

It is currently morning, the day after the Kamino incident, the night when the Symbol of Evil was slain by the hands of Vader on live telivision.We find Toshinori Yagi recovering at the hospital.Detective Naomasa and Gran Torino dropped by to check up on Yagi.

Yagi: He is dead... After all of these years, the Symbol of Evil is gone.

Naomasa: As much as I would love to celebrate, so is the Symbol of Peace.The last of your flames has died out.

Yagi: Well, it was not in vain.I was able to save Vader by a miracle.I had to use all of what I had left of One for All to make it in time.

Gran Torino: Speaking of Vader, what happened to him?

Yagi let's out a sigh, recollecting all of his thoughts and memories when he made it to UA.


Yagi has Vader in his arms as they were practically freefalling from the sky, shortly after the death of All for One.They would have been pizza splattered on the ground in front of UA, but Vader was still conscious, thankfully.He used the force to slow down their descent when they were close to the ground and made a safe landing.

Yagi gets Vader up on his feet and puts his durasteel arm over his shoulder, grasping the durasteel wrist to help him walk to UA.After minutes of Yagi helping Vader walk inside UA, with his shattered mechanical breathing echoing through the hallways, they made it to the front of his personal quarters.The door opens for them, but before Yagi could even step foot inside, Vader collapses to the ground unconscious and the shattered breathing ceases.

Yagi: Anakin!No no no no no!Just hang in there!

Vader does not respond to him.Worried about that he might be too late to save him, Yagi drags the heavy durasteel cyborg inside his personal quarters in a hurry.Right when they make it inside, the medical chamber opens up and Vader's protocol droid steps in.

Protocol droid: What is with all of the commotion- Oh my goodness, master!

Yagi ignores the fact that there is a talking robot in front of him, due to his desperation to save Vader.

Yagi: He's badly wounded!Help him!

Protocol droid: Oh dear!Quick, bring him inside the medical chamber, I'll prepare everything for him!

Yagi drags Vader inside the chamber and looks around the room.He finds the operating table and drags him to it, and uses all of his strength to lift up Vader and place him on the table.

Protocol droid: C'mon boys!Master needs us!

The 3 medical droids head to an unconscious Vader as Yagi and the protocol droid backs away so the droids can do their job and start the procedure.Yagi watches as they begin to treat Vader.Mechanical arms attached to the ceiling descends and makes contact with Vader's mask.Yagi watches as the arms slowly removes the mask and is shocked to see Vader's face.

Yagi: My God...

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Deformed and scarred.His skin is very pale, no hair, old scars that looks like they will never go away.It gave Yagi goosebumps as his stomach begins to turn.

Yagi: What the hell happened to him?

Protocol droid: He was on the firey planet known as Mustafar, in a duel with his older master, Obi Wan Kenobi.In the end, he lost his legs and his left arm, and was burned when he rolled to the edge of a lava bend.

Yagi doesn't respond.He doesn't know the Mustafar system, but he already knows from what he learned that it is not a pleasant place.

One of the medical droids places a ventilator mask on Vader's face to pump in oxygen and various tubes that are vital for him as they remove his armor.Toshinori watches as the droids take apart the armor.His knuckles turn white when the control panel is removed, because it was literally inside Vader's chest!

The true horror of Vader's condition is revealed when all of the pieces of the armor is removed.Implants all over his chest, spinal chord, back, neck... it was everywhere.He's more machine than man.His skin didn't look like it was properly healed or given the time to do so.

Yagi: How- how was he even alive?!

Protocol droid: I ask myself that as well sometimes.

The voice of Toshinori bursts out in horror.It should be impossible for Vader to even be alive.He couldn't help but feel so bad for him, no one deserves a fate like this, being burned alive, having no arms and legs, and having to rely on cybernetic implants.

His hopes return when the heart monitor beeps, signaling that Vader is alive.

Yagi: Oh thank God.

Protocol droid: Thank goodness that master is still alive!

The protocol droid turns its head and scans Yagi, noticing that he is wounded and bruised.

Protocol droid: Goodness sir! It seems like you had your fair share as well.Let me get something to treat you.

The droid walks away and returns with a bacta spraying device.

Protocol droid: This is bacta spray.It will not fully heal you, but it will do the job with healing your minor wounds.Please sir, allow me to treat you.

Again, another thing that Yagi has never heard of.But when he heard that it can help with his minor wounds, it was all he needed to hear.

Yagi: Alright then.Better than nothing.

The protocol droid begins to spray on Yagi's wounds as it starts to do the job.He watches the medical droids work on Vader by removing all 4 of the durasteel limbs.He turns his attention to the protocol droid that is treating his wounds.

Yagi: What is this "bacta spray?"

Protocol droid: Why good sir, it is a substance with near-miraculous healing properties.This world did not have the required ingredient to create such a thing, so my master settled with Recovery Girl's saliva in order to replicate her quirk and use it as the final ingredient.

Yagi: Wait... what???

Flashback ends

Naomasa: Dear God!

Yagi: Yeah, you had to be there in person to understand what I saw.

Gran Torino: Even after everything what happened to him, he was still strong enough to kill All for One.Vader has my full respect.

Yagi: I couldn't agree more.

Naomasa: Now I have a question of my own.How strong do you think he was before he dawned that suit?

None of the 3 men has an answer for that.They wonder how strong was he before he was scarred and deformed?Were it not for his condition, he would have ended the fight with All for One WAY earlier.

Yagi: I don't even want to know.

Naomasa: I can't even imagine how powerful he could have been without the suit.

A thought is born inside Gran Torino's mind.

Gran Torino: Pardon me, but you said how his robot mentioned a planet called 'Mustafar'.Is there something I am missing?

Naomasa and Yagi look at each other.They forgot that Gran Torino was never present at the meeting when they were negotiating with Vader a while back.

Naomasa: You're gonna want to sit down for this.

Naomasa begins to explain everything to Gran Torino from what he learned from Vader.He explains how Vader is from the dessert planet of Tatooine, how he was a Jedi and a Sith and what they are, his lightsaber and the kyber crystal he showed them, and the force and how it works.

Gran Torino: Let me get this straight.You mean to tell me that this whole time, Vader is an alien that has been living among us, a red crystal that powers his weapon, a power that is everywhere that these 'Jedi' and 'Sith' can use and it's not a quirk?!?!

At UA school grounds

We find Principal Nezu at his office on his laptop going through the footage of the Kamino incident.Witnessing how Vader used the force against All for One.What caught his attention the most was the red force lightning that he used to kill All for One, frying him to ashes.

He personally visited Vader to check up on him and was shocked to see him without the suit.He was aware how Vader was wounded in the past, but he never expected it to be that bad.He pauses the video as he hears a knock from his door.

Nezu: Come in!

The door opens to reveal Vader's protocol droid stepping in his office.

Protocol droid: Greetings, Principal Nezu!I have good news and bad news about my master.

Nezu: What are the good news?

Protocol droid: The good news is that he has recovered from his injuries he received from Kamino.He is still unconscious but he will wake up soon.

Nezu: That is good to here.What about the bad news?

Protocol droid: The bad news is that we have no materials for Vader's suit or a replacement.We will need to keep him in his bacta tank for now.

Nezu set's his head down to think of any solutions to fix this problem.After giving careful thought, and idea pops in.

Nezu: I got an idea!I have 2 students at this school that can help with that problem.

Protocol droid: May I ask who they are, sir?

Nezu: Momo Yaoyorozu and Mei Hatsume.Yaoyorozu has a quirk that can create any non-living material or object.She needs to understand the molecular structure of what she can create.

Protocol droid: That is marvelous!I can fill her out with the molecular structures for every parts of my Master's suit.

Nezu: Mei Hatsume is a very smart inventor and a genius.Her quirk allows her vision to zoom in on her line of sight, which could help her when she repairs the suit.I have full confidence that she has the capability to do the job.

Protocol droid: Excellent: I will help Yaoyorozu with the molecular structures for the parts.I will help Hatsume by explaining the suit's functions and guide her through, since the suit would be considered alien due to the technology behind it.I will be at my master's personal quarters to prepare everything for them.

Nezu: Very well!I will call them in my office to fill everything out for them and send them off.

Protocol droid: Thank you, Principal Nezu.I will be off now.

And with that, the protocol droid stepped out of the office and headed back to Vader's personal quarters as Nezu called in Momo and Mei.When they arrived at Nezu's office, he explains them that they are needed for repairing Vader's suit.But he doesn't tell them the part how the suit was alien technology, he left that part out for the protocol droid to reveal to them.

Meanwhile at [Redacted]

Darkness.It is all that he could see.He is consumed in a void of pitch black.He cannot feel himself.He doesn't know if the pitch black is due to his eyes closed, or if he really is consumed by a void.He can't even feel the force.It's almost as if the force has been cut off from him.

He begins to think to himself whether or not if he is dead.If he is then will he finally join the afterlife, will he find himself in yet another world that he won't recognize, or if everything he experienced was all just a dream.His train of thoughts are interrupted when he hears a voice.

???: Time, Mr. Skywalker?Is it really that time again?

We find Mei Hatsume and Momo Yaoyorozu right outside Vader's quarters shortly after they were briefed by Principal Nezu about the situation.Their job is to repair Vader's suit.Mei couldn't help contain her excitement.

Yaoyorozu: You seem excited.

Hatsume: Of course I am!I can't wait to get my hands on the suit!

The door opens for them and Vader's protocol droid is the first thing they see.

Protocol: Greetings!You must be Momo Yaoyorozu and Mei Hatsume.I will be assisting the two of you for Vader's suit.

Both of the girls froze in place.Seeing a droid was not the first thing they excepted.Nezu told them that they will be getting help by an assistant of Vader, but they weren't expecting a droid.

Yaoyorozu: Eh?

Hatsume: Oh my gosh!He even has his own robot!Did Vader built you?!

Protocol droid: Why he certainly did!Please follow me so we can get to work.

The girls follow the droid inside the quarters.They look around the room, which they guessed to be his common room.There was a black leather couch facing a flat screen tv on a wall, and a table.It was really really simple.There was not much inside the common room.The temperature inside was cold, which lead them to shiver for a bit.

Yaoyorozu: Excuse me, I have not seen Vader ever since Kamino.Is he here?

Hatsume: Yeah, where is Vader?Is he safe?Is he alright?

Protocol droid: My master is in his bacta tank, which is in the room next door to the right of the room we will be at.

The protocol droid leads them to the medical/repairment chamber and the door opens for them as they stepped inside.

Inside the medical/repairment chamber, they found all sorts of stuff.They found state of the art medical supplies, tools, some strange gadgets that not even Hatsume can recognize, the 3 medical droids that are powered down, and last but not least the elephant in the room.

There lies the operating table with the suit of Vader.A shelf trolley is right next to the table, it has the tools they need for their job.Hatsume never took her eyes off of the suit.Ever since she learned that Vader is a cyborg from the Kamino incident, she had so many questions to ask him but never had the time to do so.

Protocol droid: We shall get to work immediately.Ms. Yaoyorozu, I will help you with understanding the molecular structure for the materials that will be needed for repairing the suit.And for Ms. Hatsume, I will be guiding you through repairing the suit and it's functions.

Hatsume: Ooooh!I can't wait!With the knowledge I can learn, it will definitely help me with making my babies!

Protocol droid: Come again?

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Meanwhile at [Redacted]

???: Anakin Skywalker, in the flesh...

We find Vader in a seemingly endless void, facing a man in a blue suit, holding a briefcase.He finally gains the urge to speak.He first question comes out of his mouth.

Vader: Am I dead?

???: Not to worry, Skywalker.I simply took the liberty of... allowing us to talk.As for your previous battle against All for One, quite a nasty piece of work you managed there.I am impressed.Allow me.

The man raises his hand towards Vader, allowing him to feel his body and move around.Vader looks down and is in complete shock.He is no longer in his suit, but in his old Jedi robes that were black and dark brown.They were the same robes he wore near the end of the clone wars, before he burned on Mustafar...

Vader could feel his body.No longer in the aching pain he felt throughout the past 2 decades when he served the empire.The only thing he couldn't feel was his right arm.He stretches his right arm out and recognize it to be his mechno-arm that he designed as a compensation when it was severed by Count Dooku.

???: See for yourself.

Vader looks back to the man to see him offering a mirror.Vader takes it and sees the reflection of his younger self.He couldn't believe it, he feels like he was looking at a ghost of the past.He looks back at the man as the mirror disappears from his hand.

???: You see, Mr. Skywalker, I have been observing you ever since you woke up to the world that you did not recognize.I see that you have a lot potential.You have potential to handle... a few problems of mine.Even when you were on the brink of death against the Symbol of Evil, you had the ability to make the right choice and decisions under... harsh... conditions.

Vader does not reply.He has seen a lot of things in his life and this does not surprise him.

???: The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.Especially when he is sent across the multiverse...

Vader: The multiverse?

???: Yes, the multiverse.Infinite timelines, infinite possibilities.You just happen to be reincarnated into a different timeline where your galaxy does not exist.Not even the force.Yet, the force was still connected with you.

Vader took a second to take the information he just learned about the existence of multiverse.A question pops in his mind from what the man said earlier.

Vader: Earlier, you said that you were watching me.What do you want with me?

???: Straight to the point.You see, Mr. Skywalker, I have recently failed on a... project of mine.

The man pulls a crowbar out of nowhere as he observes it.

???: My... Employers... have tasked me to find someone with great potential.That person is you.That is why I am here with you.I have recommended your services to my... employers... and they have authorized me to hire you for... a job.

The man puts away the crowbar while Vader thinks about the offer.Vader does not trust him even the slightest.The last person who saw potential in him was Darth Sidious.Vader was a tool to Sidious and would've been quickly cast aside if Sidious had found someone with greater potential than him.It went as far as to replace Vader with his own son, Luke Skywalker.Thank the force that he resisted that snake's temptations.

Vader gives the man a distrusted look, and he seems to pick up on it.

???: Aaahh... You don't trust me.I can understand from where you're coming from.Experience from your previous life.A slave to your former master... Sidious was it?That old fool wanted the galaxy for himself.But I assure you that I am not like him.Not.One.Bit.

Vader: Then you know why I will not accept your deal.

???: Yes... I do... But what if I told you... I have an offer for you... One that you can't resist.

A window rises from behind the man as he steps aside for Vader to take a closer look.Vader looks through the window to see one of the biggest mistakes in his life.A mistake from the past.One that he deeply regrets.

???: What if I told you... I can help you change your past... What if I send you back in time... in your dimension to let Master Windu... Kill Darth Sidious.

Vader does not respond.He simply stands in front of the window with no motion.He is very tempted to change his past.

???: This will certainly save the ones that you loved... Especially... Padme... If you're interested, all you have to do is just step into the window... and you will be right there at that moment and let Master Windu Kill Sidious, and I'll take that as a "yes".

Vader is in deep thoughts.He thinks to himself that if he steps through, he could make everything right and he could save everyone that he loved.He could be a father to his children and be the husband to his wife.

???: Time to choose...

Vader was about to step through the window that would lead him back to his original world, until the mirror shattered into a million pieces.

???: That's quite enough, G-man.

The man, known as G-man, turns to his left and glares at the one responsible for shattering the window.

G-man: You...

Vader turns his attention to what was happening and finds a figure that he recognizes.

Vader: Stan?!

Stan Lee: Hello again, Vader.

Stan Lee straightens his glasses.

Stan Lee: Get the hell outta here, ya no good businessman!And tell your employers that if they do anything like this again, I will take Freeman's crowbar and shove it up their asses!

Stan Lee pulls out the crowbar of Gordon Freeman out of nowhere as he slaps it on his hand, like a teacher with a ruler when a student is in trouble in the 1960s.

G-man is pissed.A door rises from the ground that seems to lead to a white void.He faces the door as he straightens his tie, but gives one last look before he leaves.

G-man: Hmmmph... We'll see... about that!

As he leaves through the door, the door descends, leaving only Vader and Stan Lee in the void.

At UA school grounds

Momo and Mei are currently working on the repairment of Vader's suit.Mei exploded with excitement when the protocol droid revealed that the suit is not from their world, revealing that Vader is from a galaxy, far, far away, or perhaps from a different universe.As for Momo, she almost fainted when she learns that Vader is an alien this whole time.It all made sense for the 2 girls when the molecular structure is off the periodic table, the advanced technology that Vader installed in his quarters, the droids, and the suit.It was very confusing for the girls at first, but with the help of the protocol droid, they made progress with building the suit.

Things are going smooth upon with the repairs.That is until Mei finds a strange component for Vader's suit that seems... off.

Hatsume: Um, what's this?

Hatsume picks up a small component that seems to have a small pin.It serves as a purpose, but for what?

Protocol droid: Why that Miss, is used to keep my master focused with what he calls the 'dark side of the force', through constant pain.

Hatsume freezes in place as the component falls from her hand.What the droid said also caught Yaoyorozu's attention as well.

Hatsume: What?!This pin is a torturing device?!

Protocol droid: Precisely.It's not only served to bring him pain and suffering, but it collects neurological data for diagnostics.There are many of the pins and needles are all over some parts of the suit keeping it propped up to his skin, specifically his spine and head.

Yaoyorozu: Why would he even design that only to torture himself?!

Protocol droid: The answer is simple: He didn't.My master never designed the suit.It was his former master who made it for him.From what I have learned from my programming, his former master intended to keep him strong with the 'dark side' by channeling the pain into hatred, and it kept him weak so he would never become stronger than his former master.

Yaoyorozu: Dear God...

Hatsume: This 'former master' must be a real monster!I already hate him!

Protocol droid: As much as I disagree with the design to inflict pain to my master, we must keep them.

Hatsume: No way!I'm going to remove all of these pins and replace them with something more comfortable!

Protocol droid: Oh, please don't!I can't risk that!My master instructed me to never alter the suit without his authorization!The only thing he authorized me to do was to fix his iron lung in surgery, which was dealt when he was brought in.But nevertheless, we will not go any further!

Yaoyorozu: Let me ask you this: What is your purpose for Vader?

Protocol droid: To serve and to aid him in every way, Ms. Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu: Then why do you want to not replace the needles?If we remove them and replace it with something more comfortable and bearable, wouldn't that be aiding your master?If you refuse to upgrade his suit, does that contradict with what you were made for?

Protocol droid: ...

The droid stands motionless in place as its programs have been defeated by her statement in a debate to aid Vader, the program returns with a new objective.

Protocol droid: Now I understand what you're going with here.Very well.I will help you with the modification.

Hatsume: That's the spirit!

The 2 girls and the protocol droid get to work with modifying the suit by removing and alternating anything that would cause pain and suffering to Vader.Hatsume also learned how the electronics in the suit is sensitive to electrical discharges, which she quickly fixed.

In the end, they finished with repairing Vader's suit.The life support system has been upgraded to no longer cause pain and suffering anywhere in his body.The upgrade made to the suit function more effectively, and to reduce the pain and discomfort, ten fold.The electronics in the suit are less sensitive to any electrical discharges, which will allow Vader to properly use force lightning with no worries of the life support system to short circuit.The mechanical breathing has a silent mode if Vader wishes to have it on silent for stealth missions, and still allow Vader to breathe with no issue.

Hatsume added a surge protective gauntlet to the suit's left arm.In the event that Vader encounters a villain with an electrical or lightning quirk, he would be able to absorb the excess energy directly into his suit's power cells.

The durasteel arms have been replaced with mechno-arms, an exact replica that Anakin designed for his right arm in the clone wars.The durasteel legs have been replaced by mechno-legs, designed similar to the mechno-arms.The purpose for the replacement of the durasteel limbs was due to its heavy weight that slowed down Vader's movements.Now the mechno limbs will allow movement with ease with less weight.Hatsume also made it less painful if they were ever removed or placed in.

The rest of the suit has been rebuilt in excellent condition, looking exactly like how it was before.Minus the addition to the surge protective gauntlet, the mechno-limbs, and the components that brought pain to Vader.

And last but not least to the final touch, Yaoyorozu made the black armourweave robes and cape.

Hatsume: At last, we are finished!

Protocol droid: Good work, everyone!

Yaoyorozu: I have to say, learning about molecular structures can be confusing, but it was worth it.

Protocol droid: The 2 of you have my thanks.Master would definitely be most pleased with your efforts!I will be sure to let him know of you 2.Now, I will go bring my master in, the two of you are dismissed.Please notify Principal Nezu of your accomplishment!

Hatsume/Yaoyorozu: Will do!

Back at [REDACTED]

G-man leaves Stan Lee and Vader by themselves.Now it's just the 2 of them in the void.

Stan Lee: Apologies about that.He's really been getting on my nerve, lately.Now where was I?Ah yes!I want to congratulate you on your accomplishment against All for One.But I must warn you, the fight is not over my friend!

Vader: I assume it is only the beginning then?

Stan Lee: Correct!

A portal appears from behind of Stan Lee, as he faces it.

Stan Lee: Please, follow me.

Stan Lee steps through the portal, Vader follows him through it.As he walks through the portal, Vader finds himself in a place with a lot of strange artifacts.But most importantly, he can feel the force return to him.

Vader: The Force... I can feel it.

Stan Lee: Of course you do, where you were at before was the 'dead zone'.The force has no power in it.

Vader looks around the place and can feel drawn to all of the artifacts.Many of them have strange powers.None of them are connected to the force, but with different powers.

Vader: Where are we?

Stan Lee: We are in my museum, my friend.Throughout my life, I have traveled throughout the multiverse to collect many artifacts and items at are very powerful.Many of these artifacts can be very dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands.Some could even be a threat to the multiverse, the end of all life, which is why I have them here where they are safe and out of reach from any evildoers.

Vader: I see...

Vader follows Stan Lee through the hallway as he observes the various artifacts.

But there is one artifact that draws Vader's attention.A statue to be exact.

Vader stares at the statue, contained in an unbreakable glass.On top of the display of the statue has a sign with its name: Peanut.

Vader can feel the aura surrounding the statue known as peanut.It was more powerful than anything he ever felt.One that rivals any Sith Lords that he has ever learned of.He shudders at the statue.

Stan Lee: Yeah, Peanut is by far one of the most dangerous artifacts in my museum.This little bugger took countless lives of many deities, gods, and demons.It even killed an angry lizard that could never die, how about that!Anyways, enough of the peanut, let's move.

Vader: Agreed.

Vader couldn't agree more.He wanted to get as far away as possible from the statue.Eventually, Stan Lee escorted Vader into his office.Inside Stan Lee's office was a massive desk, a fancy leathery chair, bookshelves all filled with comic books, action figures, postures of superheroes, etc. Stan Lee sits in his chair and summons another leathery chair for Vader to sit.

Stan Lee: Please, have a seat, good sir!

Vader takes the offer and sits down on the chair.It felt very comfortable, making him feel like he could sleep on it all day.But right now he is focus on what is happening.

Stan Lee: Now I know that you have a lot of questions for me, but there is not much time before you get sent back.For now I must warn you, be ready for what is coming in the future.There will be a lot of nasty things that will be thrown at you.But you must be ready for it and throw it right back.Heed my warning and you will do just fine.

Vader: I see... I'll take your word for it.

Stan Lee: Excelsior!Now with that out of the way, there is something I must confess.When my children reincarnated you to the world you were at, they had... a problem.

Vader: What kind of problem?

Stan Lee: When they brought you, they had a leak.A small amount of midichlorians had spread throughout the Earth and now very few people are force sensitive, and they do not realize it.

Vader was shocked.He thought that he would be the only man on the planet who was force sensitive, it turned out that a few people are force sensitive and they don't even have the slightest idea of how gifted they are.

Stan Lee: But that was not the only thing that was leaked.

Vader: What else 'leaked' through?

Stan Lee: Not 'what', but 'who'.My friend, you have an enemy in the shadows that is waiting for the right time to make his move... A formidable foe... A Sith Lord...

Vader immediately stands up from his seat in complete shock of the revelations.

Vader: What?!A Sith Lord?!Who is it?!

Stan Lee: I really can't say.I'm not really allowed to reveal his identity.I would reveal him to you if I can, but I cannot.I'm sorry.

Vader sighs in disappointment and sits back down.

Vader: Apology accepted.

Stan Lee: But there is one thing I can do for you.When the time comes, I will send some familiar faces from your past for you and they will help you.You will know them full well, and I assure you that they will be the help you need.But please, do all in your power to help them just as they will help you in the future.

Vader is curious for who the people Stan is referring to.Perhaps some old friends of his.

Stan Lee: You must be ready for the Sith Lord.Be careful for whatever you plan to do to take care of this situation.If not, it could be the end of your life or others around you.

Vader: I... I understand.

Stan Lee: Good.Before I send you back, I will show you one more thing.After that, you will wake up back in the real world.

Stan stands up from his seat and so does Vader.He walks around his desk to approach Vader to show him what he needs to see.

Stan Lee: Help her, Anakin... Help the girl.Good luck.... And may the Force be with you.

Stan stretches his hand out and places it on Vader's head, causing him feels drowsy and fall into a deep sleep.All he can see is pitch black until he receives a Vision.Vader can see a silhouette of a little girl, curled up in a ball.She's crying, but from what?Suddenly he can see someone walking into the scene.A silhouette of a man with what appears to be a beak over his face, slowly walks to the girl.Vader can feel tremendous amount of emotions from the little girl.He feels the sadness, fear, pain, and despair.What is the man going to do to her?Before Vader can even see what the man does to the girl, both of them fades away into the darkness.

Vader slowly gains consciousness as he opens his eyes.At first, he was blinded by the bright light from what he can guess to be his medical/repairment chamber.He could see something being lowered down to his face.Getting a better look, it turns out to be his mask and it seems to be fully repaired.The mask's optical lenses came to life, revealing the HUD display.

Shortly after the mask is gently placed on his face, the helmet is placed in as well, resulting a hiss from the pressure for him.


The mechanical breathing returns and echoes through the chamber, he is back.Back in Black.The table begins to slowly rise up for him.

As the table fully rises, the cuffs that bind him down quickly release him to step off.He takes his step and something feels... off...

It hits Vader like a star destroyer.He does not feel the constant pain from the suit.He was expecting to just be his iron lung from the surgery, but not the entire suit.And his limbs are a lot lighter than they should be.Vader looks down at his new hands and examines the new surge protective gauntlet installed on his left arm.He takes off the glove on his right hand and almost drops it when he immediately recognizes the design.It's an exact replica of his old one during the clone wars.

The suit has been completely modified.He no longer feels the constant pain from the suit that was a prison to him for the last 2 decades.Vader says only one thing that could describe how he feels for his new suit.

Vader: Impressive... Most impressive...

In an empty room at an undisclosed location, we find the League of Villains in hiding.Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Spinner, Twice, Magne, Mr. Compress, Toga, and Dabi are present.Ever since the heroes raided their hideout, and learning the death of All for One, things have not been the same.

They could go out and continue with their plans for the League of Villains, but they choose not to.They choose to lay low.Fear drives them to the ground.They fear of being found, but not by the heroes.They fear of being found by Vader.Ever since they learned the revelations of Vader having a power that is not a quirk, It drove the fear among them down ten fold.

Shigaraki: Master...

Shigaraki looks down at his prosthetic arm, a replacement for his right arm when Vader ripped it off with brute strength.Shigaraki collapse to his knees and let's out a shout.


Everyone turns their attention to Shigaraki.Tears of sadness and hatred pour from his eyes.He is now a broken man who has nothing to lose.The death of All for One was the nail to the coffin for Shigaraki, it drove him to madness.Kurogiri carefully approaches him and places his hand on Shigaraki's shoulder.

Kurogiri: Young master, I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you.I truly am.No matter what will be thrown at us, we will always be at your side till the end.Even in the end.

Shigaraki doesn't even bother to respond or even look at Kurogiri.He looks like he is an empty husk.Kurogiri speaks to him in order to get his motivation up.

Kurogiri: Young master, All for One chose you for a reason.He chose you to be the Symbol of Fear.Don't look down on yourself, this isn't what he would want.You will bring a new era to this world.And I have full confidence that you will have your revenge on Vader.This fight isn't over.

This seem to do the trick.Shigaraki looks up at Kurogiri and slowly gets up on his feet.He puts his sadness and hatred to the side, for now.

Shigaraki: You're right... I will avenge my master and I will break Vader!He took everything from me, then I will return him the favor!The League of Villains will prevail against these despicable heroes, no matter the cost!

???: Then you only deceive yourself in believing in such a thing...

Everyone freezes in place when a voice that no one recognizes is heard.They are not alone.Everyone turns to the source to find a dark cloaked figure stepping out from the shadows.

Everyone stands up and gets in fighting positions as the figure does not even appear to be fazed by them.The figure waves his right hand and causes Dabi to be thrown against Toga, resulting the both of them to be thrown through a wall.A massive hole with rubble is all that is left, their bodies are nowhere to be seen.Their fates are unknown, likely to presume dead.Everyone is shocked at what just happened.

Spinner: Wait... What...

Twice: Toga!

The cloaked figure pulls out a cylinder object that is very familiar, it looks similar to Vader's hilt but the design is completely different.He brushes his thumb on a button and ignites his lightsaber, revealing a crimson blade of plasma.The cloaked figure points his finger towards Shigaraki.

???: I sense your past... your pain, your fear...

Everyone is frozen in place from the sight of a cloaked figure with a lightsaber.The only person the League of Villains know who has powers to move objects and wield a lightsaber is Vader.

Shigaraki: Vader...

???: No... I am not that pathetic excuse of a Sith.

The cloaked figure's answer does not put Shigaraki to ease at all.He raises his voice towards the man.

Shigaraki: Then who the hell are you, and what do you want from me?!Are you here to kill me?!

???: No... I want you to be my... apprentice...

Shigaraki blinks at his response.A man who wants to take All for One's place to be his master.

Shigaraki: You have nothing to offer me!What could you possibly offer me after I lost everything?!

???: Power... I can help you with your power... You do not realize it, but you have the same abilities as I do.

Everyone freezes in place as their brains take a moment to take in what the cloaked figure just said.The villains look at shigaraki.

Shigaraki: W-wait.You mean that...

???: Yes... You have... the force... Join me, and I will train you.Together, with our strengths combined, we will fulfill your revenge against your enemies.Especially Vader.You will become a powerful Sith and forge a new... empire in this small world...

Shigaraki looks down at his prosthetic hand.An opportunity to become very powerful and the world be handed to him on a silver platter.But he does not care for it, all he wants is revenge.His anger, his hatred, and his rage clouds his mind.

???: Yes... I can feel your hate... All your life, you've been in a cage.Let the dark side flow through you.You will become more powerful than what you could comprehend... Let me lead you to victory... and break free!

Shigaraki looks at the cloaked figure.He is seduced by his words, and he gives his answer.

Shigaraki: What will you have your apprentice do... master.

???: Good... Very good... my apprentice...

The cloaked figure steps closer to Shigaraki, he gets a closer look at his new master.Shigaraki can see the some of the man's pale white skin and his glowing yellow sith eyes.Most of the man dons a mask that covers his neck, lower jaw, and nose.This man was a formidable foe to the Jedi order during the old republic, he participated in the attack on Coruscant, ending the lives of half of the Jedi high council at the Jedi temple.This man... is Darth Malgus, Shigaraki's new master.Now, the League of Villains are at his disposal, his first step to reforming his new Sith Empire.

Malgus: I will make you a great Sith Lord...

Vader: Impressive... Most impressive...

We find Vader in his medical/repairment chamber, admiring the upgrades to his suit.The doors open to the chamber, revealing his protocol droid.

Protocol droid: Master!You're awake!

Vader places his glove over his right arm and turns to see his protocol droid bringing in his lightsaber.The droid approaches Vader and returns him the lightsaber.

Protocol droid: I believe this is yours, good sir.

Vader takes the lightsaber from the droid and clips it on his belt.He then returns his attention to the droid.

Vader: I see that my suit has been altered.Tell me, was it your idea of doing so?

Protocol droid: Goodness, no!I would have no such capability of coming up with such an idea.Mei Hatsume and Momo Yaoyorozu were the ones who came up with the idea.

Vader: Hmm.I shall give them my thanks when I meet them later on.What are the upgrades and diagnostics?

The protocol droid goes into details for his new suit.The droid explains about the mechno-limb replacement for the durasteel limbs, the upgraded support system installed, the surge protective gauntlet and how it works, and the removal of the suit's component needles that used to cause pain and replaced with a better design that cause no pain.

Protocol droid: Sir, may I ask for your opinion for your view on the new suit?

Vader: It is... acceptable.

That was all Vader said to his protocol droid.But deep down, he actually found the suit to be very intriguing.The suit's machinery was obsolete by three decades before the upgrades.

He begins to wonder how he could move around faster than before, more flexible, and how he can be more powerful than ever.This is a game changer for him, it's his first step to prepare for the upcoming events.

Protocol droid: Excellent!If you allow it sir, may I go and power down to recharge my power level?

Vader gives the droid a simple nod and the droid picks up on it.

Protocol droid: Thank you master!I shall get going then.Please wake me when you need me for anything.

The protocol droid joins in with the medical droids to power down, leaving Vader alone.He remembers what Stan told him before he woke up, to prepare himself for the future

He leaves the medical/repairment chamber and heads to his meditation chamber.The very short walk for him was a quick test for his new limbs.He finds them to be lighter than he is used to his old durasteel limbs.He strides toward his meditating pod to rest for the day.The pod opens for him, waiting for its owner to meditate.but before he steps inside, he notices a set of blueprints on his seat.Strange, he never left any blueprints inside the meditating pod.Someone must have left it there.

Vader picks up the blueprints and finds a sticky not on one of them.He reads it and it says the following:

Compensation for the loss of your motorcycle at Kamino.You earned it, buddy.~Stan.

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Vader raises his non-existing eyebrow, surprised to see that Stan would reward him.He studies through the blueprints and a smile forms on his face.

Vader: Interesting...

The blueprints are for a new vehicle that will help him get around town.He plans to start the project for his new vehicle.He has an idea for how he can get this new vehicle.Vader rolls up the blueprints and leaves his quarters, heading to Principal Nezu's office.

Meanwhile at Nezu's office

Nezu sits on his chair in his office, currently working on the profile of Vader in his laptop, shortly after Mei Hatsume and Momo Yaoyorozu brings in the news about the repair of Vader's suit being a success.He puts in everything he learned from any news about Vader, heroes who encountered him in the past whether they fought him as a vigilante or working alongside with him, students who met him in person, and from what he learned from Vader when they made negotiations at the meeting a while back.

He takes a sip from his tea and closes the laptop.He begins to think to himself when will Vader wake up, only to have his question answered when his ears perk when he hears the mechanical breathing behind the door to his office.

Vader opens the door and steps inside to greet him in person.He approaches Nezu's desk and greets him with a small bow.

Vader: Nezu.

Nezu is surprised to see him at his office.He expected for Vader to wake up in a later time, but it seems that luck is on his side.He gives a smile to the former Sith Lord.

Nezu: Good to see you again, Mr. Skywalker.You had everyone worried for you after what happened at Kamino Ward.

Nezu gets off his seat and approaches Vader.He kneels down to give the principal a small handshake with his left hand, as his right one is holding onto the blueprints gifted by Stan.

Nezu: I see that Hatsume and Yaoyorozu were successful to rebuilding your suit.

His eyes gaze at the left arm, noticing the surge protective gauntlet.He studies the rest of Vader's suit to see if anything else has been changed.The only thing that appears to be changed is the addition of the device on his left arm.

Nezu: I take it that this device is an addition from Hatsume, correct?

Vader stretches his left arm out more for Nezu to get a better look at it while he continues to kneel with one knee.

Vader: That is correct.This device is called a surge protective gauntlet.Young Hatsume added it to absorb any electrical charges, preventing any damages to my life support system.

Nezu carefully observes the device and rubs his hand to feel it.It's a very impressive idea that Hatsume hatched.He moves his hands away and Vader stands up straight, looking down at Nezu.

Nezu: She continues to live up her reputation as an inventor.I must say, it's a really genius idea.

Vader: Indeed.

Nezu: By the way, there is something I want to give you, Mr. Skywalker.

Nezu walks to his desk and opens the desk's drawer as Vader takes a seat and places the blueprints on the desk.He watches Nezu from across the table, curious of what Nezu wants to give him.He pulls out what seems to be a card and an envelope.He hands them out for Vader to take.He grabs the card and the envelope and reads the card, only to pause for a moment after what it reads.

Pro-Hero LicenseThe Dark Hero: Vader

It's his hero licence with a photo of himself in the suit.Nezu can't see Vader's reaction due to the mask, but he knows that he is smiling.Vader lowers the card and puts it on his person.He returns his attention to Nezu.

Nezu: After we made the negotiations with you a while back, the hero council debated on whether you are to be a hero or not.You have gained a lot of supporters ever since it became clear that you were someone that we needed.someone who would go beyond for something that is morally right.Someone who would take the lives of dangerous villains so that no one else would have to.And that person, is you.They agreed to officially make you the first hero with the license to take lives.

Vader is surprised, yet pleased that the hero council would do such a thing.It would make things easier for him to do his job.

Vader: Much appreciated, Principal Nezu.Please send my regards to the hero council in a later time.

Nezu: Of course!And you may want to read the envelope as well.

Vader opens up the envelope and reads its contents.It's a letter from a merch company that would like to sponsor him with his image for their products, of course they will pay him handsomely.The letter states how they would like to have his permission to make a lot of merches such as toys, figurines, shirts, posters, keychains, replica models of his lightsaber, costumes based on his suit, etc. The envelope also has the documents for him to fill out and sign for his consent.

Vader: They want to make products based on my image?

Nezu: Of course they do!It's only natural for a company to make merchandise based off of a popular hero.Especially a quirkless hero.

Vader thinks to himself if he should consider it.He does get paid, but should he need more money?This world has no idea what he used to represent across the galaxy.He was the face of the Galactic Empire.He used to strike fear and bring death wherever he goes.All of it brought back memories he wishes to forget.It brought some doubt to him.

Vader: If they really knew who I am, they would not even consider to send this to me.

Nezu: Would you like to explain?

Vader places down the envelope on the desk and thinks to himself if he should tell Nezu about the Galactic Empire and what his role was.

Vader: What I am about to tell you must never leave this room.Can I trust you to keep this between the two of us?

Nezu: Pinky promise!You can tell me whatever is in your mind.You have my word for it.

Vader contemplates one more time on whether or not he should tell Nezu about his past.But deep down, he knows that his dark deeds will eventually be brought to the light.His mind comes to a decision, time to tell the truth.

Vader: Very well.Before I was in this world, I served the Galactic Empire, 2nd in command below the Emperor.

Nezu: The Galactic Empire?

Vader explains to Nezu the history of the Empire, how it replaced the Republic, order 66, its fascist dictatorship, how it controlled the galaxy, how he reinforced its reign as second in command, the spark of the Galactic Civil War, the Death Star, the destruction of Alderaan, and his master, Emperor Paplatine.He explains for a while, leaving Nezu shocked about how there was an empire that controlled the galaxy under dictatorship.

Vader finishes explaining about the Empire and looks down to his feet in shame.He does not even bother to look up at Nezu.

Vader: You probably hate me for it, and I understand.If you wish for me to leave, I will.

Nezu inhales as he takes everything he learns to memory and exhales.

Nezu: I can't say that I represent the galaxy's view on you, but I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

Vader looks up to Nezu, surprised from what he tells him.

Nezu: You may have done terrible things in your life, but I believe that you are already redeemed.You have not brought terror to this planet, instead you brought hope.The people look up to you as their hero.Ever since you defeated All for One, your reputation as a hero skyrocketed throughout the world.Dare I say that it rivals All Might.But as I was saying, you are a whole new person.You are not the same man who brought order to the galaxy by fear.Mr. Skywalker, I forgive you.

Vader's eyes widen from Nezu's speech.Nezu sees the good in him.The only other person who saw the good in him was his son.He takes it all to his heart and cherishes it.

Vader: Thank you...

Nezu: The pleasure is mine.Let me bring some tea for you to brighten up the atmosphere and discuss about the company's sponsor!

Nezu pours a cup of tea for Vader and offers it to him.He obliges and takes the tea.Vader brings the tea close to his mask tea for him to drink.The retractable straw comes out of the mouthpiece and comes into the contact with the liquid for him to drink.

Nezu and Vader drinks their tea as they come into an agreement with approving the sponsor.Vader finishes his tea and signs the contract and gives it to Nezu to return it to the company, giving them the green light on the sponsorship.

Nezu: I'm glad that you signed the contract, Vader.I guarantee that you won't regret it!There is another thing I would wish to discuss with you.

Vader: Go on...

Nezu takes a sip from his tea before he begins to explain to Vader.

Nezu: Recently, the School decided to have Class 1-A move into their dorms for their own safety and I believe that won't be enough to protect them.Even with the death of All for One, the League of Villains are still out there, most certainly making their next step.I would like to offer you a role as Class 1-A's security guard for their dorms.You would get to know more about the students as they would get to know you as well.

A security guard of Class 1-A.Vader expected many things that Nezu would have told him, but not this.Vader raises his non-existing eyebrow to Nezu.

Vader: Are you sure you want to do this?

Nezu: I'm positive!You are the most powerful man on the planet that I know!Your experience from the empire can be put into good use as a protector for them.I would be honored to have an alien to be Class 1-A's guardian!

Vader almost chuckles at the last part of what Nezu said.Perhaps he could put his experience into good use after all.

Vader: Very well.I accept the offer, Principal Nezu.

Nezu: Fantastic!I have a good feeling that they will grow to you.You are a very intimidating person, but deep down your heart is at the right place.You have my full trust for this new job.

Vader: I am looking forward to it, Nezu.Before I depart, I have something to show you.

Vader slides over the blueprints to Nezu and he unrolls them.Nezu looks over the contents of the blueprints, the design of the Vehicle fascinates him.He places them down and looks up at Vader.

Nezu: You wish for me to help you for this project of yours?

Vader: That is correct.I have no means of transportation.Back at Kamino Ward, I rammed my motorcycle against All for One before our duel.

Nezu takes one more look at the blueprints and gives Vader a smile.

Nezu: I'll see what I can do.I can guarantee you that whoever designed this is certainly a genius!

Vader: Thank you.I will take my leave to meet for my preparations for the job.

Vader gives Nezu a handshake and leaves his office, leaving Nezu alone, making a phone call for the project of Vader's vehicle.

Somewhere at Musutafu

In the alleyways of the city of Musutafu, a man in an officer uniform of the Galactic Empire, wakes up to find himself laying on the ground.The man gets up and checks his surrounding to find out where he is.He looks down to find a SE-14r blaster pistol on the floor and picks it up.

He is very confused on where he is.The last thing he remembers before he woke up was when he was on the bridge of the Executor Super Star Destroyer at the battle of Endor.

He walks out of the alleyways with his blaster in hand, to find himself in a city he has never seen before.The man He observes the citizens going about their daily lives and there is no sight of any imperials, not even a single stormtrooper patrolling the streets.He walks around the city trying to find any clues on where he is.He can feel citizens eyeing on his uniform and blaster as if they never seen it before.

???: Nice toy gun!

The man looks down to see a child staring at his blaster.He ignores the child and continues to walk down the sidewalk.A woman catches his attention and his eyes widen to see her made out of paper walk pass him.He looks around and notices that some of the citizens do have strange appearances.One is a smiling man with a green mask wearing a yellow suit and hat.Another looks like a normal human, except he has a third arm sticking out of his back.

It's a very strange site for him.He resumes his pace to look around for answers.He hears a few comments on his uniform.

???: Check out the uniform on him.

???: Is that military, I don't recognize it.

???: Is that a toy gun?

He ignores the comments and continues.Eventually, he comes across an electronic store with a tv broadcasting news in the display window.He was about to ignore it until a familiar figure comes up on the news.He stops his walk and watches the tv.He almost skips a heartbeat when he immediately recognizes the dark clad armoured figure on the tv who appears fight man in a suit with a black mask.He knows exactly who he is.

???: Lord Vader...

We find Vader and Toshinori Yagi at the apartment complex where the Midoriya residence reside, shortly after they were dropped off.Vader agreed to come along with Yagi to help him convince family members of the students of Class 1-A to move into the dormitories at UA school grounds.Vader didn't find the job to be that difficult, but he was irritated when he was at the Bakugo residence.He had to control his anger from the constant yelling he heard from Mitsuki and Katsuki yelling at each other.At least he figured out where Katsuki got his constant anger from: his mother.

Vader and Yagi starts walking towards the apartment.During the walk, Vader can sense Yagi's thoughts.He senses something about him and Izuku.He knows that there is something between Yagi and the boy, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it is.He could use the force to minded probe him, but chooses not to since he has respect towards Yagi and would rather hear it from him.Before they make it to the apartment, Vader stops in place.

Vader: Yagi.

Yagi stops his walk and turns around to look at Vader.

Yagi: Yeah?

Vader: Is there something that I am missing here?

Yagi: Uhh, nothing really.Why?

Vader crosses his arms.He knows that Yagi is hiding something, and he is going to get to the bottom of this.

Vader: Spare me the lies.I sense the conflict within you.Is there something between you and the boy that I am not aware of?

Yagi is taken back from what Vader said.He is close to finding out about his secret with Izuku.Yagi looks around the area to see that no one is around and takes a sigh.

Yagi: I guess you deserve to know the truth.But promise me that you will never speak to anyone from what I'm about to tell you.

Vader: You have my word, Yagi.You have kept my identity a secret, so I will return you the favor.

Yagi closes his eyes and rubs them with his left hand, gathering his confidence to tell him about Izuku.

Yagi: The truth is... Izuku is the current One for All user.It's a quirk that can be transferred to another person.It stockpiles on an enormous amount of raw power.I was the previous One for All user and I passed it down to him when I learned that he is worthy to be my successor.He is a good kid with a golden heart, Vader.

Vader raises his non-existing eyebrow and lowers his arms.He takes in everything he learned from Izuku being the next One for All user.It makes sense to why he feels a tremendous amount of power within the boy.

Vader: You have made the right choice to pick him as your successor, I felt the good within him.We will watch his career with great interest.You have my respect, Yagi.

Yagi smiles at Vader's compliment.Before, he was not sure if he can trust Vader about his secret.Now, he is sure that he can be trusted.

Yagi: Thanks, Anakin.Anyway, let's get going.Don't want to keep us waiting, huh?

Vader: Of course.

Both men continue their stroll, eventually they made it to the front door with the name Midoriya on it and Vader gently knocks on the door.


In the middle of the woods away from Musutafu, Darth Malgus and Kurogiri observes Shigaraki in his training.Shigaraki sits on the grass, trying to concentrate with the force to use telepathy.He focuses on creating a pillar made of rock and pebbles he collect for his training.He struggles a bit with his focus, but he succeeds when the pebbles slowly floats in the air, creating a pillar made of small rocks.

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When Shigaraki finishes, he let's go of the small rocks and let's them fall to the ground, making a multitude of crashing sounds.

Darth Malgus: Well done, my apprentice.You have a great mind of focus.Now rise.

Obeying his master, Shigaraki stands up and faces his master.

Darth Malgus: Patience is the key to success.You have the potential to becoming a great Sith.

Shigaraki: Thank you, my master.

Darth Malgus: Now, I think that it is time to move onto your next training.

Kurogiri knows that that's his cue.He uses his warp gate quirk and brings in a man all tied up they kidnapped from the street.He tries to scream out for help but couldn't due to the gag on his mouth preventing him to do so.

Darth Malgus: Shigaraki, I want you to kill this man.Not with your quirk, but with the dark side of the force.Remember what I taught you.

Shigaraki: Yes, master.

Shigaraki looks down at the tied up man.He breathes in and out and let's the hate flow through him.He can feel the dark side clouding his mind, focusing in on why he is doing all of this.He wants revenge on Vader for everything he has taken from him.

Malgus: Embrace it, give in to your anger...

Shigaraki stretches his arm out and gestures his hand in a choke motion.The man begins to feel an invisible grip on his throat, blocking airway into his lungs.

With all of his rage, Shigaraki lets out a shout and clenches his hand to a fist, crushing the man's windpipe.The man stops moving and his eyes roll up to the back of his head, he is dead, and now he is just a lifeless body that will be food for scavengers of nature to feast on.

Shigaraki looks back at Darth Malgus to see what he has to say.

Darth Malgus: Very impressive.I must say, I have chosen correctly when I picked you to be my apprentice...

Back at the Midoriya residence

Vader and Yagi makes their way inside when Inko let's them in.Now, both men are being welcomed by Inko and her son, Izuku as their guests.

Inko: Oh, please come on inside.We're so honored.

Yagi/Vader: Thank you./Thank you.

Izuku and Inko both make a 180 degree turn in a very awkward way and walking with Vader and Yagi behind, trying to keep themselves together.Inko begins to speak to her son very quietly, trying to contain her nervousness.The same can be said to Izuku.

Inko: I can't believe All Might and Vader are in our home.

Izuku: Be cool mom.It's totally fine.

Yagi gives a small chuckle when he passes by Izuku's room, seeing his merch pretty much covering the whole room.

Yagi and Vader sat down at the dining table for the discussion with Izuku and Inko.Yagi was offered something to eat and drink and accepted her generosity.Inko offered the same for Vader as well, but he politely declined.

Yagi: You probably know why we are here.You received a notice that UA is moving our students to dormitories?

Inko: Yes, about that.I read the letter.And I won't allow it.

Izuku turns his head to his mom and let's out a gasp in shock.

Izuku: Wait, what?But yesterday you said-

Inko: I thought about it since then, and I changed my mind!Izuku has admired you for so long.Even though he never developed a quirk as a kid.And then, miraculously, one suddenly appeared.But ever since enrolling at UA, my child just keeps getting hurt.

Inko looks down at Izuku's bandaged arms.

Inko: Just look at him.Do you know about his arms?If he injures them anymore, he might not be able to move them again.

She looks away from Izuku's arms with her head bowed.

Inko: I watched both of you on TV and I saw what that man did to the two of you.As a citizen, I am so thankful for the bravery of you two.But as a mother, I was terrified.

Inko looks up at Yagi, the hero that Izuku admires.

Inko: Izuku wants to be just like you, All Might.But if he follows your path, his future will be filled with blood.So I'm sorry.


Oh help me!

I am here!


Inko: But he's my son.


I'm sorry!


Inko tries to hold in her tears.

Inko: Forgive me, Izuku.Back when you were quirkless, you were always so happy watching the heroes doin their jobs.Maybe it was better that way, I don't know.

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing what his mother said.He gets up from his chair.

Izuku: That's not true!

Inko: Honey, I told you that I'd support you but I wouldn't stop worrying.Do you remember that?

Inko: And I know all you want is to keep going to UA.But, I can't take it anymore.

Inko moves her head up with tears in her eyes.

Izuku felt guilty for ignoring how his mother felt for him.

Inko: I'll speak frankly, gentlemen.As Izuku's mother, I don't have the nerves I need to entrust my son to UA, not with everything that has happened to your school.It doesn't matter what a wonderful hero you both are.When the villains attacked, every class had to be cancelled.And you couldn't stop your students from getting seriously injured, almost killed.I won't put my son in danger.It's my duty as his mother, to keep him safe.

Yagi stands up in an attempt to reassure her in a respectful way.

Yagi: Ma'am,-

Izuku: it's not like that mom!

Izuku lifts up his bandaged right arm to show his mother.

Izuku: It's my own fault that I kept getting injured.The teachers warned me over and over again!But I didn't listen!

This does not help Inko at all, it just made it worse.

Inko: So you're saying that you didn't learn?Don't you think that the school is responsible?

Yagi sits back down on his seat, and speaks to Izuku in a quiet tone.

Yagi: Young man, sit down.

Inko: I might be reacting like an overprotective parent, but I'm at peace with that.And while I don't want to steal my son's dream away from him, he can always go to a different school.There are lots of hero courses out there besides the one at UA.

Izuku lowers his head with a mixed expression on his face, ready to cry any minute, and runs off from the dining area.His mother calls out for him but she doesn't get the chance when he slams the door.

Yagi felt bad for Izuku, for everything that he has been through only to be thrown away.Vader stands up from his seat.

Vader: I can check up on him for you, madam.

Inko: Please, no need.I'll talk to him.

She walks to the door, only for it to open again with Izuku with a note on his hand.

Izuku: Mom, it doesn't have to be UA.

Izuku approaches his mother and shows her the note he brought.

Izuku: Here look at this, you as well All Might and Vader.

Yagi moves his head a little to get a better look at the letter.Vader moves next to Inko to read the letter.

Izuku: I got a letter at the hospital.It's from the boy I saved at the training camp.Kota, someone who hated heroes and quirks, wrote to thank me for saving him.

Izuku looks down at the letter he received from Kota.

Izuku: I know I'm hopeless and make you worry all the time.But still, when I read this note, even if it was just for a moment, it made felt like a real hero.I was so happy.

Inko couldn't believe what she heard.For Yagi, he understands what Izuku means.

Izuku: I know who I'm meant to be and that's what I'll train for!At UA, or not, I swear it!

Yagi, did something that no one expected.He transforms into his buff form.He takes off his slip-ons and kneels down on all threes, since his right arm is injured, and with his head lowered, touching the floor.

Vader follows All Might's lead but instead, he lowers himself down to one knee.He raises both of his hands and puts them on his mask.A click is heard, followed by a hiss from the breaking seal as he proceeds to take off the mask.

Izuku: Wait, what are you-

Vader fully removes the mask and gently places it on the floor.His scarred and pale face is revealed to Inko and Izuku for the first time, both of them let out a gasp in shock and horror at the sight of what Vader really looks like under the mask.

They were able to get a glimpse on Vader's blue eyes staring at them until he lowers down his head.Vader doesn't care he needs the mask to live, the force will sustain him long enough for him to do what he needs to do.

Izuku couldn't believe that this is what Vader actually looks like this whole time.He couldn't help but feel sorry for him, wondering what could've caused him to end up like that.As for Inko, She covers her mouth with both hands and let out a gasp.

All Might: I'm afraid we haven't been upfront, ma'am.Please allow us to try again.I believe that young Izuku is the right person to succeed me.That is- he is my choice to become the next Symbol of Peace.

Vader: Your son made a lot of right choices whenever he was pressured.No matter what, he always gets up from whatever is thrown at him.He has the heart to become a remarkable hero.

Izuku and Inko let's out their gasps from All Might and Vader's statements.

Inko: Hold on- What are you two saying?!What is this?!

All Might: It's an apology.As the one who held that title, I allowed myself to remain his hero rather than giving my all as his teacher.I'm sorry.

Steam emits from him and he returns to his skinny form.Inko let's out a small scream.

Yagi: As a UA teacher, I employ you to forgive my past weakness.It's true that my path has been filled with blood.But that is what makes me the right person to help him find his own way.Free of the mistakes I made as a young hero.

Vader: And as for I madam, for my entire life, nothing but death follows me wherever I go.I know that you don't want that for your son.I don't want him to follow it as well.I don't want him to end up like me.So I will ensure him to not make the same mistakes that I made in the past.

Yagi: The heroes at UA knows that things can't continue as they've been.We're committed to ensure the safety of our students from here on out.It's our top priority.

Inko begins to slowly let out her tears from what Yagi and Vader are telling her.

Yagi: Look not at the current UA, but toward the future.Will you allow me to devote myself to young Izuku?Together we will go beyond, and will lift him up!And we will protect your son, even if it cost us our life!

Vader: I am committed to All Might's words.I will protect your son, even if I have to sacrifice myself, again...

Izuku's mother very much reminds Vader of his own mother, Shmi Skywalker.She wanted what was best for him when he was a boy.She didn't care that she remained a slave, she was very happy that he was freed, thanks to Master Qui-Gon Jinn.His only regret was that she wasn't able to come along with him.If she did, she wouldn't been killed by the tusken raiders.He very much understands her on why she cares for her son.In the end, if she still says 'so', then he will respect her opinion and let her be with her son.

Inko falls on her knees looking down at the floor, worrying her son, Izuku.

Izuku: Are you okay?

Inko moves her head up a bit to look at Yagi with his head on the floor, and Vader kneeling down with his bowed head.

Inko: I can't,- I mean...

Vader: If you do not accept your son moving to UA, I understand...

She gathers her composure to clear her mind and say the correct words.

Inko: You two are Izuku's reason for living.

Yagi lifts his head up from the floor to look at Inko.Vader raises his head up as well, his blue eyes gazing at the woman that reminds him of his own mother.

Inko: it's not that I hate the two of you or UA.It's just... I want Izuku to be safe, and happy.All Might, Vader, don't give up your lives.He needs the two of you to protect him, raise him.If you two can promise that, then he can return to UA.

Tears begin to form up at Izuku's eyes.

Izuku: Mom...

Yagi lowers his head and let's his forehead touch the wooden floor.Vader bows his head down again.

Vader: We won't fail you.

Yagi: I promise...

Inko speaks to her son, but does not turn around to look up at him.

Inko: Izuku, if you are going back to this school, you have to be so careful.

Izuku wipes a tear away with his thumb and immediately responds to her.

Izuku: Of course!I won't make you worry!

Inko looks down at Yagi while she thinks to herself about Izuku.

Inko's thoughts: That look on your face, you're grown up so much, while I wasn't looking.The hero that you admire so much actually began to admire you.I'm proud of you too, Izuku, my baby.I know that how wholeheartedly, he respects you makes you happy, son.

Vader immediately raises his head up, feeling lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.

Vader: E-excuse me.

Vader immediately grabs his mask and puts it back on, almost running out of breath.Everyone looks at him with a puzzled look.

Vader: Apologies.I need the mask to properly breathe.

Small Time-skip.

Shortly after everything they went through, it all worked out in the end.Izuku will be moving into the dormitories with his mother's approval.Yagi and Vader are at the front door after giving their thanks to Inko.

Vader: Mrs. Midoriya, I hope it is not too much to ask, but may I speak to your son in private?

Inko: No need to ask, Mr. Vader!

Vader: Thank you.

Vader turns his attention to Yagi and looks down at him.

Vader: I'll be back with you outside.If you want, I can bring him out so you can speak with him if you want.

Yagi: Heh, thanks Vader.

Vader walks to Izuku and nods at him, gesturing him to lead the way.Izuku picks up on this and takes him to his room and closes the door from behind.

All Might.It is the best that Vader can describe Izuku's room.Nearly everything is All Might's merch.Vader almost let's out a small chuckle.

Vader: Big supporter, I see.

Izuku looks away from him and rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.

Izuku: W-well, he is my idol.What is it you want to tell me, Vader?

Immediately trying to change the subject and focus on why Vader wants to talk in private.

Vader: It is... about your mother.She reminds me of my own mother.

Izuku: W-what?How so?

Vader: She gave so much hope and wanted what's best for you.She worries for you and is going to miss you when you leave this household.My mother was the same way for me when I was a child.

Izuku: Oh, I see... What happened to your mother?

Vader stiffens when he hears Izuku's question.He lowers his head, looking down to the floor, and his fingers twitched.Izuku immediately gets the idea that something bad happened to Vader's mother and is about to apologize.

Vader: She... was killed by savages.

The atmosphere in the room dropped at an incredible rate.Izuku gave him a look of guilt, and lowered his body in a 90 degree angle.

Izuku: I'm sorry!

Vader: It's quite alright.

Izuku looks back up at Vader and none of them bother to say anything for what felt like forever.Vader decides to break the silence, after he realize that someone is missing in the family.

Vader: Young Midoriya, there is something that I would like to ask you.

Izuku: What is it?

Vader: Your father was not present at the discussion from before, is he around?My apologies if it's personal.

Izuku: Oh, it's fine, honestly.

Izuku rubs the back of his head, trying to remember anything from his father.

Izuku: My mom told me that he works abroad.I... don't remember anything about him.When I was a kid, I always wondered about my dad and where he was.At first, I used to wait for him to come back home, even tried to remember what he looked like.Well... I never could... Whenever I tried to picture him, all I saw was All Might.

Vader tilts his head in a puzzled way.What made him picture All Might?

Izuku: It was like he was the one there for me after I had a bad day when my mom could not be there for me.He was the reason for my inspiration as a hero.It was like he was cheering for me on the whole time when no one was there for me.And now that I have him as my mentor, it was sort of like he was the dad that I never got.

Izuku realize what he just said and covers his face in embarrassment.

Izuku: Ah- That was embarrassing!Please don't tell anyone what I said!

Vader couldn't believe what he heard from Izuku.When he was a child, he saw Master Qui-Gon Jinn as a father figure.He was a Jedi, something that he looked up to as a child.Qui-Gon saw potential in him and freed him from slavery.Who would forget the man who freed them from slavery?

For another father figure that Vader viewed as, was Palpatine during the republic era.When he was a Jedi, Palpatine gave him guidance, respect, sympathy, and adoration.Oh how much Vader hated him when he was nothing but a mere took for Palpatine, only to be cast aside when he finds a better replacement.Vader brushes away the thoughts of Palpatine and returns to reality.

Vader: I know how that feels like, Izuku.I understand...

Izuku uncovers his face and looks back up at the towering cyborg.

Izuku: Y-you do?

Vader walks closer to him and places an arm on Izuku's shoulder to assure him.

Vader: Yes, I do.

Little did they know, at least Izuku since Vader senses it, they have eavesdroppers.Yagi and Inko are right on the other side of the door and they heard the whole thing.Yagi and Inko let out a quiet gasp and look at each other, taking in what Izuku said to Vader.Inko covers her mouth with both hands.A small tear trickles down from Yagi's right eye, trying to keep himself together

Yagi: H-he views me as- his father?

In a dimly lit bedroom, we find a specific girl that started her own cult for her 'admirer'.Pictures of Vader and drawings of him are scattered and glued all over the walls and ceiling.The girl laid on her bed, snuggling with a handmade doll of Vader.She giggled to herself with a crazed smile glued on her face as she sniffed the doll, making her brain on full dopamine mode as if someone was high on spice and death sticks, combined.Her body was in heat as she slowly touches herself, fantasizing herself with the Dark Lord she had fallen in love with.

Something inside her snaps and she stops snuggling with the doll.Her face is no longer with that crazed smile that can send chills down your spine.She gets off from her bed and walks towards one picture glued to a wall next to her desk.This picture is not Vader, but a girl with lavender hair known as Yuri.She glares at the picture of Yuri and grabs a knife from her desk and stabs the picture with hate and jealousy.

???: That bitch!She thinks she can take senpai away from me!

This crazed girl had been stalking Vader for quite a while.She followed him whenever she had the chance and watched him at a safe distance.She stalked Vader during his time as a vigilante, the press conference, at the mall when he beat the living shit out of Shigaraki, the library, and at Kamino Ward.Oh how she felt the pleasure of watching Vader using his powers on live television.She had to control herself from running into the battle when she saw him injured.But back when she watched Vader at the library, she had so much hate for Yuri when she spoke to Vader and got his autograph.The girl had to hold herself back to not kill Yuri in front of the man that she craved for.

She comes up with a plan on how to get rid of Yuri and have Vader all to herself, and she sees it as a flawless one.Vader will have to be careful for now on, for there is a yandere out to get him.

???: Soon, my love... I will have you.And you will be mine~

At UA School grounds

Vader is deeply disturbed when he feels something from the Force, and it doesn't feel right.It's the same feeling he felt when someone was calling for him, but this time it's worse than the last one.He decides that later on, he will find who this person is, because he has a busy day ahead of him.

Today is the day for the students to move into their dormitories for their safety, due to the constant attacks from the villains.

Vader stands outside the dormitories with the students of Class 1-A.Earlier, he spoke with Aizawa to take his place for introducing the dormitories so that he can rest and take the day off, he gladly accepts the offer.He even offers Aizawa help to his sleeping problems with meditation.

Vader: I believe we all know why we are here.Due to the villain attacks, the school has come to an agreement with moving all of you to your dormitories for your own safety.Furthermore, Principal Nezu and I have come to an agreement that you will be under my supervision for your safety.

Most of what Vader said was true.Principal Nezu did indeed want him to watch over the students so they can be safe and be on their best behavior.But what Vader didn't tell them was the fact that there was an investigation going on, and the staff suspected that there was a possibility of a traitor among them.It made sense for how the villains knew where the training camp was located.

Vader is their best candidate to root out the traitor since he could sense someone's thoughts of betrayl.He will keep a close eye on them whenever he could, and he WILL find them.

Vader: However, there is one thing I would like to discuss before we move on.I am sure that none of you have forgotten about the provisional licenses you were suppose to receive at the training camp.Now listen closely for what I have to say.

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The students felt a chill down their spines, and it is not the weather since it is not cold at all, but it's Vader's aura, and he is most displeased.

Vader: Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida.The five of you disobeyed what I told you at the hospital about rescuing Bakugo.I sensed all of you back at Kamino.

The Bakugo rescue squad and some of the other students shifted uncomfortably.Even Bakugo felt unease around Vader.They figured that he would find out either sooner or later, but didn't expect it to be now.Vader picked up on the students reaction.

Vader: And from the reactions from the rest of you, I sensed that all of you were aware of their rescue plan.Were it not for All Might's retirement, I would have taken matters to my own hands and punish all of you as I see fit, except for Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure.

He spoke with a very stern and cold tone, putting everyone on edge.

Vader: The twelve of you didn't stop the five of those that went.You betrayed the schools trust, you disobeyed my command.For that, I am most displeased with you.If you want to regain our trust, you will obey every word and live to our standards.Is that understood?

Everyone: HAI!!!

Vader: Fail me, and you will not live to regret it.

Almost everyone skips a heartbeat from what they could guess to be a threat, oh how they already miss Aizawa.But Vader won't kill them of course.He can sense their fears radiating from them.This is good, this is why Aizawa agreed for Vader to show their dormitories instead of himself, because Vader does a very good job when it comes to intimidation.Now they will obey for sure like a good soldier who follows orders.

Vader: Now then, enjoy your new home.

Vader turns around and walks towards the dormitories as the students freeze in place wondering if they should be excited for their new home right after Vader's speech.Eventually the students went inside after a small incident with Bakugo, involving Kaminari and Kirishima.

Vader gives the students a tour for the first floor as he explains where is where.The first floor has the common area, kitchen, dining area, bathrooms, laundry area, and a courtyard outside.Everyone admires the first floor and are already impressed.Uraraka passes out from the sheer amount of joy that this is their new home.However, Mineta has a different thought in mind as he speaks to himself.

Mineta: Do my ears deceive me?Our baths in the common space?

The little grape pervert let's out a gulp from his lustful thoughts.

Mineta: This is heaven.

Unfortunately for him, Vader heard Mineta's rumbling.He sensed his perverted thoughts that radiated like wildfire, and it disgusted Vader.He decided to pop Mineta's little bubble and put an end to his twisted version of 'heaven'.

Vader: They're obviously separated by gender, and you will behave yourself if you want to live for another day, boy.

Mineta's train of perverted thoughts came to an end, replaced with fear read all over his face.

Mineta: H-hai.

Vader continues with Class 1-A's tour and shows around the other floors above.He shows them where their sleeping quarters are at Boys on one side, girls on the other, perfectly balanced as all things should be.

When he finishes with the tour, Vader decides that he should give his last words and call it for the day.He shows them where everyone will be sleeping, according to room assignments.

Vader: These are your rooms, The belongings you sent are already in place.You may spend the rest of your day off by unpacking and getting settled in with your new home.If you need me, I will be downstairs at the common area.

Class 1-A: Hai!

Vader leaves them to unpack their stuff and heads down to the common area.He takes a seat at the couch and decides to ease himself.He closes his eyes and attempts to meditate like a Jedi, trying to let go of his emotions and be at peace.He struggles to do so as his emotions are in turmoil.His feelings for his wife and children are too strong.He loves them with all of his heart, he couldn't just let go.

After hours of meditating, a spirit manifests in front of Vader for a visit.

???: Guidance you seek, Anakin?

Vader opens his eyes to see a familiar ghostly figure on the table in front of the couch he sits.

Vader: Master Yoda.

Another old friend has come to visit Vader, to help him in his guidance with the force.

Yoda: Troubled with emotions you are?

Vader: Yes...

Vader lowers his head in shame.

Vader: I... I failed.I failed you.I failed the Galaxy.I failed my children.I failed her...

He relives all of the sins of his past.The slaughter of the innocents across the galaxy, hunting down the remaining Jedi with no mercy, the death of Padme, hurting his children, everything.

Vader: Please, Forgive me.

Yoda looks at the black clad armoured man with a look of sympathy.

Yoda: Forgiven already you are, Anakin.Brought balance to the Force you have.Do not let the past trouble you, everyone makes mistakes.But remember, learn not to repeat them you must.

Vader lifts up his head, making eye contact with Yoda.

Yoda: The dark side resides within you.But good in you, there is.Neither Jedi nor Sith, you are, but a hero.Guide those around you to become a hero, for a whole and anew person you are, Anakin.

Vader smiles for what the wise Jedi tells him.

Vader: Thank you.

Yoda let's out a small chuckle and taps his cane on the table.For a split second, his eyes glances at the unexpected visitors behind Vader and returns to look back at him.

Yoda: Much like you are, your son is.May the Force be with you, Anakin.

Vader lowers his head for a bit in respect for Yoda.

Vader: May the force be with you as well, Master Yoda.

Yoda gives Vader a smile as he disappears.Vader looks behind to see what Yoda was looking at, and Lord and behold, there stands some of the students of Class 1-A.All of them have looks of shock in their faces from what they just witness.Everyone has one question for Vader they all have in mind.


Vader let's out a small sigh, wondering how he is going to explain this.

Shortly after Yoda's visit, Vader had to explain to the boys about what they just witnessed.They gathered around Vader and listened carefully to him for every detail.Midoriya brought a notebook that was dedicated only to Vader, writing down everything he told them.

Vader begins to give context about what they witnessed.He tells them how a deceased friend has contact him from the afterlife.Of course he doesn't give them the full explanation on how it was through the Force, the students have little to no idea on how the Force works.When Vader finishes elaborating, Iida is the first to speak.

Iida: So let me get this straight, this spirit that appeared has come to guide you in your time of need?

Vader: Precisely.

Midoriya continues to write down the information as he mumbles to himself like a madman, until he remembers what Yoda said.

Izuku: Wait, that ghost mentioned you had a son.

His son... Vader begins to think about Luke.It was he who brought him to the light.Before he could give Izuku an answer, the girls steps in to join Vader and the boys.

Mina: Hiya boys.Are you done with your rooms?

Vader and the boys turn their heads towards the girls approaching them.

Kaminari: Yup!We're just chilling with Vader.

Mina: Well, the girls and I have been talking and...

Hagakure: We have a great idea!

Mina: Let's go around and see who has the coolest rooms!You can come along Vader, it'll be fun!

Midoriya, Mineta, and Tokoyama freezes in place.Vader can already tell why and a smirk forms on his face.

Vader: I suppose it wouldn't hurt for me to join in.

The first room everyone stops at is Midoriya's, and he begins to freak out.Vader takes a guess and he guesses correctly when they open the door to reveal his room covered with All Might merch.The girls exclaim in joy while Izuku's face is tomato red in embarrassment, as he leans on his desk.

Uraraka: You're such a fanboy!

Izuku: Well I admire him.This is embarrassing!

Vader almost let's out a chuckle and decides to put Izuku at ease.

Vader: Nothing to be ashamed of, young Midoriya.Everyone has someone that they look up to.

It seems to do the trick, Izuku glances at him and gives a small relieved smile.

Mina: Awww!Vader's getting soft for him!

Vader: Don't push it.


Everyone's room has been checked out, girls included, minus Bakugo and Asui.Vader and the students are at the common area deciding to do a vote on who has the best room.That is until...

Mina: Okay, we got to see everyone's rooms, now we- Wait a minute.I think we forgot someone!

Mina points her finger straight at Vader as everyone looks at him.

Vader: You wish to see my personal quarters?

Mina: Yeah!You participated in our room competition and saw our rooms, so it's only fair that we get to see yours.

Vader: My quarters is at the school itself.I am sure that none of you don't want to walk all the way to my quarters just to see it.

Everyone: Bet.

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Vader Let's out a sigh in defeat, kids these days.

Vader: You children are stubborn as always... Very well, we'll go to my quarters for your little game.

Mina: YES!

Vader walks outside of the dormitories as everyone follows him.He leads them inside the school and eventually made it to the front door of his personal quarters with his name labeled next to the door.

The doors slide open themselves and everyone steps inside the main room.In the room, they see a black couch, a coffee table, and a huge flat screen TV.The students begin to shiver, but not from Vader this time, instead it's the room's temperature and dark atmosphere.

Tokoyama: Revelry in the dark.

Mina: It's so dark and cold in here!

Vader: You haven't seen everything, young Mina.

The door to the meditation chamber opens up to them and out comes a small droid Vader has recently built.

The girls exclaim at the sight of the little droid as it begins to squeak.Uraraka is the first to pick up the little droid and the girls surround her and the droid.

Uraraka: Awwww!It's so cute!

Mina: It really is!

Iida: Sir, what is that?

Vader: That, young Iida, is a mouse droid I have built, recently.It's purpose is to do maintenance work and clean my quarters.

Kaminari: So basically, it's a Roomba with more utility?

Vader: Correct.And young Uraraka, please put the droid down.

Uraraka: Aw man, I already love this little fella!

She sets down the mouse droid as it gives her a small happy squeak before it wheels away to clean the main room.Vader let's out a sigh before he begins with the tour.

Vader's thoughts: What would Kenobi do in this situation?


Children.Children are not easy for anyone to deal with.Even for Vader, dealing with children is not an easy task.Morning shines over UA, signaling a fresh new day that lies ahead for everyone.

Vader wakes up after resting in his meditating pod for giving a tour of his personal quarter to the students of Class 1-A, all because of a competition of who had the best room.In the end, he won the competition by a landslide, no surprise there.

Nezu enters inside the meditaion chamber of Vader, only to find the black pod halfway opened.He slowly approaches the pod to see what's happening inside when he hears a whirring noise.He takes a small peak and barely catches a glance of the back of Vader's pale head before he is covered by the black mask lowering down for him.

The chair begins to turn for Vader as the pod fully opens up.Nezu backs away a bit pretends he didn't see a thing.

Vader: Yes Nezu?

Nezu: Good morning to you as well, Skywalker.I just came in to see if I may join you at your common room.I've brought some tea.

He says in a delightful tone.Vader hums to himself on why Nezu would be here.Hardly anyone comes here into his quarters.The only time anyone would ever come here is work related, students asking for help, or questions about him.

Vader: If you insist.

He stands up from his seat and follows Nezu out of his meditating pod to his quarters' common room.He spots a tray of 2 cups and a tea kettle placed on top of his black coffee table.He takes a seat on his couch and turns the tv on for the two of them to see what is on the news.

Vader proceeds to pour some tea for himself and drinks it through the straw built withinin the mouthpiece of his mask as he watch the news with Nezu.

Vader: I take it that you have something to say to me?

Nezu: Oh, that is right!How rude for me to forget.I received a call from the police station at Hosu city and they have someone in custody who claims to know you.He also claims to be an admiral of the 'Galactic Empire', ring any bells?

Vader turns off the TV and stands up from his couch, with his tea set down on the coffee table.

Vader: Perhaps I shall drop by to see this person you speak of.

Nezu: Indeed.And don't worry, I already gave you the day off, no need to worry about it.

Vader: That is all I need.

Vader walks away from Nezu to head out to the police station.But before he could step out of his quarters, Nezu calls out to him.

Nezu: Oh, and one more thing.

Vader stops in place and turns around.Nezu grabs something from his pocket and tosses a small object to Vader.Vader catches it with the force as it floats in mid air and glides to his palm.He looks down at the object Nezu has given him, which is a key.

Nezu: Your new ride is ready for you.She's all yours, Skywalker.

Nezu gives Vader a smirk, which says 'have fun'.

Vader: Thanks.

Vader turns around and leaves his quarters.After walking around the school's hallways, he finds himself outside staring at his new ride.It is marvelous.

Lord and behold, Vader's new vehicle stands in front of him, a 1967 Mustang Fastback that has been modified.Vader opens the door and climbs inside the car and closes the door when he sits down in the driver's seat.He inspects the inside of the mustang to see if it comes to his standards.

Most of the interior is covered in rich leather with the color black.The windows are tinted out to the point where no one can see inside the car.The engine has been modified with some upgrades, making the car have the potential to be one of the fastest cars.The radio has been replaced with a small computer screen which can be used as a GPS, make phone calls, browse the internet, etc.

Vader puts the key in the ignition and turns it.The car comes to life and let's out a monstrous roar, making Vader form a small smile on his face.He takes the wheel and speeds out from the parking lot and out of UA, now heading to the police station.The car is insanely fast as it speeds down the road, making citizens and heroes turn heads to the beautiful car.


At the police station in Hosu city, detective Naomasa stands outside as he patiently waits for Vader, shortly after interrogating the man they have in custody, only to learn that he is not from this world, just like Vader.

Naomasa: Great, another alien.

The man in custody was a strange one.He claimed to be an admiral of a 'Galactic Empire' that he never heard of, how he used to work under Vader's authority, and everything he said was true according to his quirk.But what made it stranger was that the 'admiral' always referred Vader with 'Lord', like a title.Perhaps Vader will be able to help and sort everything out.The reason that the man was taken into custody, due to having a strange firearm that Naomasa has never seen before.

Naomasa hears a loud roar in the distance, and he sees a black mustang coming in at high speed.At first, he thinks that is just some drag racer, but the car comes to a complete stop in front of him.Naomasa's hand slowly goes for his gun but stops when he sees who comes out of the car.Vader climbs out of the car and stands in his full height, and makes eye contact with the detective.He closes the door to his car and approaches Naomasa, towering over the detective.

Vader: Detective.

Naomasa: Morning, Vader.It's good to see you again after Kamino.You had all of us worried back there.

Vader: No need for the civilities.I am here for the man you have in custody.

Naomasa: Straight to the point.The man, or 'alien', we have, only gave us little information.He only gave us a rank of Admiral, and the information of how he served the 'empire' he speaks of.And I am sure you know something about this.

Vader, knows exactly who the admiral is, he is looking forward to meet up with him and talk to him.

Vader: That is a story for a later time, detective.Take me to him.

Naomasa: Right, follow me.

Naomasa leads Vader inside the police station into the lobby, as everyone inside lays their eyes on the detective and the cyborg.Naomasa escorts Vader to the interrogation room where the admiral is being held at.Naomasa opens the door for Vader and he steps inside.

Inside the interrogation room, there is a table and 2 chairs.The admiral in custody is cuffed and sitting down on a chair, as he let's out a small gasp at the sight of Vader's entrance.He stands up from his chair in respect with his hands still in cuffs.

Naomasa: This is him.We found him earlier this morning after receiving a call of him walking around with a firearm.He was armed only with this.

Naomasa pulls out the firearm, that turns out to be a SE-14R blaster pistol, the police confiscated from the admiral.Vader reaches for the blaster and inspects it for a second.

Vader: Good work, detective.Leave us.I will handle the situation, myself.

Naomasa nods at him and leaves the room, locking the door.Vader looks back at the admiral, who is still standing.Vader approaches him and stops directly in front of the table that is between him and the admiral.He places the blaster down on the table.

Vader: Admiral Piett.

Piett: Lord Vader.

Admiral Firmus Piett, one of the few officers that Vader trusted.He served the Naval Forces of the Galactic Empire, admiral of Vader's flagship, the Star Dreadnought Executor.The last thing he remembered was a rebel A-wing crashed through the window of the Executor's bridge before he perished at the Battle of Endor.Now, he finds himself at Earth in police custody, standing in front of his superior.

Vader: You seem unsettled.

Piett: Just,... the sudden pressure of me being apprehended, is all.

Vader: My apologies.You do have a great many questions, I assume?

Piett: Indeed, I do, my Lord.

Vader: But before we can discuss about it, but we may have to remove unwanted eavesdroppers.

Vader looks to his left to a wall that turns out to be transparent, allowing the unwanted witnesses to see and hear their discussion in the room.He waves his hand to use the force, the equipment inside the room begins to malfunction and short-circuit, cutting them off from anything they can hear inside the room.Vader can already feel the annoyance and anger from a few law enforcers and Chief Kenji, who is present, but ignores it.They may be able to see inside the interrogation room, but what good is it if they can't hear them?

Vader looks at Piett and sees the cuffs that still binds his hands.

Vader: You will no longer be needing those.

He slightly moves his hand, undoing the handcuffs to release Piett.Piett takes the cuffs off and lays it on the table.