

At the Emperor's throne room aboard the Death Star, Darth Vader watches his son being tortured by his master, Darth Sidious' barrages of force lightning.Luke screams from the painful sensation, and calls for his father's help.

Luke: Father, please!

He simply stood there and watch as his son pleas for him while the Emperor unleashes more of the painful force lightning.

Darth Sidious: And now, young Skywalker... you will die...

Darth Sidious unleashes another barrage of force lightning, causing Luke to scream in agony, squirming from the painful force lightning that spreads through his body.

Vader stands there and watch his master tortures his son, Luke while he screams from the painful bolts of force lightning, causing him to squirm while smoke emits from him.

The sight of his son pleading him for help and screaming in pain causes something within Vader to flip like a switch.Vader looks towards his master, seeing Darth Sidious with a twisted look of satisfaction from Luke's cries of unimaginable pain.Vader says only one thing to himself.

Vader: No...

He turns to his master again, and he did not notice what he said, due to him focusing on torturing Luke, blinding him from what is about to happen.Vader makes a decision.He readies himself and rushes towards Darth Sidious.

Vader: NOOOOO!

Vader lifts up his now-former master, surprising the Sith Lord as he screams from anger and confusion.Darth Sidious targets his force lightning towards his apprentice instead of Luke.Vader feels the unimaginable pain of the force lightning coursing through his body, but it doesn't matter to Vader.He is determined to save his son at all cost, even if it costs him his life.He feels the constant pain every step he takes but pushes on, finally reaching the edge.With everything he has left, Vader throws Darth Sidious down the reactor shaft, he stumbles to the railing and falls on his knees as he watches the Sith Lord that took everything from him and brought pain and suffering in his life, screaming as he falls to his death.He seemingly explodes upon impact, causing a huge gush of howling wind.It's over, Darth Sidious is no more.

As he expected, Vader struggles to breathe, due to the force lighting short-circuiting his life support system.He feels his son, Luke Skywalker grabbing onto him, and gently lays Vader on his back.Luke gets his father up and walks him to the imperial shuttle that brought them to the death star.

The imperial staff are evacuating from the death star, knowing that the rebel fleet will succeed on destroying the battle station.Luke is almost to the shuttle, but Vader falls down on the floor, laying on his back.Luke drags his father to the shuttle's ramp.When he made it to the ramp, he lifts his father from his back, now face to face.

Vader: Luke, help me take... this mask off.

Luke: But you'll die.

Vader: Nothing... can stop that now.Just for once... let me... look on you with my own eyes.

Luke gives him a small nod.He gently takes the helmet off, putting it aside.He then slowly takes off the mask, revealing his father's face, all deformed and scarred.Vader gives him a weak smile as he can finally see his son without the mask's vision.

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Vader: Now... go, my son... Leave me.

Luke: No, you're coming with me.I'll not leave you here, I've got to save you.

Vader's heart warmed up when he heard those words from his own son.But deep down, he knows his time was up and there was nothing he can do about it.

Vader: You already... have, Luke.You were right... You were right about me... Tell your sister... you were right.

Vader begins to feel himself finally slipping away from the land of the living.He closes his eyes, and slowly lays on his back.

Luke: Father...

Vader wanted to respond but he couldn't as he didn't have the strength to do so.

Luke: I wont leave you!

Vader exhales his last breath as he looked back to his life, when he was a child on Tatooine to where it brought him.He regrets all the pain and suffering he brought throughout the galaxy.Hunting down the jedi, killing the younglings, destroying his daughter's home planet, Alderaan, and cutting his son's hand off on Cloud City on Bespin.He regretted it all.He wished that he was given a second chance and undo all the suffering he caused throughout the galaxy.Vader's life flashes before his eyes as he finally passes away, at peace...

Darkness surrounds Vader, he is in a void of pure darkness.Then suddenly, a bright light appears in front if him, consuming the darkness that surround him.He begins to think that this is the afterlife that awaits him.But little does he know, the Force has plans for him.


Will I ever see you again?

What does your heart tell you?

I will come back for you mom, I promise.

Be brave, and don't look back, okay?Don't look back.


I understand what it feels like to walk away from the order.

I know...


You're trembling.What's going on?

Something wonderful has happened.Ani, I'm pregnant.

That's... That's won- that's wonderful.

What are we gonna do?

We're not gonna worry about anything right now, alright?This is a happy moment.The happiest moment of my life.


It's not the Jedi way, he must live!

Please don't.

I need him!

Please don't!



...What have I done?!


I pledge myself... to your teachings.To the way of the Sith.

Good.Good!The force is strong with you.A powerful Sith you will become.Anakin Skywalker, you are one with the order of the Sith Lords.

Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...


Thank you, my master...


You were The Chosen One!It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!


You were my brother, Anakin!I loved you!


Lord Vader, can you hear me?

Yes, master...

Where is Padme?Is she safe?Is she alright?

It seems in your anger, you killed her.

I... I couldn't have.She was alive!I felt it!



What have you become?

I am what you made me.

Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

He told me enough!He told me you killed him.

No... I am your father.

No... That's not true... That's impossible!

Search your feelings, you know it to be true!



Search your feelings, father.You can't do this.

I feel the conflict within you, let go of your hate!

It is too late for me, son.





Now... go, my son... Leave me.

No, you're coming with me.I'll not leave you here, I've got to save you.

You already... have Luke... You were right... You were right about me... Tell your sister... you were right...

Father... I won't leave you!


Vader's conscious returns as he slowly opens his eyes.His eyes meet with the brightness of the sky through the red lenses of the mask and its HUD comes to life.

The mechanical breathing that terrorize the galaxy returns once more, allowing him to properly breathe.Vader slowly sits himself up and looks around, he is on what appears to be a rooftop of a building.Something is off at first for Vader, then it hits him.He is alive!He immediately looks around again to find where his son is at.

Vader: Luke...?

His son is nowhere to be found, Vader frowns at this.Slowly, he gains focus on himself and stands up on his feet.Vader looks down where his right durasteel hand was cut off, only to find it back in place.He could've sworn that his son cut it off with his lightsaber.But he didn't care about it, perhaps the force DID give him a second chance after all , and he is grateful that he is brought back, even if he still has to wear the suit.He makes a promise to himself that he will bring good and no more suffering.He'll do it for Luke, for Leia, for Padme.Vader slightly lowers his head down and raises a fist in front of his face.

Vader: I won't fail again.

Vader vows to the Force that he will never become the monster that he was before, the one that took the lives of many innocent people across the galaxy.He is given a second chance, so he will start over as a new man.

When he finishes, Vader looks around once more and begins with his adventure.He walks to the edge of the roof to find out that he is at a civilization he has never seen before.

It seems primitive.No ships, no landspeeders, not even droids in sight.Perhaps this civilization has not yet been to space, and hasn't been discovered by the Empire.He looks at the people below to find out that there are only humans.He decided that he should leave and find a place to stay.In instinct, Vader's hand slowly reaches down his belt to feel a familiar object: his lightsaber.

Despite the fact that it fell when Luke cut off his right durasteel hand, it's here with him.This leaves Vader even more confused with the situation he is in, but it didn't matter, at least he has it back.

Vader looks around to find a way off the roof, he decides to jump down the alleyway instead of the street to not cause a scene, he doesn't want to be noticed.He uses the force to slow his fall and gently lands on the ground.He walks out of the alley to look around and get a better look at the people.Some were different than others.One had eyes of an insect of some kind.Another wore a yellow suit, yellow hat, and a green mask that seems to be smiling.And another had 9 tails of an animal of some kind.They all seemed human, but with a little enhancement of some kind.This left Vader with the question of the hour: what now?

Vader walked around the city in search for answers for where he was at.He looked around for a good 10 minutes, observing the people going about their own business.

The technology of this backwater world was way more primitive than he thought.Vader was surprised to see that the people relied on wheeled vehicles instead of advanced speeders or hovercrafts.He watched the cars driving down the streets as they go onto their destinations.

Vader comes across one of these wheeled vehicles parked in the street and brushed his hand on its hood.It felt weird seeing such vehicle.Sure he had seen a few wheeled vehicles before during the Clone Wars (HAVw A6 Juggernaut), but not many produced for society.

Vader moved on and continued with his walk to see what he can learn in this new and alien world.He sees a small crowd of kids looking through a window where televisions are stored.

The footage showed a buff blonde man with a smile on his face stood tall, after defeating a man with horns on his head.The buff blond man said something on tv, but Vader couldn't understand the language he was saying.The kids watching the television cheered for the blond man.Vader was surprised to see the blonde man able to clobber the horned man with such power and knocking him out in one hit.Analyzing the blonde man, Vader can assume that this man could be a guardian or a protector for this city.But the smile on his face.

It was creepy...

Vader leaves the kids and the television to continue on with his walk, deciding on what other strange abilities the people of this city has to offer.

After some time of aimlessly wondering around the city, Vader was astonished by their enhancements.Some of these enhancements were from barely noticeable, to bizarre physical changes.

But what bothered Vader was the fact most of the citizens paid no mind of his presence.But of course, a few people gave glances at him.

Did they not know who he was?This planet was a strange one to Vader.If only they knew the atrocities and crimes he committed during his reign of terror in the Galactic Empire, they'd have a much different reaction to his presence.They'd run away in terror instead of not being alerted to his presence.

A commotion was heard ahead of Vader.He stopped walking to observe what was happening.A man with legs that appeared to be somewhat animal, was running at high speed, with someone's purse, he was heading towards his direction.Vader assumed that he was a thief who stole the purse and is on the run.

As the thief is about to run pass Vader, he grabs him by the throat and lifts him up.The man squirms as he struggles to breathe from Vader's tight grip around his neck.He retaliates by pulling out a knife in an attempt to stab Vader.Vader grabs the thief's arm with his other free arm and applies pressure to it with his cybernetic strength until he hears the bones being crushed, making the thief scream in agony and dropping the knife.Vader throws him to the wall and knocks the thief unconscious.

The citizens that were watching was happening started to cheer for Vader.He was about to leave until he heard someone shouting out toward him.

???: Wait!

Vader stops and turns to the direction of the source.An athletic woman with unusual ears, wearing a strange outfit jumps in and lands in front of him.

With Mirko minutes before

Mirko was on pursuit for the thief with a quirk of a Cheetah, who stole a citizen's purse.She lost him for a minute, but heard a commotion to her right.She thinks that someone may have stopped the thief, she immediately went to the source, passing through the crowd to find a intimidating figure in black armor, and a black cape, lifting thief up being lifted by the throat.She was about to step in when the thief pulled out a knife in an attempt to stab the dark figure, but she stopped when the figure disarmed the thief, by squeezing his arm, causing the thief to scream and drop the knife.He throws the thief against the wall, knocking him out.As the dark figure was about to leave, Mirko steps in and calls him out.

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Mirko: Wait!

The black monolith stops, and turns around.His appearance itself is very intimidating, she feels a chill run down her spine from the mechanical breathing of the dark figure.She snaps out of her trance and speaks to him.


Mirko: Nice job!Been chasing this purse-snatcher for a while, I would've lost if not for you.Gotta Thank you for stepping in for me.

She says with a grin, waiting for a reply from the figure, but only got silence, besides the mechanical breathing.

Vader: Who are you?

Mirko felt cold when she heard the deep, mechanical voice.But what caught her attention was that the language he spoke was english.

(A/N: Galactic Basic is English in the star wars Universe)

Mirko knows some of the English language, so she speaks to Vader with it.

Mirko: Ah, an American hero, I presume?Gotta hand it to ya, sweet armor you got, big guy.Can't say that I recognize you.Are you by any chance a hero from America?

Vader: Hero?

This catches her attention.The way he says it is as if he is not familiar with it.She gets suspicious with Vader and asks him a question.

Mirko: Wait, you're not a hero?

Vader: No.

This confirms Mirko's suspicions towards Vader.

Mirko: Then I'll need you to come with me for questioning.

Vader: No, I will not...

Mirko: Buddy, I'm not asking, I'm telling you, and I won't say it again.

Vader knows he has no choice but to rely on mind tricks from the the force.Vader waves his hand in front of Mirko's face as he uses the Force on her.

Vader: You will let me go by my business.

Mirko: I will let you go by your business.

Vader: You will take this thief into custody.

Mirko: I will take this thief into custody.

Vader: Move along.

Mirko: Move along, move along.

Mirko picks up the unconscious thief and hands him to the police that were standing by with the crowd.As this happens, Vader walks away with satisfaction.

It was evening and the sun was setting, Vader has no place to go.He thinks to himself that he might have to rely in mind tricks again so he can have a place to stay.As he was in his thoughts, he noticed a a couple walking to an alleyway, but he sensed fear in them.He learns why they are afraid, a group of 4 men were following them and walked in the same alley they went in.He sensed their desires, it boils his blood with anger and hatred.He walks towards the alleyway.

The couple made a wrong turn to a dead end alleyway, thinking that it might have a shortcut to escape the gang that was following them.They turned around, facing the gang.

Thug 1: well, well, well, what have we here?

Thug 2: Looks like this lucky fella got himself a hot chick.You don't mind if we "borrow" her, do ya?

Boyfriend: Leave her alone!

Thug 3: Ah shut up!

Thug 3's uses his stretching quirk by stretching his arms out and grabs the boyfriend.He throws him against the wall, while the others begin to pin down the woman.They were chuckling thinking they're gonna get what they want.

Thug 4: Easy there sweetie, the more you struggle the more it will be worse for you, hehe.

Thug 2: how about we-

Before thug 2 could finish, he was being choked.Everyone stopped to look at him.

Thug 1: Dude, you good?

Thug 2 was suddenly lifted in the air and slammed against the wall with such force, that a loud snap was heard, confirming he was killed.

Thug 3: The fuck?!

Thug 4: Oh shit!

They all heard footsteps coming from the alleyway's entrance they came from.They saw the silhouette of a dark figure.Everyone was silent.All they heard something from the figure that would forever be branded in their heads.

Khooooh PuuuurhKhooooh Puuuurh

The thug released the boyfriend in awe and fear.The boyfriend rushes to his girlfriend and they were holding each other.The thugs got their composures together.

Thug 3: Who the hell are you?!

Thug 1: Did you kill our pal?!

Silence was all that was heard, despite the mechanical breathing.

Vader slowly walks towards them.The thugs pulled out their weapons.Thug 1 pulls out his knife, thug 3 pulls our a pistol he stole from a cop he killed.Thug 4 had his blade quirk ready, which turns his arms into blades.

Thug 4: get him!

They all rushed Vader, but he pulls out a cylinder object they did not recognize, it was his lightsaber.Vader activates his lightsaber, making the crimson blade, glow around him.The humming from the lightsaber stuck fear in them.Vader throws his lightsaber at thug 1, decapitating him in the process.Thug 3, was about to shoot him but Vader lifts his arm out and force chokes him and immediately snaps his neck, tossing his body aside thug 2's body.Vader uses the force to call back his lightsaber, and focus his attention to thug 4, who was filled with great fear towards the Sith Lord that stands before him.He decides to brave up and attack him with his blade arms, but they were cut off like butter by the lightsaber.He was screaming while looking where his blade arms were, only to be cauterized stumps.He was then lifted and being force choked by Vader.Vader thought that it would be wise to use the thug to learn what he can about this world.He force pulls the thug to him and makes him drop to his knees.Vader places his hand on the thugs head, and begins to mind probe him with the force.The process was very painful for the thug, he was screaming and flailing.

Vader got everything he learned.He learned that he is on a planet called Earth, and 80% of the world have these powers they called quirks.He learned that the language the people of the country he is currently in speaks in the language of Japanese, now learning everything about the language from his mind probe.He learned how this world has heroes and villains.But what disturbed Vader was that this thug had ties to a group that called themselves the 'League of Villains'.He learned that they planned to storm the USJ and take hostage on students from a hero school known as UA, to get the attention on a hero called All Might so they can kill him.

All Might... Vader remembered earlier when he came across the Television store and saw him on screen.So this must be the same man they're planning to eliminate.

Vader knows that he is now a step ahead of these scumbags that he learned, might as well show them how insignificant these people are.When he finished mind probing the thug, he resumed on his force choke towards the thug and snapped his neck like a twig.

Vader drops the lifeless body, his work here is done.He has a new mission, and that is to protect the innocent UA students that are going to get hurt or killed from these villains.He turns his attention towards the couple that saw the whole thing.They were afraid, thinking that he is going to kill them.Vader decides that he should put them at ease and speaks to them in Japanese to communicate.

Vader: You may leave, I will not hurt you.

Vader steps aside for the couple.They immediately got up and ran for their lives.Vader then walks out of the alley and walks for a while, letting the force guide him on his journey towards redemption.Tomorrow, he has a big day on saving the lives at USJ.He will strike fear towards the villains and show them the power of the dark side of the force.But he promise to himself that he will now use it for good, true justice, but not tyranny like how he used to during his life in the Empire.

Class 1-A has arrived at the USJ building.They were introduced to the pro-hero 13, who plans to guide them throughout their rescue exercises.They entered inside the USJ building.Inside was very huge, there were dummy lakes with water, and what looked like a real forest, mockup of crumbled buildings, etc. as they began to head upstairs, it begins...

Aizawa: Alright class, it's time to begi-

They were interrupted by a purple mist that turned out to be a portal.A man covered with hands walks of the portal, along with all kinds of intimidating people.

Kirishima: Has the training started already?I thought we were rescuing people.

Aizawa: Stay back!Those are real villains!

Out of the portal comes a huge muscular creature with a beak and its brain sticking out, standing alongside the villain with hands, known as Shigaraki.This is going to be a fight for Class 1-A's lives, or so they thought.


Vader was right outside the USJ building.He sensed a disturbance in the force, the attack had already begun.He walked toward the building, ready to show the villains the power of the dark side, and how insignificant they were compared to him.


Panic was spreading through the students.Aizawa and Thirteen were brutally beaten up by the muscular beast.The class were surrounded by an army of villains.

The person leading the attack, Shigaraki asks the young heroes in training about All Might's whereabouts.

Shigaraki: alright you little brats, where is All Might?

Before they could do anything else, there was a loud boom that caused the doors above the stairs to break.Everyone stops to look at where the doors once were.No one can see who was it, due to the smoke that was caused by such force.Everyone assumed it was who they thought it could only be.

Izuku: All Might!He's here to rescue us!

Shigaraki: about time.Now we can finally put an end to hi-


Everyone freezes in place as a cold chill runs down their spines, the distant but sharp sound of mechanical breathing echoes across the USJ.The unnerving breathing hits their ears like the breath of the devil himself, the bone chilling atmosphere that comes along with it does not help to ease anyone's worries as the noise grows louder and louder.

Even Tomura found himself to tremble a bit by the unnerving breathing, especially when the air around him suddenly felt like it was carrying extra weight to it.

The breathing is then accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps that echoes from the entrance.The breathing louder and louder from every footstep this unknown figure makes.The figure finally reveals himself; a seven foot tall man, wearing a strange set of black armor, an intimidating skull-like mask, and a black cape, steps in full view for everyone to behold.

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Everyone stayed silent as they felt dread fell upon them when the figure just stood there, menacingly.He stared at them through the soulless black lenses of his mask, with the mechanical breathing being the only thing to break the silence across the USJ.

Everyone knows one thing for certain, this man is definitely not All Might.

Kirishima: That doesn't look good.

Vader jumps down all the way from the top of the stairs to the bottom, landing on his cybernetic feet with the help of the force.Vader stands up from his landing position and slowly walks towards the villains.Shigaraki snapped out of it and shouts.

Shigaraki: well, what are you all waiting for?!Kill him!

2 villains ran towards Vader, feeling confident that they will succeed, they couldn't be more wrong.Both were stopped and lifted in the air, they were gasping for air while trying to grab onto an unforeseen grip on their throats.Everyone stood in awe and shock.2 loud crunches were heard, implying that their necks were snapped.Both villain's corpses were tossed back at the group of villains.Those that were in the way were knocked back by the corpses.The class felt fear, knowing that this was no hero.

He does not break his stride in his steps as he approaches the villains.He comes to a complete stop when all of the villains cautiously surround him.This is going to be a fight that will give class 1-A PTSD.

Shigaraki shouts out to Vader in a mocking tone, clearly underestimating him, along with the rest of the villains.

Shigaraki: Alright stranger.You seriously think you can take all of us?Save us the the trouble by giving up, we clearly have you surrounded!

Shigaraki shouted out to Vader in a mocking tone to get a reaction from him.He made one of the biggest mistake anyone could make, and that is underestimating your opponent, especially if the opponent was a Sith Lord.

All the villains that surround Vader wait for him to make a move as he stands motionless like a statue with his billowing cape.His intimidating appearance is enough to cause a few villains to sweat nervously and starting to consider second thoughts.The silence is so tense that you can cut it with a knife.The black monolith calls upon the Dark Side of the Force as he washes upon its shadows across the USJ, emitting a cold aura that puts everyone on edge from only his presence.

The lightsaber that dangles onto the belt suddenly flies to its owner's hand.Vader slowly raises the hilt with his cape that billows, despite the fact that there's no wind inside the USJ.

Vader: All I am surrounded by is fear.

Most of the villains, including Shigaraki flinches from the black monolith's deep mechanical voice.Vader's thumb brushes against the ignition button with malicious intent.

Vader: And dead men.

In a press of a button.Vader ignites his lightsaber.The crimson blade roars to life with a threatening hum, leaving everyone in shock.

(Play the music)

Shigaraki: KILL HIM!

All the villains charged at Vader.Vader crouched down and slams his fist to the ground, causing a massive shock wave from the force.Every villain was knocked back by such power.Vader stands up, he uses the force, pulling 4 villains off the ground, towards him.He throws his lightsaber at them, slashing them instantly, the 4 unfortunate villains were all cut in half.He drops the bodies, he sensed a villain behind him.He immediately turns around and raises his hand, using the force again.The villain was frozen and lifted up.Vader decided to do something brutal to satisfy his rage.He began to slowly clench his fist, causing the villain to scream in agony while he was bleeding from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.Vader clenched his fist and caused the villains head to explode, blood, brain matter, pieces of his skull, and his eyeballs went everywhere.He dropped the headless villain, leaving a gory mess for everyone to see.

Vader: You so-called villains are nothing more than a distraction.

The rest of the villains got up and saw what has unfold upon their eyes.Now they know one thing for sure.This man is no hero or villain.

But a monster.

Class 1-A feel their blood turn cold at Vader's handiwork.Some of them gasp at the sight and cover their mouths in shock.Uraraka and Aoyama vomit in synchronization at the gory sight of the headless villain.

Gaining their composure and bravery, the villains rush at Vader, utilizing their quirks to gain the upper hand.But no matter what, they couldn't stop the black monolith.Vader would slice many of them into pieces with no difficulty whatsoever.

With the remaining villains that now surround Vader, they begin to gag and clutch their throats, attempting to stop whatever is choking them.Vader raises his hand up, causing some of the villains to float up with their feets dangling, and snap their necks in a brutal manner.

Their bodies were tossed away like they were nothing.

Shigaraki got desperate and sent in the Nomu.

Shigaraki: NOMU KILL HIM!

The Nomu lets out a bloodcurdling screech and bolt towards its target.Vader stands motionless with his billowing cape as the creature rushes him, waiting for it to get close enough.Just as The Nomu has its massive hand inches away from Vader's head, only for it to be flung across the USJ to the mountain zone and a loud sonic boom, all because of a powerful Force push.

Shigaraki begins to furiously scratch his neck from Vader's unexpected counter.

Through the Force, Vader didn't sense life within the Nomu.He realized that this thing was not alive to begin with, only an empty shell of an unfortunate victim, or victims experimented on to create a creature that obeyed its master's orders.The Nomu was like a droid programmed to be an obedient servant to its master, except it was made of flesh and bone instead of metal and programming.Vader smirked under his mask, the realization made the fight to easier for him, having a mindless beast sent to fight him was nothing more than a mere insult to him.

The Nomu bursts out of the rubble and rushes Vader at high speed with its fists ready to crush him, only for the cyborg to anticipate its attack and move out of the way.The beast keeps on with its attacks and trying to smash him, but Vader keeps dodging and sidestepping with little to no effort, almost as if he's taunting him.This begins to anger Shigaraki a lot more.

Deciding that enough is enough, Vader decides to end this tomfoolery.He stretches his hand out and clenches into a fist, causing the Nomu's body to be crushed.The sound of bones snapping into pieces echoes throughout the stadium.But what catches Vader's attention is the fact that the Nomu's body begins to heal up.Shigaraki smirks at this, but his face pales when Vader decides to step it up a notch.

Vader finally decides to use his lightsaber.He starts to slashes upon the Nomu with his lightsaber and cutting off all of its limbs.The limbless creature Nomu falls on the ground, it couldn't heal itself due to the lightsaber cauterizing the wounds.

Vader plants his durasteel foot on the Nomu's chest and raises his lightsaber above his head.The Nomu let's out it's last screech.Not a scream out of rage, but out of fear.He looks at Shigaraki dead in the eyes, sending a glare through his mask.

Vader: Your lack of faith is your downfall.

Vader says to Shigaraki before decapitating the Nomu with his lightsaber in front of him.The Nomu's body drops dead as its head rolls on the ground.

It was finally dead, leaving Shigaraki in shock.Vader has done something that should've been impossible.Someone killed a Nomu that is meant to kill All Might, in front if him with ease and no damage.Shigaraki furiously scratches himself with his mind filling up with fear, anger, and hate.


Shigaraki, blinded by his rage and not thinking straight, ran up to Vader in order to disintegrate him with his quirk.He stretched his hand out and tried to touch what appeared to be some technology piece on Vader's chest.Vader simply sidesteps and cuts off Shigaraki's hand with his lightsaber.Shigaraki began to scream with all of the air in his lungs.

Vader: You are as clumsy as you are stupid.

Vader places his hand on Shigaraki while using the force on him, putting him in his place while on his knees, so that he can mind probe him with the force.Shigaraki couldn't move and his head felt so much pain.Vader reads his mind, learning of his tragic childhood past, how he was found by him, the League of Villains, and to where it leads him to now.Vader almost feels pity towards Shigaraki, keyword almost.When he finishes mind probing him, Shigaraki falls down unconscious.Vader lifts him up with the force, and throws him at Kurogiri.

Vader: Give my regards to All for One.

Kurogiri lets out a small gasp when those words escape Vader's mouth, wondering how did he know about All for One.And with that, Kurogiri promptly warps out the USJ with Shigaraki.Vader stands in triumph, no longer surrounded by villains, but surrounded by dead men, literally.Mutilated corpses and pieces of villains litter the USJ.The black monolith would the.sense a great amount of fear.He glances at the students of Class 1-A.All of them witness the whole thing, him slashing the villains, his brutality, EVERYTHING.From their point of view, Vader is truly a monster.

The monster of monsters.Pure, true evil.

(End the music)

Vader turns his full attention at the young heroes in training and proceeds to stride towards them.Some got in fighting positions and ready to utilize their quirks out of fear form their fight or flight response that flared in them.

Mina: P-please don't hurt us!

To put them at ease and show no harm, Vader responds by extinguishing his lightsaber and the hilt flies from his durasteel hand, back to his belt.

Vader continues with his stride and passes them, heading for the entrance he came from earlier before the heroes arrive and apprehend him.Izuku receives the courage to speak to him.

Izuku: Wait, who are you?

Vader stops in place.He slowly turns to look at Izuku, sensing something very powerful within the boy.Perhaps it's something about his powers.No matter, he needs to leave before the heroes show up.Vader speaks with his deep mechanical voice that would forever engrave his name in their minds.

Vader: I am Darth Vader.You'll do well in remembering it.

He turned back and walked up the stairs that lead back to the entrance, leaving them there stunned.

Denki smelled a foul odor that violated his nostrils.He turned his head at the source to see a scared Mineta who had soiled himself.

Denki: Dude!Did you seriously piss yourself?!

Musutafu Police Station

3 days have gone by since the USJ incident.Toshinori Yagi, secretly known as All Might, sat on an office chair in his skinny form, humming to himself in boredom.He was in the police station's meeting room, waiting for the others so they can look over the security camera footage from the USJ so they can figure out the situation and their suspect who calls himself 'Darth Vader'.Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi was also with him in the meeting room.

Naomasa had interviewed class 1-A after the USJ incident, with the same information that they told the heroes when they arrived at the scene.Now he sits besides Yagi, patiently waiting for 2 heroes and Chief of Police, Kenji Tsuragame.

The door opens, the first to walk in was Aizawa, the underground hero known as Eraserhead, all bandaged up.The second to walk in was Rumi, Mirko, the Rabbit Hero.And finally, Kenji walks in.

Naomasa: Ms. Rumi, good to see you.

Rumi: It's a pleasure.

She says with a smile, shaking Naomasa's hand.

Yagi: Glad to see you, Aizawa.You really should've stayed at the hospital.

Aizawa: Yeah, I don't have time for rest, only work and find out who our perp is and catch those villains behind the attack.

Everyone in the meeting room took a seat.Rumi was invited for a reason, a very big reason.

Naomasa: Now then, Rumi, you said that you met this man before the USJ attack, according to your reports?

Rumi: Yeah, the guy helped me stopped a thief the day before the USJ attack.Maybe 'helped' is subjective at this point.The thief had to be taken to the hospital shortly after we arrested him, his arm was so badly damaged that the hospital might have to amputate it.He even had a skull fracture, he is very lucky to be alive!

Naomasa and Yagi look at each other with concerned looks for the poor thief.

Rumi: at first I thought he was a foreign hero because he spoke to me in English.I asked him if he was a hero from America, but the way he said hero was as it he had no clue about pro-heroes.So, I asked him if he was a hero and he confirmed my suspicions by answering no.

This confused Naomasa.How could someone not know what pro heroes were.Was he living under a rock his whole life?

Rumi: I tried to take him in for questioning, but everything else was a blur.Next thing I know he was gone.

Everyone was puzzled at this statement.Did this dark figure had a quirk to make people forget about him, or some mind control quirk.

Rumi: And then he came to USJ and like massacres almost everyone in their!He even killed that bird-like creature on steroids!

Naomasa: Thank you for the information, Rumi.Now, we're going to roll up the USJ security footage to see what we can learn about the suspect.

A large monitor turned on for everyone to view the USJ footage.So far the class arrived along, with Aizawa and Thirteen.Everything goes along as usual until a dark purple mist appeared out of nowhere.The villain that lead the attack walked out, along with other villains.

Aizawa narrows his eyes at the footage, these people would stoop so low to harm his students just to get to All Might.

After a couple minutes of the footage showing Aizawa and Thirteen fending off the villains until they were beaten up very badly, the villains surrounded class 1-A, ready to take them hostage and perhaps kill some of them.Everyone in the meeting room tensed up, even though the students were never hurt.Suddenly, the footage showed the above the long stairs were blown off, smoke flows through the entrance.Walking though the entrance was the man himself, Darth Vader.

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Yagi leans forward on his chair to get a good look at him.This man fits the description given by all of the students, there was no doubt.He is certainly an intimidating individual.Many questions and thoughts on what happens next are all over his head.

Rumi: That's him!That's definitely the guy!

Naomasa and Aizawa got a closer look at the figure.They noticed how he was had some technology piece on his chest and his belt.His suit seemed to have leather, robes, boots, a cape, and his mask made him very intimidating.But what made everyone in the room felt cold was the mechanical breathing.

In the footage, Vader jumps from all the way from the top to the stairs to the bottom.They noticed how that when he was very close the bottom how his fall was slowed down, making him land with no problems.Naomasa questions the logic behind his.

Vader walked toward the villains, the hand villain orders his comrades to kill him.2 villains bolted toward Vader for the kill, only to be lifted up in the air and being choked by an invisible grip on their throats.Audible snaps was heard, confirming that they were killed.This left everyone in the meeting room shocked.He seemed to have a telekinesis quirk that can lift people and choke them.What else could his quirk do?

Vader throws the bodies of the 2 villains towards the other villains, knocking a couple off their feet.He heads towards the villains and class 1-A, Yagi and Aizawa were sweating, hoping that he does not lay a finger on the students.They were relieved and when they saw him passed by the students.Naomasa was writing down everything he learned about Vader, his appearance, his quirk, and the breathing.Kenji and Rumi were very tensed up.Back to the footage, Vader was surrounded by the villains, they were all in battle stances, ready to take on Vader, while he just stood there with his cape flowing.

Shigaraki: Alright stranger.You seriously think you can take all of us?Save us the the trouble by giving up, we clearly have you surrounded!

The footage was quiet.Everyone in the meeting room were watching very carefully to see how Vader gets himself out of the situation.

Rumi: This guy is batshit insane!How the hell did he single-handedly brought them all down?

Her answer comes shortly after Vader pulls out a cylinder object of some kind and said these words.

Vader: All I am surrounded by is fear.

Everyone in the room feels a shiver down their spine from the dark and cold mechanical voice of Vader.

Vader: And dead men.

He presses a button on the cylinder object and a glowing crimson blade comes to life with all of its glory.Everyone in the room is in shock upon witnessing the weapon.Naomasa pauses the footage, showing Vader holding the glowing red blade in hand.

Yagi: What is that?

Rumi: Pardon my french, but is that a fucking laser sword?!

Aizawa: The hell?

Naomasa: Fascinating.

Kenji's only reply was a loud gulp at the sight.

Naomasa and Yagi look closely at the weapon, such technology.They haven't seen a weapon of such.Even though they live in a world of superheroes and quirks, humanity has not been able to create laser-based weapons, especially a laser sword.They were worried because of the report and students saying that the weapon seem to cut through the villains like they were nothing.Naomasa plays the footage.

Shigaraki: K-KILL HIM!!!

The villains that surrounded Vader charged at him.Vader gets down on one knee, doing something.Naomasa watches Vader in curiosity on what his move was.Vader slams his fist to the ground, causing a massive boom and shockwave, knocking back all the villains rushing him.Yagi was in awe, he was questioning if that was his quirk that knocked the villains away from with such force.Vader stands up and stretched his left hand out, pulling 4 villains towards him.He throws his lightsaber at them, cutting all of them in half.

Rumi: Holy shit!He just cut them like they were butter!

Everyone in the room had chills down their spine.Naomasa pauses the footage showing the bodies on the ground.

Naomasa: Look at the bodies, they're not bleeding.That weapon must've cauterized them when it cut right through them.

Everyone noticed this and were freaked out by the results of the blade.Naomasa plays the footage.A villain gets up and runs to Vader from behind.Vader quickly turns around, stretching his hand out to the villain.The villain froze and was lifted up.Vader paused for a second and begins to slowly clench his fist.The villain was screaming and he was bleeding from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Aizawa: What is he doing to him?

Yagi: He's bleeding!

Kenji: Ooooh boy.

Vader clenched his fist tightly and-

Rumi: OH FUCK!

Yagi: OH MY-



Naomasa didn't say anything, only for his jaw to drop at the result.

The villain's head exploded everywhere, leaving a bloody mess in front of the villains, and Class 1-A that we're watching in horror.

Rumi: Son of a bitch...

She says quiletly while in shock.Yagi gulped while his knuckles where white.His successor, Izuku was there alongside class 1-A and they had front row seats to this.He was worried what could be going through their minds.

The villains paused in fear at what they saw, with looks of terror on their faces.But they brushed it off and attacked Vader, utilizing their quirks and their numbers to hopefully turn the tables.But Vader prove otherwise, he began to counter every single one of their attacks and slice them into pieces, leaving only a few villains that were still breathing and unscathed.

Suddenly the last of the villains were beginning to be choked by an unforeseen force, causing some of them to float up midair.There was even a few of them that were clawing their throats in a futile effort to escape, leaving scratches that were bleeding.In synchronization, all of the villain's necks snap, music to Vader's ears.

Kenji: Jesus H. Christ on a unicycle!

Rumi: Fuck, that's some hardcore shit!

Everyone in the meeting room groans at what they just saw.Aizawa was not taking his eyes off Vader, this man killed all these villains in front of his class while he was unconscious, he was shocked at what he missed when he was out.He swears to himself that he will not let this man come anywhere near his students again.Kenji left the room, looking like he was about to throw up, he couldn't see anymore of the brutality that this monster had caused.

Shigaraki: NOMU, KILL HIM!!!

The creature that was called Nomu stepped in, letting out a bloodcurdling screech and bolt towards Vader.Vader just stood their, waiting.The Nomu's hand was inches away from Vader's head but was flung across the USJ to the mountain zone and caused a loud sonic boom.

Everyone watching the footage is in shock by Vader's counter.It seems his "quirk" may be more powerful than they thought it could be.

The Nomu bursts out of the rubble and rushes Vader at high speed with its fists ready to crush him, only for the cyborg to dodge.The beast keeps on with trying to smash him, but Vader counters each attack with dodging and simple sidesteps, causing Rumi to form a small smirk on her face.

She had a feeling that Vader was just having fun by flexing on the villains, toying with them to be exact.

Vader stretched a hand out and clenches into a fist, that seemingly crushed the Nomu's body with an unforeseen force.The creatures body began to heal up, but Vader did not gave it a chance.

Vader used his weapon on the creature by leaving cauterized slashes and cutting off the limbs.Nomu fell on the ground, unable to heal itself.

The black monolith planted his foot on the Nomu's chest and raised his weapon above his head.The Nomu let out its final screech that sounds like it's afraid.He looked at Shigaraki before he brought down the killing blow.

Vader: Your lack of faith is your downfall.

He killed the Nomu with his lightsaber with one quick decapitation.Everyone in the meeting room were at lost for words.

Yagi was silent.In his thoughts, he was wondering just how strong is Vader, and how did he build such a weapon?

Naomasa wrote down about Vader's brutality and combat, and his choice of words.Despite of his intimidating appearance and brutality, he was at least thankful that he saved the students of Class 1-A.


Shigaraki bolts towards Vader.Vader slowly turns around, Shigaraki was a few feet away from him with his hand stretched out, seemingly going for the technology piece on Vader's chest.

Rumi: Don't do that!You saw what he did!

Vader immediately cut off Shigaraki's stretched out hand and he begins to scream in pain.

Rumi: Ironic.

Aizawa: Idiot!

Yagi: What a man child.

Shigaraki was holding onto his arm where his right hand used to be, only to be a cauterized stump.

Vader: You are as clumsy as you are stupid.

A small smirk forms on Rumi's face upon hearing Vader's lethal roast.

Rumi: Got that right.

She muttered to herself, finally coming to an agreement with Vader for once.

Vader placed his hand on Shigaraki and forced down on his knees, causing him to scream in agony.Everyone in the meeting room were wondering what was Vader doing to him.

Yagi: Is he torturing him?

Rumi: Damn sure looks like it.

Rumi was watching in horror, but deep down she was sort of enjoying it, this villain wanted to hurt the students, now he's getting the taste of his own medicine.Rumi quickly dismissed these thoughts, not wanting to go there.

About 10 seconds go by and Vader stops, the hand villain quickly collapses.Vader lifts his hand out, causing the now unconscious hand villain to be thrown at the black fog villain who was frozen in fear at what he just witnessed.He barley catches him and manages to stay on his feet.

Vader: Give my regards to All for One.

Yagi froze and silently gasped when he heard Vader said the very name that he feared, All For One.All this time he thought that he was dead, but Vader pretty much claimed he's alive.The same could be said for Naomasa.He dropped his notebook and pen when he heard that name.

The black fog villain quickly got himself out of there, along with the hand villain.The villains were gone, now it's just him and class 1-A.He turned around to the students and seemingly walk toward them with his red blade still in his hand.Some of them got in defensive positions while others were too afraid to do anything.Mina began to speak to him.

Mina: P-Please don't hurt us!

Yagi and Aizawa tensed in fear on what he might do to them.They were relieved when Vader deactivated his weapon and put it back on his belt.

Vader walks pass them to the entrance he came from.Yagi leans back on his chair and exhales in relief, knowing that his successor, Izuku, and class 1-A were unharmed.He closed his eyes to calm himself, until...

Izuku: Wait, who are you?

Yagi shot his eyes open when Vader stops walking and turns towards Izuku.He was watching what happens next, along with everyone else in the meeting room.

Vader: I am Darth Vader.You'll do well in remembering it.

Vader turns back to the stairs and heads out to the entrance, leaving them alone.Naomasa stops the footage.

Rumi: Kids got a pair for helping us getting at least his name.

She playfully smirked after her comment.Yagi felt the same as well, Izuku does have the brave spirit within him.He is very brave, despite the odds against him.

Kenji returns to the meeting room after he threw up his breakfast.

Kenji: Naomasa, put out a vigilante advisory.We have a very violent case on our hands.

Rumi: How about completely insane!We need to kick his ass before he does anything worse than killing villains, he might hurt others around him!I'm not going to let him use his mind control quirk or whatever it is on me again!

Naomasa: speaking of his quirks, he seems to have more than 1 quirks.Telekinesis, mind control, strength, he might even have more we don't know.

Yagi: Do you think his blade has anything to do with his quirk?

Naomasa: I'm not sure, either that or he is a genius and built it.

Aizawa: I've seen enough, I'll notify principal Nezu about the situation.

Rumi: Same here, I'll start looking out for our dark freak.

Both of the heroes leave the meeting room.Yagi takes the remote and rewinds the footage to where Vader enters the USJ with smoke flowing around him, studying him.

Yagi: Whoever you are, you painted a huge target on your back.If what you said about All For One is true, he is not going to sit this one back.

Kenji: I will notify the rest of our forces about him, and I will be holding a press conference tomorrow.I'll be in my office for now to process all of this.

Kenji leaves the meeting room, leaving Yagi and Naomasa looking at the paused footage of Vader.

Yagi: We have a new player in town, any ideas what he is?Hired mercenary perhaps?

Naomasa: I'm not sure, but so far he is considered a vigilante, armed and very dangerous to everyone around him.

Yagi continues to ponder about Vader and what he said about fear and dead man.That line was forever branded in his thoughts.But why did he chose to save the students, and why did he even bother to give Izuku his name?He zooms in to Vader's helmet.That mask.That dark, cold mask.He can't get it out of his mind.

Yagi: I need to find him.

Naomasa: Are you sure that's a good idea?He's now a wanted man, we won't even know if he'll cooperate with us.

Yagi: I have to at least try.Not only to end his bloodlust, but he knows something about him.

Naomasa pauses for a moment, knowing full well that he is referring to him.he replies to the Symbol of Peace with a small nod, trusting him with his own decision.


(A/N: Due to Vader interfering with the MHA timeline, Kurogiri went on to improvise for the League of Villains and hired the new members early)

Kurogiri took a seat, facing the TV that was displaying his sensei, All For One.And he was not pleased at all.

All For One: I want a very simple answer, Kurogiri: what happened?

Kurogiri was sweating, whether it was due to the encounter of the former Sith Lord, or his master who is clearly pissed off from the news of their failiure.

Kurogiri: The attack was interfered and foiled by a black armoured figure.The Nomu was destroyed, and... Shigaraki lost his right hand.

All For One didn't seem to show a reaction to what he said.

All For One: Was it a hero?

Kurogiri: No master, this person slaughtered the villains we hired for the job.He killed almost everyone and showed no mercy.He protected the students of U.A., perhaps a new vigilante.

All For One: So a wild card it is.Do not make me remind you on why Shigaraki is very important to us.

Kurogiri: Yes master.But we never thought we would come across such a violent individual.I assumed that-

All For One: assuming is the cause of every fuck-ups, Kurogiri.If Tomura dies, I will harvest your quirk without any second thoughts.

Kurogiri: Y-Yes master.And it will not happen again.And I had Giran hire the best doctor treating him and working on to replace his hand with a prosthetic hand!

All For One: Don't fail me again... kurogiri...

Kurogiri remembers when Vader spoke to him before he escaped.

Kurogiri: Master, there is one thing you should know.

All for One: Oh?And what might that be?

Kurogiri: He knows about you.

If All for One's facial features weren't deformed, he would've narrowed his eyes at the warping villain.

All for One: in what way does he know of me, Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: He knows that you pull the strings.He is full aware of who you are... The gig is up, master.

Silence takes over the atmosphere between the two.Kurogiri lets out a gulp, afraid of how All for One would respond with that information.The TV screen cuts to black, leaving Kurogiri to get himself together as he sighs in relief.

He never saw his master pissed off before, and he sure as hell doesn't want to see it in person.He gets up and heads towards a door behind the bar.He opens it and walks down the stairs, leading down to a corridor with steel doors.He came across The new recruits, Dabi, Toga, and Giran.All were outside the room with Shigaraki and the hired doctor in it.

Kurogiri: How is he?

Giran: He's stabilized so far.Despite losing his hand, nothing damaged.At least, not physically damaged.

Kurogiri was not sure if he should be relieved or not.What the hell did the dark figure do to Shigaraki to scream in agony by simply placing his hand on his head?

Toga: I wish I was there!Our new mysterious dark friend already excites me!I just want to stab our big fella!What do you think his blood taste like?!

Kurogiri: He probably would've either use that telekinesis quirk and choke you to death, or slice you to pieces with that red glow-stick of his.

Toga: I wouldn't mind being choked.

Dabi: speaking of red glow-stick what the hell is it?You mention how it cut through our guys like nothing.

Kurogiri: I have no idea.My best guess, laser sword.

Dabi: No way.

Before any of them can say anything, they were interrupted by a very loud scream in the room with Shigaraki and the doctor.They all stopped and faced the door.Giran quickly opened it and everyone got to see what happened.

Shigaraki was sitting up on a gurney with his prosthetic hand in place.His left hand was on the doctor with all five fingers, decaying the poor man's head off and letting the lifeless body fall to the ground.

It's a miracle Vader's mind probe did not turn Shigaraki into a brain-dead husk, but it comes with a cost.He looks terrible.He is more paler than before, bloodshot eyes, and the look on his face makes your local looney look sane.

Kurogiri: Are you okay, Young Master?

Shigaraki: That cheater...

Shigaraki lets out his anger and begins to scream while disintegrating the gurney, the doctor's equipment, and what's left of the doctor.


Kurogiri finally had the guts to speak up.

Kurogiri: Young master, I understand your anger towards him.But please, calm down.Save it for All Might like how you always wanted to.

Shigaraki Immediately stops and begins to giggle like a looney from an asylum.Kurogiri took a step back in fear.

Shigaraki: All Might?Yeeeeesss, the Symbol of Peace...

A wide smile that rivals the joker forms on Shigaraki, memories flow through him on why he is a villain and how he wanted to kill All Might and destroy this society.All of that was replaced with one thing.The dark figure holding the red blade, looking down at him with the mechanical breathing echoing through his head, how he was almost killed by him.His words echoed in his head.

You are as clumsy as you are stupid.

Shigaraki: It won't be All Might that I will make suffer... it will be that bucket-head bastard... I'LL KILL HIM!

Silence was all that was in the room until he turns towards kurogiri with the creepy smile still on him.

Shigaraki: I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!...Yes...

If Shigaraki wasn't white enough, then this took the cake.His smile disappeared and froze in place.He immediately started to look around to find out where it came from.Kurogiri was looking at him like he was a looney.Was he losing it or did this dark figure actually spoke to him through his mind?


Vader was taking shelter inside the warehouse that seemed abandoned.He had nowhere else to go, the authorities were surely looking for him.But it will make do, better than nothing.Vader was sitting down at the center of the warehouse, meditating.He was sitting with his legs crossed, eyes closed, and floating.His lightsaber was in front of him floating as well.He concentrated with the force, feeling the seas of emotions in turmoil.

Vader opens his eyes to find himself in his landscape.His body floats above a black sea, lightning dances through the sky as the sea's waves grows at a violent rate.

Vader heavily focused on finding Shigaraki through the force, and does s9 when he feels his raging emotions, most likely seething from the failed attack at the USJ and losing a hand.

Vader: Hmm.

Vader smirks upon hearing Shigaraki yelling out for him at the top of his lungs like a madman.


Vader decided to toy with him one more time just for kicks.

Vader: Yes...

He feels Shigaraki's fear flow once more, driving him insane in front of the other LOV members.To Vader, he actually enjoys toying with Shigaraki.The prick deserves it for trying to kill Class 1-A.Vader leaves Shigaraki to his own thoughts, for now.

A memory of Vader's past flow through his mind.He was in his original body, before battling his older master, Kenobi, on Mustafar.He was in the Jedi Temple, the council to be exact.

???: Master Skywalker, there are too many of them.What are we going to do?

Vader stood there for a moment, he ignites the lightsaber, Anakin's lightsaber.The younglings stood there in fear...

Vader snapped out of the sins of his past and wakes up from his meditation.He let out an exhale filled with regret and guilt.He regretted everything he did on that terrible night.Behind the mask, a single drop of tear flow down from his eye to his cheek.

The force has given him a second chance, now he must prove it.He will redeem himself.He will make it up to his past starting by protecting innocent.It is time for him to turn over a new leaf, but his path to redemption will be a long one.

Class 1-A has returned to school, All they can talk about was the USJ incident and the vigilante, Darth Vader.They were debating about who he is and where he came from.It was clear that he was an experienced fighter and cold-blooded killer.Taking on an army of villains and killing a Nomu that was designed to kill All Might was very impressive.No one had a clue about Darth Vader or his 'quirk', all except Izuku.He already made an entire page dedicated to Vader in his notebook.It read as the following.

Name: UnknownVigilante name: Darth VaderQuirk: from observation and reports, Darth Vader has a telekinesis quirk that gives him the ability to lift objects, including people.He was seen using the quirk by raising his hand out, choking villains to death while they were floating.His quirk has the ability to crush objects.This was seen when he crushed a villain's head, by raising his hand out and clenching it to a fist.His quirk seems to be able to stop people in place, leaving them frozen like a statue, perfect for capturing.Darth Vader also seems to have a mind control quirk, according to the pro hero, Mirko.Weapon: Darth Vader's weapon seems to be a hilt that when activated, a glowing, crimson blade rises from the hilt.The blade seems to cut through anything and leave burning slashes.The blade is so hot that it left many unfortunate villains with cauterized wounds.I have theorized that the blade is made of plasma.Darth Vader may be the first person to create a plasma-based weapon.Costume: Darth Vader's costume is entirely black.Black leather, black robes, black boots, black cape, and black helmet with a mask that seems to resemble a skull.He has a chest armor, below it has a chest-box with some technology, perhaps gadget support for him.He has a belt that has some technology on both left and right.The belt can be used to place his weapon.The mask seems to have a mechanical voice to hide his real voice.It also seems to have mechanical breathing, it is possible that this mechanical breathing is likely for intimidation to strike fear.

First appearance: according to pro hero Mirko, she spotted Darth Vader apprehending a thief she was chasing.She asked if he was a hero only to confirm that he was not.She attempted to take him in for questioning, but she couldn't remember anything right after, only to when he was gone.She believes that he has a mind control quirk of some sort.Second appearance: the night before the USJ attack, 2 couples were cornered in an alley by a group of 4 criminals.They witnessed 1 of them being choked and thrown to a wall by an unforeseen force.That was when Darth Vader showed up.The 3 criminals attacked him, only to be either killed by his weapon, or choked by his telekinesis quirk.The couple thought that he was going to kill them, but he told them that they may leave, which they did.Third appearance: Darth Vader appeared in the USJ and foiled a plan by villains that wanted to kill All Might.Vader left a massacre, and killing a creature that was made to kill All Might.He left shortly after he was done.

The class was impressed with Izuku's research on Vader.This vigilante seems to be a trained killer, but seems to only target villains, not citizens and heroes.

There was no records of anyone with a telekinesis quirk and mind control like that.Having the ability to lift, crush, choke, and mind control.The possibilities of what else he can do were endless!What else was this man hiding?


Vader was working on a vehicle he found when looking around the warehouse.This vehicle was what he believed the people of Earth would call it a 'motorcycle'.It was out of shape, but he can fix it up.It may take a while for him to learn about it, but he can do it.He built C-3PO when he was a child, he used to also be a pod racer.

Hours go by and Vader finally finished up the vehicle to his liking.It was not easy, but he pulled through it.He customized it to his likings.He made it insanely faster than it should be, which would help him get around.Satisfied with his work, he decided to give it a test drive.He mounts the bike and awakens the beast with a specific key that can only be used by him: the force.He slowly gets the hang of it, it felt somewhat similar to the landspeeders in his previous life.He revs up the ride and gave a smile behind the mask.

Vader: This is where the fun begins.

Vader takes off at the dead of night with his cape flowing from behind, ready to begin his patrol and serve justice, TRUE justice.

It was the middle of the night at the city of Musutafu.The citizens were asleep at this hour, perfect for criminals and villains to do away with their schemes....

Your average villain are a superstitious and cowardly lot.It's a big world we live in; heroes can't be everywhere at once to save the lives of the innocent, but they don't know where he is.They think he is hiding in the shadows, but he is the shadows.

They will learn to fear him.

They would rather go up against the Symbol of Peace instead of running into him.

They will shutter in terror whenever someone says his name.

His name is not a call.

It's a warning.


After a long day at work, a young lady sits in her seat waiting for the next stop in anticipation.She can feel their eyes on her.A few ghetto looking men sit in the train, staring at her with a look that tells you they have bad intentions.She feels nervous, she wants out.

The train begins to slow down until it comes to a complete stop.She internally sighs in relief and promptly leaves the train.

But she can hear more than one footsteps leaving the train from behind.Her heart races when she can hear one of them laughing.She stops in place and turns around to see a group of these thugs right in front of her with lustful looks, one of them even smacks his lips.She immediately bolts away from them and runs for her life.She can hear them shouting vulgar things at her and what they want to do with her.

Random thug: Let's get her!

She runs and runs for the exit so she can find a pro hero or police officer on duty for help, or anyone in that matter.She is suddenly grabbed by the hair as they hold her in place.

Young lady: Somebody help!!!Please!!!

Her cries for help drowns away from the commotion of the thugs shouting and the loud subway train leaving for its next stop.

The young lady is held down by more of the thugs when they drag her and start to laugh at his pitiful state.They start to rip of her top to reveal her smooth skin and her bra, they chuckle with lewd thoughts.She begins to cry when she feels some of their hands groping her breasts, hands on her waists, and one of them moving down to her crotch.The leader of the gang begins to unzip his flyer with a shiteating grin.

Leader: Hope you're ready to suck on this, bitch!We're gonna have a hell of a time!

He starts remove her panties so he can have his way with her.The young lady begins to cry.She prays to anyone to come in and save her.But all seems lost when she can feel him pressing it against her from down there, ready to penetrate her and violate her.

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But all of it is short lived when a loud bang is heard from behind.Everyone stops and looks toward the source of the sound.

(Play the music)

Heavy footsteps can be heard approaching them from a pitch black corridor.The thugs and the young lady watch in anticipation of who it is.A pro hero perhaps?If so then things will go south for the thugs, unless they play smart and use their strength in numbers wisely against this hero.

The leader of the group pulls out his trustworthy large combat knife.He lost many counts on the people he has killed with it.Junkies, prostitutes, a few citizens, and even one police officer, oh how he cherishes their pleas for mercy.

The leader zips up his flyer and slowly approaches the dark corridor, waiting for the person to come out and show themselves, so he can gut them and add another tally mark for his kill-


The sound of a bone chilling breathing is heard within the corridor.And from within corridor, a large man steps into full view from the pitch black.He dons an intimidating outfit that covers him head to toe; a jet-black colored armor, a black cape almost touching the ground, a strange control panels with glowing buttons on his chest and belt, and a mask with a menacing appearance of a skull.

He does not seem to be any pro hero the thugs recognize.Maybe a new hero they have not heard of, or maybe even a random citizen trying to play hero.

Some of the thugs laugh at the man in black armor, some even go as far as mocking him.The clad man continues his approach until the leader of the group decides to shout a question at him.

Leader: The hell are you suppose to be?!

The black monolith ignores the leader's question as he continues his approach, putting him on edge.

He feels his fight or flight response flaring within, maybe it's the intimidating mask with the shape of a skull.Maybe it's the breathing that sounds more mechanical instead of organic.Or maybe it's the deadly aura from this man that makes the atmosphere's temperature drop at a drastic rate.

The leader finally decides to take action and put the clad man in his place.He approaches him and swings his blade at him.But his knife suddenly flies out of his hand, leaving him unarmed.The black monolith stretches his hand out and an unforeseen force pulls the leader to him.He grabs him by the throat and lifts him up to where his feet dangles in the air.

The man in black armor proceeds to beat the living sockets out of the leader with barrage of punches to the face.His fist feels hard, almost like it's made of metal instead of flesh and bone.He continuously swings his fist at the leader's face, each punch becomes harder and harder bringing nothing but torment.The force of the punch is that of a jackhammer.The black behemoth throws the man right down on his back, seemingly stopping with the beatings.

But the man in black armor does not stop and shows no mercy.He crouches down and continues to beat the man's face until it becomes an unrecognizable mess, leaving the other thugs in shock at his cruel display.The man in black armor finally stops beating the leader's face.He then places both hands on his head, applying physical pressure to the man's head, causing him to scream in pain until he crushes his skull.Pieces of the now-deceased leader's head splatters like a watermelon, getting fresh blood on the black mask.

Everyone is frightened at the brutal execution.The man in black armor stands at his full height, towering over everyone.

One of the thugs immediately remembered when he was watching the news from earlier this morning.The reporters were talking about a new vigilante in Musutafu, preying on villains and criminals alike.The vigilante single-handedly foiled a villain attack at the USJ by slaughtering nearly all of the villains involved.The vigilante's description matched the man in front of the thugs.

The thug pales when he realizes who is this man.It is the wanted Vigilante, Darth Vader.

Random thug: Oh shit... it's him.

Every thug take a step back from Vader, leaving the poor lady aside.She crawls up against a wall with her heart racing in fear for what might happen to her tonight.

All of the thugs charge at Vader, let the carnage begin.He uses the force to rip off large chunks from the walls and floor and hurls them, crushing three unfortunate thugs

He draws his lightsaber and swings his crimson blade, slicing his unfortunate victims with cauterized wounds and scars.

One tried to hit him with a crowbar but to no avail when he sliced the thug and his crowbar into two.

Another tried to utilize his quirk by trying to touch Vader to absorb his stamina and make him weak, but only to be lifted in the air.Vader clenched a hand into a fist and twisted the unfortunate thug into a knot.

The remaining thugs realized that this was the moment they knew they are doomed when they heard the sound of bones cracking.

In a desperate attempt, one of the thugs pulled out a gun from his cargo pocket and shot Vader in the back of the head.Vader was unfazed when the bullet ricocheted from his hard durasteel helmet and sent right back to the thug's head.

Vader killed of the rest with his lightsaber and showed no mercy.There is only one person left alive, the young lady who was still watching.

Vader deactivated his lightsaber and gave a glance at the lady who was paralyzed in fear.He stared at the poor lady, she had some of her clothes torn off.

Vader turns away from her and walks away from the scene with his billowing cape.

His brutal display will serve well for one reason; to be his personal message to this city.He wants the criminal underworld to know that as long as he lives, death will come for them.

Vader walked back to the black corridor where he came from until the darkness fully consumed him.The young lady blinked a few times until anxiety and fear dissipated.

The skull-shaped mask of Vader reminded the young lady a memory from her childhood.She remembered when she used to visit her grandmother at her village, how she would tell her to behave or the oni will come for her and devour their unfortunate victim's flesh.

In a way, Vader reminded the young lady of the oni her grandmother warned her of.But he was different, he came in her need when no one else did.She stared at the black corridor Vader retreated within.She can still hear the faint mechanical breathing that will forever be branded in her fragile mind.

In the distance, police sirens can be heard approaching the scene.A small smile formed on her face.She was now grateful the black oni saved her life and punished the wicked for their wrongdoings.


At Musutafu's bank, a loud explosion can be heard from the inside, setting off the alarms.5 men wearing ski masks emerged from the bank's front door.They bolted to their getaway car, load all the money in the trunk, and took off, leaving the scene.A minute goes by for them, and a cop car was catching up to them, attempting to stop them.The getaway driver noticed and spoke out to his parter behind him.

Robber 1: we got company, you know what to do.

His partner chuckles maniacally and sticks himself out of the car's window shooting up the cop car behind him with a rifle he stole from a dead cop.He was successful on taking out the cop car by blowing off the tires while shooting up the windshield, causing the cop to crash to a parked car, being left in the dust.

Robber 2: hehe, he wasn't so tough.

He says as he blows off the smoke from the end of his rifle's barrel.

Robber 3: I don't know how you do it, but you got a damn eagle's eye when it comes to guns!

Robber 2: yeah, well, you would've known that was my quirk when it comes to shooting.It allows me to land bullseye without even aiming!

Robber 4: quiet you too!I know we're all excited, but save it for when we get back!

Robber 4 shouts from the passenger seat.Robber 5 was just napping, he didn't have time for all of this.Robber 1 hears a loud engine from behind, he looks at the rear view mirror to see a silhouette of a man on a motorcycle speeding up to them.

Robber 1: Guys we got company!

All robbers, including robber 5, look behind to see the biker catching up.

Robber 3: Is that a hero?

Robber 2: No shit sherlock!

Robber 4: Well, take him out!

Robber 2 sticks out and begins to shoot at the biker.What was strange is that the biker seemed unfazed to the gunfire.

Robber 2: The fuck?

Robber 4: Why is he still catching up?You used your quirk right?

Robber 2: Of course I-

Robber 2 couldn't finished his sentence when a bullet he shot was sent right back at him, directed in the head.

Robber 3: OH SHIT!

Robber 5: Daaaamn!

Robber 4: Fuck!

Robber 1: The hell is going on back there?!

Robber 3: He's dead!His head got blown off!

Robber 1: What?!

Robber 1 looks in the rear view mirror to see a red, eerie glow from the biker, who was now in full view.

(Picture the speeder bike as a custom Harley)

Robber 1 instantly recognize the biker from the news about the USJ attack.It's the wanted vigilante, Darth Vader.

Robber 1: FUCK!It's him!It's Darth Vader!

Robber 4: What?!

Robber 5: We are so fucked.

Robber 3: Drive faster!

Robber 1: I am going as fast as I can!

Everyone was panicking, knowing that death is catching up to them.Vader throws his lightsaber at the rear tires, causing the car to catch.He immediately calls back his lightsaber so he won't lose it.The car tumbles throughout the road, killing both the passenger and getaway driver.

Vader stops his bike and gets off, he slowly walks towards the totaled car.The last 2 robbers crawled out.Robber 3 immediately gets up on his feet when he saw Vader walking up to him.He immediately pulls out his sidearm and attempts to shoot him.Vader ignites his lightsaber and attempts to deflect the bullets back at him, but instead the bullets melted upon contact with his blade.He switched his blade to training mode to see if it works.Robber 3 shot his last bullet to Vader.Vader blocked the oncoming bullet and the attempt to deflect it back to the robber was a success, leaving a bullet in the eye.Robber 3 drops dead.Vader turns off the training mode to his lightsaber and sees the last robber who had his gun out, dropping it and raise his hands up in surrender.

Vader: Wise choice.

Vader puts away his lightsaber, walks up to robber 5, and uses his force mind control on him.

Vader: You can go back to sleep now.

Robber 5 felt extremely tired and lay on the road, going back to his slumber.

Vader walks back to his ride, and mounts back on.He sensed he was being watched, he turns his head to the right and noticed a couple citizens in their pajamas, they woke up from the crash.A few of them had their phones out, recording everything they can get.Vader quickly took off, leaving the scene for the police and heroes to clean up.


In other news, last night 5 bank robbers successfully robbed a bank and were able to evade the police.But this is where the kicker starts.Their ride was put to a stop by the new vigilante known as Darth Vader.4 were dead at the scene, leaving only 1 survivor, who was found sleeping at the scene.

The footage starts with Vader walking up to the robber who surrendered, he waved his hand in front of him, causing the robber to lay down on the road.The bodies at the scene were censored for obvious reasons.

We also have reports of Vader saving a young woman from being sexually assaulted by a local gang.One of the first responders at the scene described it as a bloodbath.The woman is currently at the hospital being taken care of by doctors.

If you think that this was all then you're wrong!Darth Vader had been stopping more crimes all night!He stopped a mugging, thieves, murderers, a rapist, and he even raided a drug deal at the city's docks.All were left with no survivors, leaving 95 dead.Many people lately have mixed views on the city's dark vigilante.Some want him arrested, others praise him for his actions.What is your view on him?


The news on Vader were spreading like wildfire.The views on Vader are divided.The city's crime rate was quickly dropping thanks to him.He is able to do what the heroes were afraid to do, killing those that had it coming to them.This was vengeance and justice being served.This is what those that support Vader think about.The others want him arrested because they think he is not to decide who lives and who dies, how he had broke the law with vigilantism.


Toshi was walking down the street.He needed to get a couple of things from the store.Just as he was about to pass the library, he saw some people running out of the library in fear.He got nervous and thought that a villain was attacking.He got himself together and ran inside the library, ready to face the villain.He looked around a bit to make sure no one was in sight so he can transform.No one was there, he transforms into his muscle form.He walks around nothing seemed out of the ordinary, nothing was damaged, no one was hurt, no bodies.But what stood out was a familiar sound coming from a room for private reading.He recognized the sound and it sent chills down his spine.

All Might froze in place, realizing who it was.He heads to the room, which the door was already open and sees the man himself.

He was sitting down on a chair... reading a book?All Might was frozen with fear, nervousness, and especially confusion.He felt cold seeing him in person for the first time.It seems that Vader was reading a book on world history, the table in front of him had other history books, a table lamp, and the his lightsaber.All Might was very confused on why he is out in public at broad daylight.

Vader looks up from the book and notices All Might.

Vader: Can I help you?

This confused All Might more with Vader.All Might finally decided to speak to him.

All Might: Darth Vader, you are to come with me into custody for questioning and answer for your crimes!

Vader just sat there, unfazed.Silence filled the room, besides the mechanical breathing.

Vader: No.

Vader bluntly says as he returns his attention to the book.

Vader: I am busy studying your world's history.This is not the place to fight.

All Might was confused when he said 'your world'.What did be mean by it?Vader continues to read but, he sensed something: pain.Vader looked back at All Might and closed the book he was reading.

Vader: It would not be wise for you to fight.Not even when you are suffering from great pain.

All Might's mind went blank, he returned with his mind going off realizing that Vader knows about his secret.

All Might: What are you talking about?

Vader: Don't lie to me.I can sense your pain and suffering.Show me it.

All Might feels his blood running cold when from Vader's words.He thought Vader knows about the truth.But in reality he only knows about is the pain he sense.

All Might gives out a sigh and turns back into his skinny form, blood coming out of his mouth.This actually surprised Vader.He didn't expect him to actually be a very thin person.

Vader: I was actually talking about your wound.

Yagi: wait, you didn't know?

Vader shook his head as a no.Yagi pinched his nose and groaned.

Vader: Your secret is safe with me.I have no intentions of hurting or ruining you.

Yagi: Thanks, I guess...

Yagi paused for a second while Vader continues to stare at him, realizing what he wants.

Yagi: oh, sorry.

Yagi lifts his shirt up to show him the huge scar.Vader examines the scar and noticed how he has gone through surgeries.Yagi lifts down his shirt, covering the scar up.

Vader: Leave.You are in no condition to go against me.

Yagi: Can't do that.Like I said before, I'm taking you in.

Vader sighs as he had to rely on mind tricks, again.Vader stands up and walks to Yagi before he could even transform back into his buff form.

Vader: You should sit down and get some rest.

Yagi: I should sit down and get some rest.

Yagi sits down at the chair that Vader was in and goes to sleep.

Vader: All too easy.

Vader grabs his lightsaber to place it on his belt, he also grabs his history books, and leaves Yagi to his 5 minute nap.Vader heads to the back exit with his ride in the alleyway.He placed the books in the motorcycle's saddle bag and rides away from the library before the police or any other heroes show up.

Yagi wakes up 5 minutes later after his nap.He looks around to find Vader gone.He realize that Vader used his mind tricks on him to escape.

Yagi: Damnit.

He muttered.He looks around a bit, and heads back out the library's front exit right as the police and other heroes arrive at the scene.


Night returns once more at Musutafu city.Night is when villains and criminals come out to play.But this time, it's different.Some criminals and villains now choose to do away with their crimes in broad daylight.They're afraid to go out at night.


In the ghettos of the city, a scream was cut short when a lightsaber decapitated a man.His cold breathing is all that was heard throughout it.

Vader slaughtered another gang of thugs, this group went by the name "Golden Dragons." This particular gang had been a thorn on the heroes for quite a while.They've been arrested in the past by the heroes and police, only to be back on the streets doing the same thing.

But this time, they're reign of terror has come to an end.Corpses of gang members of the Golden Dragons litter the alleyway.The ghetto is becoming a safer place due to all of the criminals that reside in this part of the city to disappear.Due to this, citizens can now rest assure that the alleyways are now safe to pass by for shortcuts.

The audio enhancers of Vader's helmet picks up a whirring sound from above, he looks up to see a small drone with a small screen lowering down to his level.

???: Such brutality.Much that of a villain I must say.

Vader: I am disappointed for not seeing you in person, All for One.

All for One: So Kurogiri was right, you do know who I am.

Vader: You've underestimated me All for One, sending in petty scum and that mindless beast of yours at the USJ.

All for One sinisterly smiles at Vader.He is not here to simply watch him through the drone, but for something else.

All for One: I must say, for someone as powerful as you with no affiliations and no allegiance to anyone baffles me.I come here for one reason.

Vader raised an nonexistent eyebrow from All for One's words.

Vader: Your pestering annoys me by the second.Say your peace and leave, while you still can.

All for One: Join us.We may have got on the wrong foot, but I am willing to let that slide if you would surrender yourself to us.I am willing to give you powers that would make the world fear that mask of yours.Everything will be at the palm of your hands if you would just join us...

All for One's offer triggered a memory of Vader's past.He remembered the exact moment when Darth Sidious promised that he will save his wife from death, only for her to die and for him to end up in the suit that will forever be his coffin.

Vader clenched his fist, he was fooled by the devil in the past and it shall not happen again.

Vader: You can never give me what I want All for One.There is nothing for you to offer me.

All for One sighs in disappointment.

All for One: Nothing you say?Hm, what a shame.I thought we can be reasonable men, but it would seem I was wrong.

Vader ignores All for One's monologue as he tries to pinpoint where he is, unbeknownst to the Symbol of Evil.As All for One continues on with his monologue, Vader manages to find him.Much like his victims, he goes for the neck.

Vader smirked to himself and proceeds to force choke the Symbol of Evil.All for One was in shock, he was more powerful than he originally thought.He shot up from his seat and grasped his throat when he felt invisible fingers wrapped around it, feeling the air from his damaged lungs disappearing.

All for One: H-o, grk!How dare y-you-!

He falls off from his seat and on all fours when he feels his throat growing tighter.In a last attempt before choking to death, he craws for the remote to the drone and barely succeeds in cutting himself off from the drone's screen.Vader let's go of All for One and crushes the drone with the force, letting it fall to the ground in many pieces.He proceeds to walk away from the scene before the heroes can respond.

Vader returns to the warehouse that is now his temporary hideout.He stops his ride once he was inside and taps into the force to turn it off.He gets off the bike and takes his books to read for a later time.The warehouse was cleaned up to his liking so that it was bearable for him.

Vader heads to the center of the warehouse to meditate.He sat down and meditates for a good 30 minutes.As he was meditating, he felt a disturbance in the force.He sensed something, a presence that he had not felt since..............???: Hello there

Vader: General Kenobi.