disturbances is the abduction of Overhaul.He was able to get footage from the police car's dashcam and see the perpetrators.One of them is what caught his attention.He was barely able to get a look on the figure, but from what he can see, he wears a black cloak with a hood concealing his face.And he holds a weapon that is similar to Vader's weapon.Sir Nighteye thinks to himself that Vader might know who this man is, he'll have to ask him that in a later time.

And last but not least, the glimpse of Vader's future.He still remembers the ghostly figure that he cannot get out of his head.Sir Nighteye is not sure for what it could mean for Vader's future.He'll have to wait and see what his destiny will be.


An hour after Eri regenerates Anakin's body back to a younger age, she is put back to sleep in her bedroom.A shirtless Anakin is at the counter in the medical chamber, alongside with his protocol droid.On the counter, lays a small red case and blue case he took from Overhaul.

From what he is able to learn, the red case contains the red cartridges that are quirk-destroying drug, and they're capable damaging the genetic mechanisms that composes someone's quirk.

As for the blue case, they contain blue cartridges that are actually antidote serums.The serum nullifies the effects of the quirk-destroying bullets and restore the victim's quirk.

Anakin thinks to himself it's possible that there may be more of these quirk-destroying drugs out there, in the hands of other villains.So, he decides to be a step ahead if it were true.

Anakin: Droid, I need you to continue with our findings.Use the drug and antidote to replicate more antidote serums.Once you are done, report back to me for results.

Protocol Droid: Of course, master.

Anakin leaves the droid to its study and heads to the operating table, where his suit is neatly placed on.He gently picks up the mask as he stares at its lenses, on what he should do with it.He use to be more machine than man, now he can reach his full potential in the Force since his body is brought back at a younger age.He no longer needs the suit to keep him alive anymore, but it didn't feel right for him to just discard it.

Anakin: Perhaps you may have some further use for me after all.

Anakin's body is now at a height of 6"2 instead of 6"8, due to having his newly restored legs instead of having the cybernetic legs.Because of this, Anakin tinkers with his suit for the whole night, adjusting the armor to the correct height and the way he sees fit.

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The suit now has an exoskeleton underneath for helping support the weight of the heavy components and advanced mobility he could never achieve before.The surge protective gauntlet is now integrated within the leathery glove instead of having it exposed out in the open.The mask can now receive incoming voice calls from whoever needs him.

After hours of tinkering, Anakin stands proud over his work.He proceeds to put on the suit to see the results, head to toe.In the end, it fits him like a glove.

For the final touch, Anakin puts on the mask and the lenses' HUD comes to life as it goes through the suit's diagnostics in the language of galactic basic.

[Data acquired.]

Serial #: E-3778Q-1

Vital signs: Normal

Power Cell lvl: 100%

Oxygen lvl: 100%

Critical Damage: N/A

Xenobiotics: N/A

The doors open up from behind him, he turns around to see Eri in her pajamas, who just woke up.She rubs her eyes as she walks in the room.A smile forms on his face when he sees his daughter letting out a cute yawn.

Anakin: Good morning, Eri.

Eri smiles at Anakin and gives him a hug.He gently rustles with her hair in a playful manner.

Anakin brings Eri down to the main floor for breakfast, and let's just say that he is very happy to have his body back, and eat like a normal person with his taste buds pleasured from the delicious meal.


At the teacher's lounge, we find Nezu, Yagi, Aizawa, present mic, and Midnight talking about Class 1-A's Hero exam.Vader enters the lounge to everyone's surprise, he usually keeps himself away from everyone else.

Nezu: Good morning, Skywalker.

Vader nods at him and gets a cup of coffee for himself.He walks to a table with Nezu and Yagi and takes a seat.

Vader: I am here to bring news that everyone here might find... intriguing.

Nezu: What that might be?

Vader answers his question by reaching his hands to his helmet.The seal breaks as it lets out a hiss mask being removed, getting everyone's attention in the lounge.

Yagi: Wait Anakin, what are you doing?Don't you need that to breathe?

Vader ignores him and fully removes the mask to reveal the face of his younger self, leaving everyone in shock.Nezu spits out his tea and drops his cup as it shatters on the ground.

Yagi: Holy shit...


But the one who has the buggest reaction is Midnight.Her face is all tomato red for blushing so hard, and her body begins to heat up at the beautiful face of Anakin.There is only one thing that is going through her mind.

Midnight's thoughts:

Midnight begins to drool for a bit, zoned out from seeing the face of Anakin.Aizawa snaps his finger in front of her face to get her out of her trance.

Aizawa: Hey.Earth to Nemuri, are you there?

Midnight's lips stretch out in a grin and proceeds to get up close to Anakin.Everyone in the room sweatdrops, knowing exactly what the R-Rated Hero wants from the Dark Hero.

Midnight: Ara Ara.I never took our dark knight to be such a handsome young man.~

Aizawa: We're all right here.Get a room you two!

Anakin was about to sip from his coffee until his mind went blank as it rewinds the sentence he heard.

Anakin: I didn't catch that.Care to repeat what you just said?

Midnight smiles with a devilish grin on her face as she places a finger on his chest armor.

Midnight: Oh you heard me.How about we go out sometime so I can get to know you.What do you say Anakin?

Anakin does not know how to feel about the situation he is currently in right now.

Anakin: Although I am flattered from your confession, but I respectfully decline the offer, Kayama... Dating is not my interest.

Midnight and everyone in the room is flabbergasted from Anakin's response.Never in her whole life has anyone turned her down for a date.Men would kill just to be with her, but her in front of her is the first person to decline her.

Midnight: Playing hard to get are you pretty boy?I'll get what I want, eventually.

Anakin: I appreciate your offer, but I stand with my word.The answer is still no.

Disappointed, Midnight speaks in a calm voice as she pouts.

Midnight: Alright.

She backs away from Anakin to give him his space, but winks at him before she does so.Everyone in the room is still trying to process what just went down.

Yagi: What just happened?


There is only darkness in the room.How long has he been here for?Hours?Days?Or maybe weeks?Overhaul lays on a cold flat table, with strange machines and a doctor performing surgery on him.The only source of light is the one shining right above him.

He couldn't scream when he feels every cut being inflicted on him when they performed surgery on his charred and burned body.He can feel them poking his brain and what's left of his organs.

His remaining limbs are replaced with cybernetic limbs, but he couldn't move them as they are pinned down on the operating table.His arms are replaced with cybernetic limb fused with the flesh with metal claw-tipped fingers.

Tubes fused with his flesh can be seen sticking out of his upper body.His lower body is completely gone, only to be replaced with a cybernetic spinal cord to replace his broken back, cybernetic implants, and what's left of his functioning organs that can be seen.

For his head, his jaw has been completely removed, with tubes sticking inside his mouth.What's left of his neck has been covered with more cybernetic implants, tubes, and wires.Most of the skin on his head has been torn, revealing metal beneath his skin.And his left eye has been replaced with a cybernetic eye, glowing in red.

He wants this to stop.All that Overhaul wishes for is death, so the pain can finally end.There is only one thing that he can think of in his mind, and that is what his tormentor said to him before he sealed his fate and took everything from him.

Your pain... has just begun.

The machines finish with the surgery and proceed to close up Overhaul's chest.The doctor places a new plague doctor mask on Overhaul to cover up the hideous face of his.The doctor and the machines back away from him and two figures step out of the darkness, revealing to be Darth Malgus and Tomura Shigaraki.They stare down at the twisted Overhaul.

The room's warmth fades away due to Malgus' presence.His sulfur yellow eyes stare down at the cybernetic reconstructed Overhaul with daggers.

Malgus: You should have accepted our offer... when you had the chance, Chisaki...


It has already been a long day for Vader.He had to explain how his daughter accidentally rewind his body back to peak condition, rendering him at a young age.But aside that, today is the day.Yuri is at the front gate of UA, where she will be under the training of Vader.She feels a lot of emotions.The exciting thoughts of being trained by the hero she admires.The feeling of fear of failing him and not becoming what Vader sees in her.She feels conflicted from them, but brushes them aside, knowing that that's what Vader is here for, to train her and help her along the way.The front gate opens up, Principal Nezu and Vader steps into view for then.

Nezu: Good morning Ms. Fukuda.We are glad to see that you arrived.I am Principal Nezu of UA.

Yuri smiles at Nezu and greets him.

Yuri: Good morning sir.

Yuri and Nezu turns their attention for Vader's introduction.He places both hands on his mask and proceeds to take it off, allowing a hiss to escape.Yuri is in shock when she sees the face of her hero.She never thought that he would be this good looking.

Anakin: It is good to see you, young Fukuda.My name is Anakin Skywalker, and I am most pleased to have you with us.


Yuri: O-oh... my... god...

Yuri's face turns tomato red and begins to have a nosebleed. She faints to the ground, surprising Anakin and Nezu. Anakin sighs as he places his mask back on. It's going to be one of those days.


It's all that he can feel...

Nothing but sheer agony...

This is his personal hell...

In a dark room, lies a man in black robes and a plague doctor mask that covers what's left of his mangled body.

The man jolts awake from the sound of his own metallic and hellish breathing.He tries to move his arms and legs but to no avail, due to them being chained down on the operating table.He clenches his fists into a ball, using all of his strength to break free, but it's no use.

The man is wearing dark robes with a strange armor he is not familiar with.Repairs are being made upon.Covered by the robes, he feels his chest fused with a metal panel that seems to be a life support system, forcing him to inhale and exhale.He can hear himself breathing, it comes hard and harsh.It scrapes his raw nerves but he cannot stop it, he cannot even slow it down.He doesn't even have lungs anymore.Mechanisms hardwired into Overhaul's chest breathe for him, they will forever pump oxygen into his bloodstream.His entire spinal cord had to be replaced with cybernetics to allow him the ability to walk again.His charred skin is replaced with synthetic skin, making it with a color mixed with gray and green.He can feel the small cybernetic implants within his insides and his veins, creating sheer amount of pain that he never thought would be possible.

In a panic, Overhaul struggles to break free from his prison, but it's no use.He feels the table rise up, to where he is face to face to the man who made him a slave.The Sith Lord himself,Darth Malgus.

Malgus stands there with his arms crossed, cloaked in his black robes that conceal his face.His Sith yellow eyes stares at Overhaul with a look of disappointment.

Malgus: You disappointment me, Chisaki.You had... such promise... You could've helped Shigaraki on his journey... You could've become a powerful ally.But now...

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Malgus sounded very disappointed for what Overhaul had become.Such potential had gone to waste.

Malgus: You have nothing... But I may still have small use for you... You will do my apprentice's bidding as a mindless slave... until we will find someone with much more potential than you... Like the Yakuza that worked under you... you will be cast aside...

Overhaul's eye widens in shock of the dark revelations of his fate.He is no longer free, he is nothing but a slave.A tool and a weapon.

Malgus: Finish him.

With Malgus' order.The doctor and the machines that are standing by, move up close to Overhaul to finish reconstructing him, causing him to let out a deep horrific scream of agony.His screams begin to no longer sound human, but a monster howling in pain.He is not even human anymore.

He is now a slave trapped in a suit that keeps him alive but tortures him at the same time.He is no longer what he once was, but a broken and twisted version of the man he used to be...

This is his punishment...

This is the new Overhaul...

There are some things far more frightening than death...


It has been a few days since Yuri has been brought into UA.Throughout her training, Vader trained her with her connection through the Force which was difficult for her, and taught her how to build her lightsaber.

During her time under Vader's tuition, she had grown quickly comfortable at her new school.Vader had taught her beginners class for what she needs to know about the force, the basic knowledge of the Jedi and the Sith, and lightsaber combat.Due to him not having the full knowledge of a normal school teacher, he assigned his protocol droid to take care of normal school classes such as math, literature, biology, world history, etc.

Overall, they had grown comfortable with each other.Yuri even went as far as introducing Vader to literature and poetry as a token of her gratitude for taking her into his tuition.He was fascinated with the topics of poetry, his personal topics are that of being classical, horror, mystery, and narrative.There was one poetry that stood out to Vader, it had him ponderint about the mournful and never-ending remembrance of his old life.

Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."


Yuri Is currently sitting in the middle of the courtyard in a meditating position by herself.She dons a new set of purple robes requested to her liking, much similar to that of a Jedi.

She practices with her connection with the Force, focusing on lifting up the pebbles to create a pillar.She struggles with her concentration, trying to lift them up.She succeeds when the pebbles begin to slowly float up in the air, piecing together a pillar.She lets go of the multitude of pebbles and they drop to the ground, creating a repeating crashing sound of rocks hitting the ground.

Yuri opens her eyes when she hears the voice of her master from behind.

Vader: Most impressive young one.You've done well.

Yuri turns around to face Vader, who is currently wearing his suit and set of brown robes and cape.

Yuri: I was beginning to think you were not coming, master.

Vader: Then perhaps I stand more of a chance.Are you ready?

In answer, Yuri removes her robes and pulls her lightsaber hilt from her belt, and ignites it to reveal its lavender blade.


Yuri: Always, master.

Vader smirks as he grabs his lightsaber hilt and the red blade hisses to life upon ignition.


Vader: Let's go.

(Insert music for the fight)

Vader patiently waits for Yuri to make her first strike to see if she has made improvements on her training from the last few days.Yuri quickly lunges at Vader, but he repels the blow with ease.

Yuri decides to tune up with her attacks while Vader stays on the defense, having have their blades lock with one another.With quick movements and quick learning from Vader's teachings, Yuri aggressively drives him back, forcing Vader to use defensive tactics.At the last moment, she lifts her leg up and sends a kick at Vader to make some space from each other.

Vader: You have learned much, young one... And not half-bad.

Yuri: I aim to please, master.

Vader: Still... your technique lacks something...

Yuri's tactics do indeed lack something.Vader just can't pinpoint what it is at the moment.

Yuri continues with her aggressive attack and their blades lock with one another once more.Vader decides to turn the tables to test Yuri's defenses by taking the offense.He swings heavy attacks with his lightsaber, staggering Yuri and pushing her away from him.

Vader lets himself fall into the familiar stance of Form V lightsaber combat: Djem So, merged with Form IV: Ataru, due to spending most of his life with a charred body and heavy durasteel limbs that didn't allow him the mobility he had when he was younger.But now with his body recovered, he is more powerful than ever.

Yuri falls under the stance of Form III: Soresu.Remembering Vader's teaching of this lightsaber form, she prepares herself to go onto the defense against her master.

The two of them circle each other with complete focus.Vader rushes at Yuri and their lightsabers clash with such intense.

The red blade dances with the lavender blade as Vader overpowers her, keeping Yuri on her toes.He spins, which Yuri synchronizes with a crouch, blocking his strike.He lets Yuri go on the offense to study her tactics and see what she is missing.

Vader carefully studies her movements to pinpoint her error as he pushes on with his heavy and aggressive attacks, wearing down Yuri.He carries on with the offense and their blades lock, causing both blades to create sparks as they collide with one another.Yuri pushes with all of her might as she tries to overpower Vader as the sound of their lightsabers growl at each other fills their ears.


With everything he had witnessed, Vader realized what the error was in Yuri's tactics in lightsaber combat.

Vader: Now I see.You deny your weapon its purpose.

Yuri has been trying to strike Vader in non-lethal areas of him, for she is trying to avoid lethal blows that would kill someone.

Yuri's eyes widen in shock at his statement.Vader smirks under the mask at her reaction, she has broken her focus.With their blades lock with one another, Vader let's go of his left hand off his lightsaber, moving it back and stretching it out as he uses the Force to send Yuri tumbling away from him and throw her off balance.

Yuri immediately gets up as she composes herself and blocks the oncoming attacks from Vader, under quick reaction.

In two quick moves, Vader breaks through her defense and hooks Yuri's lightsaber out of her hand, sending it flying away from her.

Yuri falls on her back when Vader towers over her with the tip of his lightsaber pointing directly at her chin.

Vader: Yield.

(End the music)

Vader extinguishes his lightsaber as he clips it on his belt and helps Yuri up on her feet when he offers her hand to take.Vader uses the Force to bring Yuri's lightsaber from the ground to his hand.

Vader: You have the potential to become a great warrior, Yuri.Your lightsaber yearns to bathe in the blood of the worst of the villains in this world... but you hold it back.Know this, your need to hold yourself back will be your undoing, it will get yourself and others around you killed.Until you overcome it, you will still be a padawan under my wings.

Yuri: I... I understand, master.

Yuri brushes the dust off her robes and sighs in defeat.Vader decides that she should at least see the bright side.

Vader: No need to be hard on yourself.This is why you are under training.The Force is strong with you, young Fukuda... But you are not a warrior yet.You just need time to multitask with your new abilities in lightsaber combat and the Force.

Yuri blushes at his statement, almost making him chuckle.Vader studies Yuri's lightsaber, how she had construct it to her liking and how she sees fit.

Vader: My old master once told me that my lightsaber is an extension to myself, a way to funnel your power.It is my life and I shall never lose it.I want you to remember that as well, young one.

He offers Yuri's lightsaber to her, and she takes it.Vader has the feeling that his Obi-Wan would be proud of him.

Yuri: Yes master.

The two are interrupted by someone clapping their small hands.They turn around to see who their spectator is, and it is none other than the little angel, Eri Skywalker.

Eri: Yay papa!

Vader blushes under his mask from the sight of his daughter cheering for him.

Vader's thoughts: My heart... why must it feel so warm.


Nemuri is currently looking for Vader to inform him about the school festival that is coming soon.She voluntarily chose to do this task from principal Nezu, because she wants to get up close to Vader and see if she can find a way for him to open up to her and find out why he has been keeping his distance from her.

Midnight is currently right at the front entrance of Vader's academy.She gently opens the door and steps inside, taking a look around the common room.No one seems to be home, or so it seems.Midnight is about to head upstairs to find him, but catches a glimpse of someone at the courtyard.She peeks out to see Vader without his mask on, meditating with Yuri.He is currently helping Yuri on her connection with the Force so she can become stronger with it.She looks to her left to see the protocol droid helping out Eri, practicing her quirk on bugs with missing limbs and trying to keep it under her control.And the droid would sometimes teach her how to smile since she forgot how to.

Back with Midnight, she focuses back to Anakin and a devilish smirk forms on her face.She approaches him while swerving her hips left and right, and lowers herself to ear level with Anakin.She gently whispers to him with a lustful intention.

Midnight: Hey there hot stuff~

Anakin does not respond to her.It's almost as if he doesn't even acknowledge her presence.

Midnight: Anakin?

She pokes on the cheek of his face,m in an attempt to get his attention, but with no success.Feeling concerned that something is wrong with him, Midnight gets in front of Anakin and kneels down as she shakes him and repeatedly calls out for him to wake him up.

No response...

But she did get the response from Yuri and Eri, both with concerning looks.

Eri: What's wrong with papa?

Midnight gently holds onto Anakin's hand in an attempt to move him.But everything around her fades away into darkness, leaving only with her and Anakin, who is still meditating.She watches as he too vanishes into the darkness, leaving her alone for what she is about to witness...

In a nice and cozy living room, we find a charming senior man with glasses and a mustache reading a book by a fireplace.He flips a page as he hums to himself and turns the page.He adjusts his glasses as he continues on with the book he is enjoying.

He stops reading his book and looks at YOU, the reader.A charming warm smile forms on his face.

Stan Lee: Ah, didn't see you there.Long time no see, ol' friend.Please, get comfortable for wherever your at and relax.

He closed his book and puts it aside for the story he has in mind.

Stan Lee: Tell me, did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Vader, the Chosen One?

You probably had heard or probably not heard of the story.But we'll just go with no.

Stan Lee: I thought not, it's not a story many would tell you.It's a Sith Legend.

Stan pulls out a blank book and opens it to the story he is about to read to you.He takes a sip of water before he begins with the story of the Chosen One.

Stan Lee:

"Darth Vader was once a Jedi Knight, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker.He was so powerful, he even had the potential to become one of the most powerful Jedi ever.Some even believed he was the prophesied Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.

Unfortunately, Anakin was filled with sorrow and grief, which made him angry.Because of this, it made him desperate to gain the knowledge to keep the ones he cared about from dying.He learned that it was not possible to gain this power from a Jedi's perspective, and that he would have to use the Dark Side of the Force to harness this power.Anakin was then seduced by the Dark Side of the Force by his new master, Darth Sidious, and Anakin was given a new name, Darth Vader.

Darth Vader was the biggest Jedi killer in the Galaxy, and he struck fear to anyone who heard his name, or anyone who even laid eyes upon him.But, behind that fearsome mask was a man who was crippled, broken, depressed and emotionally hurt.After all he had done, he ended up losing everything.

Vader had many enemies and adversaries throughout his life.But his greatest enemy is an unexpected one.Not the rebels.Not the Jedi.Not even Darth Sidious, the man who manipulated him.

His greatest enemy is himself.The Dark Side fueled his hate, and he really hated himself, believing he was the one who killed his pregnant wife, who betrayed the Jedi, who even murdered children.He believed he was beyond redemption.

Vader's entire identity of his existence depended on the suppression and total annihilation of what he once was, the name that he had forgotten.

Anakin is gone... I am what remains

Anakin was weak.I destroyed him.

That name no longer has any meaning for me.

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Vader was all but lost.Within the pitch black void that consumed the fallen angel, there was light.That light was someone who never gave up on him.A savior.A hero.A son.

I've accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father.

It is the name of your true self, you've only forgotten.

Luke Skywalker showed his father that redemption was possible.Darth Vader turned back to the light, after seeing the torture of his son with his master's Force lightning.Vader killed his master, while in the process, the lightning critically damaged his life support suit, which ended up killing him.Thanks to his son, he fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One and brought balance to the Force.

Vader was a slave his entire life.Even when he was freed, he was still a slave to the Jedi and the Sith...


He ended up killing them both."

The scene fades away into the darkness, along with Stan Lee.The sound of a faint mechanical breathing and humming of a lightsaber is heard, as his name is revealed for the title.....KHOOOOH PUUUHRR


Midnight gently holds onto Anakin's hand in an attempt to move him.But everything around her fades away into darkness, leaving only with her and Anakin, who is still meditating.She watches as he too vanishes into the darkness, leaving her alone for what she is about to witness...

She looks around in fear and confusion, only for a bright light to appear and cast out the darkness, finding herself in a town with strange people.

Lawless.poor.lowlife gangs.Sand... it's everywhere.Midnight had to rub off the sand that got caught on her face and hair.She aimlessly walks around this new world, trying to find any clues for where she is at.Many of the natives speak in languages that she could not comprehend or recognize.

She makes her first stop and approaches a small and strange hooded creature with its eyes glowing in a bright yellow.She asks it where she is at, only for it to reply to her in a language that sounds like gibberish to her.She left it shortly after the little creature seemed like it was obviously trying to scam her into buying its products, if you can even call a piece of junk a product.

Midnight continues with her exploration of this new world for a while, and stops for a rest from the heat ...of 2 suns?

Before she can even ponder more about why there are 2 suns, the sound of someone tripping over and a young voice is heard.

Midnight turns her head to the source and find that it belongs to a child.What catches her attention from the boy is that he is the only one she knows that speaks English in this world, a language that she is familiar with.

She approaches the child as he picks himself up from the ground and wipes the sand off of himself.She clears her throat out to ready herself to speak english and get the boy's attention.He turns around and sees the R-rated hero that stands in front of him.

Midnight: Hey there, kid.You okay?

???: Woah!Your outfit is so wizard!

Midnight had to hold in her laughter otherwise she would've roll on the sand.If only she knew that wizard has a different meaning in this galaxy.

Midnight: Thanks, I guess.What is a little boy like yourself doing out here in the heat?

???: I am just going home after a long day.I don't want my mom to worry for me.

Midnight hums to herself.The boy's face seems somewhat familiar to her.But she couldn't pinpoint who.

Midnight: Tell you what.How about I walk you home for your safety.

???: Mom said not to talk to strangers.

Midnight: And yet, here you are talking to me.


Midnight: Let's start over.My name is Midnight, the R-rated hero.And you are?

Anakin: My name is Anakin.

Midnight's eyes widen she hears the boy's name, now realizing who he is.Maybe she can find out more about him when she takes him home.

Midnight: Now, how about the offer from before?Would you mind if I escort you home?

Anakin: I guess...

Midnight: Great!Lead the way kiddo.


During the walk, Midnight asked some questions about Anakin.But nothing too personal.

Midnight: So kid, what do you like to do out here in the middle of the dessert?

Anakin: Oh, I can race pods!

Midnight: Race pods?

Anakin: Yeah, as in pod racing!

She thinks to herself that it must be something similar to auto racing.But he is so young!Why would a child be racing?

Midnight: May I ask why you like to race?

Anakin: Watto makes me do it so I can win money for him.

Midnight: Wait, he makes you do it?Why?

She watches as Anakin stops walking, his face becomes that of an unhappy look, which seems very suspicious.Midnight gets down to one knee, leveling herself with the young skywalker.

Midnight: Hey.You can tell me.I won't judge you.

Silence takes over for what felt like ages.Anakin inhales in and out as he lowers his head.

Anakin: I'm... I'm Watto's slave.But I am a person!

Midnight's heart clenches in sympathy for Anakin.Oh how she would love to pay Watto a visit to give him a piece of her mind and free Anakin.But now is not the time, he needs to get home.

She rests a hand on Anakin's shoulder, in which he looks up at her in the eyes.

Midnight: I know... You are a real person, Anakin.No matter what people call you, you will always be a real person.

Anakin's eyes widen in response.A smile forms on his face as tears threaten to spill.He really needed to hear those words

Anakin: T-thank you!

Midnight: You're welcome, kid.

Midnight pats Anakin's shoulder and stands up at her full height.They carry on with their walk to Anakin's home.Eventually they made it to his home.

Anakin: We made it.Thanks for the walk, Ms. Midnight!Do you want to come inside?

Midnight smiles on response, but before she can even respond with a yes, her eyes catch something that is out of place.A shadow...

Midnight: Anakin?

Anakin is confused when Midnight begins to point at the shadow with her eyes widen.He turns around to look at his shadow, and is in complete shock.

Silence takes over as both Midnight and Anakin remain frozen in place.Anakin begins to slowly move away from the shadow, but what happens next can only be described as something out of a nightmare.The figure that owns the shadow, bursts out of its pitch black void to reveal itself, causing Anakin to scream in fear for his life.

It stretches its hand out to grab its prey: Anakin.

Midnight: Anakin!

She immediately bolts for Anakin to his rescue.But it was faster than her.The entity snatched Anakin and pulled him into the shadow of where he came from.


She desperately tries to dig into wall with the shadow to pull out Anakin, but to no Avail.She stops when she knows that rescue is futile.Tears trickle down her face, knowing that she failed to save the boy.

But before she could grieve any longer, she realizes that something is off.It's quiet... too quiet...

She looks around town to see that the streets are empty.No people, no animals, not even the sound of the wind's howl.She's alone...

She desperately runs around, trying to find anyone.She yells out at the top of her lungs for anyone to help her.No response.

She comes across a large area in the streets and sees a boy facing away from her that she knows full well.

Midnight: Anakin!

She rushes to Anakin as she calls out for him.But he doesn't react to her voice.Midnight begins to slow down, knowing that there is something wrong with Anakin.

Midnight: Anakin?

She places a hand on Anakin's shoulder, to get his attention.The boy turns around, but what she sees can only be described as nightmare fuel.

Midnight's heart skips a beat, as she falls down on her rear.

Midnight's thoughts: That mask... What happened to Anakin?What did that thing do to him?!

Anakin/Vader: Ŷ̶̝̱͕̘̳͂̿̀͝͠͝ō̸̺̥̂̓͝û̶̺͎͍̰̳͎̤̝͆̆ͅ ̶̞̖̆̾͐͆̆̍̒͒̇́č̵͇͝â̵̡̛͇̯͌̈͐̓̐̕n̷̰̙̜̜̭̈́̒̐ͅn̶̘͈͂̇̚o̵̧͉͈͚͛ť̴̨͕͕̻̟̫̼͑̽̈́̌̄̕ ̸̪̜̩̣̭̋̊̚͜͜ͅr̸̨̧͈̣̰̭͝u̷͈̿̈̍͋̅͗̓̚ǹ̷̛̫̓̈́͗͗̑͊͊́,̵̧̝̥̤̐͋ ̷̝̘̤͇͍̩̚N̷̯͆̓̀͝e̵̲̯̤͈̠̺͊͑͆̃͛̇̓̄̀͝m̴̬̻̬̺̬̼̿̌͐͑̋̅͘̚̕͜ṷ̶̂́͘r̷̡̧̛̟͙̻̺̗̯̥̂̑͗̾̄͛̈́́̚ͅį̷̢̩͙̯̖̈́̚ͅ

A twisted and distorted voice of young Anakin mixed with the synthetic voice of Darth Vader sends a chill down Midnight's spine.The boy's height begins to grow in an alarming rate, his bones let out a sick crack.His body violently bursts open in a bloody mess, and out comes the man that had destroyed Anakin.

Midnight is paralyzed in fear when the bone chilling sound of a mechanical breathing rings in her ears.The black cape stretches out towards her and catches her.Midnight struggles to free herself from the cape but couldn't when the cape tightens its grip around her neck, bringing her closer to the dark lord.The cape drags her within the dark lord's body and she falls in the pitch black void.

Midnight opens her eyes when she feels her body collide with a bottomless black sea.She swims up to the to of the sea to come face to face with a humanoid figure floating above her in a meditating position.

She can feel the figure's aura radiating, and it felt like nothing she has ever felt from before.The figure opens its glowing eyes and stares down at Midnight.It stretches its hand out, lifting her out of the sea with an unforeseen force.It then lifts its hand up and sends her flying up to the sky to the dark clouds.She shuts her eyes in fear to prepare for anything that is to be inflicted upon her.


Midnight takes a small peak to find herself in a completely different area that she is not familiar with.

2 figures can be seen embrace one another.Midnight's eyes widen at who the male is, it's Anakin.He's all grown up at the age she had seen before all of this had started.But the woman is someone she is now familiar with, maybe a former lover perhaps?.

Anakin: You're trembling.What's going on?

Padme: Something wonderful has happened.Ani, I'm pregnant.

Anakin: That's... That's won- that's wonderful.

Padme: What are we gonna do?

Anakin: We're not gonna worry about anything right now, alright?This is a happy moment.The happiest moment of my life.

Midnight is at lost for words.She is Anakin's wife!It all makes sense to her on why he was avoiding her, he's taken.

The scene fades away into the darkness, consuming Midnight and the couple into the void.


It's not the Jedi way, he must live!

Please don't.

I need him!

Please don't!



...What have I done?!


I pledge myself... to your teachings.To the way of the Sith.

Good.Good!The force is strong with you.A powerful Sith you will become.Anakin Skywalker, you are one with the order of the Sith Lords.

Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...


Thank you, my master...


I won't lose you the way I lost my mother.I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of, and I'm doing it for you... to protect you.

Come away with me.Help me raise our child.Leave everything else behind while we still can!

Don't you see?We don't have to run away anymore.I have brought peace to the Republic.I am more powerful than the Chancellor; I... I can overthrow him.And together, you and I can rule the galaxy... make things the way we want them to be!

I don't believe what I'm hearing!Obi-Wan was right... you've changed!

I don't want to hear anymore about Obi-Wan.The Jedi turned against me.Don't you turn against me!

I don't know you anymore!Anakin... you're breaking my heart!You're going down a path I can't follow!

Because of Obi-Wan?

Because of what you've done... what you plan to do!Stop!Stop now... come back!I love you!



You're with him!You've brought him here to kill me!

Let her go, Anakin!


Let... her... go!


You were The Chosen One!It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!


You were my brother, Anakin!I loved you!


Midnights opens her eyes to let out her tears and cry, but finds herself in an ominous and dimly lit room.Her heart sinks at the sight of what lays in front of her.

She watches in horror as the droids perform surgery on a charred body of Anakin, who is awake!He screams in agony from the pain being inflict upon him.

Midnight couldn't watch anymore and shuts her eyes and cover her ears from the screams.After what feels like am eternity, she takes a small peak when she no longer hears the screams.She sees Anakin in the suit that is now his eternal tomb.

A mechanical arm begins to lower down as it gently places on the mask on Anakin, covering his burned face.The top helmet is then placed shortly after, causing a hiss to escape when the seal is closed.

Anakin is dead...

But he survives...


The table begins to rise as the light from above reveals what was once Anakin Skywalker... Darth Vader.

A hooded figure approaches Darth Vader and asks him in a sinister voice.It is his master, Darth Sidious.

Darth Sidious: Lord Vader, can you hear me?

Vader: Yes, master...

Vader turns his head to his new master and asks the first question in mind.

Vader: Where is Padme?Is she safe?Is she alright?

Darth Sidious: It seems in your anger, you killed her.

Vader: I...?I couldn't have.She was alive... I felt it!

A low groan escapes from Vader's mask, as if he was trying to cry.Everything around him begins to implode, including the droids that performed surgery on him.

The only one that has not been crushed was the hooded figure, who just stood there.

Vader breaks out of the metal table and steps forward.He stumbles as he does so, due to the new and heavy durasteel limbs.A sinister smile forms on the hooded figure's face, taking great pleasure from Vader's pain.



Midnight can feel her heart shatter.She begins to uncontrollably sob for everything she witness.It's a tragedy.

She sobs for a long time.A sound of thunder and rain is heard.She opens her eyes to find herself at her final vision.In front of her, lies a tomb that belongs to someone who meant everything to Anakin.

In the rain, the fallen angel approaches the tomb with his cape flowing.He stops right in front of the tomb as he lowers his head, with his hand gently placed on the tomb.

He guides his hand through the tomb of his angel, his vocalizer makes a strange sound.If anyone could best describe the sound, it would that be of a sniffle.

After guiding his hand through the tomb for what feels like an eternity, Vader retracts it from the tomb and places both hands on his mask.A his is heard when the seal is broken, and he removes it.

The face of scarred and paled man has a look of grief, sadness, and loss.Tears trickle down from his eyes as he begins to fall on his knees and mourn.

In an earshot away, Midnight can hear the silent raspy voice of Vader through the loud and heavy raindrops.

Vader: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... For everything... I should've listen to you and... we could've had a family together, but I ruined it- I've ruined everything... Please, forgive me... Padmé...

She slowly approaches Vader and kneels next to him with her hand gently placed on his shoulder.She looks back at the tomb of Padmé, understanding why she means everything to Vader.

Then everything fades into the darkness, leaving Midnight with Vader.She wraps her arms around the broken man and buries her head on his shoulder.Midnights tightens her hug, not wanting to let go of him as she speaks to comfort him.

Midnight: Please, don't cry... She still loves you, even for what you had become.She would want you to move on... so you can be happy... I will be there for you... I will be your hero.

Vader: Thank you...

Anakin begins to slowly wake up, feeling refreshed from his meditation.His mind goes blank when he sees Midnght holding his hand.

Eri: Papa!

In relief that Anakin is awake, Eri lunges at her father and embraces him with a hug, pushing the air out of his lungs.

Eri: You're here!

Anakin awkwardly and gently pats her on the back, having no clue what is going on.But he chooses to go along with it.

Anakin: Yes Eri, I am here.


Yagi: ACHOO!Why do I have a feeling that someone said my line?

Back with Anakin

Eri lets go of Anakin as she stands besides her father.

Before he can even ask what is going, he heard a sniffle.He looks to his left to see Nemuri, with her hair covering her eyes.

Midnight: Why?

No one dares to ask her what she is talking about.She is way out of her character.The only explanation for why she is different is that she must've seen something.

Out of nowhere she slaps Anakin across the face, surprising everyone including himself.She immediately wraps her arms over him and lets out her cry.

Protocol droid: Oh my.

Midnight: Why didn't you tell me?!You were a slave as a child.You-

She's interupted by the chokes from her sobs and continues.

Midnight: You had lost your mother and your wife.You- You could have told me and I'd understand why you kept your distance from me!

Everyone is at lost for words for what she has said.A slave?A wife?Yuri flinched when she heard of her master's loss.

Anakin is in shock.His feeling return to turmoil for the painful reminders of his past.Midnight feels Anakin tense up, she tightens her hug around him and buries her head on his shoulder.

Midnight: I'm sorry.I'm so sorry, Anakin!Please... Let me be there for you.I don't even care if we date, I just want you to be happy.You deserve it!After everything you've been through!

She continues to let out her cries on Anakin as he wraps his arms around her, patting her back with his mind processing everything that has just happen.

After she finishes crying, Anakin had to explain to Yuri and Eri about what Midnight was on about.He goes into detail of his past.A slave as a child, having his mother die on his arms, losing his pregnant wife, everything.This leaves Yuri and Eri in shock about how Vader is actually an alien.Yuri begins to feel sympathy for her master, as Eri cries and holds onto her father for the pain he endure for his whole life.

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After everyone has settled down, Midnight asks Anakin a question that hopefully gets an answer.

Midnight: Anakin, there is something I need to ask you.

Anakin: I'm listening.

Midnight: I want to be with you.I want to be the person that you can cry on and tell me what's wrong.I want to be the person that will be there for you.I want to be your hero.I want to make you happy...

She pauses to take in a deep breath, and exhales.

Midnight: Do you accept?Do you accept my confession?

Anakin thinks to himself as he feels conflicted about the choice he has to make.He has grieved for Padmé for more than 20 years, and he does not feel like it will end.But what would she say in this situation?Would she approve of him to move on?

Anakin: I- I need time to think about it.

Midnight simply nods as she lets go of him.

Everyone settles down and relax after the whole revelations of Anakin's past.Midnight then reminds him of the festival that is coming soon.Anakin is considering to take a pass for it, but he accepts it so that Yuri and Eri can enjoy their time off and have fun.


At the HQ of the Hero Public Safety Commission, we meet the president in her office as she goes over a file of a specific person she has been keeping tabs on.

She remembered back at the Kamino incident, how Vader states that he is quirkless.At first she thought that he was lying, but he was right when he was able to still use his power after All for One tried to take it.The way the red lightning shoot out of his fingers and fried All for One to nothing but ashes was astonishing.She even saw do it for the second time on live television when he raided the Yakuza hideout.

The files read as the following

Hero name: Vader

Real name: Anakin Skywalker

Age: N/A

Blood type: N/A

Family member(s): Eri Skywalker (adopted daughter)

Quirk: None

Power(s): Unknown

Power Level: SS-Rank

Weapon: plasma based sword

The file's details on Vader continues on.She has not receive any other information about Vader from UA other than his name, due to the fact that they have been keeping his powers a secret, which is unfortunate for her.

Her phone rings with an unknown ID caller.She answers it and hears the voice of a sinister man.

???: It's time to commence phase I. Are you ready?

The HPSC president inhales and answers the caller.

HPSC president: Yes.We'll keep tabs on him, for now...


Vader sighs as he stands amongst the crowds of students of UA.He does not do so well with crowds, especially when it comes to children.Class 1-A has been practicing for this moment for about a week.

Most of the students have their eyes on the dark knight that stands among them.Even though he is their teacher and will not harm them, he is still intimidating as usual.

Vader is accompanied by Eri sitting on his shoulder to get a good view, Yuri who stands alongside with her master, and Mirio Togota accomanying them to check up on Eri.But thanks to Vader convincing principal Nezu, Yuri is able to bring some friends from her old school.

Natsuki: uuggh!I can't see anything!Why does everyone have to be so tall?!

MC: Now now, Natsuki.I can go fetch you a step stool if that's all you need.

Natsuki: Are- are you calling me short?!

Monika: Yes he is, Natsuki.Yes he is.

Sayori: MC!You meanie.

Meet the dokis.Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Michael Connor.The girls nickname Michael 'MC' for short.They are Yuri's best friends at the literature club of her previous school.She would call them or visit them whenever she gets the chance.She would sometimes even attend the literature club with Vader's approval.

They had been real good friends to her and made her feel welcomed at the literature club, which was why Vader allowed Yuri to still attend the literature club.Even if it made their schedule pretty tight, he still did it so she would remain happy and not lose her friends.

When the dokis met Vader for the first time at UA's entrance, they had mixed reactions.For MC, he was excited to actually meet him and was all nerdy about his armor and lightsaber.Natsuki almost pissed herself, due to the intimidation of his mask and his cold presence.Sayori was clueless for who Vader is.She hardly paid any attention to heroes.All she cared for was food, making others happy, and being the club's cinnamon bun.And for Monika, she was very formal to Vader, trying to make a good impression of her friends.But Vader told her that she may dismiss it, and that everyone's here for a good time.

The lights go out and the curtains open up as the time hits 10:00 AM.A buzzer blares out as the stage lights turn on, revealing Class 1-A.Some of them are holding instruments, while others seem to be the dancers.

Vader isn't much for a guy who enjoys music.Usually, he prefers the peace and quiet so he can have a clear mind with no distractions.

But at that moment as Class 1-A begins to play, Vader looks up at his daughter on his shoulder to see what she thinks about it.He witnesses something he would call a miracle.Eri's lips begin to turn into a smile.


It was an actual genuine smile.Vader's heart would melt at the most adorable sight of his daughter he had ever seen.Even when he told Eri back at the hospital how Overhaul would never hurt her again, she didn't smile.

It's at this moment that Eri is now free from the grip of Overhaul's "ghost".Her chains are broken.She is now free like a bird taking flight for the first time.

Class 1-A has Vader's gratitude for doing something for his daughter that would make her smile.Vader is actually happy to be here at the school festival.

The show has finally come to an end with a massive cheers of students that are watching, even Vader starts to clap his hands for applause.

The school festival continues on, now with Class 1-B taking the stage with a play.

The play was pretty good, despite it with some references and inspiration of famous pop culture.

Monoma: I am known as Romeo!The ghost of Azkaban and a Parisian count!You will return Juliet to me!

Tetsuretsu: Romeo.Gandalf once told you about your father.That he was the ruler of the kingdom of Gondor... That was a lie.

Monoma gasps as Tetsuretsu dramatically removes the hood to reveal his face.

Tetsuretsu: I AM YOUR FATHER!

The stage lights turn on for the play's revelations.

Monoma: NOOOOOOOO!!!

Vader let's out a massive sneeze, causing a loud and strange sound to emit from his mask's vocalizer that interrupts the play.

Meanwhile at the Star Wars Universe.

Luke Skywalker let's out a sneeze from a disturbance in the Force.R2-D2 rolls up to him and begins to beep, asking him what's wrong.

Luke: I felt a strange disturbance in the Force.Something's not right, R2.I can feel it.

Back at the MHA Universe.

The sun sets as evening takes over UA.Today was a good day for the Skywalkers.Everyone had a great time at the festival, playing games and enjoying the food.Especially the food.Sayori almost ate all of the festival's food.Anakin swore to the Force that her stomach was replaced with an actual void.

At his academy, Anakin puts Eri to bed and reads her a bedtime story, successfully dozing her off to sleep.With her asleep, he puts the book away and tucks her into bed.

Anakin: Good night my little angel.

He gives Eri a headpat and leaves her be in her dreams.He heads to his new bedroom where he can properly sleep for the first time in years.He lays down on his newly built bed and dozes off to sleep.

It's late at night at the beautiful planet of Naboo.A black behemoth accompanied only with his own bone-chilling breathing, approaches the tomb of someone he once called an angel.

As Vader stands in front of the tomb, he gently waves his hand to blow the leaves and dust off of the tomb with the Force, revealing the name of who lies within the tomb.

His deceased wife, Padmé Amidala.

Vader gently places his hand on his wife's tomb, lowering his head in sorrow and guilt.He would the.Fall to his knees and start crying, causing a strange sound to emit from his mask's vocalizer.

He would fail to notice a presence that approaches him from behind.Vader feels a hand gently placed on his shoulder.He raises his head and turns around to look up at the intruder.

It was Stan Lee.And he brought flowers

Stan did not have the usual smile on his face.Instead, he has a look of sympathy.

Stan Lee: I'm sorry for your loss, Anakin.I truly am.

Stan places the flowers next to the tomb.A door appears from behind that leads to somewhere, and Stan offer Vader his hand to take.

Stan: Come.There's someone that I want you to meet.

Vader takes Stan's hand to help himself up and follows the elder through the door, leading to a beautiful field of flowers, with the sun shining over.Vader marvels at the sight of the unique flowers, but he's interupted by a beautiful voice that he hasn't heard in a long time.

???: Ani?

Anakin immediately turns around only to see his angel waiting for him.He can feel through the Force that it really is her.She is here!

Anakin: Padmé!

Anakin and Padme embrace one another in a hug.Their arms wrap around each other in a gentle and warm hug, not wanting to let go of each other.Anakin can actually feel Padmé and her presence, it really is his angel.

After many years, husband and wife unite together again.

Stan smiles for the couple reuniting after many years.This is his gift for Anakin.To meet his wife again.

Anakin: I missed you, Padmé.I missed you so much.

Padmé: I know, my love.I missed you too.

Padmé looks up at the mask of her husband.She reaches her hands for the mask to take it off for him, so she can see the face of Anakin.

Anakin stops her by gently placing his hands on her's, unsure if he is ready for this.

Padmé: It's OK, Ani.

Anakin would release her hands and let her take off his mask, only to reveal the face of his younger self, instead of burnt and scarred.

Padmé leans forward and their lips make contact, giving Anakin a warm and passionate kiss.She wraps her arms over his neck, wanting this moment to last.

After their kiss, they would sit down on the grass, handholding.Padmé would talk about how she would watch over him in the afterlife.Wishing that she can just be there to comfort him in his hardest times.She would tell him about how she saw everything in his old life as the Sith Lord, and his new life in the hero world.

She almost lost it when she learned that Anakin adopted Eri as his own daughter.She was proud for her husband to do such a thing.

But there is one thing that Padmé needs to tell Anakin.

Padmé: Ani.There is something else that I want to tell you.

Anakin pays close attention for what she has to say.

Padmé: We might not see each other again after this.But, I want you to be happy.You need to move on...

Anakin: What- No!Please don't say that!-

Padmé: Please Anakin!You've been grieving for me ever since I died.Do you know how much it hurts for me to watch you suffer over me?I don't want you to remain like this.I want you to be happy.You'll meet someone new, I know it.If you can't bring yourself to do it, then... do it for me.I want to see you smiling with a family that will be there for you.

Anakin lowers his head with his hair covering his eyes.Tears can be seen running down his cheeks.

Padmé: But I want you to promise me... that you won't repeat the mistake of what you did to me.Live your new life not as a Jedi or a Sith, but as a yourself.Live your life and protect your daughter just as how you saved our children.

Padmé pauses to take in a deep breath.

Padmé: This is my final wish.

Anakin begins to choke from his cries and is able to give her his answer.

Anakin: I... I promise.

Padmé smiles at her husband and wipes off the tears from his face.She would give him another passionate kiss and cling onto him in a hug for one last time.

Padmé: I love you, Anakin...

Anakin: I love you too, Padmé...

Anakin wakes up from his sleep and sits up to begin his morning.He feels his left hand holding onto a something small.He would look down only to see a familiar object.

The object was the Japor Snippet he gave to Padmé when he was a child.

Anakin would close his palm into a fist with the snippet and bring it up to his face.He closes his eyes as a single tear drops down from his eye.

Anakin: I won't fail again, Padmé.I promise.